19 research outputs found

    Avaliação da influência da medicação pré-anestésica sobre os efeitos da anestesia geral intravenosa nos parâmetros endócrinos e metabólicos relacionados ao estresse em eqüinos

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    Em eqüinos, a anestesia isoladamente pode desencadear a cascata de eventos ligados ao estresse, no entanto, a anestesia geral intravenosa têm sido considerada como não promotora de estresse. No presente estudo foi avaliado uma combinação para indução anestésica, a tiletamina-zolazepam, tendo como medicação pré-anestésica a romifidina, utilizada isolada ou associada a acepromazina ou diazepam. Foram utilizados neste trabalho 24 eqüinos de ambos os sexos, diferentes idades e raças, todos enquadrados na categoria ASA I ( American Society of Anesthesiologists). Os animais foram divididos em três grupos definidos pela combinação pré-anestésica. Foram avaliados a concentração plasmática de ACTH e cortisol, a concentração sérica de glicose e lactato, freqüências cardíaca e respiratória, parâmetros hematológicos, gasometria arterial, traçado eletrocardiográfico e tempo de imobilidade. Os resultados revelaram que a anestesia geral intravenosa com os protocolos propostos, não desencadeou a ativação do eixo hipotalâmico-adrenal, exceção feita ao grupo onde foram associados acepromazina e romifidina. Os valores de ACTH mostraram-se significativamente inferiores quando associado o diazepam. A freqüência cardíaca não revelou variações entre as colheitas no grupo da romifidina isolada. O tempo de imobilidade observado no grupo com a acepromazina foi superior aos demais

    Enterolitíase em equinos da raça crioula

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    Enteroliths are intestinal mineral calculi predominantly composed of struvite. In horses this material accumulates concentrically around a core, causing total or partial obstruction of the higher and lower colon, and can lead to death by rupture. The enterolithiasis has worldwide distribution, and occurs frequently in Rio Grande do Sul, especially in Crioulo Horses. The aim of this work is to report a sequence of cases of Crioulo Horses with enterolithiasis, linking risk factors through historical analysis, clinical presentation and management employed by the breeding farms. Case: Between the years 2012 and 2015, 16 Crioulo Horses with colic syndrome caused by enteroliths were treated at the Hospital de Clínicas Veterinária of Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel), RS, Brazil and Clínica Hípica, in Porto Alegre, RS. The group was formed predominantly by males, weighted 430 kg in average and the average age was eight years old. All horses underwent general and specific clinical examination, laboratory tests and surgical procedure to remove the enterolith. After discharge, there was an epidemiological questionnaire seeking information about the history, food and environmental management that could be related to the development of enterolithiasis. In relationship to the history of previous episodes of colic, the results were: 4 horses (25%) had no previous episodes of colic, while 12 horses (75%) had experienced previous colic. Regarding the horses’ bedding, 70% use sawdust and 30% rice husk, and about behavior, ten (62.5%) of the 16 horses attended had no stereotypies. Related to food and water supply, it was observed that nine horses (56.25%) had alfalfa as the only roughage source in the diet, and all animals (100%) were fed commercial food and water ad libitum. According to the number of hours the patients remained stabled, the rearing system was classified as intensive (over 12 h/stable/day), extensive (0 h, at the field) or semi-extensive (up to 12 h/stable/day). The frequencies observed were: intensive (9 animals - 56.25%), semi-intensive (6 animals - 37.5%) and extensive (1 animal - 6.25%). The average time of stabling was 17.2 h/day. Discussion: The alfalfa consumption as the only forage observed in our study is the main risk factor described for the formation of enteroliths. This is because in digestion, alfalfa tends to alkalize the intestinal pH, hindering the metabolism of some minerals and thus forming the enterolith. Another important risk factor observed in this work is the intensive rearing, with long periods of stabling. This explains why confinement leads to decreased intestinal motility, due to reduced or absent grazing. Furthermore, reduced physical activity is another contributing factor to the reduction of motility, because the exercise influence the intestinal peristalsis. The rearing of horses intensively is usual with the Crioulo, especially in training and morphological preparation. Based on this case study, we can’t say that there is a racial predisposition to enterolithiasis of the Crioulo Horse, since it would require more studies on the physiology and a standard feeding of these horses. However, we can attribute the considerable volume of enteroliths observed in Crioulo Horses in Rio Grande do Sul to the increase in the number of referrals to the reference hospitals, feeding alfalfa as the only roughage source in the diet and to intensive management of the farms, with long periods of daily stabling

    Resultados preliminares com refratrômetro de alta resolução, usando sensor de frente de onda de Hartmann-Shack: parte I

