1,328 research outputs found

    Does Number of Ports Affect Outcomes in Patients Undergoing Laparoscopic Pyloromyotomy? Retrospective Chart-Review Study

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    Background. Although open Ramstedt's pyloromyotomy is the gold standard for the surgical management of infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis, laparoscopic pyloromyotomy has been found highly successful. Various factors, however, can affect the outcomes of surgical interventions in these patients. We observed a relationship between the number of ports used and outcome in patients undergoing laparoscopic pyloromyotomies. Methods. We retrospectively assessed the medical records of selected group of patients who underwent laparoscopic pyloromyotomy in our institution. Factors analyzed included operation time, length of hospital stay, postoperative complications, and time to postoperative full feeding. Results. We observed failure of myotomy in both two patients who underwent laparoscopic pyloromyotomy using only two working ports compared to successful myotomies in the remaining patients. Conclusion. Laparoscopy provides good results in terms of intraoperative exposure and cosmesis. However, standardized surgical technique with two working ports is advisable, and this can trigger further research to be ascertained

    Do Conditional and Unconditional Conservatism Impact Earnings Quality and Stock Prices in Egypt?

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of conditional and unconditional conservatism on earnings' quality and stock prices in Egyptian context and provide further insights on the effects of earnings' quality on stock prices. This paper follows the asymmetric timeliness of earnings measure of Basu (1997) with further extension to measure the effect of conditional and unconditional on the quality of earnings and stock prices. This study employs cross sectional data analysis and multiple regression using data available for a sample of the largest 30 Egyptian listed firms during the period of 2005 to 2009. The results suggest that (i) conditional conservatism negatively affects both earnings quality and stock prices of Egyptian firms, and (ii) unconditional conservatism does not affect earnings quality but has a negative association with stock prices of Egyptian firms. The findings of this study would help Egyptian accounting standards setters to recommend accounting choices and policies that lead to high quality of earnings and provide financial reports that rationalize investors' decisions. This study is the first to test the impact of both conditional and unconditional conservatism on earnings' quality and stock prices in Egyptian setting. Keywords: Conservatism, conditional conservatism, unconditional conservatism, Earnings' quality, stock prices, Basu model, listed firms, Egyptian Stock Market, Egyp

    Safety assessment of street vended juices in Multan-Pakistan: A study on prevalence levels of trace elements

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    Safety assessment of street vended juices in Multan-Pakistan: A study on prevalence levels of trace elements

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    Street vended juices are most commonly available, accessible and economical nutritional food sources of poor slums in developing economies like Pakistan. Study was undertaken to elucidate impact of industrialization, agro chemicals induction in agronomic practices and food processing hygiene measurements on food chain heavy metals intoxication. If overlooked, certain quality risks associated either with fresh produce or processed commodity might initiate food intoxication.In order to understand gravity of the issue, street vended freshly drawn juices extracted from the food crops (orange, sugarcane, carrot and mango) cultivated in Southern Punjab peri-urban areas and country sides were evaluated for microelements and heavy metals load in summer and winter 2012. The safety study of juices depicted higher concentration of lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) breaching international safety limits implemented in the country. However some microelements (Fe, Zn, Mn) were found below the prescribed maximum tolerant limits. The study concluded prevalence of higher concentration of some toxic heavy metals as a serious breach of threshold levels potentially compromising consumer’s safety

    Safety Evaluation of Oil Samples Collected from Different Food Points of Multan City of Pakistan

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    Cooking oil has become a part and parcel of modern food system and therefore its safety is of prime significance for health agencies around the globe to ensure good health among the community. Current study was designed to investigate the physicochemical properties including free fatty acids, peroxide value and conjugated dienes; minerals (nickel & cobalt) and heavy metals (lead and cadmium) in oil samples collected from different areas of Multan city of Pakistan. The findings of this study revealed that free fatty acid percentages, conjugated dienes, cobalt and nickel concentrations were in normal ranges while the peroxide values, lead and cadmium concentrations were recorded above the norms. Strict regulatory measures need to be adopted to ensure good quality oil supply and to protect the people from health implications of physicochemical and metallic hazards prevailing in fried oils and fried foods

