36 research outputs found


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    Javni dug predstavlja državni dug koji može biti prema stranim i domaćim vjerovnicima. Kroz ovaj rad, obrađena su tri pogleda na javni dug. Prvi dio bavi se trenutnim stanjem javnog duga Republike Hrvatske te prikazuje njegovo kretanje kroz povijest, odnosno kako je on naslijeđen od bivÅ”e države i kako se naknadno kretao. Isto tako, u prvom dijelu se analizira struktura javnog duga Republike Hrvatske i trenutni kreditni rejting. Drugi dio rada posvećen je problemima koji javni dug nosi sa sobom. U tom dijelu, naglasak je stavljen na održivost javnog duga te na strategiju upravljanja javnim dugom koju Republika Hrvatska redovito ažurira. Kao svojevrsni dodatak tom poglavlju dodan je i pregled zaduživanja u 2018. godini jer se iz njih može iŔčitati suÅ”tina same problematike. U posljednji dio rada posvećen je perspektivama koje proizlaze iz javnog duga. Spominjući pomjere uspjeÅ”nih i razvijenih zemalja, može se zaključiti da sama visina javnog duga nije odraz stanja gospodarstva i uspjeÅ”nosti. Fokus se stavlja na trenutnu mogućnost povoljnog zaduživanja kao i na razloge potencijalnih zaduživanja, bilo da se radi o novim ulaganjima ili povoljnijim sanacijama starih dugovanja.Public debt is a national debt that may be owed to foreign and domestic creditors. Throughout this paper, three views on public debt have been addressed. The first part of this paper deals with the current situation of public debt in the Republic of Croatia and shows its movement through history, that is, how it was inherited from the former state and how it subsequently moved. Also, the first part analyzes the structure of the public debt of the Republic of Croatia and the current credit rating. The second part of this paper deals with the problems that public debt carries with it. In this part, emphasis is placed on the sustainability of public debt and on the public debt management strategy, which is regularly updated by the Republic of Croatia. As an addition to this chapter, a review of borrowing in 2018 has been added as they can be read from the substance of the issue itself. The last part of the paper deals with perspectives arising from public debt. By mentioning the examples of successful and developed countries, it can be concluded that the amount of public debt itself is not a reflection of the state of the economy and its performance. The focus is on the immediate possibility of favorable borrowing as well as the reasons for potential borrowing, whether it be new investments or more favorable remediation of old debts


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    Javni dug predstavlja državni dug koji može biti prema stranim i domaćim vjerovnicima. Kroz ovaj rad, obrađena su tri pogleda na javni dug. Prvi dio bavi se trenutnim stanjem javnog duga Republike Hrvatske te prikazuje njegovo kretanje kroz povijest, odnosno kako je on naslijeđen od bivÅ”e države i kako se naknadno kretao. Isto tako, u prvom dijelu se analizira struktura javnog duga Republike Hrvatske i trenutni kreditni rejting. Drugi dio rada posvećen je problemima koji javni dug nosi sa sobom. U tom dijelu, naglasak je stavljen na održivost javnog duga te na strategiju upravljanja javnim dugom koju Republika Hrvatska redovito ažurira. Kao svojevrsni dodatak tom poglavlju dodan je i pregled zaduživanja u 2018. godini jer se iz njih može iŔčitati suÅ”tina same problematike. U posljednji dio rada posvećen je perspektivama koje proizlaze iz javnog duga. Spominjući pomjere uspjeÅ”nih i razvijenih zemalja, može se zaključiti da sama visina javnog duga nije odraz stanja gospodarstva i uspjeÅ”nosti. Fokus se stavlja na trenutnu mogućnost povoljnog zaduživanja kao i na razloge potencijalnih zaduživanja, bilo da se radi o novim ulaganjima ili povoljnijim sanacijama starih dugovanja.Public debt is a national debt that may be owed to foreign and domestic creditors. Throughout this paper, three views on public debt have been addressed. The first part of this paper deals with the current situation of public debt in the Republic of Croatia and shows its movement through history, that is, how it was inherited from the former state and how it subsequently moved. Also, the first part analyzes the structure of the public debt of the Republic of Croatia and the current credit rating. The second part of this paper deals with the problems that public debt carries with it. In this part, emphasis is placed on the sustainability of public debt and on the public debt management strategy, which is regularly updated by the Republic of Croatia. As an addition to this chapter, a review of borrowing in 2018 has been added as they can be read from the substance of the issue itself. The last part of the paper deals with perspectives arising from public debt. By mentioning the examples of successful and developed countries, it can be concluded that the amount of public debt itself is not a reflection of the state of the economy and its performance. The focus is on the immediate possibility of favorable borrowing as well as the reasons for potential borrowing, whether it be new investments or more favorable remediation of old debts

