10 research outputs found

    Peer attitudes toward persons with autism spectrum disorder ā€“ literature review

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    Važnost poznavanja stavova vrÅ”njaka prema osobama sa poremecajima iz spektra autizma ogleda se u tome Å”to se na osnovu njih može predvideti ponaÅ”anje osoba tipicnog razvoja prema ovoj grupi ljudi. Kada se govori o osobama sa poremecajima iz spektra autizma negativni stavovi prema nji- ma mogu ograniciti njihovo ukljucivanje u druÅ”tvo i uticati na nihov kvalitet života. Cilj ovog rada je, da se pregledom dostupne literature izdvoje i analiziraju radovi ciji su predmet istraživanja stavovi vrÅ”njaka prema osobama sa po- remecajima iz spektra autizma tokom predÅ”kolskog, osnovnoÅ”kolskog, sred- njoÅ”kolskog i akademskog obrazovanja. Pri pregledu literature koriÅ”ceni su Google Scholar i servis Konzorcijuma biblioteka Srbije za objedinjenu nabavku ā€“ KOBSON. Analiza predstavljenih istraživanja pokazuje da razlike u stavovima pre- ma osobama sa poremecajima iz spektra autizma u odnosu na pol vrÅ”njaka nisu dovoljno potvrdene. Posmatranje negativnih oblika ponaÅ”anja osoba sa poremecajima iz spektra autizma može doprineti razvijanju negativnih stavova prema njima na svim uzrastima, s tim da se kod odraslih osoba ti- picnog razvoja ove posledice mogu ublažiti davanjem dodatnih informacija o poremecajima iz spektra autizma. Na svim uzrastima pozitivan efekat na formiranje stavova prema vrÅ”njacima sa poremecajima iz spektra autizma ima iskustvo kontakta koje je steceno u Å”irem socijalnom okruženju, dok edukacija o karakteristikama samog poremecaja ima pozitivan uticaj na stavove srednjoÅ”kolaca i studenata.Importance of knowing peer a,itudes towards persons with autism spectrum disorder is reflected in the fact that, based on it, the behavior of typically developing persons towards this group of people can be predicted. In regards to people with autism spectrum disorders, negative a,itudes towards them can limit their inclusion in society and a.ect their quality of life. -e aim of this paper is to review and analyze the available literature in order to select studies whose subject of research are the a,itudes of peers towards people with autism spectrum disorders during preschool, primary, secondary and academic education. For the literature review, we have used Google Scholar and the Serbian Library Consortium for Coordinated Acquisition - KOBSON. -e analysis of the presented research shows that the di.erences in a,itudes towards people with autism spectrum disorders in relation to the gender of their peers have not been adequately confirmed. Observing the negative behaviors of people with autism spectrum disorders can contribute to the development of negative a,itudes towards them at all ages, however, in adults with typical development these consequences can be mitigated by providing additional information about autism spectrum disorders. Positive e.ect on the formation of a,itudes of all group ages towards peers with autism spectrum disorders was gained through acquaintance gained in the wider social environment, while education about the characteristics of the disorder itself has a positive impact on the a,itudes of high school and university student

    The relationship between the ability to recognize emotions and internalized behavioral problems in people with mild intellectual disabilities

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    Cilj ovog rada je utvrditi odnos između sposobnosti prepoznavanja emocija i internalizovanih problema u ponaÅ”anju kod osoba sa lakom intelektualnom ometenoŔću. Uzorak je činilo 70 osoba sa lakom intelektualnom ometenoŔću, ujednačenih prema polu (Ļ‡Ā²=0,000; df=1; p=1,000) i uzrastu (Ļ‡Ā²=1,429; df=1; p=0,232). Za po- trebe prikupljanja podataka u ovom istraživanju primenjeni su Upitnik za prepoznavanje emocija (The Emotional Recognition Questionnaire, Davies, 2013) i tri supskale Ahenbahovog sistema procene (Achenbach System of Empiricaly Based Assessment ā€“ ASEBA, Teacher Report Form; Achenbach, Newhouse & Rescorla, 2001). Veza između sposobnosti prepoznavanja emocija i internalizovanih problema u ponaÅ”anju istražena je pomoću Pirsonove linearne korelacije. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da se statistički značajne i negativne korelacije pojavljuju između emocije straha i supskale Povučenost/depresija (p=-0,259), supskale Somatizacija (p=-0,305), kao i ukupnog skora za internalizovane pro- bleme u ponaÅ”anju (p=-0,264). Takođe, značajne i negativne korelacije dobijene su i između emocije ljutnje i supskale Povučenost/depresija (p =-0,242).The aim of this paper is to determine the relationship between the ability to recognize emotions and internalized behavioral problems in people with mild intellectual disabilities. The sample consisted of 70 persons with mild intellectual disability, equalized by gender (Ļ‡Ā²=.000; df=1; p=1.000) and age (Ļ‡Ā²=1.429; df=1; p=.232). For the purpose of collecting data in this research, The Emotion Recognition Questionnaire (Davies, 2013) was applied as well as three subscales of the Ahenbach Assessment System (Achenbach System of Empiricaly Based Assessment ā€“ ASEBA, Teacher Report Form; Achenbach, Newhouse, & Rescorla, 2001). The relationship between the ability to recognize emotions and internalized behavioral problems was investigated using Pearsonā€™s linear correlation. The results obtained show that statistically significant and negative correlations appear between the emotion of fear and the Withdrawn/depressed subscale (p=-.259), Somatic complaint subscale (p=-.305), and the total score for internalized behavioral problems (p=- .264). Significant and negative correlations were also found between the emotion of anger and the Withdrawn/ depressed subscale (p=- .242)

