4,320 research outputs found

    . Economic model for calculation of direct and indirect eco-nomical losses from African swine fever occurrence

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    This study aimed to develop a model for calculation of direct and indirect economic losses in the event of African swine fever (ASF) occurrence. Calculation of the costs included the category of the affected holdings together with the specific biosecurity measures maintained therein and control measures to be imposed in the event of disease. Various scenarios for active and passive surveillance of the disease were developed, in order to prove the absence of virus circulation and to restore the status of the areas as ASF disease free-country

    Thermal Timescale Mass Transfer and the Evolution of White Dwarf Binaries

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    The evolution of binaries consisting of evolved main sequence stars (1 < M_d/Msun < 3.5) with white dwarf companions (0.7 < M_wd/Msun < 1.2) is investigated through the thermal mass transfer phase. Taking into account the stabilizing effect of a strong, optically thick wind from the accreting white dwarf surface, we have explored the formation of several evolutionary groups of systems for progenitors with initial orbital periods of 1 and 2 days. The numerical results show that CO white dwarfs can accrete sufficient mass to evolve to a Type Ia supernova and ONeMg white dwarfs can be built up to undergo accretion induced collapse for donors more massive than about 2 Msun. For donors less massive than ~2 Msun the system can evolve to form a He and CO or ONeMg white dwarf pair. In addition, sufficient helium can be accumulated (~0.1 Msun) in systems characterized by 1.6 < M_d/Msun < 1.9 and 0.8 < M_wd/Msun < 1 such that sub Chandrasekhar mass models for Type Ia supernovae, involving off center helium ignition, are possible for progenitor systems evolving via the Case A mass transfer phase. For systems characterized by mass ratios > 3 the system likely merges as a result of the occurrence of a delayed dynamical mass transfer instability. A semi-analytical model is developed to delineate these phases which can be easily incorporated in population synthesis studies of these systems.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, Latex, emulateapj style, ApJ accepte

    Хлорфенолы в органическом синтезе

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    Received: 17.08.2016; accepted: 11.10.2016; published: 01.12.2016.Поступило: 17.08.2016; приянято: 11.10.2016; опубликовано: 01.12.2016.This article reviews the alternatives for modifications of p-chlorophenols, p-chloroanisoles with the formation of C-C, C-N, C-S and C-B bonds. It is worth noting the high fundamental as well as practical importance of these reactions due to the availability and cheapness of initial chlorine substituted derivatives of phenol.В данном обзоре рассмотрены варианты модификаций п-хлорфенолов и п-хлоранизолов с образованием связей C-C, C-N, C-S и C-B. Стоит отметить высокую не только фундаментальную, но и практическую значимость данных реакций, ввиду доступности и дешевизны исходных хлорзамещенных производных фенола

    New Cataclysmic Variables and other Exotic Binaries in the Globular Cluster 47 Tucanae

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    We present 22 new (+3 confirmed) cataclysmic variables (CVs) in the non core-collapsed globular cluster 47 Tucanae (47 Tuc). The total number of CVs in the cluster is now 43, the largest sample in any globular cluster so far. For the identifications we used near-ultraviolet (NUV) and optical images from the Hubble Space Telescope, in combination with X-ray results from the Chandra X-ray Observatory. This allowed us to build the deepest NUV CV luminosity function of the cluster to date. We found that the CVs in 47 Tuc are more concentrated towards the cluster center than the main sequence turnoff stars. We compared our results to the CV populations of the core-collapsed globular clusters NGC 6397 and NGC 6752. We found that 47 Tuc has fewer bright CVs per unit mass than those two other clusters. That suggests that dynamical interactions in core-collapsed clusters play a major role creating new CVs. In 47 Tuc, the CV population is probably dominated by primordial and old dynamically formed systems. We estimated that the CVs in 47 Tuc have total masses of approx. 1.4 M_sun. We also found that the X-ray luminosity function of the CVs in the three clusters is bimodal. Additionally, we discuss a possible double degenerate system and an intriguing/unclassified object. Finally, we present four systems that could be millisecond pulsar companions given their X-ray and NUV/optical colors. For one of them we present very strong evidence for being an ablated companion. The other three could be CO- or He-WDs.Comment: Published on MNRAS. 31 Pages, 23 Figures, 5 Tables. Minor changes with respect to previous arXiv versio

