255 research outputs found

    Selective Transfer of Si Thin-Film Microchips by SiO₂ Terraces on Host Chips for Fluidic Self-Assembly

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    Fluidic self-assembly is a versatile on-chip integration method. In this scheme, a large number of semiconductor microchips are spontaneously deposited onto a host chip. The host chip typically comprises a Si substrate with an array of pockets at the designated microchip placement sites. In this study, we installed an SiO₂ layer on the terrace region between the pockets of the host chip, to reduce the attraction with the Si microchips. By the SiO₂-topped terrace scheme, we demonstrated a significant enhancement in the deposition selectivity of the Si microchips to the pocket sites, relative to the case of the conventional Si-only host chip. We theoretically explained the deposition selectivity enhancement in terms of the van der Waals interaction. Furthermore, our quantitative analysis implicated a potential applicability of the commonly used interlayer dielectrics, such as HfO₂, silsesquioxanes, and allyl ethers, directly as the terrace component

    An Integrated Model Approach: Exploring the Energy Literacy and Values of Lower Secondary Students in Japan

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    Energy literacy is a minimum required capacity for developing a sustainable society that participates in and discusses on energy and environmental (EE) issues. Understanding the energy literacy structure is of significant importance for providing effective energy education to promote people’s awareness of EE issues. In this article, an energy literacy structural model integrated with the Theory of Planned Behavior and Value-Belief-Norm Theory was investigated for 1070 lower secondary students (ages 13-15) in Japan. Structural equation modeling uncovered that the awareness of consequences is the most powerful predictor for the causality between basic energy knowledge and energy-saving behavior through the attitude toward the energy-saving behavior. A conditional process analysis elucidated that (1) the conditional effect of basic energy knowledge on the awareness of consequences depends on scientific literacy, critical thinking ability, and environmental worldview, and (2) the conditional direct and indirect effects in the mediation model of awareness of consequences on the attitude toward energy-saving behavior through the ascription of responsibility depend on environmental worldview or values and family discussion of energy-related issues. The energy literacy model proposed provides a theoretical contribution to the development of an effective energy education program


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    金沢大学理学部研究の対象にしている物質Nb_3Te_4は異方性の大きな超伝導体である.この物質にInとHgを挿入して超伝導,電荷密度波に及ぼす元素添加効果およびNb_3X_4(X=S,Se,Te)の超伝導転移に及ぼす圧力効果について研究を行ったものである.Nb_3X_4の結晶構造は元素を挿入しても格子定数はほとんど変わらないと云う特徴をもっている.したがって,母結晶のバンド構造を維持した状態で伝導電子数を増大することができる.このような特徴をもつA_xNb_3Te_4(A=In,Hg)について電気伝導・熱電能の測定を行なった.得られた成果の主なものを次の通りである.Hg_xNb_3Te_4:Hgは伝導電子の散乱核として機能していないこと,Nb_3Te_4の伝導帯は電子と正孔から成る複合伝導帯でありHgの添加量を増すにしたがって伝導に占める正孔の割合が大きくなることを明らかにした.また,超伝導転移温度はHg添加によって著しく増大することを見出した.In_xNb_3Te_4は41Kと110Kに抵抗異常を示すことは知られているが,新たな抵抗異常が76Kに現れることを初めて見出した.また,Inの濃度がx>0.3では約160Kに抵抗異常が現れること,その立ち上がり温度はInの濃度に依存しないことを見出した.熱電能も抵抗が異常を示す温度域で異常を示す.また,熱電能の大きさはIn添加によって大きく変わり,約x>0.2ではその符号は正になることを見出した.このことからも,Nb_3Te_4の伝導帯は電子と正孔から成る複合伝導帯であることは明らかである.Nb_3X_4の圧力効果:Nb_3Se_4の超伝導転移温度Tcを加えると減少すること,逆にNb_3Te_4のTcは大きくなることを見出した.このような圧力効果を明らかにするためにTcに関するMcMillanの式を用いて考察した.The electrical resistivity and the thermoelectric power of Nb_3Te_4 inserted with Hg and In have been measured in the temperature range from 1.4 to 300 K : Hg_xNb_3Te_4 and In A_xNb_3Te_4. The magnitude of the resistivity and the residual-resistivity ratio is not greatly affected by addition of Hg or In. The resistivity of Nb_3Te_4 shows two anomalies at 40 K and 110 K. These resistivity anomalies disappear by addition of Hg. On the contrary, both resistivity anomalies are enhanced when adding a small amount of In and a new resistivity anomaly appears at 160 K for x > 0.3. The anomalies in the thermoelectric power curve also appear at the range in temperature where the resistivity anomalies appear. The sign of the thermoelectric power changes from negative to positive with addition of In. The superconducting transition temperature is enhanced from 1.9 to 5.4 K by addition of Hg. These results are discussed on the basis of the multiband model with electronlike and holelike carriers.The pressure effect on the superconductivity and on the CDW formation in Nb_3X_4 with X=S, Se, and Te has been studied by a resistivity measurement. In both Nb_3X_4 and Nb_3Se_4, the superconducting-transition temperature TィイD2cィエD2 decreases with increasing pressure. Pressure-induced-lattice stiffening mainly causes the decrease of TィイD2cィエD2 in these compounds. The TィイD2cィエD2 of Nb_3Te_4 increases with pressure. The pressure enhancement of TィイD2cィエD2 is mainly due to the increase of N(0) by the recovery of the density of states N(0) associated with the depression of the CDW\u27s. The pressure effect on both CDW-transition temperatures is discussed in terms of both lattice stiffening and collapse of the nesting of the Fermi surfaces.研究課題/領域番号:09640426, 研究期間(年度):1997 – 1999出典:研究課題「一次元電気伝導体における超伝導とインターカレーション 」課題番号09640426(KAKEN:科学研究費助成事業データベース(国立情報学研究所)) (https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/ja/report/KAKENHI-PROJECT-09640426/096404261999kenkyu_seika_hokoku_gaiyo/)を加工して作


