5,567 research outputs found

    The German system of corporate governance: Characteristics and changes

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    As Germany enters the 21st century, the traditional system of corporate governance, often referred to as “Deutschland AG”, has come under intense pressure to change. This report seeks to analyze the recent dynamics of the system to assess the extent to which they have already led to an erosion of the traditional characteristics. Many of the distinct features of the German system have shown strong resilience despite the pressure for change, while other features seem to have unraveled quickly. The areas in which these changes appeared to have emerged most profoundly and quickly are in the role of banks and in the role of financial markets. Germany is often cited as a classical case of “non-shareholder value orientation”, whose production-oriented, long-term, risk adverse and consensus-driven values have often been contrasted with the “Anglo-Saxon” approach. The forces currently driving the German political economy towards a shareholder-value orientation can be summarized as follows: State measures to deregulate financial markets; pressure of managers of investments funds and pension funds, in particular from the USA; responses to product-market changes and the internationalization of production. These factors have had an input on all three pillars of the traditional German system: 1. The dominant role of the banks in a complex system of cross-shareholding and in company financing; 2. the system of industrial co-determination; 3. the production- centered, company-centered management system. But the developments are still recent and ambiguous. The question is whether these forces will initiate major and permanent change in the operating principles of the German system or whether they will be superseded by the system’s traditional logic. Our report explores these issues in a preliminary way at a point of time when it is not possible to provide a definite answer to what these changes portend. -- Mit dem Übergang in das 21. Jahrhundert gerĂ€t das traditionelle deutsche System der Corporate Governance – oft als „Deutschland AG“ bezeichnet – unter starken VerĂ€nderungsdruck. Die vorliegende Untersuchung beschreibt die gegenwĂ€rtigen VerĂ€nderungstendenzen und analysiert, inwieweit diese bereits zu einer Erosion des traditionellen Systems gefĂŒhrt haben. Einige der Besonderheiten des deutschen Systems haben sich – so wird in der Studie gezeigt – als außerordentlich verĂ€nderungsresistent erwiesen, bei anderen Merkmalen zeigt sich ein rascher Auflösungsprozess. Die stĂ€rksten VerĂ€nderungen sind hinsichtlich der Rolle der Banken sowie der FinanzmĂ€rkte zu verzeichnen. Deutschland wird oft als klassischer Fall einer Nicht-Shareholder-Value-Orientierung angefĂŒhrt, das mit seiner Langfristorientierung und Risikoaversion, seiner Produktionszentriertheit und Konsensorientierung ein Gegenmodell zum angelsĂ€chsischen Ansatz darstellt. Die wichtigsten TriebkrĂ€fte fĂŒr VerĂ€nderungen des deutschen Modells hin zu einer Shareholder-Value-Orientierung sind zum einen staatliche Maßnahmen zur Deregulierung der FinanzmĂ€rkte, Druck von Seiten internationaler Investment- und Pensionsfonds, insbesondere aus den USA, sowie Reaktionen auf die Entwicklungen auf den ProduktmĂ€rkten und die Globalisierung. Auswirkungen dieses VerĂ€nderungsdrucks lassen sich fĂŒr jede der drei tragenden SĂ€ulen des traditionellen deutschen Systems feststellen: 1. die Rolle der Banken im Rahmen eines komplexen Systems der Eigentumsverflechtungen und Unternehmensfinanzierung; 2. das System der Mitbestimmung und 3. die Produktions- und Unternehmenszentrierung des leitenden Managements. Allerdings handelt es sich um recht neue und in ihrer Wirkung kaum abschĂ€tzbare Entwicklungen. Die Frage, inwieweit sie zu einem grundlegenden Wandel des deutschen Systems der Corporate Governance fĂŒhren, muss daher zum gegenwĂ€rtigen Zeitpunkt offen bleiben.