    Polytrauma patient ā€“ damage control and treatment

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    Politrauma je životno ugrožavajuće stanje u čije zbrinjavanje su uključeni liječnici viÅ”e specijalnosti. U ovom članku prikazan je 56-godiÅ”nji politraumatizirani bolesnik doveden na Hitni kirurÅ”ki prijem Kliničkog bolničkog centra Split (KBC Split) od strane tima Hitne medicinske pomoći nakon ozljeda zadobivenih padom s bicikla. U njegovo liječenje bili su uključeni anestezioloÅ”ki i kirurÅ”ki tim, specijalist radiologije, transfuziologije te specijalisti subspecijalisti intenzivnog liječenja te ostalo medicinsko osoblje. Nakon akutnog zbrinjavanja, daljnje liječenje bolesnika odvijalo se u Jedinici intenzivnog liječenja Klinike za anesteziologiju, reanimatologiju i intenzivno liječenje KBC-a Split.Polytrauma is a life-threatening condition that requires a multidisciplinary approach. This casereport presents a 56-year-old patient who was transported to the Emergency department of the Split University Hospital by the Emergency medical service after sustaining injuries in a fall from a bicycle. Anesthesiologists, surgeons, radiologists, transfusion physicians, anesthesiologists, intensivists, and other medical personnel were involved in the treatment of this patient. After damage control, further treatment was provided in the intensive care unit of the Department of Anesthesiology, Resuscitation and Intensive Care at Split University Hospital

    Zmiana ekspresji mRNA dla CTLA-4, CD28, VDR i CD45 w limfocytach T u osĆ³b z chorobą Hashimoto ā€” badanie pilotowe

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    Introduction: CD28/T-cell receptor (TCR)/cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen 4 (CTLA4) complex controls T-cell tolerance and autoimmunity in Hashimotoā€™s thyroiditis (HT). In addition, CD45 protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTPase) and vitamin D receptor (VDR) cooperatively interact with the TCR complex to affect autoimmune processes central to the pathogenesis of HT. Nevertheless, their role in HT aetiology has been less well established. In this study, we aimed to explore mRNA expression levels of CTLA4, CD28, CD45, and VDR in T-cells, across different outcomes of HT. Material and methods: The study included 45 HT patients and 13 euthyroid, healthy controls. T-lymphocytes were isolated from peripheral blood mononuclear cells, total mRNA was extracted from T-cells, and gene expression was studied by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and ImageQuant method relative to glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase RT-PCR products. Results: Nominally higher expression levels of VDR, CTLA4, CD28, and CD45RAB mRNA were found in unsorted T-lymphocytes of healthy controls when compared to the HT patients. No difference was observed between hypothyroid/untreated, spontaneously euthyroid and LT4-treated HT patients. VDR mRNA expression was linked to both T3 levels and CTLA4 gene expression, whilst CD45RB mRNA expression coincided with CTLA4 and CD28 transcript levels. Conversely, older age and lower T3 levels were associated with increased abundance of CD45R0 isoform in HT patients. Conclusions: The results suggest a cross talk between endocrine and immune functions in HT pathology: an altered peripheral T cell mRNA profile with reduced VDR, CTLA4, CD28, and CD45RAB transcript levels is accompanied by age-related shift from naive to memory/late-differentiated T cell CD45R mRNA signature and associated with thyroid hormone status in the HT patients.Wstęp: Kompleks antygenu CD28/receptora limfocytĆ³w T (TCR)/antygenu 4 związan ego z limfocytem T cytotoksycznym (CTLA4) reguluje tolerancję limfocytĆ³w T oraz autoimmunogenność w chorobie Hashimoto (HT). Ponadto białkowa fosfataza tyrozynowa (PTPase) CD45 oraz receptor witaminy D (VDR) wchodzą w interakcję z kompleksem TCR, modyfikując procesy autoimmunologiczne mające podstawowe znaczenie w patogenezie HT. Jednak rola tych cząsteczek w etiologii HT nie została dokładnie ustalona. Celem autorĆ³w badania była ocean poziomĆ³w ekspresji mRNA dla CTLA4, CD28, CD45 i VDR w limfocytach T w zależności od rĆ³Å¼nego statusu HT. Materiał i metody: Do badania włączono 45 chorych na HT i 13 zdrowych osĆ³b z prawidłową czynnością tarczycy. Limfocyty T wyizolowano spośrĆ³d komĆ³rek jędnojądrzastych krwi obwodowej, wyekstrahowano z nich całkowity mRNA i określono ekspresję genĆ³w za pomocą łańcuchowej reakcji polimerazowej z odwrotną transkryptazą (RT-PCR) i metody ImageQuant związanej produktami reakcji RT-PCR dehydrogenazy aldehydu 3-fosfoglicerynowego. Wyniki: U osĆ³b zdrowych stwierdzono nominalnie wyższy poziom ekspresji mRNA dla VDR, CTLA4, CD28 i CD45RAB w niesortowanych limfocytach T niż u chorych na HT. Nie zaobserwowano żadnych rĆ³Å¼nic między chorymi na HT z niedoczynnością tarczycy/nieleczonymi, u ktĆ³rych samoistnie nastąpiło przywrĆ³cenie eutyreozy, i stosującymi leczenie LT4. Ekspresja VDR mRNA była powiązana zarĆ³wno ze stężeniem T3, jak i ekspresją genu CTLA4, natomiast ekspresja mRNA dla CD45RB wiązała się z poziomami transkryptu CTLA4 i CD28. Z kolei starszy wiek i niższe stężenia T3 wiązały się ze zwiększoną ilością izoformy CD45R0 u chorych na HT. Wnioski: Uzyskane wyniki sugerują interferencje między czynnością wewnątrzwydzielniczą i immunologiczną w patologii HT: zmiana profilu mRNA obwodowych limfocytĆ³w T z ograniczeniem poziomu transkryptu białek VDR, CTLA4, CD28 i CD45RAB wspĆ³Å‚istnieje z zależnym od wieku przesunięciem sygnatury mRNA limfocytĆ³w CD45R od komĆ³rek naiwnych do komĆ³rek pamięci immunologicznej/ zrĆ³Å¼nicowanych i jest powiązana ze stężeniami hormonĆ³w tarczycy u chorych na HT