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    金沢大学理学部一次元性の強い超伝導体であるNb_3Te_4にHgを挿入したHg_XNb_3Te_4(x≦0.8)ついて電気抵抗,超伝導,熱電能,圧力効果などの測定を系統的に行い電子状態について研究を行った。得られた成果の主なものは次の通りである。1. Nb_3Te_4の熱電能のHg濃度依存症Nb_3Te_4の熱電能も抵抗と同様に約80Kと30Kに極大を示すが,濃度を増すにしたがい,80Kの極大は小さくなり,約x=0.3で消失すること,30Kの異常はx=0.8の濃度でも依然として残っていることを初めて見い出した。なお,x>0.3では転移温度近傍における熱電能の符号は負から正に変わる。このことは電流担体の主役はx0.3では正孔であることを示している。2. Hg_XNb_3Te_4の比熱(1) Nb_3Te_4については超伝導のに伴う比熱の増加は観測されないが,Hgを挿入したx=0.2, 0.4, 0.7の試料では抵抗から求めた超伝導の転移温度とほぼ同じ温度で,幅の広い比熱の増加が観測されることを初めて見い出した。このことは体積に占める超伝導の割合が増したことを示している。このように超伝導が少しでもbulk的になるのは,空洞が部分的にせよ埋められたために,c軸に垂直方向の結合が強められ,多様なジョセフン結合が可能になったことによるのであろう。(2)電子比熱係数γは濃度約x=0.3を境にして顕著な濃度依存性を示すことを初めて見い出した。即ち,x0.3では約γ=140(mJ/moIK^2)である。このような顕著な変化は電流担体の主役が電子から正孔へ変わったことに起因しているのであろう。The electrical resistivity, thermoelectric power, and specific heat of Nb_3Te_4 inserted with Hg : Hg_xNb_3Te_4 were measured from 0.5K to 300K.The superconductivity and superconducting upper critical field H_ were also measured. Hg insertion suppresses the charge density wave transition at about 80K The anomaly of the resistivity at about 30K is also suppressed by Hg insertion. However, the anomaly of the thermoelectric power at 30K is not greatly affected by Hg insertion. These results are discussed in terms of the modification of the shape of the Fermi surfaces. The residual resistivity ratio is not affected by Hg insertion. The thermoelectric power is negative indicating a dominant transport by electron at concentrations of x is proportional to the temperature difference from the transition temperature. The ratio H_/H_ of the parallel and the perpendicular to the c axis is 4.5 for concentrations of X0.3.For Nb_3Te_4, although it becomes superconducting at about 2K in the electrical-resistivity measurement, an excess of specific heat due to the superconducting transition was not found down to about 0.5K.However, the excess of specific heat appears by Hg insertion and increases with increasing concentration x. The coefficient of the electronic specific heat is enhanced from 18.7 (mJ/molK^2) for x=0 to 146 (mJ/molK^2) for x=0.4. This is due to a change in dominant transport from electrons to holes.研究課題/領域番号:07640466, 研究期間(年度):1995 – 1996出典:研究課題「一次元電気伝導体における超伝導の研究」課題番号07640466(KAKEN:科学研究費助成事業データベース(国立情報学研究所)) (https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/ja/report/KAKENHI-PROJECT-07640466/076404661996kenkyu_seika_hokoku_gaiyo/)を加工して作

    Insect-induced daidzein, formononetin and their conjugates in soybean leaves.

