485 research outputs found

    Procedencia del material pétreo de los molinos de los yacimientos Cogotas I (Bronce Medio y Tardío) de la Cuenca del Duero y modelos consecuentes de flujo

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    The source provenance of twelve hand grindstones of Cogotian sites from the sedimentary Duero Basin was characterized using petrographic, mineralogical and geochemical criteria, according to an operational process previously proposed. Many of the provenances were determined after trace-element normalized diagrams and comparative diagrams with respect to available data from potential source areas. This methodology confirms that the geochemical signature can be seen as an archaeological fingerprint which allows the identification of facies or rock sub-types from the established source areas. Granite sources are the commonest provenance, although granodiorite, orthogneisses and sandstone are also involved, all of them belonging to the Variscan Basement. One of these source areas includes copper minerals, which could have been used for metallurgical purposes. Probably, since the early phase of Cogotas I, the principle of least effort no longer was a guiding force to boost the supply of material. The archaeological sites experienced a long-distance raw material supply in crossed directions, according to the established sources areas, indicating a dense network of connections between the commnunities of the region at a hecto-kilometric scale.Se ha estudiado la procedencia del material pétreo de doce molinos de diferentes yacimientos cogotenses de la Cuenca del Duero. Utilizando una marcha metodológica previa, se alcanza una caracterización petrográfica, mineralógica y geoquímica del material, incluyendo el tratamiento de elementos traza mediante diagramas de normalización y comparación con datos disponibles de áreas fuente potenciales. Esto ha permitido, en muchos casos, la identificación de áreas fuente locales ya que la signatura geoquímica representa una huella arqueológica fidedigna de las facies o subtipos de rocas implicadas. La mayoría de las áreas fuente identificadas son graníticas, existiendo también granodioritas, gneises y areniscas, todas ellas pertenecientes al basamento varisco. Una de estas áreas incluye minerales de cobre, eventualmente aprovechables para metalurgia. Probablemente, ya desde la fase inicial de Cogotas I dejó de regir el principio del mínimo esfuerzo en el aprovisionamiento del material. El suministro de materias primas a los yacimientos arqueológicos es de carácter lejano y en direcciones cruzadas, de acuerdo con las áreas fuente establecidas, indicando una densa red de conexiones entre las comunidades de la región a escala hectokilométric

    Juegos motores Una alternativa para fortalecer los músculos del abdomen

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    El objetivo del estudio fue comparar la amplitud de la electromiografía (EMG) y el modo en que fueron coactivados los músculos abdominales durante la ejecución del ejercicio de encorvamiento del tronco y dos juegos motores tradicionales: la carretilla y el hula hop. Para ello, se registró la EMG de los músculos rectus, obliquus externus y obliquus internus abdominis durante la ejecución de cada una de las tareas. En el estudio participaron nueve voluntarios sanos sin antecedentes de cirugía abdominal, lesiones raquídeas o síndrome de dolor lumbar. La amplitud de la EMG fue promediada y normalizada respecto a la contracción voluntaria máxima. Se realizó un ANOVA de dos factores (músculo/tarea) y un post hoc Tukey para examinar las diferencias en la actividad eléctrica de cada músculo entre las tareas y en cada tarea entre los músculos. Los juegos analizados produjeron niveles de actividad eléctrica superiores a los generados por el encorvamiento del tronco, por lo que deben ser considerados como un complemento o una alternativa a los ejercicios de fortalecimiento abdominal. La carretilla generó un importante nivel de coactivación abdominal, aunque activó principalmente al obliquus externus abdominis. En el hula hop, las diferencias entre los músculos no fueron estadísticamente significativas

    Jocs motors Una alternativa per enfortir els músculs de l’abdomen

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    L’objectiu de l’estudi va ser comparar l’amplitud de l’electromiografia (EMG) i la forma en què van ser coactivats els músculs abdominals durant l’execució de l’exercici d’encorbament del tronc i dos jocs motors tradicionals: el carretó i l’hula-hop. Per fer-ho, es va enregistrar l’EMG dels músculs recte, oblic extern i oblic intern de l’abdomen, durant l’execució de cada una de les tasques. A l’estudi hi van participar nou voluntaris sans, sense antecedents de cirurgia abdominal, lesions raquídies o síndrome de dolor lumbar. L’amplitud de l’EMG va ser amitjanada i normalitzada respecte a la contracció voluntària màxima. Es va realitzar un ANOVA de dos factors (múscul/tasca) i un post hoc Tukey per examinar les diferències en l’activitat elèctrica de cada múscul entre les tasques i en cada tasca entre els músculs. Els jocs analitzats van produir nivells d’activitat elèctrica superiors als generats per l’encorbament del tronc, i en conseqüència, han de ser considerats com un complement o una alternativa als exercicis d’enfortiment abdominal. El carretó va generar un important nivell de coactivació abdominal, encara que va activar principalment l’oblic extern de l’abdomen. A l’hula-hop, les diferències entre els músculs no van ser estadísticament significatives


