The relationship between the ability to recognize emotions and internalized behavioral problems in people with mild intellectual disabilities


Cilj ovog rada je utvrditi odnos između sposobnosti prepoznavanja emocija i internalizovanih problema u ponašanju kod osoba sa lakom intelektualnom ometenošću. Uzorak je činilo 70 osoba sa lakom intelektualnom ometenošću, ujednačenih prema polu (χ²=0,000; df=1; p=1,000) i uzrastu (χ²=1,429; df=1; p=0,232). Za po- trebe prikupljanja podataka u ovom istraživanju primenjeni su Upitnik za prepoznavanje emocija (The Emotional Recognition Questionnaire, Davies, 2013) i tri supskale Ahenbahovog sistema procene (Achenbach System of Empiricaly Based Assessment – ASEBA, Teacher Report Form; Achenbach, Newhouse & Rescorla, 2001). Veza između sposobnosti prepoznavanja emocija i internalizovanih problema u ponašanju istražena je pomoću Pirsonove linearne korelacije. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da se statistički značajne i negativne korelacije pojavljuju između emocije straha i supskale Povučenost/depresija (p=-0,259), supskale Somatizacija (p=-0,305), kao i ukupnog skora za internalizovane pro- bleme u ponašanju (p=-0,264). Takođe, značajne i negativne korelacije dobijene su i između emocije ljutnje i supskale Povučenost/depresija (p =-0,242).The aim of this paper is to determine the relationship between the ability to recognize emotions and internalized behavioral problems in people with mild intellectual disabilities. The sample consisted of 70 persons with mild intellectual disability, equalized by gender (χ²=.000; df=1; p=1.000) and age (χ²=1.429; df=1; p=.232). For the purpose of collecting data in this research, The Emotion Recognition Questionnaire (Davies, 2013) was applied as well as three subscales of the Ahenbach Assessment System (Achenbach System of Empiricaly Based Assessment – ASEBA, Teacher Report Form; Achenbach, Newhouse, & Rescorla, 2001). The relationship between the ability to recognize emotions and internalized behavioral problems was investigated using Pearson’s linear correlation. The results obtained show that statistically significant and negative correlations appear between the emotion of fear and the Withdrawn/depressed subscale (p=-.259), Somatic complaint subscale (p=-.305), and the total score for internalized behavioral problems (p=- .264). Significant and negative correlations were also found between the emotion of anger and the Withdrawn/ depressed subscale (p=- .242)

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