1,484 research outputs found

    Ectoparasites and Other Arthropod Associates of the Hairy-tailed Mole, \u3ci\u3eParascalops Breweri\u3c/i\u3e

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    A total of 33 taxa of ectoparasites and other associates was taken on seven individuals of the Hairy-tailed Mole, Parascalops breweri, from New York and New England. The most abundant form was the glycyphagid mite, Labidophorus nearcticus

    Ectoparasites and Other Arthropod Associates of Some Voles and Shrews From the Catskill Mountains of New York

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    Reported here from the Catskill Mountains of New York are 30 ectoparasites and other associates from 39 smoky shrews, Sorex fumeus, 17 from 11 masked shrews, Sorex cinereus, 11 from eight long-tailed shrews, Sorex dispar, and 31 from 44 rock voles, Microtus chrotorrhinus

    The role of the Department of Planning and Budget in shaping higher education in Virginia

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the role of the Department of Planning and Budget in Virginia in coordinating and regulating public institutions of higher education. The study focused on the impact of the Department\u27s activities related to the execution phase of the budget cycle. It was hypothesized that the Department had been a relatively unnoticed yet potent force in the coordination of public higher education in Virginia.;The role of the Department was determined by (1) an examination of the legislative requirements placed on the Department by the 1976-1984 sessions of the General Assembly, (2) an examination of the relevant policies and directives issued by and through the Department from 1976 to 1984 and (3) an examination of the impact of the Department\u27s policies, directives, and functions on the state colleges and universities as perceived by institutional personnel and personnel of central state agencies. These perceptions were determined by questionnaires sent to all four-year institutions and central state agency personnel and interviews with representatives of these two groups.;It was found that (1) state coordination and regulation of higher education was viewed as a legitimate function of state government, (2) the Department of Planning and Budget was not viewed as a positive influence on higher education by college and university personnel, (3) different perspectives caused institutional and central agency personnel to view the Department\u27s policies and directives in a different manner; and concluded that the Department had been a relatively unnoticed yet potent force in the coordination of public higher education in Virginia.;Further study is needed to determine the role of other central state agencies in regulating higher education and the impact of recommendations of a Decentralization Steering Committee appointed by Governor Baliles in June, 1986

    The Development of an Inventory Control Procedure for Low Usage Maintenance Spare Parts

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    This analysis was made in an attempt to establish an inventory control procedure which would be applicable for low wage maintenance spare parts. Spare parts inventories are unique in industry since they are maintained as insurance stock to provide protection against the inability to procure a part readily when it is needed for a repair.· Due to this characteristic, the demand for these items is low and unpredictable; therefore, classical inventory models are not applicable. More sophisticated approaches have been developed to take these characteristics into account; however, these approaches require assumptions to be made which may not hold true when applying these concepts in everyday operations. In an effort to gain understanding of the inventory process a simulation model was developed to parallel the inventory cycle as it is operated on a daily basis. In order to develop a realistic simulation model the physical attributes of the system and their interactions were established and provisions were made for evaluating the effect of various control parameters on these characteristics. By simulating the inventory cycle over an extended period of time the model provided an opportunity to introduce various inventory control points at predetermined usage rates. Consequently, the effect of these various control points on the inventory level, reorder cycle, and stockout frequency could be studied at each level of annual usage selected. The classical total variable cost equation was used to convert the results of the simulation into information which takes into account the cost factors of the inventory cycle. Using the values obtained from the simulation an economic evaluation was made for each set of fixed attributes in order to determine the most economical control point for each level of annual usage and lead time range. As could be expected, many combinations of unit cost and stockout cost are possible for inclusion in the total variable cost equation; however, in keeping with the characteristics of the majority of items in these inventories, these costs were limited to five hundred dollars each. The data from the economic evaluations was consolidated and arranged in graphical form in order to use the data as a tool for decision making . By determining the expected annual usage, lead time, unit cost, and probably stockout cost, the user can quickly determine the max-min control point which is the most economical for that set of variables. In addition to the graphical representation, the logic represented in the graphs was incorporated into a computerized inventory control system where it has been used success fully for several months. Although this analysis does not represent an exacting scientific approach to this type of inventory problem, experience indicates that near optimization has been achieved through proper application of the procedure

    Virginia S&L Survey Results - Summer, 1981

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    The current difficulties of the nation\u27s thrift industry are mirrored in the results of a recent survey of the member organi­zation of the Virginia League. The survey indicated that Savings & Loan Associations in Virginia are undergoing a financial squeeze of unprecedented intensity, a squeeze that is exceeding earlier expectations. The Survey also showed that coming to terms with this crisis is proving to be difficult

    Summer Food Habits of \u3ci\u3eMyotis leibii\u3c/i\u3e in the Central Appalachians Ecoregion and Comparison to Similar Studies

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    Food habits of Myotis leibii, Eastern Small-footed Myotis, were studied during summer in the Central Appalachians Ecoregion. Moths were 70.0% of the diet by volume and were in 97.7% of samples (percent frequency). Beetles, flies, and spiders comprised much of the remaining diet. Percent volume and percent frequency metrics produce similar results. These data and past studies indicate this bat eats a relatively low-diversity diet centered on terrestrial-based arthropod prey across a broad geographical area, irrespective of season, sex, or age. The presence of spiders in the diet may indicate gleaning

    Food of Eastern Moles, Scalopus aquaticus, on Cumberland Island, Georgia

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    Earthworms are usually the most heavily eaten food of eastern moles, Scalopus aquaticus, and scarabaeid larvae (grubworms), are also often very important. These were the two most important foods of this species on Cumberland Island, Georgia, making up 55.9% of the food by volume. Other important items were beetle larvae (11.3), ants (9.4), and centipedes (4.1). The purpose of this paper is to present information on the food of Eastern Moles on Cumberland Island, Georgia

    Theoretical approach to oxygen atom degradation of silver

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    Based on available Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS), proton induced X-ray emission (PIXE) and ellipsometry data obtained on silver specimens subjected to atomic oxygen attack in low Earth orbit STS flight 41-G, a theory was developed to model the oxygen atom degradation of silver. The diffusion of atomic oxygen in a microscopically nonuniform medium is an essential constituent of the theory. The driving force for diffusion is the macroscopic electrochemical potential gradient developed between the specimen surface exposed to the ambient and the bulk of the silver specimen. The longitudinal electric effect developed parallel to the gradient is modified by space charge of the diffusing charged species. Lateral electric fields and concentration differences also exist due to the nonuniform nature of the medium. The lateral concentration differences are found to be more important than the lateral electric fields in modifying the diffusion rate. The model was evaluated numerically. Qualitative agreement exists between the kinetics predicted by the theory and kinetic data taken in ground-based experiments utilizing a plasma asher