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    Es reconocido el alto nivel de fracaso de la enseñanza universitaria; muchos son los informes que lo cuantifican pero no existen análisis explicando los motivos de los mismos. En toda carrera universitaria existen asignaturas con una frecuencia de suspensos muy superior a otras, tal es el caso de la asignatura Enfermería Comunitaria II en la Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia, Para el análisis de las causas de los suspensos en esta asignatura, se ha diseñado un estudio descriptivo y analítico; utilizando técnicas estadísticas descriptivas, bivariantes y multivariantes, se han analizado las variables medidas, mediante encuesta autoadministrada, y su asociación con los resultados de los exámenes realizados de 100 alumnos de 2º curso, examen parcial, práctico y final. Ha resultado que los alumnos que no asisten como mínimo al 80% de las clases tienen un riesgo de 7,2 y 4,9 veces de suspender los exámenes práctico y parcial respectivamente; los alumnos que antes de realizar cualquier examen manifiestan encontrarse ante una asignatura muy difícil la probabilidad de suspender es 8,5 veces mayor y los que acceden a 2º curso con asignaturas de 1º el riesgo de suspender es 10,3 veces mayor. Los alumnos que además de estudiar tienen otras obligaciones, trabajo, familia, son los que presentan mayor frecuencia de suspensos, ocurriendo lo mismo en los que confiesan tener problemas personales que le impiden concentrarse en el estudio. Los alumnos que manifiestan un aumento de síntomas nerviosos y un aumento de consumo de excitantes en época de exámenes son los que suspenden con mayor frecuencia

    The site-specific primary calibration conditions for the Brewer spectrophotometer

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    The Brewer ozone spectrophotometer (the Brewer) is one of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW)'s standard ozone-monitoring instruments since the 1980s. The entire global Brewer ozone-monitoring network is operated and maintained via a hierarchical calibration chain, which started from world reference instruments that are independently calibrated via the primary calibration method (PCM) at a premium site (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii). These world reference instruments have been maintained by Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) in Toronto for the last 4 decades. Their calibration is transferred to the travelling standard instrument and then to network (field) Brewer instruments at their monitoring sites (all via the calibration transfer method; CTM). Thus, the measurement accuracy for the entire global network is dependent on the calibration of world reference instruments. In 2003, to coordinate regional calibration needs, the Regional Brewer Calibration Center for Europe (RBCC-E) was formed in Izaña, Spain. From that point, RBCC-E began calibrating regional references also via PCM instead of CTM. The equivalency and consistency of world and regional references are then assured during international calibration campaigns. In practice, these two calibration methods have different physical requirements, e.g., the PCM requires a stable ozone field in the short term (i.e., half-day), while the CTM would benefit from larger changes in slant ozone conditions for the calibration periods. This difference dictates that the PCM can only be implemented on Brewer instruments at certain sites and even in certain months of the year. This work is the first effort to use long-term observation records from 11 Brewer instruments at four sites to reveal the challenges in performing the PCM. By utilizing a new calibration simulation model and reanalysis ozone data, this work also quantifies uncertainties in the PCM due to short-term ozone variability. The results are validated by real-world observations and used to provide scientific advice on where and when the PCM can be performed and how many days of observations are needed to achieve the calibration goal (i.e., ensure the calibration uncertainty is within a determined criterion, i.e., ≤5 R6 units; R6 is a measurement-derived double ratio in the actual Brewer processing algorithm). This work also suggests that even if the PCM cannot be used to deliver final calibration results for mid- or high-latitude sites, the statistics of the long-term PCM fitting results can still provide key information for field Brewer instruments as stability indicators (which would provide performance monitoring and data quality assurance).</p

    The effect of seasoning with herbs on the nutritional, safety and sensory properties of reduced-sodium fermented Cobrançosa cv. table olives