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    In this project we are developing an instrument for measuring the wave-front aberrations of the human eye using the Hartmann-Shack sensor. A laser source is directed towards the eye and its diffuse reflection at the retina generates an approximately spherical wave-front inside the eye. This wave-front travels through the different components of the eye (vitreous humor, lens, aqueous humor, and cornea) and then leaves the eye carrying information about the aberrations caused by these components. Outside the eye there is an optical system composed of an array of microlenses and a CCD camera. The wave-front hits the microlens array and forms a pattern of spots at the CCD plane. Image processing algorithms detect the center of mass of each spot and this information is used to calculate the exact wave-front surface using least squares approximation by Zernike polynomials. We describe here the details of the first phase of this project, i. e., the construction of the first generation of prototype instruments and preliminary results for an artificial eye calibrated with different ametropias, i. e., myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism.Neste projeto estamos desenvolvendo instrumento para medidas das aberrações de frente de onda do olho humano usando um sensor Hartmann-Shack. Uma fonte de luz laser é direcionada ao olho e sua reflexão difusa na retina gera frente de onda aproximadamente esférica dentro do olho. Esta frente de onda atravessa os diferentes componentes do olho (humor vítreo, lente, humor aquoso e córnea) trazendo informações sobre as aberrações ópticas causadas por estes componentes. No meio externo ao olho existe sistema óptico formado por uma matriz de microlentes e uma câmera CCD. A frente de onda incide nesta matriz e forma um padrão aproximadamente matricial de spots no plano do CCD. Algoritmos de processamento de imagens são utilizados para detectar os centróides de cada spot e esta informação é utilizada para deduzir a forma da frente de onda usando métodos de aproximação por mínimos quadrados e polinômios de Zernike. Descrevemos aqui detalhes da primeira fase deste projeto, em que foi realizada a construção da primeira geração de instrumentos protótipos e testes preliminares em olho artificial, calibrado com diferentes ametropias, i. e., miopia, hipermetropia e astigmatismo.Eyetec Equipamentos Oftálmicos LtdaUniversidade Estadual de MaringáUniversidade de São Paulo Instituto de Física de São CarlosUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Departamento de OftalmologiaUNIFESP, EPM, Depto. de OftalmologiaSciEL

    Alterações hematológicas observadas em eqüinos submetidos a laparotomia em estação e enterotomia do cólon menor

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    As afecções abdominais do eqüino requerem freqüentemente a utilização de técnicas cirúrgicas para sua resolução. A magnitude destes procedimentos associada ao estresse anestésico levam a alterações sistêmicas importantes. Neste estudo foram avaliadas as alterações na celularidade hematológica causadas por laparotomias em estação, concomitantes com enterotomias do cólon menor. A laparotomia foi realizada pelo flanco esquerdo, com os animais sob sedação (cloridrato de romifidina, 80 mg.kg -1). Foi realizado bloqueio com lidocaína a 2% na linha de incisão e bloqueio do nervo torácico lateral. As enterotomias foram procedidas na tênia ante-mesentérica do cólon menor. Após a manipulação e enterorrafia, a alça foi recolocada na cavidade abdominal, sendo feita a sutura da parede. As colheitas de sangue foram realizadas no tempo précirúrgico imediato e em três colheitas subseqüentes a cada 24 horas. Foram contados o número de eritrócitos, de leucócitos, os neutrófilos bastonados e segmentados e o percentual de hematócrito. Também foram verificadas as alterações nas concentrações de hemoglobina, proteína e fibrinogênio plasmáticos. Os valores de eritrócitos e hemoglobina elevaram-se significativamente. As concentrações plasmáticas de proteína e fibrinogênio sofreram elevações significativas, assim como o número de leucócitos e a quantidade de neutrófilos bastonados. Concluiu-se que a resposta celular e dos demais constituintes hematológicos foram compatíveis com um quadro inflamatório agudo, o qual poderia estar compatível com um processo infeccioso, porém sem correspondência clínica


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    Este trabalho aborda a divulgação e a publicação de mapas digitais interativos através do software ALOV Map. O ALOV Map é um servidor de mapas gratuito que pode ser usado de duas formas: com uma arquitetura cliente ou uma arquitetura cliente/servidor. Ambas as arquiteturas permitem publicar mapas na Web e a arquitetura cliente permite que sejam produzidas aplicações stand alone. O objetivo principal desse trabalho consiste em desenvolver um WebSIG com dados digitais do município de Mossoró, RN, de forma que seja possível a qualquer pessoa acessar mapas da cidade e obter informações mais detalhadas sobre ela

    Effects of Increasing Levels of Palm Kernel Oil in the Feed of Finishing Lambs

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of the inclusion of palm kernel oil (PKO) in a lamb diet on nutrient intake, digestibility, ingestive behavior, nitrogen balance, blood metabolites, rumen fermentation parameters, and animal performance. Three experimental trials were conducted. The treatments consisted of varying levels of PKO included in the diet, with PKOzero = no PKO inclusion, PKO1.3 = 1.3% addition, PKO2.6 = 2.6% addition, PKO3.9 = 3.9% addition, and PKO5.2 = 5.2% addition, based on the total dry matter (DM) of the diet. With the inclusion of PKO in the diet, linear decreases in DM (p p p p p p = 0.021) intake were observed, as was an increase in ether extract (EE) intake (p p = 0.035), EE (p p p p p p p p = 0.048) with increasing PKO levels. PKO addition had no effect on total weight gain and average daily gain; however, feed conversion improved (p = 0.001) with increasing PKO levels. The intake, digestibility, ingestive behavior, and growth performance of lambs with PKO1.3 added to their diet were similar to animals that did not receive PKO, meaning that PKO could be an alternative energy source for growing lambs because it does not harm animal performance and can lower the cost of feed