    Karcinom bubrežnog sabirnog kanala: prikaz triju slučajeva

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    Collecting duct carcinoma or Bellini duct carcinoma is a highly malignant neoplasm that arises from the collecting duct epithelium of the kidney and accounts for approximately 1% of renal neoplasms. Collecting duct carcinoma generally pursues a more aggressive course than conventional renal cell carcinoma. Metastases to regional lymph nodes, bone, adrenal glands, lung, skin and meninges have been reported. During the 1998-2000 period, 161 patients underwent nephrectomy due to renal cell carcinoma at our hospital. The patientsā€™ age ranged from 24 to 90 (mean 59.5) years. There were 50 female and 111 male patients. Collecting duct carcinoma was diagnosed in three (1.9%) male patients aged 79, 66 and 67 (mean age 71.0) years. The patients presented with hematuria associated with fever, weight loss, pain and palpable abdominal mass. On gross examination, the tumors were located in the medulla of the kidney and extended into the cortex and adjacent adipose tissue. Histologically, the tumors showed tubulopapillary, tubular or solid areas. Immunohistochemically, positive staining with cytokeratin, EMA and Ulex Europaeus agglutinin was observed. All patients had regional lymph node metastases, and two of them died within one month from surgery. The third patient was alive and without signs of recurrence six months from presentation.Karcinom sabirnog kanala ili karcinom Bellinijeva kanala je visoko maligna neoplazma koja nastaje iz epitela bubrežnoga sabirnog kanala i čini otprilike 1% bubrežnih neoplazma. Karcinom sabirnoga kanala uglavnom ima agresivniji tijek od konvencionalnog karcinoma bubrežnih stanica. Opisane su metastaze u regionalne limfne čvorove, kosti, nadbubrežne žlijezde, pluća, kožu i meninge. U razdoblju od 1998. do 2000. godine u naÅ”oj je bolnici 161 bolesnik podvrgnut nefrektomiji zbog karcinoma bubrežnih stanica. Bolesnici su bili u dobi od 24 do 90 godina (srednja dob 59,5 godina), a bilo je 50 žena i 111 muÅ”karaca. Karcinom sabirnog kanala dijagnosticiran je u trojice (1,9%) muÅ”kih bolesnika u dobi od 79, 66 i 67 godina (srednja dob 71,0 godina). Bolesnici su doÅ”li s hematurijom udruženom s groznicom, gubitkom težine, bolovima i opipljivom masom u trbuÅ”noj Å”upljini. Makroskopskim pregledom su tumori locirani u bubrežnoj meduli, a protezali su se u koru i obližnje masno tkivo. HistoloÅ”ki su tumori pokazivali tubulopapilarna, tubularna ili kruta područja. Imunohistokemijski je zabilježeno pozitivno bojenje citokeratinom, EMA i Ulex Europaeus aglutininom. Svi su bolesnici imali metastaze regionalnih limfnih čvorova, a dvojica su umrla kroz mjesec dana nakon operacije. Treći je bolesnik bio živ i bez znakova ponovljene bolesti Å”est mjeseci nakon dolaska u bolnicu

