3,915 research outputs found

    The Jurassic pleurotomarioidean gastropod Laevitomaria and its palaeobiogeographical history

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    The genus Laevitomaria is reviewed and its palaeobiogeographical history is reconstructed based on the re-examination of its type species L. problematica, the study of material stored at the National Natural History Museum of Luxembourg, and an extensive review of the literature. The systematic study allows ascribing to Laevitomaria a number of Jurassic species from the western European region formerly included in other pleurotomariid genera. The following new combinations are proposed: Laevitomaria allionta, Laevitomaria amyntas, Laevitomaria angulba, Laevitomaria asurai, Laevitomaria daityai, Laevitomaria fasciata, Laevitomaria gyroplata, Laevitomaria isarensis, Laevitomaria joannis, Laevitomaria repeliniana, Laevitomaria stoddarti, Laevitomaria subplatyspira, and Laevitomaria zonata. The genus, which was once considered as endemic of the central part of the western Tethys, shows an evolutionary and palaeogeographical history considerably more complex than previously assumed. It first appeared in the Late Sinemurian in the northern belt of the central western Tethys involved in the Neotethyan rifting, where it experienced a first radiation followed by an abrupt decline of diversity in the Toarcian. Species diversity increased again during Toarcian\u2013Aalenian times in the southernmost part of western European shelf and a major radiation occurred during the Middle Aalenian to Early Bajocian in the northern Paris Basin and southern England. After a latest Bajocian collapse of diversity, Laevitomaria disappeared from both the central part of western Tethys and the European shelf. In the Bathonian, the genus appeared in the south-eastern margin of the Tethys where it lasted until the Oxfordian

    A Strong Electroweak Sector at Future mu^+ mu^- Colliders

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    We discuss the prospects for detecting at a muon collider the massive new vector resonances V and light pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone bosons P of a typical strongly interacting electroweak sector (as represented by the BESS model). Expected sensitivities to V's at a high energy collider are evaluated and the excellent prospects for discovering P's via scanning at a low energy collider are delineated.Comment: LaTeX, uses aipproc.cls, aipproc.sty, 10 pages, 6 figures, presented at the Workshop on Physics at the First Muon Collider, Fermilab, November 1997, to appear in the Proceedings, some references added and minor changes in the tex

    Analysis of Narrow s-channel Resonances at Lepton Colliders

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    The procedures for studying a single narrow s-channel resonance or nearly degenerate resonances at a lepton collider, especially a muon collider, are discussed. In particular, we examine four methods for determining the parameters of a narrow s-channel resonance: scanning the resonance, measuring the convoluted cross section, measuring the Breit-Wigner area, and sitting on the resonance while varying the beam energy resolution. This latter procedure is new and appears to be potentially very powerful. Our focus is on computing the errors in resonance parameters resulting from uncertainty in the beam energy spread. Means for minimizing these errors are discussed. The discussion is applied to the examples of a light SM-Higgs, of the lightest pseudogoldstone boson of strong electroweak breaking, and of the two spin-1 resonances of the Degenerate BESS model (assuming that the beam energy spread is less than their mass splitting). We also examine the most effective procedures for nearly degenerate resonances, and apply these to the case of Degenerate BESS resonances with mass splitting of order the beam energy spread.Comment: 63 pages, 16 figure

    Aircraft control via variable cant-angle winglets

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    Copyright @ 2008 American Institute of Aeronautics and AstronauticsThis paper investigates a novel method for the control of "morphing" aircraft. The concept consists of a pair of winglets; with adjustable cant angle, independently actuated and mounted at the tips of a baseline flying wing. The general philosophy behind the concept was that for specific flight conditions such as a coordinated turn, the use of two control devices would be sufficient for adequate control. Computations with a vortex lattice model and subsequent wind-tunnel tests demonstrate the viability of the concept, with individual and/or dual winglet deflection producing multi-axis coupled control moments. Comparisons between the experimental and computational results showed reasonable to good agreement, with the major discrepancies thought to be due to wind-tunnel model aeroelastic effects.This work has been supported by a Marie Curie excellence research grant funded by the European Commission

    Land use/vegetation mapping in reservoir management. Merrimack River basin

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    This report consists of an analysis of: ERTS-1 Multispectral Scanner imagery obtained 10 August 1973; Skylab 3 S190A and S190B photography, track 29, taken 21 September 1973; and RB-57 high-altitude aircraft photography acquired 26 September 1973. These data products were acquired on three cloud-free days within a 47-day period. The objectives of this study were: (1) to make quantitative comparisons between high-altitude aircraft photography and satellite imagery, and (2) to demonstrate the extent to which high resolution (S190A and B) space-acquired data can be used for land use/vegetation mapping and management of drainage basins

    Skylab imagery: Application to reservoir management in New England

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    The author has identified the following significant results. S190B imagery is superior to the LANDSAT imagery for land use mapping and is as useful for level 1 and 2 land use mapping as the RB-57/RC8 high altitude imagery. Detailed land use mapping at levels 3 and finer from satellite imagery requires better resolution. For evaluating factors that are required to determine volume runoff potentials in a watershed, the S190B imagery was found to be as useful as the RB-57/RC8 high altitude aircraft imagery

    Local ERM activation and dynamic growth cones at Schwann cell tips implicated in efficient formation of nodes of Ranvier

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    Nodes of Ranvier are specialized, highly polarized axonal domains crucial to the propagation of saltatory action potentials. In the peripheral nervous system, axo–glial cell contacts have been implicated in Schwann cell (SC) differentiation and formation of the nodes of Ranvier. SC microvilli establish axonal contact at mature nodes, and their components have been observed to localize early to sites of developing nodes. However, a role for these contacts in node formation remains controversial

    In vitro antioxidant and anti-HIV-1 protease (PR) activities of two Clusiaceae plants endemic to Tanzania

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    In this study, the ethanol extracts from Allanblackia ulugurensis Engl. and Mammea usambarensis Verdc. were evaluated for their antioxidant and anti-HIV PR activities. Among the tested extracts, the stem bark extract of M. usambarensis showed the highest DPPH activity value of 6,165 ± 152 ìmol TE/g, which is more than twice as higher as that of the standard (Chlorogenic acid, 3,056 ± 157 ìmol TE/g). Furthermore, in the Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) assay, the crude extracts of the stem bark of M. usambarensis and root bark of A. ulugurensis showed significant activity at 12,282 ± 413 and 10,342 ± 562 ìmol TE/g respectively with standard compound (Chlorogenic acid) showing ORAC activity at 11,077 ± 236 ìmol TE/g. For anti-HIV-1 PR assay from the same extracts, the root bark and stem bark of A. ulugurensis showed strong inhibitory activities against HIV-1 protease with IC50 values of 4.1 and 5.6 ìg/ml, respectively while that of the standard, Acetyl pepstatin, was at 2.2 ìg/ml. This study has shown the potential of the Clusiaceae extracts as the source of possible lead compounds for antioxidants and anti-HIV drugs. Phytochemical screening indicated the presence of phenolic compounds while isolation of active principles from active fractions is inevitable

    The Role of Individual Behavior Type in Mediating Indirect Interactions

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    Trait-mediated indirect interactions (TMII) play an important role in structuring natural communities, and numerous studies have experimentally demonstrated their presence in a variety of systems. However, these studies have largely examined the presence or absence of traits that are responsible for these interactions, without considering natural variation between individuals in the extent to which these traits are manifested. We used a well-documented TMII to investigate the importance of individual behavior type for determining the strength of the TMII. The toadfish Opsanus tau has an indirect positive influence on bivalve survival because the mud crab Panopeus herbstii, a consumer of bivalves, reduces foraging effort in the presence of toadfish. We quantified variation in the strength of persistent individual mud crab responses to toadfish and resulting variation in the strength of TMII. We demonstrate that the strength of this TMII is strongly influenced by mud crab size and behavior type, strengthening with the intensity of response of individual mud crabs to toadfish predator cues. Further, we demonstrate that the spatial distribution within intertidal oyster reefs of crabs with different behavior types is not random; mud crabs inhabiting subtidal areas, where predator cues are more persistent, are significantly less responsive to toadfish cues than mud crabs from intertidal areas. This spatial behavioral structure should lead to spatial variation in the strength of TMII. Given the widespread importance of TMII and the broad occurrence of individual personality or behavior types across numerous taxa, these results should be generally applicable. The distribution of behavior types within a population may therefore be a useful metric for improving our ability to predict the strength of TMII
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