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    In response to attack by bacterial pathogens, soybean (Gylcine max) leaves accumulate isoflavone aglucones, isoflavone glucosides, and glyceollins. In contrast to pathogens, the dynamics of related insect-inducible metabolites in soybean leaves remain poorly understood. In this study, we analyzed the biochemical responses of soybean leaves to Spodoptera litura (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) herbivory and also S. litura gut contents, which contain oral secretion elicitors. Following S. litura herbivory, soybean leaves displayed an induced accumulation of the flavone and isoflavone aglycones 4',7-dihyroxyflavone, daidzein, and formononetin, and also the isoflavone glucoside daidzin. Interestingly, foliar application of S. litura oral secretions also elicited the accumulation of isoflavone aglycones (daidzein and formononetin), isoflavone 7-O-glucosides (daidzin, ononin), and isoflavone 7-O-(6'-O-malonyl-β-glucosides) (malonyldaidzin, malonylononin). Consistent with the up-regulation of the isoflavonoid biosynthetic pathway, folair phenylalanine levels also increased following oral secretion treatment. To establish that these metabolitic changes were the result of de novo biosynthesis, we demonstrated that labeled (13C9) phenylalanine was incorporated into the isoflavone aglucones. These results are consistent with the presence of soybean defense elicitors in S. litura oral secretions. We demonstrate that isoflavone aglycones and isoflavone conjugates are induced in soybean leaves, not only by pathogens as previously demonstrated, but also by foliar insect herbivory


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    ABSTRACT Solar hybrid fuel production from natural gas using concentrated solar thermal energy in Australia was studied, assuming that 54.6MW/(one unit of solar farm) of the concentrated solar thermal energy is used for the endothermic process of stream reforming (solar steam reforming; SSR) with total solar energy conversion efficiency of 45.5% (120MW of heliostat field; one unit of solar farm). With 23 units of the solar farm, natural gas of 2516t/d can be reformed by the SSR. To ship the product fuel to Japan by existing tankers, the syngas (CO + 3H 2 ) produced by the SSR is separated into one mole of H 2 (375t/d) and the mixed gas of one mole of CO and two moles of H 2 which is converted to one mole of methanol (6000t/d) to be shipped by existing tankers. The one mole of H 2 will be used in Australia as the H 2 fuel with 25% solar share (CO 2 reduction). To improve cost barrier between oil and the methanol produced by SSR, the CO 2 zero emission process of the combined process of SSR and AT (auto-thermal process) is proposed as the one whose methanol cost can be competitive with oil, when carbon tax is introduced. By shipping the methanol produced by the CO 2 zero emission process of the combined process of SSR-AT (economically feasible), we can reduce CO 2 emission by co-firing coal and methanol at coalfiring power stations in Japan. In this system, an excess H 2 fuel with solar energy is produced, and can be used in Australia. INTRODUCTION The endothermic reactions of methane steam reforming and coal gasification can absorb concentrated solar thermal energy. With this process, the fossil fuel of natural gas and coal can be up-graded to the syn-gases, which bear 20-25% of the solar energy (solar hybrid fuel). This means that we can produce 100% fuel energy using 20-25% of the solar energy, and that we can reduce the solar facility cost by four to five times to produce 100% fuel energy. Thus the solar hybrid fuel production system (solar steam reforming; SSR, solar coal gasification; SCG) is expected to be commercialized when operated at the sun-bel

    Bilateral verses bilateral with tri-segmental endoscopic drainage using metal stents for high-grade malignant hilar biliary obstructions: A multicenter, randomized controlled trial: BRAVE study (BRAVE study)