    Synthesis and characterization of multilayered BaTiO3/NiFe2O4 thin films

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    Presented research was focused on the fabrication of multiferroic thin film structures, composed of ferrielectric barium titanate perovskite phase and magnetostrictive nickel ferrite spinel phase. The applicability of different, solution based, deposition techniques (film growth from solution, dip coating and spin coating) for thefabrication of multilayered BaTiO3 /NiFe2O4 thin films was investigated. It was shown that only spin coating produces films of desired nanostructure, thickness and smooth and crackfree surfaces

    Spontaneous pneumomediastinum and pneumopericardium in a young female: a case report

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    Spontaneous pneumomediastinum (SPM) is a rare condition in young adults, usually affecting young healthy males with underlying pulmonary disease, which can be extremely rarely complicated with pneumopericardium (SPP)


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    U ovom radu analizirane su se zaÅ”tite na dokumentima i vrijednosnim papirima. Radile su se usporedbe raznih novčanica i osobnih dokunemata u vizualnom i ultraljubičastom dijelu spektralnog područja. Barijerno skaniranje provedeno je na uređaju za digitalnu forenziku Projectina Docucentar 4500, na Tehničkom veleučiliÅ”tu u Zagrebu. Ovaj sofisticirani instrument omogućuje razdvajanje svjetlosnog spektra u specifičnim rasponima, Å”to ga razlikuje od komercijalno dostupnih uređaja za utvrđivanje autentičnosti dokumenata i novčanica. Rezultati istraživanja koristit će dizajnerima prigodom kreiranja kompleksnih zadatka kao Å”to su dizajn sigurnosne grafike. Ovakva forenzička analitička metoda skaniranja vrijednosnih papira u ultravioletnom i vizualnom spektru, kao sastavni dio analize u postupku dizajna, predstavlja precizan i kvalitetan temelj svakom dizajneru u njegovom kreativnom procesu dizajniranja. Primjeri iz analize pokazuju važnost provjere dokumenata i vrijednosnica izvan područja vidljivog ljudskom oku za rad dizajnera.This paper analyzes the protection of the documents and securities. Comparisons of various banknotes and personal dokuments were done in visual and ultraviolet part of the spectrum. Barrier scanning was performed at Polytechnicn of Zagreb on its digital forensics device called Projectina Docucentar 4500. This sophisticated instrument allows the separation of the light spectrum in specific ranges, thus making it different from commercially available devices for authentication of documents and notes. The research results will be used by designers during creation of complex tasks such as design of scurity graphics. Such forensic analytical method of scanning documents and banknotes in the ultraviolet and visual spectrum, as an integral part of the analysis phase in the process of design, is accurate and useful foundation for every designerā€™s creative process of design. Examples of the analysis show the importance of checking documents and securities outside the area visible to the human eye