    Trimerization of NaC2N3 to Na3C6N9 in the Solid

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    Sodium dicyanamide NaC2N3 was found to undergo two phase transitions. According to thermal analysis and temperature-dependent X-ray powder diffractometry, the transition of α-NaC2N3 (1a) to ÎČ-NaC2N3 (1b) occurs at 33°C and is displacive. 1a crystallizes in the monoclinic system, space group P21/n (no. 14), with a = 647.7(1), b = 1494.8(3), c = 357.25(7) pm, ÎČ = 93.496(1)°, and Z = 4. The structure was solved from powder diffraction data (Cu Kα1, T = 22°C) using direct methods and it was refined by the Rietveld method. The final agreement factors were wRp = 0.072, Rp = 0.053, and RF = 0.074. 1b crystallizes in the orthorhombic system, space group Pbnm (no. 62), with a = 650.15(5), b = 1495.1(2), c = 360.50(3) pm, and Z = 4. The structure was refined by the Rietveld method using the atomic coordinates of 1a as starting values (Mo Kα1, T = 150°C). The final agreement factors were wRp = 0.044, Rp = 0.034, RF = 0.140. The crystal structures of both polymorphs contain sheets of Na+ and N(CN)2- ions which are in 1a nearly and in 1b exactly coplanar. Above 340°C, 1b trimerizes in the solid to Na3C6N9 (2). 2 crystallizes in the monoclinic system, space group P21/n (no. 14), with a = 1104.82(1), b = 2338.06(3), c = 351.616(3) pm, ÎČ = 97.9132(9)°, and Z = 4. The structure was solved from synchrotron powder diffraction data (λ = 59.733 pm) using direct methods and it was refined by the Rietveld method. The final agreement factors were wRp = 0.080, Rp = 0.059, and RF = 0.080. The compound contains Na+ and the planar tricyanomelaminate C6N93-. The phase transition from 1b to 2 is reconstructive. It occurs in the solid-state without involvement of other phases or intermediates. The crystal structures of 1b and 2 indicate that there is no preorientation of the N(CN)2- in the solid before their trimerization to C6N93-

    Transformation of Ammonium Dicyanamide into Dicyandiamide in the Solid

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    Ammonium dicyanamide NH4[N(CN)2] was synthesized through aqueous ion exchange. The crystal structure was investigated by single-crystal X-ray diffraction (P21/c, a = 378.67(6) pm, b = 1240.9(3) pm, c = 911.84(14) pm, ÎČ = 91.488(18)°, Z = 4). It derives from the CsCl structure type. Medium strong hydrogen bonds between NH4+ and [N(CN)2]- ions are indicative of the observed formation of dicyandiamide H4C2N4 during heating. According to DSC and temperature-dependent X-ray powder diffractometry, this isomerization is exothermic and occurs between 102 and 106°C in the solid. The reaction represents the isolobal analogue to the classical synthesis of urea by heating NH4OCN. While other alkali and alkaline earth dicyanamides undergo trimerization or polymerization of their anions during heating, ammonium dicyanamide thus shows a different reactivity

    Effect of zooplankton-mediated trophic cascades on marine microbial food web components (bacteria, nanoflagellates, ciliates)

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    To examine the grazing effects of copepod-dominated mesozooplankton on heterotrophic microbial communities, four mesocosm experiments using gradients of zooplankton abundance were carried out at a coastal marine site. The responses of different protist groups (nanoflagellates, ciliates) and bacterioplankton in terms of abundance and additionally, for bacteria, diversity, production, and exoenzymatic activity, were monitored during 1 week of incubation. Independent of the initial experimental abiotic conditions and the dominating copepod species, zooplankton caused order-of-magnitude changes in microbial functional groups in a clear community-wide four-link trophic cascade. The strongest predatory effects were observed for protist concentrations, thus generating inverse relationships between mesozooplankton and ciliates and between ciliates and nanoplankton. Copepod grazing effects propagated even further, not only reducing the abundance, production, and hydrolytic activity of bacterioplankton but also increasing bacterial diversity. The overall strength of this trophic cascade was dampened with respect to bacterial numbers, but more pronounced with respect to bacterial diversity and activity. High predation pressure by heterotrophic nanoflagellates, realized at the highest copepod abundance, was probably the underlying mechanism for these structural changes in the bacterial assemblages. Our results thus suggest a mechanism by which changes in higher trophic levels of marine plankton indirectly affect prokaryotic assemblages and microbially mediated ecosystem functions