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    This study aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of seasoning Cobrancosa table olives in a brine with aromatic ingredients, in order to mask the bitter taste given by KCl when added to reduced-sodium fermentation brines. Olives were fermented in two different salt combinations: Brine A, containing 8% NaCl and, Brine B, a reduced-sodium brine, containing 4% NaCl + 4% KCl. After the fermentation the olives were immersed in seasoning brines with NaCl (2%) and the aromatic herbs (thyme, oregano and calamintha), garlic and lemon. At the end of the fermentation and two weeks after seasoning, the physicochemical, nutritional, organoleptic, and microbiological parameters, were determined. The olives fermented in the reduced-sodium brines had half the sodium concentration, higher potassium and calcium content, a lower caloric level, but were considered, by a sensorial panel, more bitter than olives fermented in NaCl brine. Seasoned table olives, previously fermented in Brine A and Brine B, had no significant differences in the amounts of protein (1.23% or 1.11%), carbohydrates (1.0% or 0.66%), fat (20.0% or 20.5%) and dietary fiber (3.4% or 3.6%). Regarding mineral contents, the sodium-reduced fermented olives, presented one third of sodium, seven times more potassium and three times more calcium than the traditional olives fermented in 8% NaCl. Additionally, according to the panelists' evaluation, seasoning the olives fermented in 4% NaCl + 4% KCl, resulted in a decrease in bitterness and an improvement in the overall evaluation and flavor. Escherichia coli and Salmonella were not found in the olives produced.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Untargeted lipidomics uncovers lipid signatures distinguishing severe versus moderate forms of acutely decompensated cirrhosis

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    BACKGROUND AND AIM: Acutely decompensated of cirrhosis is a heterogeneous clinical entity associated with moderate mortality. In some patients, this condition develops quickly into a more often deadly acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF), in which other organs such as the kidneys or brain fail. The aim of this study was to characterize the blood lipidome in a large series of patients with cirrhosis and identify specific signatures associated with acute decompensation and ACLF development. METHODS: Serum untargeted lipidomics was performed in 561 patients with acutely decompensated (AD) cirrhosis (518 without and 43 with ACLF) (discovery cohort) and in 265 AD patients (128 without and 137 with ACLF) in whom serum samples were available to perform repeated measurements during the 28-day follow-up (validation cohort). Analyses were also performed in 78 AD patients included in a therapeutic albumin trial, 43 patients with compensated cirrhosis and 29 healthy subjects. RESULTS: The circulating lipid landscape associated with cirrhosis was characterized by a generalized suppression, which was more manifest during acute decompensation and in non-surviving patients. By computing discriminating accuracy and the variable importance projection score for each of the 223 annotated lipids, we identified a sphingomyelin fingerprint specific for AD cirrhosis and a distinct cholesteryl ester and lysophosphatidylcholine fingerprint for ACLF. Liver dysfunction, mainly, and infections were the principal net contributors to these fingerprints, which were dynamic and interchangeable between AD patients whose condition worsened to ACLF and those who improved. Notably, blood lysophosphatidylcholine levels increased in these patients after albumin therapy. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings provide insights into the lipid landscape associated with decompensation of cirrhosis and ACLF progression and identify unique noninvasive diagnostic biomarkers of advanced cirrhosis. LAY SUMMARY: Analysis of lipids in blood from patients with advanced cirrhosis reveals a general suppression of their levels in the circulation of these patients. A specific group of lipids known as sphingomyelins are useful to distinguish compensated from decompensated patients with cirrhosis. Another group of lipids designated cholesteryl esters further distinguish patients with decompensated patients who are at risk of developing organ failures

    Brief cognitive assessment instruments in schizophrenia and bipolar patients, and healthy control subjects: A comparison study between the Brief Cognitive Assessment Tool for Schizophrenia (B-CATS) and the Screen for Cognitive Impairment in Psychiatry (SCIP)

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    Cognitive impairment in schizophrenia and psychosis is ubiquitous and acknowledged as a core feature of clinical expression, pathophysiology, and prediction of functioning. However, assessment of cognitive functioning is excessively time-consuming in routine practice, and brief cognitive instruments specific to psychosis would be of value. Two screening tools have recently been created to address this issue, i.e., the Brief Cognitive Assessment Tool for Schizophrenia (B-CATS) and the Screen for Cognitive Impairment in Psychiatry (SCIP). The aim of this research was to examine the comparative validity of these two brief instruments in relation to a global cognitive score. 161 patients with psychosis (96 patients diagnosed with schizophrenia and 65 patients diagnosed with bipolar disorder) and 76 healthy control subjects were tested with both instruments to examine their concurrent validity relative to a more comprehensive neuropsychological assessment battery. Scores from the B-CATS and the SCIP were highly correlated in the three diagnostic groups, and both scales showed good to excellent concurrent validity relative to a Global Cognitive Composite Score (GCCS) derived from the more comprehensive examination. The SCIP-S showed better predictive value of global cognitive impairment than the B-CATS. Partial and semi-partial correlations showed slightly higher percentages of both shared and unique variance between the SCIP-S and the GCCS than between the B-CATS and the GCCS. Brief instruments for assessing cognition in schizophrenia and bipolar disorders, such as the SCIP-S and B-CATS, seem to be reliable and promising tools for use in routine clinical practice