    A Fuzzy Logic Architecture for Rehabilitation Robotic Systems

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    Robots are highly incorporated in rehabilitation in the last decade to compensate lost functions in disabled individuals. By controlling the rehabilitation robots from far, many benefits are achieved. These benefits include but not restricted to minimum hospital stays, decreasing cost, and increasing the level of care. The main goal of this work is to have an effective solution to take care of patients from far. Tackling the problem of the remote control of rehabilitation robots is undergoing and highly challenging. In this paper, a remote wrist rehabilitation system is presented. The developed system is a sophisticated robot ensuring the two wrist movements (Flexion /extension and abduction/adduction). Additionally, the proposed system provides a software interface enabling the physiotherapists to control the rehabilitation process remotely. The patient’s safety during the therapy is achieved through the integration of a fuzzy controller in the system control architecture. The fuzzy controller is employed to control the robot action according to the pain felt by the patient. By using fuzzy logic approach, the system can adapt effectively according to the patients’ conditions. The Queue Telemetry Transport Protocol (MQTT) is considered to overcome the latency during the human robot interaction. Based on a Kinect camera, the control technique is made gestural. The physiotherapist gestures are detected and transmitted to the software interface to be processed and be sent to the robot. The acquired measurements are recorded in a database that can be used later to monitor patient progress during the treatment protocol. The obtained experimental results show the effectiveness of the developed remote rehabilitation system

    Relações entre parâmetros geofísicos e geotécnicos com foco em resultados específicos de uma área de risco de escorregamentos