    Index Strukturen fĂŒr Data Warehouse

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    0 Title and Table of Contents i 1\. Introduction 1 2\. State of the Art of Data Warehouse Research 5 3\. Data Storage and Index Structures 15 4\. Mixed Integer Problems for Finding Optimal Tree-based Index Structures 35 5\. Aggregated Data in Tree-Based Index Structures 43 6\. Performance Models for Tree-Based Index Structures 63 7\. Techniques for Comparing Index Structures 89 8\. Conclusion and Outlook 113 Bibliographie 116 Appendix 125This thesis investigates which index structures support query processing in typical data warehouse environments most efficiently. Data warehouse applications differ significantly from traditional transaction-oriented operational applications. Therefore, the techniques applied in transaction- oriented systems cannot be used in the context of data warehouses and new techniques must be developed. The thesis shows that the time complexity for the computation of optimal tree-based index structures prohibits its use in real world applications. Therefore, we improve heuristic techniques (e. g., R*-tree) to process range queries on aggregated data more efficiently. Experiments show the benefits of this approach for different kinds of typical data warehouse queries. Performance models estimate the behavior of standard index structures and the behavior of the extended index structures. We introduce a new model that considers the distribution of data. We show experimentally that the new model is more precise than other models known from literature. Two techniques compare two tree-based index structures with two bitmap indexing techniques. The performance of these index structures depends on a set of different parameters. Our results show which index structure performs most efficiently depending on the parameters.In dieser Arbeit wird untersucht, welche Indexstrukturen Anfragen in typischen Data Warehouse Systemen effizient unterstĂŒtzen. Indexstrukturen, seit mehr als zwanzig Jahren Forschungsgegenstand im Datenbankbereich, wurden in der Vergangenheit fĂŒr transaktionsorientierte Systeme optimiert. Ein Kennzeichen dieser Systeme ist die effiziente UnterstĂŒtzung von EinfĂŒge-, Änderungs- und Löschoperationen auf einzelnen DatensĂ€tzen. Typische Operationen in Data Warehouse Systemen sind dagegen komplexe Anfragen auf großen relativ statischen Datenmengen. Aufgrund dieser verĂ€nderten Anforderungen mĂŒssen Datenbankmanagementsysteme, die fĂŒr Data Warehouses eingesetzt werden, andere Techniken nutzen, um komplexe Anfragen effizient zu unterstĂŒtzen. ZunĂ€chst wird ein Ansatz untersucht, der mit Hilfe eines gemischt ganzzahligen Optimierungsproblems eine optimale Indexstruktur berechnet. Da die Kosten fĂŒr die Berechnung dieser optimalen Indexstruktur mit der Anzahl der zu indizierenden DatensĂ€tze exponentiell steigen, wird in anschließenden Teilen der Arbeit heuristischen AnsĂ€tzen nachgegangen, die mit der GrĂ¶ĂŸe der zu indizierenden DatensĂ€tze skalieren. Ein Ansatz erweitert auf BĂ€umen basierende Indexstrukturen um aggregierte Daten in den inneren Knoten. Experimentell wird gezeigt, daß mit Hilfe der materialisierten Zwischenergebnisse in den inneren Knoten Bereichsanfragen auf aggregierten Daten wesentlich schneller bearbeitet werden. Um das Leistungsverhalten von Indexstrukturen mit und ohne materialisierte Zwischenergebnisse zu untersuchen, wird das PISA Modell (Performance of Index Structures with and without Aggregated Data) entwickelt. In diesem Modell wird die Verteilung der Daten und die Verteilung der Anfragen berĂŒcksichtigt. Das PISA Modell wird an gleich-, schief- und normalverteilte DatensĂ€tze angepaßt. Experimentell wird gezeigt, daß das PISA Modell mit einer höheren PrĂ€zision als die bisher aus der Literatur bekannten Modelle arbeitet. Die Leistung von Indexstrukturen hĂ€ngt von unterschiedlichen Parametern ab. In dieser Arbeit werden zwei Techniken vorgestellt, die abhĂ€ngig von einer bestimmten Menge von Parametern Indexstrukturen vergleichen. Mit Hilfe von KlassifikationsbĂ€umen wird z. B. gezeigt, daß die BlockgrĂ¶ĂŸe die relative Leistung weniger beeinflußt als andere Parameter. Ein weiteres Ergebnis ist, daß Bitmap-Indexstrukturen von den Verbesserungen neuerer SekundĂ€rspeicher stĂ€rker profitieren als heute ĂŒbliche auf BĂ€umen basierende Indexstrukturen. Bitmap-Indexierungstechniken bieten noch ein großes Potential fĂŒr weitere Leistungssteigerungen im Datenbankbereich