    Contemporary trends in the surgical management of aortic valve disease

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    Introduction: Aortic valve pathology carries a high mortality burden. Its incidence is growing in proportion to the continuous ageing of the population. Surgery remains the gold standard in the treat- ment of severe aortic valve disease. Methods: We performed a retrospective analysis of the University Hospital Center Zagrebā€™s cardiac sur- gical database from 2009 to 2020, focusing on surgical aortic valve replacement (SAVR). We dichoto- mized patients with respect to the date of their surgical procedures into two eras. Group 1 included patients operated from 2009-2014, whereas Group 2 included patients operated on from 2015-2020. Results: A total of 1012 SAVRs were identified during the study period. The procedural volume over the two identical 6-year time periods increased in the latter era from 413 to 598. When comparing groups 1 and 2, we have observed in increase in the number of patients with diabetes (19% vs. 26%, P=0.015) and coronary artery disease (14% vs. 18%, P=0.099). The composite risk assessment score increased significantly from 3.0Ā±2.4 to 3.2Ā±2.7, P=0.023. Despite an increase in the comorbidity burden of the targeted patient population, the periprocedural mortality remained the same (2.1% vs 2.5%, P=0.835). The per-patient averaged volume of transfused packed red blood cells decreased from 839Ā±954 to 614Ā±821 ml, P<0.001. An increase in the proportion of tissue valve implantations in com- parison to mechanical prostheses was also noted in the present era (58% vs 68%, P=0.001) Conclusion: Despite an increasingly more complex patient population referred for SAVR in the con- temporary era, the results have remained excellent. The introduction of transcatheter methods should measure up to the surgical standard


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    Uvod: Aritmogena kardiomiopatija desne klijetke (engl. Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy ā€“ ARVC) nasljedna je kardiomiopatija karakterizirana pretvorbom miocita u masno i vezivno tkivo, pretežno desne, no Ā­nerijetko i lijeve klijetke. Važan je uzrok iznenadne smrti djece i adolescenata. Temeljita obiteljska anamneza i suvremeni dijagnostički i terapijski pristup preduvjeti su za sprečavanje sindroma iznenadne smrti. ČeŔće se dijagnoza postavlja u odraslih nego u djece. Prikaz bolesnika: Prikazujemo obitelj u kojoj je u četvero članova postavljena dijagnoza ARVC-a već u dječjoj/adolescentnoj dobi. Prosječna dob pojave simptoma kod tih bolesnika bila je 12 godina (10 ā€“ 14). Ističe se važnost obiteljskog stabla i opisuju se suvremene metode dijagnosticiranja i terapijskog pristupa, radi prevencije iznenadne smrti. Zaključujemo da je obiteljska anamneza temelj za rano postavljanje dijagnoze ARVC-a. Nazire se potreba revizije postojećih dijagnostičkih kriterija ARVC-a za pedijatrijsku populaciju. Valjalo bi uzeti u obzir progresivno povećanje Ā­udjela veziva u odnosu prema miocitima u ovisnosti o dobi i stadiju bolesti. S obzirom na neprimjenjivost kriterija smetnja repolarizacije kod djece mlađe od 14 godina, treba razmotriti smanjenje broja kriterija potrebnih za postavljanje dijagnoze u toj dobnoj skupini. Implantabilni elektrokardioverter defibrilator (ICD) i radiofrekventna ablacija u kombinaciji kratkoročno osiguravaju odličnu kvalitetu života kod naÅ”eg bolesnika s teÅ”kim oblikom ARVC-a, dok su dugoročni rezultati s obzirom na progresivni tijek bolesti neizvjesni.Introduction: Arrhytmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) is an inherited cardiomyopathy characterized by fibrofatty replacement, dominantly in the right, but often also in the left ventricle. It is a significant cause of sudden death in children and adolescents. A thorough family history and contemporary diagnostic and treatment approach are prerequisites for the prevention of the sudden death syndrome. The diagnosis is more often established in adults than in children. Patients: We present a family with four members affected and diagnosed with ARVC already in childhood/adolescence. The average age of symptom presentation was 12 years (10ā€“14 years). The importance of family tree isemphasized and contemporary diagnostic and treatment methods, with the aim of sudden death prevention, are described. Conclusions: Family history is essential for the early ARVC diagnosis. There is a need for revision of current diagnostic criteria in pediatric population. In the future progression of fibrous tissue proportion in relation to age and the stage of the disease should be taken in account. Furthermore, the repolarisation abnormality is inappropriate as a criterion in children less than 14 years old, so in that age group less of present diagnostic criteria can be applied. A combination of modern implantable cardioverter defibrillator and radiofrequency ablation assures an excellent life quality in our patients. However, the longterm prognosis for our patients, because of a progressive course of the disease, remains uncertain