93 research outputs found

    Напредни алгоритми управљања манипулаторима у системима за тренажу пилота савремених борбених авиона

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    У овој докторској дисертацији представљена су истраживања на тему развоја напредних алгоритама управљања за два система за тренажу пилота савремених борбених авиона-центрифуге за тренажу пилота (центрифуге) и уређаја за просторну дезоријентацију пилота (УПДП-а). Ови уређаји су моделовани као троосни (центрифуга) и четвороосни (УПДП) роботски манипулатори (манипулатори) са цилиндричним зглобовима. Представљена истраживања имају за циљ проширивање и продубљивање научних сазнања и достигнућа у области моделовања и управљања разматраних манипулатора у системима за тренажу пилота савремених борбених авиона, а која се могу применити и на серијске роботске манипулаторе у општем смислу. У оквиру ове дисертације су развијени нови и унапређени постојећи методи и модели у домену кинематике робота, развоја планера трајекторије, адекватног избора актуатора, и одабира правилне стратегије управљања кретањем представљених манипулатора. Приказан је комплетан поступак развоја система управљања за центрифугу за тренажу пилота савремених борбених авиона, троосног манипулатора који остварује изузетно кинематички захтевне трајекторије, а који се базира на симулацијама дефинисаног кинематичког и динамичког модела, као и на методама реалистичних симулација предложених децентрализованих и централизованих метода управљања. Предложене методе управљања за центрифугу су примењене и на четвороосни уређај за просторну дезоријентацију пилота. Представљене методе моделовања, алгоритми у оквиру планера трајекторије, метода избора управљачког система, метода реалистичне симулације перформанси система управљања, и метода избора актуатора су примењиве и на општи случај роботског манипулатора са више степени слободе

    Automation of Operation Control of the Human Centrifuge

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    Human centrifuge is a motion platform used to artificially achieve transient and sustained G-load intended for physiological pilot training under controlled conditions. This paper presents the successful modernization and upgrade of the control system of the human centrifuge. Due to the need for system redundancy, in addition to the new automatic control system, the previously used manual control system had to be maintained, which is provided by the usage of a switch selector. Human centrifuge speed and positioning control algorithms are based on the implementation of a digital PI and P controller

    Hranidbeni tipovi oblića u eulitoralu Sakadaškog jezera (Park prirode Kopački rit, Hrvatska)

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    A total of 45 nematode species was found at the investigated sites of the eulittoral of Lake Sakadaš during 1998: 12 deposit-feeders (bacterial feeders), six epistrate-feeders (algal feeders), eight chewers (predators/omnivorous), and 19 suction-feeders (plant feeders/omnivorous). Chewers were the major group of nematofauna at the eulittoral of Lake Sakadaš – they comprised 68.28% of total nematofauna at submerged site A, 70.13% at site B (at the land-water interface), and 54.16% at emerged site C. The highest relative abundance within the chewers group was found in Brevitobrilus stefanskii, Mononchus aquaticus and Tobrilus gracilis at sites A and B, and B. stefanskii, M. aquaticus and Paramononchus sp. at site C. Suction-feeders were the next important nematofauna group: 19.98% at site A, 23.60% at site B, and 36.97% at the site C, followed by deposit-feeders (5.98–11.78%), whereas epistrate-feeders had the lowest abundance (<2%). Irregularities in the water level and the quantity of food available had the major influence on changes in the distribution of nematode feeding-types.Na istraživanim postajama u eulitoralu Sakadaškog jezera tijekom 1998. godine ukupno je utvrđeno 45 vrsta oblića: 12 »gutača« (bakteriofagnih vrsta), šest »kidača-gutača« (algivornih vrsta), osam »žvakača« (predatora/omnivora) i 19 »isisavača« (fitofaga/omnivora). »Žvakači« su bili osnovna skupina koja je obilježavala faunu oblića u eulitoralu Sakadaškog jezera – činili su 67.28% ukupne nematofaune na submerznoj postaji A, 70.13% na postaji B (na kontaktu vode i kopna) te 54.16% na emerznoj postaji C. Najveća relativna gustoća utvrđena je za »žvakače«: Brevitobrilus stefanskii, Mononchus aquaticus i Tobrilus gracilis na postajama A i B, a na postaji C za B. stefanskii, M. aquaticus i Paramononchus sp. Iduća po značajnosti bila je skupina »isisavača«: 19.98% na postaji A, 23.60% na postaji B te 36.97% na postaji C. Manje su bili zastupljeni »gutači« (5.98–11.78%) i najmanje »kidači-gutači« (<2%). Na promjene u trofičkoj strukturi oblića najveći su utjecaj imali fluktuacije nivoa vode i količina raspoložive hrane u sedimentu

