620 research outputs found


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    INTRODUCTION-The take-off is one of. the most important phases of the long jump. Once there is no available knowledge on kinematic vs. dynamic relationships on the take-of, the purposes of this study were: (i) to analyse the biomechanical variations that occur at take-off; (ii) to establish relationships between kinematic and dynamic variables; (iii) to verify which of the moments of the take-off is more important to the production of the vertical velocity as well as the best result. METHODS~ Subjects for this 4-casesstudy research were well trained jumpers. Each athlete performed 6 trials, all videotaped (JVC-SVHS) in the sagitai plane for kinematical analysis (50 Hz). Simultaneously, dynamic analysis was performed through a Kistler 9218 B force plate (250 Hz). The kinematic parameters studied were: (i) resulting velocity of the center mass (VCM); (ii) horizontal velocity of the center mass (Vx); (iii) vertical velocity of the center mass (Vy); (iv) horizontal velocity of the lead leg knee (VeIK); (v) horizontal velocity of the touchdown foot (VeITd); (vi) loss of horizontal velocity (LVx); (vii) gain of vertical velocity (GVy); (viii) center mass / heel angle in the instants of touchdown and take-off (AngCM-he); (ix) knee angle (AngK); (x) support time (ST); (xi) touchdown distance (TdD); (xii) take-off angle (AngT). The described velocities and angles were determined in the following instants: (i) touchdown; (ii) maximum knee flexion and (iii) take off. The dynamical parameters studied were: fi) vertical impulse (Iz): (ii) maximum vertical force (Fzmax): (iii) time course to achieve maximum vertical force (lH/Fz max); (iv) passive impulse (lzPass}: (v) time course of the passive impulse (lHPass); (vi) active impulse (lzAct); (vii) time course of the active impulse (ßTAct); (viii) horizontal anterior posterior impulse (Iy); (ix) horizontal lateral impulse (Ix) RESULTS-The main results of this study showed that, in all cases, the major loss of the Vx and the major gain of the Vy were observed between the touchdown and the maximum knee flexion We also noticed that the knee of the lead leg has its maximum velocity at the moment of the maximum knee flexion for all subjects. This variables contribute significantly, in all cases, to the increase of the AngK in the take-off instant (psO.05), which is theoretically advantageous to the performance. One other finding was that when the values for AngCM-he in the touchdown and take-off instants were out of the theoretical limits defined by Fischer (1975), a reduced performance was observed. The observation of results also showed: (i) a increased Fzmax was always related with a higher jump length, with a higher % IZPass / IzAct, with a reduction both on ßTAct and ST, despite the correlation analysis did not always provide significant r values. CONCLUSIONS-Long jumpers should pay a special attention to the phase between the touchdown and the maximum knee flexion, where the main production of Vy occurs. There, a reduclion on ST during the take-off should be searched. Attention should also be paid to the values of the AngCM-he during the touchdown. REFERENCES Fischer, R. (1975). Weitsprung. Biomechanische untersuchungen am schweizerischen weitsprungkader mittels filmanalyse und messugen mir der mehrkomponenrenmessplattform. Diplamarbeil in biomechanik, ETH, Zurich

    Which blastocysts should be considered for genetic screening?

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    O texto tem como proposta analisar processos desencadeados pelas políticas públicas de entrada e, principalmente, de permanência, para estudantes público-alvo da Educação Especial no Ensino Superior, em contexto latino-americano, com enfoque no estudo comparado entre o México e o Brasil. Destacamos o período de 1996 a 2016 como recorte temporal, configurando as duas últimas décadas, marcadas por reformas educacionais nos dois países. Metodologicamente fizemos estudo histórico-documental das legislações que marcaram as políticas públicas no período em destaque, bem como dados estatísticos relativos ao fluxo de matrículas dos estudantes público-alvo da Educação Especial no Ensino Superior. Também buscamos analisar as tensões vividas por diferentes indivíduos e grupos nos Processos Sociais de dois contextos universitários: Universidad Veracruzana (México) e Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (Brasil). A partir das entrevistas orais de estudantes das duas universidades, analisamos as possibilidades e os desafios vivenciados no cotidiano universitário. A perspectiva teórica que sustenta o estudo fundamenta-se na teoria dos Processos Sociais elaborada por Norbert Elias (1993; 1998a; 2001; 2006 e 2011). Num fluxo histórico de longa duração, Elias analisa os Processos Civilizadores destacando que as sociedades se constituem no conjunto das relações entre indivíduos e grupos sociais, cujos processos de interdependência formam figurações humanas. Estas vivenciam as transformações históricas nas diferentes sociedades interdependentes entre si. Os dados da pesquisa evidenciam que a efetiva participação de estudantes público-alvo da Educação Especial, apesar de, por vezes, apresentar fragilidade, têm força preponderante na balança de poder para a concretização das políticas públicas nas universidades estudadas. Ao mesmo tempo, os Estados mexicano e brasileiro não conseguiram ofertar condições concretas para romper com essa fragilidade, e assegurar à Educação Especial um lugar estável no Ensino Superior. Ainda assim, esses Processos Sociais contribuem para o fluxo contínuo do Processo Civilizador das sociedades ocidentais