    Karcinom bubrežnog sabirnog kanala: prikaz triju slučajeva

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    Collecting duct carcinoma or Bellini duct carcinoma is a highly malignant neoplasm that arises from the collecting duct epithelium of the kidney and accounts for approximately 1% of renal neoplasms. Collecting duct carcinoma generally pursues a more aggressive course than conventional renal cell carcinoma. Metastases to regional lymph nodes, bone, adrenal glands, lung, skin and meninges have been reported. During the 1998-2000 period, 161 patients underwent nephrectomy due to renal cell carcinoma at our hospital. The patientsā€™ age ranged from 24 to 90 (mean 59.5) years. There were 50 female and 111 male patients. Collecting duct carcinoma was diagnosed in three (1.9%) male patients aged 79, 66 and 67 (mean age 71.0) years. The patients presented with hematuria associated with fever, weight loss, pain and palpable abdominal mass. On gross examination, the tumors were located in the medulla of the kidney and extended into the cortex and adjacent adipose tissue. Histologically, the tumors showed tubulopapillary, tubular or solid areas. Immunohistochemically, positive staining with cytokeratin, EMA and Ulex Europaeus agglutinin was observed. All patients had regional lymph node metastases, and two of them died within one month from surgery. The third patient was alive and without signs of recurrence six months from presentation.Karcinom sabirnog kanala ili karcinom Bellinijeva kanala je visoko maligna neoplazma koja nastaje iz epitela bubrežnoga sabirnog kanala i čini otprilike 1% bubrežnih neoplazma. Karcinom sabirnoga kanala uglavnom ima agresivniji tijek od konvencionalnog karcinoma bubrežnih stanica. Opisane su metastaze u regionalne limfne čvorove, kosti, nadbubrežne žlijezde, pluća, kožu i meninge. U razdoblju od 1998. do 2000. godine u naÅ”oj je bolnici 161 bolesnik podvrgnut nefrektomiji zbog karcinoma bubrežnih stanica. Bolesnici su bili u dobi od 24 do 90 godina (srednja dob 59,5 godina), a bilo je 50 žena i 111 muÅ”karaca. Karcinom sabirnog kanala dijagnosticiran je u trojice (1,9%) muÅ”kih bolesnika u dobi od 79, 66 i 67 godina (srednja dob 71,0 godina). Bolesnici su doÅ”li s hematurijom udruženom s groznicom, gubitkom težine, bolovima i opipljivom masom u trbuÅ”noj Å”upljini. Makroskopskim pregledom su tumori locirani u bubrežnoj meduli, a protezali su se u koru i obližnje masno tkivo. HistoloÅ”ki su tumori pokazivali tubulopapilarna, tubularna ili kruta područja. Imunohistokemijski je zabilježeno pozitivno bojenje citokeratinom, EMA i Ulex Europaeus aglutininom. Svi su bolesnici imali metastaze regionalnih limfnih čvorova, a dvojica su umrla kroz mjesec dana nakon operacije. Treći je bolesnik bio živ i bez znakova ponovljene bolesti Å”est mjeseci nakon dolaska u bolnicu

    Predictors of reunification and other types of exit for maltreated children using shelter services in Serbia

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    This article reports the results of the first study in Serbia on factors (child, family and case) for different exit types for children admitted to out-of-home care. Case files of 154 children admitted to the Shelter for Urgent Protection of Children from Abuse and Neglect over a 5-year period were analysed. After the shelter, less than a third of the children returned to their biological parents. The findings revealed that different constellations of child, family and case characteristics predict reunification and placement in a relative or foster family or in a group home. No significant predictors were noted for inadequate accommodation. The results of this study showed that although the patterns of reunification were very similar to those in other countries, there were differences that reflected the specifics of child welfare policy in Serbia

    The relationship between the ability to recognize emotions and internalized behavioral problems in people with mild intellectual disabilities

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    Cilj ovog rada je utvrditi odnos između sposobnosti prepoznavanja emocija i internalizovanih problema u ponaÅ”anju kod osoba sa lakom intelektualnom ometenoŔću. Uzorak je činilo 70 osoba sa lakom intelektualnom ometenoŔću, ujednačenih prema polu (Ļ‡Ā²=0,000; df=1; p=1,000) i uzrastu (Ļ‡Ā²=1,429; df=1; p=0,232). Za po- trebe prikupljanja podataka u ovom istraživanju primenjeni su Upitnik za prepoznavanje emocija (The Emotional Recognition Questionnaire, Davies, 2013) i tri supskale Ahenbahovog sistema procene (Achenbach System of Empiricaly Based Assessment ā€“ ASEBA, Teacher Report Form; Achenbach, Newhouse & Rescorla, 2001). Veza između sposobnosti prepoznavanja emocija i internalizovanih problema u ponaÅ”anju istražena je pomoću Pirsonove linearne korelacije. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da se statistički značajne i negativne korelacije pojavljuju između emocije straha i supskale Povučenost/depresija (p=-0,259), supskale Somatizacija (p=-0,305), kao i ukupnog skora za internalizovane pro- bleme u ponaÅ”anju (p=-0,264). Takođe, značajne i negativne korelacije dobijene su i između emocije ljutnje i supskale Povučenost/depresija (p =-0,242).The aim of this paper is to determine the relationship between the ability to recognize emotions and internalized behavioral problems in people with mild intellectual disabilities. The sample consisted of 70 persons with mild intellectual disability, equalized by gender (Ļ‡Ā²=.000; df=1; p=1.000) and age (Ļ‡Ā²=1.429; df=1; p=.232). For the purpose of collecting data in this research, The Emotion Recognition Questionnaire (Davies, 2013) was applied as well as three subscales of the Ahenbach Assessment System (Achenbach System of Empiricaly Based Assessment ā€“ ASEBA, Teacher Report Form; Achenbach, Newhouse, & Rescorla, 2001). The relationship between the ability to recognize emotions and internalized behavioral problems was investigated using Pearsonā€™s linear correlation. The results obtained show that statistically significant and negative correlations appear between the emotion of fear and the Withdrawn/depressed subscale (p=-.259), Somatic complaint subscale (p=-.305), and the total score for internalized behavioral problems (p=- .264). Significant and negative correlations were also found between the emotion of anger and the Withdrawn/ depressed subscale (p=- .242)

    Delayed rupture of the descending thoracic aorta caused by penetrating intrathoracic injury from multiple rib fractures

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    Namen: PoŔkodbe prsnega koŔa se pojavljajo pri 10-15 % vseh poŔkodb. Tope poŔkodbe prsnega koŔa, ki jih spremljajo serijski zlomi reber, so obremenjene z visoko obolevnostjo in umrljivostjo. Nestabilne zlome prsnega koŔa lahko zdravimo konservativno z ustrezno analgezijo, asistirano ventilacijo in čiŔčenjem bronhialnih izločkov. Toda takŔno zdravljenje ne preprečuje poŔkodb, ki se lahko pojavijo zaradi zlomljenih reber, ki Ŕtrlijo v prsno votlino. Štrleče konice reber na levi strani prsnega koŔa lahko poŔkodujejo torakalno aorto. Take poŔkodbe so značilne za paravertebralne serijske zlome reber, za katere zaenkrat ne obstaja varen in sploŔno sprejet način osteosinteze. Poročilo o primeru: Prikazan je primer 68-letnega moŔkega z obojestranskim serijskim zlomom reber in nestabilnim prsnim koŔem. PoŔkodba je bila zdravljena z asistirano ventilacijo. Nekaj dni po poŔkodbi so zlomljena rebra v viŔini Ŕestega in sedmega rebra levo predrla descendentno aorto in moŔki je umrl med oživljanjem in prevozom v operacijsko dvorano zaradi hemoragičnega Ŕoka. Zaključek: Paravetebralni serijski zlomi reber na levi strani prsnega koŔa lahko povzročijo penetrantno poŔkodbo torakalne aorte. Za take poŔkodbe zaenkrat ne obstaja varen in sploŔno sprejet način osteosinteze.Purpose: Thoracic trauma comprises 10-15% of all traumas. Blunt chest trauma is a major cause of morbidity and mortality, especially in the presence of flail chest. Chest-wall instability may be treated conservatively with analgesia, assisted ventilation and clearing of bronchial secretions. However,such treatment does not prevent additional injuries from broken ribs. It was thought that penetrating intrathoracic aortic injury after rib fractures was rare, but with emerging new cases the question of surgical stabilization of flail chest is reopened. Case report: We describe a patient with flail chest injury on both sides who incurred a significant rib penetrating injury to the aorta days after the initial trauma. The thoracic surgeon did not decide on surgical fixation of the chest wall. Because of the flail chest, he remained intubated and mechanically ventilated. The patient was admitted to the ICU (Intensive Care Unit). The patient died after failed cardiac resuscitation during transportation to the operating room. Conclusion: Although surgical fixation of flail chest segments can have potential advantages, there is no commonly accepted and safe procedure for fracture fixation of posterior rib fractures. A specific rib plate for posterior rib fractures that takes into account the structural properties and fixation constraints of ribs to reduce the prevalence of complications has yet to be constructed