1,515 research outputs found

    Thermal stability and nanostructure of CoCrPt longitudinal recording media

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    We report a systematic study of activation volumes and their correlation with physical grain sizes and thermal stability in CoCrPt media fabricated by magnetron sputtering. Different underlayers and CoCrPt layer thicknesses were used to provide a range of lateral grain sizes, MIδ (product of remanence MI and film thickness δ) values, and remanence coercivities. Two methods, namely the field-sweep-rate dependence of coercivity and measurements of magnetic viscosity and irreversible susceptibility, were used to determine the activation volumes and the results obtained from the two methods are in reasonable agreement. For CoCrPt layer thickness from 10 nm to 27 nm, the activation volumes of these films range from about 3x10-18 cm3 to 5X IO-18 cm 3, which indicate that these films are thermally stable. Furthermore, for most samples the activation volumes are close to the volumes of the physical CoCrPt grains. This suggests that the magnetic grains in these films switch almost independently. Films with physical grain sizes small enough to approach thermal instability are also discussed

    Thermal stability and nanostructure of CoCrPt longitudinal recording media

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    We report a systematic study of activation volumes and their correlation with physical grain sizes and thermal stability in CoCrPt media fabricated by magnetron sputtering. Different underlayers and CoCrPt layer thicknesses were used to provide a range of lateral grain sizes, MIδ (product of remanence MI and film thickness δ) values, and remanence coercivities. Two methods, namely the field-sweep-rate dependence of coercivity and measurements of magnetic viscosity and irreversible susceptibility, were used to determine the activation volumes and the results obtained from the two methods are in reasonable agreement. For CoCrPt layer thickness from 10 nm to 27 nm, the activation volumes of these films range from about 3x10-18 cm3 to 5X IO-18 cm 3, which indicate that these films are thermally stable. Furthermore, for most samples the activation volumes are close to the volumes of the physical CoCrPt grains. This suggests that the magnetic grains in these films switch almost independently. Films with physical grain sizes small enough to approach thermal instability are also discussed

    Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries. Review of scientific advice for 2012 - Part 2 (STECF-11-09) - Corrigendum

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    This corrigendum should replace the corresponding sections in the Part 2 of the STECF Review of advice for 2012 (STECF 2011. Review of scientific advice for 2012 – Part 2. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, EUR 24897 EN, JRC66020)

    Carbohydrate utilization in obese subjects after an oral load of 100 g naturally-labelled [13C] glucose

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    1. Total carbohydrate (CHO) and ingested glucose oxidation was measured in five obese subjects with normal glucose tolerance after an oral load of 100g naturally-labelled [13C]glucose using indirect calorimetry and mass spectrometry respectively. 2. CHO utilization rate (107 ± 14 mg/min in the post-absorptive state) increased 30 min after the glucose load to reach a plateau (245±25 mg/min) between 90 and 120 min. It then decreased to basal values at 330 min. Cumulative CHO oxidation over 480 min was 66±7 g and the CHO oxidized above basal levels was 26 ± 7g. 3. Enrichment of expired carbon dioxide with 13c began at 45 min and maximum values were observed between 210 and 300 min. At 480 min, cumulative oxidation of the ingested glucose was 24± 2 g. 4. Compared with controls, the obese subjects exhibit an impairment of CHO utilization which precedes glucose intolerance. This impairment can be explained by an increased availability of free fatty acids which favours lipid oxidation at the expense of ingested [13C]glucose oxidatio

    Comparison of carbohydrate utilization in man using indirect calorimetry and mass spectrometry after an oral load of 100 g naturally-labelled [13C]glucose

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    1. Carbohydrate (CHO) oxidation was measured simultaneously in a group of five normal subjects after an oral load of 100 g naturally-labelled [13C]glucose, using indirect calorimetry and mass spectrometry. 2. CHO utilization, calculated from the results of indirect calorimetry, increased 30 min after the glucose load to reach a peak at 90 min. It then decreased to reach basal values at 380 min. Cumulative total CHO oxidation at 480 min was 83±8g, and CHO oxidized above basal levels, 37±3 g. 3. Enrichment of expired carbon dioxide with 13C began at 60 min and maximum values were observed at 270 min. At 480 min, cumulative CHO oxidation measured by use of [13C]glucose was 29 g. The difference from calorimetric values can be attributed in part to the slow isotopic dilution in the glucose and bicarbonate pools. 4. Thus, approximately 30% of the glucose load was oxidized during the 8 h after its ingestion and this accounts for a significant part of the increased CHO oxidation (37 g), as measured by indirect calorimetr