    Pengembangan Multimedia Pembelajaran Interaktif Berbasis Android Pada Pelajaran Biologi Kelas 1 SMA

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    Penggunaan smartphone dalam masa pandemi covid-19 ini dapat membantu siswa dan guru dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar di sekolah. Namun kegiatan belajar mengajar siswa dan guru dalam masa pandemi covid-19 ini kurang efesien. Menanggapi masalah di atas maka dalam penelitian ini dikembangkan multimedia pembelajaran interaktif berbasis android pada pelajaran Biologi untuk meningkatkan motivasi siswa dalam proses pembelajaran. Metode Research and Development dengan model ADDIE digunakan dalam mengembangkan multimedia pembelajaran interaktif berbasis android pada pelajaran biologi kelas 1 SMA. Hasil pengujian kelayakan media pembelajaran oleh ahli materi menunjukkan 88%, untuk ahli media menunjukkan 83%, dan penilaian siswa terhadap media pembelajaran adalah 87%. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian ini maka dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa Multimedia Pembelajaran Interaktif berbasis android pada Pelajaran Biologi layak digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran. &nbsp

    Application of Concept Maps for Conducting Research in Adult Education

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    The purpose of this paper is to identify and analyze existing literature in which concept maps specifically were utilized as a research tool. By theorizing from the literature and making connections among different approaches that use concept maps, adult educators-scholars can broaden their understanding of the application of concept maps in adult education research. This paper shows how concept maps can be used as productivity tools for conducting individual and collaborative research and instructional tools for teaching Research Methods courses

    PIVET rFSH dosing algorithms for individualized controlled ovarian stimulation enables optimized pregnancy productivity rates and avoidance of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome

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    © 2016 Yovich et al.The first PIVET algorithm for individualized recombinant follicle stimulating hormone (rFSH) dosing in in vitro fertilization, reported in 2012, was based on age and antral follicle count grading with adjustments for anti-Müllerian hormone level, body mass index, day-2 FSH, and smoking history. In 2007, it was enabled by the introduction of a metered rFSH pen allowing small dosage increments of ~8.3 IU per click. In 2011, a second rFSH pen was introduced allowing more precise dosages of 12.5 IU per click, and both pens with their individual algorithms have been applied continuously at our clinic. The objective of this observational study was to validate the PIVET algorithms pertaining to the two rFSH pens with the aim of collecting =15 oocytes and minimizing the risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. The data set included 2, 822 in vitro fertilization stimulations over a 6-year period until April 2014 applying either of the two individualized dosing algorithms and corresponding pens. The main outcome measures were mean oocytes retrieved and resultant embryos designated for transfer or cryopreservation permitted calculation of oocyte and embryo utilization rates. Ensuing pregnancies were tracked until live births, and live birth productivity rates embracing fresh and frozen transfers were calculated. Overall, the results showed that mean oocyte numbers were 10.0 for all women <40 years with 24% requiring rFSH dosages <150 IU. Applying both specific algorithms in our clinic meant that the starting dose was not altered for 79.1% of patients and for 30.1% of those receiving the very lowest rFSH dosages (=75 IU). Only 0.3% patients were diagnosed with severe ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, all deemed avoidable due to definable breaches from the protocols. The live birth productivity rates exceeded 50% for women <35 years and was 33.2% for the group aged 35–39 years. Routine use of both algorithms led to only 11.6% of women generating.15 oocytes, significantly lower than recently published data applying conventional dosages (38.2%; P<0.0001). When comparing both specific algorithms to each other, the outcomes were mainly comparable for pregnancy, live birth, and miscarriage rate. However, there were significant differences in relation to number of oocytes retrieved, but the mean for both the algorithms remained well below 15 oocytes. Consequently, application of both these algorithms in our in vitro fertilization clinic allows the use of both the rFSH products, with very similar results, and they can be considered validated on the basis of effectiveness and safety, clearly avoiding ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome

    Crescimento do coqueiro jovem no nordeste de São Paulo.

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