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    The population growth and extension of a settlement on a risky area have increased the impact of natural disaster. Slope failures, landslides and subsidence of foundation have been identified as the most commonly occurring natural disaster if such sensitive areas are not well monitored. On the other hand, a detailed analysis of the triggering factors is often hindered by the lack of information gathered from the field measurements. A survey investigation was performed in a possible landslide risk area, using the geotechnical, geophysical and geological mapping approaches. The geotechnical investigations included coring in order to obtain the lithological sequence and for sampling purposes. And standard penetration test (SPT) in-situ field tests of soil strength. Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and seismic refraction tomography investigations were executed in order to determine the hydrogeological characteristics and delineate the regions of weak and hard subsurface materials. The 2D inversion results of resistivity technique suggested the presence of a two-layer structure model. Moreover, the 'break' in the unit was apparent, indicative of the presence of weak zones, fractured zone and cracks. As also demonstrated clearly by the seismic refraction data, the depth to bedrock (a sharp boundary interface approximately at a depth of 15 m) varies, and such variation is mainly attributed due to the thickness of the overlying backfill material. Additionally, we examined the possible correlation (if any) between geophysical parameters and geotechnical parameters to establish the quantitative estimates of a particular geotechnical parameter (e.g., soil strength) from geophysical surveys. From this study, a good relationship between electrical property (resistivity) and geotechnical property (soil strength) with the empirical equation RS= 31.733 (N60) -165.88 and regression coefficient R2=0.77 was observed. Based on the correlation between elastic property and weathering profile, we divided the subsurface materials into three zones: the first zone is classified as Residual soil with p-wave velocity (300 – 900 ms-1), the second zone is classified as highly weathered granite with p-wave velocity (900 – 1800 ms-1), and the third zone is classified as moderately weathered granite with p-wave velocity (1800 – 3000 ms-1). All geophysical and geotechnical data suggest that a fairly weak/uncompact backfill materials underlying the bedrock are likely to provide a planar surface where the landslide mass would move/be triggered.El crecimiento de la población y la extensión de un asentamiento en un área de riesgo han aumentado el impacto de un desastre natural. Las fallas en la pendiente, los deslizamientos de tierra y el hundimiento de la fundación se han identificado como el desastre natural más frecuente si dichas áreas sensibles no están bien monitoreadas. Por otro lado, un análisis detallado de los factores desencadenantes a menudo se ve obstaculizado por la falta de información obtenida de las mediciones de campo. Se realizó una investigación en un área de riesgo de deslizamiento posible, utilizando los enfoques de mapeo geotécnico, geofísico y geológico. Las investigaciones geotécnicas incluyeron la extracción de muestras para obtener la secuencia litológica y para fines de muestreo. Tambien pruebas de penetración estándar (SPT), pruebas de campo in situ de la resistencia del suelo. La tomografía de resistividad eléctrica (ERT) y la tomografía de refracción sísmica se realizaron para determinar las características hidrogeológicas y delinear las regiones de materiales subsuperficiales débiles y duros. Los resultados de inversión 2D de la técnica de resistividad sugirieron la presencia de un modelo de estructura de dos capas. Además, la "rotura" en la unidad era aparente, indicativa de la presencia de zonas débiles, zona fracturada y grietas. Como también se demuestra claramente por los datos de refracción sísmica, la profundidad al lecho de roca (una interfaz de borde afilada aproximadamente a una profundidad de 15 m) varía, y dicha variación se atribuye principalmente debido al grosor del material de relleno suprayacente. Además, examinamos la posible correlación (si existe) entre los parámetros geofísicos y los parámetros geotécnicos para establecer las estimaciones cuantitativas de un parámetro geotécnico particular (por ejemplo, la resistencia del suelo) a partir de estudios geofísicos. En este estudio, se observó una buena relación entre la propiedad eléctrica (resistividad) y la propiedad geotécnica (resistencia del suelo) con la ecuación empírica RS = 31.733 (N60) -165.88 y el coeficiente de regresión R2 = 0.77. En función de la correlación entre la propiedad elástica y el perfil de intemperie, dividimos los materiales del subsuelo en tres zonas: la primera zona se clasifica como suelo residual con velocidad de onda p (300 - 900 ms-1), la segunda zona se clasifica como altamente meteorizada el granito con velocidad de onda p (900 - 1800 ms-1), y la tercera zona se clasifica como granito moderadamente degradado con velocidad de onda p (1800 - 3000 ms-1). Todos los datos geofísicos y geotécnicos sugieren que un material de relleno bastante débil / no compacto que subyace en el lecho de roca es probable que proporcione una superficie plana donde la masa de deslizamiento de tierra se movería o se activaría.O crescimento da população e a extensão de um assentamento em uma área de risco aumentaram o impacto de um desastre natural. Falhas na encosta, desmoronamentos e subsidência da fundação foram identificados como o desastre natural mais freqüente se essas áreas sensíveis não forem bem monitoradas. Por outro lado, uma análise detalhada dos gatilhos é muitas vezes dificultada pela falta de informações obtidas a partir das medições de campo. Foi realizada uma investigação em uma área de risco de escorregamento, utilizando as abordagens de mapeamento geotécnico, geofísico e geológico. As investigações geotécnicas incluíram a extração de amostras para obter a seqüência litológica e para fins de amostragem. Também testes de penetração padrão (SPT), testes de campo in situ de resistência do solo. Tomografia por resistividade elétrica (TRE) e tomografia de refração sísmica foram realizadas para determinar as características hidrogeológicas e delinear as regiões de materiais subsuperfície fracos e duros. Os resultados da inversão 2D da técnica de resistividade sugeriram a presença de um modelo de estrutura de duas camadas. Além disso, a "quebra" na unidade era aparente, indicando a presença de áreas fracas, área fraturada e rachaduras. Como também é claramente demonstrado por dados de refração sísmica, a profundidade do leito de rocha (uma interface de borda afiada a aproximadamente uma profundidade de 15 m) varia, e essa variação é atribuída principalmente devido à espessura do material de preenchimento sobreposto. Além disso, examinou-se a correlação possível (se algum) entre os parâmetros geofísicos e geotécnica parâmetros para estabelecer estimativas quantitativas de um determinado parâmetro geotécnica (por exemplo, a resistência do solo) a partir de levantamentos geofísicos. Neste estudo, foi observada uma boa relação entre a propriedade eléctrica (resistividade) e propriedade geotécnica (resistência do solo) com as equações empíricas RS = 31,733 (N60) e -165,88 coeficiente R2 = 0,77 regressão. Dependendo da relação entre a propriedade elástica e os elementos de perfil, que divide os materiais do subsolo em três zonas: primeira zona é classificada como solo residual com velocidade de onda de cisalhamento p (300-900 ms-1), a segunda zona classificada como granito altamente resistido com velocidade de onda P (900 - 1.800 ms-1), e a terceira área é classificada como moderadamente degradada velocidade da onda de granito p (1800-3000 ms-1). Todos os dados geofísicos e geotécnicos sugerem que um material de preenchimento bastante fraco / não compacto subjacente ao leito rochoso provavelmente fornecerá uma superfície plana onde a massa de escorregamento se moveria ou se ativaria

    Use of hydrophilic and hydrophobic polymers for the development of controlled release tizanidine matrix tablets