    Metabolomics of ApcMin/+ mice genetically susceptible to intestinal cancer

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    BACKGROUND: To determine how diets high in saturated fat could increase polyp formation in the mouse model of intestinal neoplasia, Apc( Min/+ ), we conducted large-scale metabolome analysis and association study of colon and small intestine polyp formation from plasma and liver samples of Apc( Min/+ ) vs. wild-type littermates, kept on low vs. high-fat diet. Label-free mass spectrometry was used to quantify untargeted plasma and acyl-CoA liver compounds, respectively. Differences in contrasts of interest were analyzed statistically by unsupervised and supervised modeling approaches, namely Principal Component Analysis and Linear Model of analysis of variance. Correlation between plasma metabolite concentrations and polyp numbers was analyzed with a zero-inflated Generalized Linear Model. RESULTS: Plasma metabolome in parallel to promotion of tumor development comprises a clearly distinct profile in Apc( Min/+ ) mice vs. wild type littermates, which is further altered by high-fat diet. Further, functional metabolomics pathway and network analyses in Apc( Min/+ ) mice on high-fat diet revealed associations between polyp formation and plasma metabolic compounds including those involved in amino-acids metabolism as well as nicotinamide and hippuric acid metabolic pathways. Finally, we also show changes in liver acyl-CoA profiles, which may result from a combination of Apc( Min/+ )-mediated tumor progression and high fat diet. The biological significance of these findings is discussed in the context of intestinal cancer progression. CONCLUSIONS: These studies show that high-throughput metabolomics combined with appropriate statistical modeling and large scale functional approaches can be used to monitor and infer changes and interactions in the metabolome and genome of the host under controlled experimental conditions. Further these studies demonstrate the impact of diet on metabolic pathways and its relation to intestinal cancer progression. Based on our results, metabolic signatures and metabolic pathways of polyposis and intestinal carcinoma have been identified, which may serve as useful targets for the development of therapeutic interventions

    Metabolomics of ApcMin/+\u3c/sup\u3e Mice Genetically Susceptible to Intestinal Cancer

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    Background: To determine how diets high in saturated fat could increase polyp formation in the mouse model of intestinal neoplasia, ApcMin/+, we conducted large-scale metabolome analysis and association study of colon and small intestine polyp formation from plasma and liver samples of ApcMin/+ vs. wild-type littermates, kept on low vs. high-fat diet. Label-free mass spectrometry was used to quantify untargeted plasma and acyl-CoA liver compounds, respectively. Differences in contrasts of interest were analyzed statistically by unsupervised and supervised modeling approaches, namely Principal Component Analysis and Linear Model of analysis of variance. Correlation between plasma metabolite concentrations and polyp numbers was analyzed with a zero-inflated Generalized Linear Model.Results: Plasma metabolome in parallel to promotion of tumor development comprises a clearly distinct profile in ApcMin/+ mice vs. wild type littermates, which is further altered by high-fat diet. Further, functional metabolomics pathway and network analyses in ApcMin/+ mice on high-fat diet revealed associations between polyp formation and plasma metabolic compounds including those involved in amino-acids metabolism as well as nicotinamide and hippuric acid metabolic pathways. Finally, we also show changes in liver acyl-CoA profiles, which may result from a combination of ApcMin/+-mediated tumor progression and high fat diet. The biological significance of these findings is discussed in the context of intestinal cancer progression.Conclusions: These studies show that high-throughput metabolomics combined with appropriate statistical modeling and large scale functional approaches can be used to monitor and infer changes and interactions in the metabolome and genome of the host under controlled experimental conditions. Further these studies demonstrate the impact of diet on metabolic pathways and its relation to intestinal cancer progression. Based on our results, metabolic signatures and metabolic pathways of polyposis and intestinal carcinoma have been identified, which may serve as useful targets for the development of therapeutic interventions. © 2014 Dazard et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd