1,026 research outputs found

    Optimal Rate of Direct Estimators in Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations Linear in Functions of the Parameters

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    Many processes in biology, chemistry, physics, medicine, and engineering are modeled by a system of differential equations. Such a system is usually characterized via unknown parameters and estimating their 'true' value is thus required. In this paper we focus on the quite common systems for which the derivatives of the states may be written as sums of products of a function of the states and a function of the parameters. For such a system linear in functions of the unknown parameters we present a necessary and sufficient condition for identifiability of the parameters. We develop an estimation approach that bypasses the heavy computational burden of numerical integration and avoids the estimation of system states derivatives, drawbacks from which many classic estimation methods suffer. We also suggest an experimental design for which smoothing can be circumvented. The optimal rate of the proposed estimators, i.e., their n\sqrt n-consistency, is proved and simulation results illustrate their excellent finite sample performance and compare it to other estimation approaches

    Quantum criticality and first-order transitions in the extended periodic Anderson model

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    We investigate the behavior of the periodic Anderson model in the presence of dd-ff Coulomb interaction (UdfU_{df}) using mean-field theory, variational calculation, and exact diagonalization of finite chains. The variational approach based on the Gutzwiller trial wave function gives a critical value of UdfU_{df} and two quantum critical points (QCPs), where the valence susceptibility diverges. We derive the critical exponent for the valence susceptibility and investigate how the position of the QCP depends on the other parameters of the Hamiltonian. For larger values of UdfU_{df}, the Kondo regime is bounded by two first-order transitions. These first-order transitions merge into a triple point at a certain value of UdfU_{df}. For even larger UdfU_{df} valence skipping occurs. Although the other methods do not give a critical point, they support this scenario.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Hubbard physics in the symmetric half-filled periodic Anderson-Hubbard model

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    Two very different methods -- exact diagonalization on finite chains and a variational method -- are used to study the possibility of a metal-insulator transition in the symmetric half-filled periodic Anderson-Hubbard model. With this aim we calculate the density of doubly occupied dd sites as a function of various parameters. In the absence of on-site Coulomb interaction (UfU_f) between ff electrons, the two methods yield similar results. The double occupancy of dd levels remains always finite just as in the one-dimensional Hubbard model. Exact diagonalization on finite chains gives the same result for finite UfU_f, while the Gutzwiller method leads to a Brinkman-Rice transition at a critical value (UdcU_d^c), which depends on UfU_f and VV.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Harmonic Labeling of Graphs

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    Which graphs admit an integer value harmonic function which is injective and surjective onto Z\Z? Such a function, which we call harmonic labeling, is constructed when the graph is the Z2\Z^2 square grid. It is shown that for any finite graph GG containing at least one edge, there is no harmonic labeling of G×Z G \times \Z

    Chance, long tails, and inference: a non-Gaussian, Bayesian theory of vocal learning in songbirds

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    Traditional theories of sensorimotor learning posit that animals use sensory error signals to find the optimal motor command in the face of Gaussian sensory and motor noise. However, most such theories cannot explain common behavioral observations, for example that smaller sensory errors are more readily corrected than larger errors and that large abrupt (but not gradually introduced) errors lead to weak learning. Here we propose a new theory of sensorimotor learning that explains these observations. The theory posits that the animal learns an entire probability distribution of motor commands rather than trying to arrive at a single optimal command, and that learning arises via Bayesian inference when new sensory information becomes available. We test this theory using data from a songbird, the Bengalese finch, that is adapting the pitch (fundamental frequency) of its song following perturbations of auditory feedback using miniature headphones. We observe the distribution of the sung pitches to have long, non-Gaussian tails, which, within our theory, explains the observed dynamics of learning. Further, the theory makes surprising predictions about the dynamics of the shape of the pitch distribution, which we confirm experimentally

    Taxing International Portfolio Income

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    Most analyses of the taxation of international income earned by U.S. corporations or individuals have addressed income from direct investments abroad. With the exception of routine bows to the international tax compromise and sporadic discussions of the practical difficulties residence countries face in collecting taxes on international portfolio income, the taxation of international portfolio income generally has been ignored in the tax literature. Analysis and reassessment of U.S. tax policy regarding international portfolio income is long overdue. The amount of international portfolio investment and its role in the world economy has grown exponentially in recent years. In most years since 1990, the total market value of U.S. persons\u27 foreign portfolio investments has exceeded the value of U.S. corporations\u27 foreign direct investments, and the total amount of U.S. taxpayers\u27 foreign portfolio income has exceeded their income from foreign direct investments. Cross-border portfolio investments are no longer a tiny tail on a large direct-investment dog. International portfolio investments now playa major role in the world economy, a role quite different from that played by foreign direct investments. We can no longer afford simply to assume, as we have in the past, that the way the United States taxes the latter is obviously appropriate to the former. Instead we must ask explicitly what tax policy for income from portfolio investments best serves our nation\u27s interest. That is the task we undertake here

    Periodic Anderson model with correlated conduction electrons: Variational and exact diagonalization study

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    We investigate an extended version of the periodic Anderson model (the so-called periodic Anderson-Hubbard model) with the aim to understand the role of interaction between conduction electrons in the formation of the heavy-fermion and mixed-valence states. Two methods are used: (i) variational calculation with the Gutzwiller wave function optimizing numerically the ground-state energy and (ii) exact diagonalization of the Hamiltonian for short chains. The f-level occupancy and the renormalization factor of the quasiparticles are calculated as a function of the energy of the f orbital for a wide range of the interaction parameters. The results obtained by the two methods are in reasonably good agreement for the periodic Anderson model. The agreement is maintained even when the interaction between band electrons, U d, is taken into account, except for the half-filled case. This discrepancy can be explained by the difference between the physics of the one- and higher-dimensional models. We find that this interaction shifts and widens the energy range of the bare f level, where heavy-fermion behavior can be observed. For large-enough U d this range may lie even above the bare conduction band. The Gutzwiller method indicates a robust transition from Kondo insulator to Mott insulator in the half-filled model, while U d enhances the quasiparticle mass when the filling is close to half filling. © 2012 American Physical Society

    Periodic anderson model with d-f interaction

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    We investigate an extended version of the periodic Anderson model where an interaction is switched on between the doubly occupied d- and f-sites. We perform variational calculations using the Gutzwiller trial wave function. We calculate the f-level occupancy as a function of the f-level energy with different interaction strengths. It is shown that the region of valence transition is sharpened due to the new interaction
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