    Supernova Ia: a Converging Delayed Detonation Wave

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    A model of a carbon-oxygen (C--O) presupernova core with an initial mass 1.33 M_\odot, an initial carbon mass fraction 0.27, and with an average mass growth-rate 5 x 10^{-7} M_\odot/yr due to accretion in a binary system was evolved from initial central density 10^9 g/cm^3, and temperature 2.05 x 10^8 K through convective core formation and its subsequent expansion to the carbon runaway at the center. The only thermonuclear reaction contained in the equations of evolution and runaway was the carbon burning reaction 12C + 12C with an energy release corresponding to the full transition of carbon and oxygen (with the same rate as carbon) into 56Ni. As a parameter we take \alpha_c - a ratio of a mixing length to the size of the convective zone. In spite of the crude assumptions, we obtained a pattern of the runaway acceptable for the supernova theory with the strong dependence of its duration on \alpha_c. In the variants with large enough values of \alpha_c=4.0 x 10^{-3} and 3.0 x 10^{-3} the fuel combustion occurred from the very beginning as a prompt detonation. In the range of 2.0 x 10^{-3} >= \alpha_c >= 3.0 x 10^{-4} the burning started as a deflagration with excitation of stellar pulsations with growing amplitude. Eventually, the detonation set in, which was activated near the surface layers of the presupernova (with m about 1.33 M_\odot) and penetrated into the star down to the deflagration front. Excitation of model pulsations and formation of a detonation front are described in detail for the variant with \alpha_c=1.0 x 10^{-3}.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, to appear in Astronomy Letter

    Time correlations and 1/f behavior in backscattering radar reflectivity measurements from cirrus cloud ice fluctuations

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    The state of the atmosphere is governed by the classical laws of fluid motion and exhibits correlations in various spatial and temporal scales. These correlations are crucial to understand the short and long term trends in climate. Cirrus clouds are important ingredients of the atmospheric boundary layer. To improve future parameterization of cirrus clouds in climate models, it is important to understand the cloud properties and how they change within the cloud. We study correlations in the fluctuations of radar signals obtained at isodepths of winter and fall cirrus clouds. In particular we focus on three quantities: (i) the backscattering cross-section, (ii) the Doppler velocity and (iii) the Doppler spectral width. They correspond to the physical coefficients used in Navier Stokes equations to describe flows, i.e. bulk modulus, viscosity, and thermal conductivity. In all cases we find that power-law time correlations exist with a crossover between regimes at about 3 to 5 min. We also find that different type of correlations, including 1/f behavior, characterize the top and the bottom layers and the bulk of the clouds. The underlying mechanisms for such correlations are suggested to originate in ice nucleation and crystal growth processes.Comment: 33 pages, 9 figures; to appear in the Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmosphere

    Higher order Jordan Osserman Pseudo-Riemannian manifolds

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    We study the higher order Jacobi operator in pseudo-Riemannian geometry. We exhibit a family of manifolds so that this operator has constant Jordan normal form on the Grassmannian of subspaces of signature (r,s) for certain values of (r,s). These pseudo-Riemannian manifolds are new and non-trivial examples of higher order Osserman manifolds

    Measurements of the composition of aerosol component of Venusian atmosphere with Vega 1 lander, preliminary data

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    Preliminary investigation of mass spectra of gaseous products of pyrolyzed Venusian cloud particles collected and analyzed by the complex device of mass-spectrometer and collector pyrolyzer on board Vega 1 lander revealed the presence of heavy particles in the upper cloud layer. Based on 64 amu peak (SO2+), an estimate of the lower limit of the sulfuric acid aerosol content at the 62 to 54 km heights of approximately 2.0 mg/cu m is obtained. A chlorine line (35 and 37 amu) is also present in the mass spectrum with a lower limit of the chlorine concentration of approximately 0.3 mg/ cu m