8 research outputs found

    Karakteristik Stomata Tempuyung (Sonchus Arvensis L.) dan Hubungannya dengan Transpirasi Tanaman di Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

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    Has conducted research on the characteristics of Sonchus arvensis L. stomata. This study aims to determine the number of stomata with 40x10 magnification, the number of stomata open and closed, the density and type of stomata on the leaf surface above and below the 4, 5, and 6. The method used in this study using the replica method. The results of the study, the number of stomata more found at the bottom of the leaves, as well as tighter density in the area under the surface of the leaf. Type of stomata although in different areas of the plant and there are different types of stomata. Closely related to stomata transpiration activity because most of transpiration or water loss process through stomata

    Desain Konseptual Kemasan Muatan Pelayaran Rakyat: Studi Kasus Pelayaran Rakyat Kalimas Surabaya

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    Implementasi Tol Laut akan meningkatkan volume pergerakan barang antar wilayah, termasuk pergerakan dari/ke daerah-daerah yang dilayari oleh pelayaran rakyat. Tetapi jumlah armada pelayaran rakyat semakin berkurang setiap tahunnya. Kondisi ini disebabkan terutama adanya kecenderungan pemilik barang yang menginginkan barangnya cepat sampai di tujuan dengan tingkat keselamatan yang tinggi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah membuat desain kemasan inovatif serta mengukur kinerja & pengaruh pengoperasian untuk mengatasi kerusakan & inefisiensi pada pengiriman muatan pelayaran rakyat. Studi ini menganalisis tentang kerusakan muatan, penggunaan kemasan baru dan kinerja serta pengaruh pengoperasiannya. Hasil analisis yaitu: desain konseptual kemasan yang dibuat berdasarkan sifat pemuatan di lapangan dan rujukan kepada objek-objek yang relevan. Sehingga dihasilkan 3 desain kemasan, Desain A, Desain B, & Desain C. Kriteria untuk menilai kemasan terbaik yaitu: efektif, efisien, siklus hidup & daur ulang kemasan, keamanan muatan serta keselamatan SDM & lingkungan. Desain terbaik sesuai dengan kriteria tersebut adalah Desain C dengan nilai 33%. Akibat dari penggunaan kemasan baru, terjadi perubahan pola operasi saat B/M, yaitu: stuffing muatan, pelabelan baru di kemasan, dan berkurangnya kerusakan muatan. =============================================================================================== The implementation of Tol Laut will increase volume movement of goods between regions, including movement to/from areas that are navigable by traditional shipping. But the number of traditional shipping’s vessels decrease each year. This condition mainly is caused by the exsistence of a tendency of the shipper or the good’s owner who wants their goods arrive quickly at the destination with high level of safety. The purposes of this research are to develop an innovative packaging design as well as measure the performance and the influence of its operation to cope with the damage and inefficiency in traditional shipping cargo delivery. This study analyses about cargo damage, the use of the new packaging, the performance and the influence of its operation. The results of the analysis are: conceptual design of packaging based on the nature of the loading in the field as a reference against the relevant objects, with the results are Design A, Design B, and Design C. The criteria to judge the best packaging are: effectiveness; efficiency; cyclicality; cargo, human, and environmental safety. The best design according to those criteria is Design C with the percentage 33%. The consequence of the use of the new packaging is operation system change in loading/unloading process, such as: cargo stuffing, new labelling in package, and reduce the cargo damage

    Deteksi cemaran bakteri patogen Escherichia Coli o157:h7 pada susu sapi perah secara konvensional dan molekuler

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    INDONESIA: Susu sapi perah merupakan bahan pangan asal ternak yang keberadaanya dekat dengan berbagai sumber cemaran bakteri baik patogen maupun nonpatogen. Sumber cemaran tersebut dapat melalui kondisi sanitasi lingkungan yang buruk, kondisi hewan ternak, kebersihan pemerah, sumber air yang digunakan, dan proses yang berlangsung selama pemerahan susu sapi perah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui cemaran bakteri Escherichia coli O157:H7 pada susu sapi perah yang ada dilokasi Desa Petungsewu dan Desa Pujon Kulon secara konvensional dan molekuler. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan merupakan penelitian eksplorasi dengan menggunakan rancangan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Sampel susu sapi perah didapatkan dari 15 peternak yang berbeda-beda, 9 sampel dari Desa Petungsewu dan 6 sampel berasal dari Desa Pujon Kulon yang dipilih secara acak. Pengujian dilakukan secara konvensional melalui uji pendugaan menggunakan metode MPN koliform, uji penegasan E. coli di media diferensial Eosin Methylene Blue agar, pewarnaan Gram, dan identifikasi E. coli O157:H7 menggunakan media selektif diferensial Mac Conkey agar dengan sorbitol dan dibandingkan dengan kontrol positif E. coli O157:H7. Selanjutnya uji konfirmasi melalui pendekatan molekuler dengan isolasi DNA isolat bakteri dan amplifikasi DNA target menggunakan primer gen rfbE. Hasil pengujian bahwa 6 sampel susu sapi perah dari 2 lokasi peternakan yang berbeda tercemar bakteri E. coli, 4 sampel dari 15 sampel (26,67 %) yang berasal dari Desa Petungsewu positif tercemar bakteri E. coli O157:H7. Hasil amplifikasi menggunakan primer gen rfbE tidak terlihat pita DNA yang mengamplifikasi gen target dengan ukuran produk PCR 239 bp. ENGLISH: Milk dairy cattle is the origin from cattle and its existence adjacent with source of contamination both of nonpathogenic and pathogenic bacteria. The source of the contamination can be through bad sanitation, animal condition, cleanliness of the milker, source of water is used, and the milking process. This study aims to determine contaminant of Escherichia coli O157: H7 in milk dairy cattle ini Petungsewu and Pujon Kulon village through conventional and molecular method. Type of research is exploratory with qualitative descriptive design. Milk dairy cattle obtained from 15 different breeders and selected randomly. Conventional method with prediction test of MPN coliforms, confirmation test to detect E. coli with differential media Eosin Methylene Blue agar, Gram staining tests and identification of E. coli O157: H7 using selective-differential media and it compared with the positive control E . coli O157: H7. Further confirmation test through molecular approaches to DNA isolation and amplification used rfbE primer. The results showed that 6 samples from 2 different location contaminated by E. coli bacteria, 4 of 15 samples (26,67%) from Petungsewu village positively contaminated with E. coli O157:H7. The results of the amplification using rfbE primer not visible DNA bands were supposed to amplify the rfbE gene with the size of PCR product is 239 bp

    Shearwave Elastography Increases Diagnostic Accuracy in Characterization of Breast Lesions

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    View of the elevation on Nevskiy Prospekt; In 1761 Vallen de la Motte took over the design of the Gostinyy Dvor (1758-1785) in St. Petersburg, a trading market of 200 shops with a central courtyard, which had been started by Bartolomeo Francesco Rastrelli. Vallen de la Motte achieved a clarity of concept and rationality that dispensed with Rastrelli’s planned Rococo decoration; only the handsome composition of the rounded corners hints at the Baroque. Source: Grove Art Online; http://www.oxfordartonline.com/ (accessed 1/15/2009