5,745 research outputs found


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    Selective Attention and Audiovisual Integration: Is Attending to Both Modalities a Prerequisite for Early Integration?

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    Interactions between multisensory integration and attention were studied using a combined audiovisual streaming design and a rapid serial visual presentation paradigm. Event-related potentials (ERPs) following audiovisual objects (AV) were compared with the sum of the ERPs following auditory (A) and visual objects (V). Integration processes were expressed as the difference between these AV and (A + V) responses and were studied while attention was directed to one or both modalities or directed elsewhere. Results show that multisensory integration effects depend on the multisensory objects being fully attended—that is, when both the visual and auditory senses were attended. In this condition, a superadditive audiovisual integration effect was observed on the P50 component. When unattended, this effect was reversed; the P50 components of multisensory ERPs were smaller than the unisensory sum. Additionally, we found an enhanced late frontal negativity when subjects attended the visual component of a multisensory object. This effect, bearing a strong resemblance to the auditory processing negativity, appeared to reflect late attention-related processing that had spread to encompass the auditory component of the multisensory object. In conclusion, our results shed new light on how the brain processes multisensory auditory and visual information, including how attention modulates multisensory integration processes

    An In Silico DNA Sequence Comparison of the Perennial Ryegrass and Rice Genomes

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    Comparative mapping studies in the family Poaceae, which includes rice (a model species for this family) and perennial ryegrass (PRG) have indicated macro-colinearity of genes is generally conserved across different genomes. Genome mapping of simple sequence repeat markers derived from expressed sequence tags (EST-SSRs) for PRG (Faville et al., 2004) provides a vehicle for DNA sequence-based matching of mapped PRG genes to orthologous positions in the rice genome, which can be used to establish comparative relationships between these species’ genomes. We have initiated such an analysis using an EST-SSR-based PRG genome map. Our objective was to assess this in silico approach as a tool for candidate gene identification from rice, and for targeting markers to specified PRG genome map regions based on rice genome position

    Voice Commands to Control Recording Sessions

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    In this report, the music recording workflow is described, with support for voice commands. Natural command grammars are proposed, allowing the user to name items, and issue commands on items identified by name. Recognition accuracy is examined within the contexts of single-phrase commands, and of versatile command grammars which enable the referring to items by name


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    Today’s learners are taking advantage of a whole new world of multimedia and hypermedia experiences to gain understanding and construct knowledge. While at the same time, teachers and instructional designers are producing these experiences at rapid paces. Many angles of interactivity with digital content continue to be researched, as is the case with this study. The purpose of this study is to determine whether there is a significant difference in the performance of distance education students who exercise learner control interactivity effectively through a traditional input device versus students who exercise learner control interactivity through haptic input methods. This study asks three main questions about the relationship and potential impact touch input had on the interactivity sequence a learner chooses while participating in an online distance education course. Effects were measured by using criterion from logged assessments within one module of a distance education course. This study concludes that learner control sequence choices did have significant effects on learner outcomes. However, input method did not. The sequence that learners chose had positive effects on scores, the number of attempts it took to pass assessments, and the overall range of scores per assessment attempts. Touch input learners performed as well as traditional input learners, and summative first sequence learners outperformed all other learners. These findings support the beliefs that new input methods are not detrimental and that learner-controlled options while participating in digital online courses are valuable for learners, under certain conditions

    Analysis, Clarification and Extension of the Theory of Strongly Semantic Information

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    This paper analyzes certain technical details of Floridi’s Theory of Strongly Semantic Information. It provides a clarification regarding desirable properties of degrees of informativeness functions by rejecting three of Floridi’s original constraints and proposing a replacement constraint. Finally, the paper briefly explores the notion of quantities of inaccuracy and shows an analysis that mimics Floridi’s analysis of quantities of vacuity