    Biotičke razlike u submerznom i emerznom sedimentu eulitorala Sakadaškog jezera (Park prirode Kopački rit, Hrvatska)

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    Sediment granulometry, organic matter and moisture content in sediment were measured in an attempt to assess their importance for the structure of sediment biota (bacteria, protozoa, and especially, meiofauna) in the period between February and December 1998 at three eulittoral sites (submerged, at the land-water interface and emergent) of Lake Sakadaš in the Kopački rit Nature Park, Croatia. Ten groups of meiofauna were recorded in total: Nematoda, Copepoda (incl. nauplii), Rotatoria, Oligochaeta, Gastrotricha, Cladocera, Tardigrada, Turbellaria, Acari and Insecta larvae. The relatively high number of meiofauna groups with a low abundance was the consequence of the physical and chemical characteristics of the study area, primarily of the sandy structure of sediment. Nematodes were the dominant group of meiofauna at all study sites. At the submerged site a significant correlation existed between the organic matter in the sediment and the water level of Lake Sakadaš, between the organic matter and the moisture content in the sediment, and between the number of total bacteria and protozoa. At the land-water interface a significant correlation existed between the sediment moisture content and the total meiofauna and nematode abundance. At the same site, as well as at the emergent site, a correlation existed between the protozoa and meiofauna and between the protozoa and nematode abundances.Granulometrijska svojstva sedimenta, količina organske tvari i sadržaj vlage u sedimentu mjereni su radi utvrđivanja njihove važnosti u određivanju biotičke strukture sedimenta (bakterija, praživotinja, i posebno, meiofaune) u razdoblju od veljače do prosinca 1998. godine na tri postaje (submerznoj, na kontaktu vode i kopna te emerznoj) u eulitoralu Sakadaškog jezera u Parku prirode Kopački rit u Hrvatskoj. Ukupno je zabilježeno 10 skupina meiofaune: oblići, veslonošci (uključujući nauplije), kolnjaci, maločetinaši, trbodlaci, rašljoticalci, dugoživci, virnjaci, grinje i ličinke kukaca. Utvrđen relativno velik broj skupina meiofaune, ali s malom gustoćom, posljedica je fizičkih i kemijskih čimbenika istraživanog područja, prvenstveno pjeskovite strukture sedimenta. Oblići su bili dominantna skupina meiofaune na svim istraživanim postajama. Na submerznoj postaji statistički značajna korelacija utvrđena je između količine organske tvari u sedimentu i vodostaja Sakadaškog jezera, između količine organske tvari i sadržaja vlage u sedimentu te između broja ukupnih bakterija i praživotinja. Na kontaktu vode i kopna statistički značajna korelacija utvrđena je između sadržaja vlage u sedimentu i gustoće ukupne meiofaune i oblića. Za istu postaju, kao i za emerznu, utvrđena je statistički značajna korelacija između brojnosti praživotinja i gustoće meiofaune te između brojnosti praživotinja i oblića

    Focal laryngeal dystonia: diagnostics, therapeutics and novelties in neurophysiologic research