    Performance, Digestibility, Nitrogen Balance and Ingestive Behavior of Young Feedlot Bulls Supplemented with Palm Kernel Oil

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    Vegetable oils can be used to increase energy density in diets; manipulate rumen fermentation; and alter the capacity for degradation, digestion and absorption of nutrients. Two experiments were conducted to evaluate palm kernel oil (PKO) in the diet of confined bulls with the inclusion of 0.0, 11.5, 23.0 and 34.6 g PKO/kg dry matter (DM). The first experiment evaluated nutrient intake, performance, ingestive behavior and carcass characteristics. In the second experiment, steers crossbred with a ruminal cannula were used to evaluate digestibility, nitrogen balance, microbial protein synthesis, short-chain fatty acid levels and protozoal counts. The results showed that the inclusion of PKO linearly reduced intake in kg/day (DM, crude protein—CP, neutral detergent fiber—NDFap, nonfibrous carbohydrates—NFC and total digestible nutrient—TDN) and digestibility (DM, NDFap and TDN). Ether extract intake increased quadratically with the predicted maximum intake of 15.4 g/kg DM. Regarding ingestive behavior, there was a quadratic increase in rumination time and a quadratic reduction in idle time. Nitrogen balance, nitrogen intake, nitrogen retention, microbial protein production, acetate, butyrate, acetate/propionate ratio and protozoa count showed linear decreases due to dietary PKO inclusion. Regarding the carcass characteristics, linear decreases were observed for the final weight, average daily gain, hot carcass weight, cold carcass weight, hot carcass yield, cold carcass yield, loin eye area and subcutaneous fat thickness. The inclusion of PKO at up to 34.6 g/kg DM in diets for confined bulls reduces intake, negatively affecting digestibility, performance and carcass characteristics

    Effect of Dietary Palm Kernel Oil on the Quality, Fatty Acid Profile, and Sensorial Attributes of Young Bull Meat

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    Lipid supplementation through vegetable oils in diets for ruminants can be a nutritional strategy to increase energy density, manipulate ruminal fermentation and change the physicochemical composition and sensorial properties of meat. This study evaluated the optimal dietary inclusion of palm kernel oil (PKO) for Nellore bulls on meat quality. The diets consisted of 0.0, 11.5, 23.0, and 34.6 g/kg dry matter (DM) PKO levels. PKO inclusion did not influence the centesimal composition, pH, color indices, water holding capacity, cooking loss, or shear force of the beef. There were linear increases in the concentrations of lauric acid (C12:0) and myristic acid (C14:0) in the bull’s meat. However, palmitic acid (C16:0), oleic acid (C18:0), vaccenic acid (t-11–C18:1) and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), ∑n − 6, ∑n − 3, ∑n − 6/∑n 3, the hypocholesterolemic: hypercholesterolemic ratio of the fatty acid content, and the thrombogenicity index were not affected. There were linear reductions in the oleic acid meat concentration (c-9–C18:1) and elongated enzymatic activity when PKO was added to the bull diet. The atherogenicity index increased linearly due to PKO inclusion in the bull diet. No effect of the inclusion of PKO on meat flavor, perception of tenderness, juiciness, or global acceptance from the sensorial evaluation was recorded. The inclusion of PKO up to 34.6 g/kg DM can be recommended to supplement young bulls with no effects on meat composition and quality characteristics

    Dietary Effect of Palm Kernel Oil Inclusion in Feeding Finishing Lambs on Meat Quality

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    This study evaluated the effects of palm kernel oil (PKO) in the diet of lambs on carcass characteristics, quality, and fatty acid profile of the meat. Forty uncastrated male Santa Inês lambs were used and divided among the treatments: PKOzero without inclusion; PKO1.3—added 1.3%; PKO2.6—added 2.6%; PKO3.9—added 3.9%; PKO5.2—added 5.2%. The carcass characteristics, the variables related to meat color, and the chemical composition of the Longissimus lumborum of lambs were not affected by the PKO inclusion. The weight of the carcasses at slaughter, hot and cold, half carcass, loin-eye area, and commercial cuts decreased linearly when PKO was added to the lamb diet (p < 0.01). CCY decreased linearly to the inclusion level of 2.66% PKO (RMSE 2.204). Total conjugated linoleic acid CLA and C18:3 n-3 GA concentrations remained stable until the inclusion levels of 3.44% PKO (RMSE 0.0956) and 2.17% (RMSE 0.0637), decreasing its concentrations as the increased level of PKO. The presence of PKO in the lambs’ diet up to the level of 5.2% did not change the meat quality characteristics; thus, from the point of view of lamb meat production and fatty acid profile, the inclusion of PKO is not beneficial