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    The aim of the present study was to develop tizanidine controlled release matrix. Formulations were designed using central composite method with the help of design expert version 7.0 software. Avicel pH 101 in the range of 14-50% was used as a filler, while HPMC K4M and K100M in the range of 25-55%, Ethylcellulose 10 ST and 10FP in the range of 15 - 45% and Kollidon SR in the range of 25-60% were used as controlled release agents in designing different formulations. Various physical parameters including powder flow for blends and weight variation, thickness, hardness, friability, disintegration time and in-vitro release were tested for tablets. Assay of tablets were also performed as specified in USP 35 NF 32. Physical parameters of both powder blend and compressed tablets such as compressibility index, angle of repose, weight variation, thickness, hardness, friability, disintegration time and assay were evaluated and found to be satisfactory for formulations K4M2, K4M3, K4M9, K100M2, K100M3, K100M9, E10FP2, E10FP9, KSR2, KSR3 & KSR9. In vitro dissolution study was conducted in 900 ml of 0.1N HCl, phosphate buffer pH 4.5 and 6.8 medium using USP Apparatus II. In vitro release profiles indicated that formulations prepared with Ethocel 10 standard were unable to control the release of drug while formulations K4M2, K100M9, E10FP2 & KSR2 having polymer content ranging from 40-55% showed a controlled drug release pattern in the above mentioned medium. Zero-order drug release kinetics was observed for formulations K4M2, K100M9, E10FP2 & KSR2. Similarity test (f 2) results for K4M2, E10FP2 & KSR2 were found to be comparable with reference formulation K100M9. Response Surface plots were also prepared for evaluating the effect of independent variable on the responses. Stability study was performed as per ICH guidelines and the calculated shelf life was 24-30 months for formulation K4M2, K100M9 and E10FP2.O objetivo do presente estudo foi desenvolver matriz de de tizanidina de liberação controlada. As formulações foram projetadas usando o método do componente, central com a ajuda de software Design expert(r), versão 7.0. Utilizou-se Avicel pH 101, no intervalo de 14-50%, como material de preenchimento, enquanto HPMC K4M e K100M, no intervalo de 25-55%, Etilcelulose 10 ST e 10FP, no intervalo de 15-45% e Kollidon SR, na faixa de 25-60% foram utilizados como agentes de liberação controlada, no planejamento de formulações diferentes. Vários parâmetros físicos, incluindo o fluxo de pó para as misturas e variação de peso, espessura, dureza, friabilidade, tempo de desintegração e liberação in vitro, foram testados para comprimidos. Ensaios dos comprimidos foram, também, realizados, tal como especificado em USP 35 NF 32. Avaliaram-se os parâmetros físicos de ambos, mistura em pó e comprimidos, como índice de compressibilidade, ângulo de repouso, variação de peso, espessura, dureza, friabilidade, tempo de desintegração e de ensaio, considerando-os satisfatórios para as formulações K4M2, K4M3, K4M9, K100M2, K100M3, K100M9, E10FP2, E10FP9, KSR2, KSR3 e KSR9. O estudo de dissolução in vitro foi realizado em 900 mL de HCl 0,1 N, tampão de fosfato pH 4,5 e meio 6,8, usando aparelho USP II. Os perfis de liberação in vitro indicaram que as formulações preparadas com Ethocel 10 padrão não foram capazes de controlar a liberação do fármaco, enquanto as formulações K4M2, K100M9, E10FP2e KSR2, com teor de polímero variando entre 40 e 55% apresentaram padrão de liberação controlada de fármaco no meio anteriormente mencionado. Observou-se cinética de liberação de fármaco de ordem zero para as formulações K4M2 , K100M9, E10FP2 e KSR2. Resultados do teste de similaridade (f 2) para K4M2, E10FP2 e KSR2 foram comparáveis com a formulação de referência K100M9. Gráficos de superfície de resposta também avaliaram o efeito da variável independente sobre as respostas. Estudo de estabilidade foi realizado conforme as diretrizes do ICH e a vida de prateleira calculada foi de 24-30 meses para as formulações K4M2, K100M9 e E10FP2

    Laparoscopic Management of Intra-Abdominal Testis: 5-Year Single-Centre Experience—A Retrospective Descriptive Study

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    Background. Undescended testis is one of the most common urological problems in children, affecting about 1% of boys at age of 1 year. Of these, about 20% have a nonpalpable testis with a very high probability that the testis is absent. This may have a significant impact on the possibility of malignancy in these testes, as well as on the later fertility of these subjects. Methods. We retrospectively analyzed the demographic and clinical findings, as well as immediate and 6-month outcomes, in 91 patients diagnosed with impalpable undescended testes between January 2006 and December 2010. Results. Of the 91 patients, 9 had bilateral and 82 had unilateral impalpable testes. All 100 testes were managed laparoscopically. The largest group of intra-abdominal testes in this series, 42 testes, was entering the internal ring; in these, laparoscopic exploration and standard open orchiopexy resulted in a 66% success rate. The total success rate was 63.3%. Conclusion. Laparoscopy is extremely useful in both the diagnosis and treatment of impalpable testes. Objectively measured mobility of the testis towards the contralateral internal inguinal ring is an excellent intraoperative indicator for type of orchiopexy. Standardization of management may increase the success rate of orchiopexy