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    Aim of study: To present and discuss diagnostic procedures, therapeutic options and novelties in neurophysiological research of laryngeal dystonia (LD), a rare movement disorder with an unknown cause affecting the intrinsic muscles of the larynx. Material and methods: 1) Literature overview of the on the standard guidelines in the diagnostics and treatment of LD; 2) The use of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) in the neurophysiologic research of LD by investigation of cortical silent period (cSP) reflecting the intracortical inhibitory process mediated by GABAA and GABAB receptors; 3) The use of navigated TMS in mapping the laryngeal motor cortex by investigating the duration of cortical silent period in two LD cases, abductor and adductor LD type. Results: The study presents standard diagnostic, treatment of LD disorder, and results of investigation by groups from School of Medicine, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA and School of Medicine, University of Split, Croatia on the duration of cSP in vocal and cricothyroid muscles in LD patients and healthy control subjects. The research groups presented norms for cSP duration in vocal and cricothyroid muscle in healthy subjects and pointed to the altered (shortened) duration of the cSP in LD patients (adductor type). Conclusion: The cSP measure might be useful neurophysiologic biomarker for understanding the LD disorder. In LD, the cortical activation during phonation may not be efficiently or effectively associated with inhibitory processes, leading to muscular dysfunction. Promising techniques such as TMS might bring new light to the diagnosis and treatment of LD disorder

    Factors affecting elimination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from traditional smoked common carp meat

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    Smoking techniques have been progressively improved and different procedures have been developed in different regions for treating fish. In these times, the technology is mainly used for enrichment of fish with specific taste and odour, to extend the shelf-life of these perishable products and appearance required widely on the market. A lot of chemical contaminants such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are formed during the combustion of fuel in the smoking process. PAHs are a group of compounds that have been the subject of great concern in the recent years due to their toxic, mutagenic and/or carcinogenic potentials to humans. These fact can have a significant impact on the acceptance of these products by consumers. In this review article, the objective is to describe factors affecting elimination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from traditional smoked common carp meat

    ArmAssist Robotic System versus Matched Conventional Therapy for Poststroke Upper Limb Rehabilitation: A Randomized Clinical Trial

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    The ArmAssist is a simple low-cost robotic system for upper limb motor training that combines known benefits of repetitive task-oriented training, greater intensity of practice, and less dependence on therapist assistance. The aim of this preliminary study was to compare the efficacy of ArmAssist (AA) robotic training against matched conventional arm training in subacute stroke subjects with moderate-to-severe upper limb impairment. Twenty-six subjects were enrolled within 3 months of stroke and randomly assigned to the AA group or Control group (n = 13 each). Both groups were trained 5 days per week for 3 weeks. The primary outcome measure was Fugl-Meyer Assessment-Upper Extremity (FMA-UE) motor score, and the secondary outcomes were Wolf Motor Function Test-Functional Ability Scale (WMFT-FAS) and Barthel index (BI). The AA group, in comparison to the Control group, showed significantly greater increases in FMA-UE score (18.0 +/- 9.4 versus 7.5 +/- 5.5, p = 0.002) and WMFT-FAS score (14.1 +/- 7.9 versus 6.7 +/- 7.8, p = 0.025) after 3 weeks of treatment, whereas the increase in BI was not significant (21.2 +/- 24.8 versus 13.1 +/- 10.7, p = 0.292). There were no adverse events. We conclude that arm training using the AA robotic device is safe and able to reduce motor deficits more effectively than matched conventional arm training in subacute phase of stroke.Andrej M. Savic and Milica S. Isakovic are employed at Tecnalia Serbia Ltd., Belgrade, Serbia, and Cristina Rodriguez-de-Pablo and Thierry Keller are employed at TECNALIA, San Sebastian, Spain, from which they receive financial compensation. No external support was received for conducting this study

    Supplementary material for: "Comparative study of the effects of a small-scale trout farm on the macrozoobenthos, potamoplankton and epilithic diatom communities"

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    Table S1 Relative abudance (%) of epilithic diatoms on research localities of the Raška River. Table S2 Relative abudance (%) of potamoplankton at research localities of the Raška River. Table S3 Relative abudance (%) of macrozoobenthos on research localities of the Raška River.Supplementary material for: Stojanović, K., Živić, M., Dulić, Z., Marković, Z., Krizmanić, J., Milošević, D., Miljanović, B., Jovanović, J.,& Vidaković, D. (2017). Comparative study of the effects of a small-scale trout farm on the macrozoobenthos, potamoplankton and epilithic diatom communities. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Springer., 189(8), 403. [https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-017-6114-0]Published version of the article: [https://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4545