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    Introduction: Bilateral endoscopic drainage with self-expanding metallic stent (SEMS) can be used to manage hilar malignant biliary obstruction (HMBO) more effectively in comparison to unilateral drainage. An increased drainage area is predicted to prolong stent patency and patient survival. However, few reports have described the utility of trisegmental drainage and the benefits of using trisegmental drainage remain unknown. Thus, we launched a randomized clinical trial (RCT) to compare the clinical outcomes between bilateral and trisegmental drainage using SEMSs in patients with high-grade HMBO. Methods and analysis: This study was conducted as a multicenter randomized control trial (RCT) in 8 high-volume medical centers in Japan, and will prove the non-inferiority of bilateral drainage to trisegmental drainage. Patients with unresectable HMBO with Bismuth type IIIa or IV who pass the inclusion and exclusion criteria will be randomized to receive bilateral or trisegmental drainage at a 1:1 ratio. At each center, the on-site study investigators will obtain informed consent from the candidates, and will use an electronic data capture system (REDCap) to input necessary information, and register candidates with the registration secretariat. The primary endpoint is the rate of non-recurrent biliary obstruction (RBO) at 180 days after SEMSs placement. A -10% non-inferiority margin is assumed in the statistical analysis of the primary endpoint. Secondary endpoints include the rate of technical and clinical success, time to recurrent biliary obstruction (TRBO), causes of RBO, procedure-related adverse events (AEs), procedure time, TRBO with or without endoscopic sphincterotomy, overall survival, and the technical and clinical success rates at reintervention. Discussion: If the non-inferiority of bilateral drainage is demonstrated, it is predicted that the procedure time will be shortened and the medical cost will be reduced, which will be beneficial to the patient and the medical economy

    α‑Glucosidase inhibitor miglitol attenuates glucose fluctuation, heart rate variability and sympathetic activity in patients with type 2 diabetes and acute coronary syndrome : a multicenter randomized controlled (MACS) study

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    Background: Little is known about clinical associations between glucose fluctuations including hypoglycemia, heart rate variability (HRV), and the activity of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) in patients with acute phase of acute coronary syndrome (ACS). This pilot study aimed to evaluate the short-term effects of glucose fluctuations on HRV and SNS activity in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients with recent ACS. We also examined the effect of suppressing glucose fluctuations with miglitol on these variables. Methods: This prospective, randomized, open-label, blinded-endpoint, multicenter, parallel-group comparative study included 39 T2DM patients with recent ACS, who were randomly assigned to either a miglitol group (n = 19) or a control group (n = 20). After initial 24-h Holter electrocardiogram (ECG) (Day 1), miglitol was commenced and another 24-h Holter ECG (Day 2) was recorded. In addition, continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) was performed throughout the Holter ECG. Results: Although frequent episodes of subclinical hypoglycemia (≤4.44 mmo/L) during CGM were observed on Day 1 in the both groups (35% of patients in the control group and 31% in the miglitol group), glucose fluctuations were decreased and the minimum glucose level was increased with substantial reduction in the episodes of subclinical hypoglycemia to 7.7% in the miglitol group on Day 2. Holter ECG showed that the mean and maximum heart rate and mean LF/HF were increased on Day 2 in the control group, and these increases were attenuated by miglitol. When divided 24-h time periods into day-time (0700–1800 h), night-time (1800–0000 h), and bed-time (0000–0700 h), we found increased SNS activity during day-time, increased maximum heart rate during night-time, and glucose fluctuations during bed-time, which were attenuated by miglitol treatment. Conclusions: In T2DM patients with recent ACS, glucose fluctuations with subclinical hypoglycemia were associated with alterations of HRV and SNS activity, which were mitigated by miglitol, suggesting that these pathological relationships may be a residual therapeutic target in such patients

    Effects of lifestyle and single nucleotide polymorphisms on breast cancer risk: a case-control study in Japanese women

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    Background: Lifestyle factors, including food and nutrition, physical activity, body composition and reproductive factors, and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are associated with breast cancer risk, but few studies of these factors have been performed in the Japanese population. Thus, the goals of this study were to validate the association between reported SNPs and breast cancer risk in the Japanese population and to evaluate the effects of SNP genotypes and lifestyle factors on breast cancer risk. Methods: A case-control study in 472 patients and 464 controls was conducted from December 2010 to November 2011. Lifestyle was examined using a self-administered questionnaire. We analyzed 16 breast cancer-associated SNPs based on previous GWAS or candidate-gene association studies. Age or multivariate-adjusted odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) were estimated from logistic regression analyses. Results: High BMI and current or former smoking were significantly associated with an increased breast cancer risk, while intake of meat, mushrooms, yellow and green vegetables, coffee, and green tea, current leisure-time exercise, and education were significantly associated with a decreased risk. Three SNPs were significantly associated with a breast cancer risk in multivariate analysis: rs2046210 (per allele OR = 1.37 [95% CI: 1.11-1.70]), rs3757318 (OR = 1.33[1.05-1.69]), and rs3803662 (OR = 1.28 [1.07-1.55]). In 2046210 risk allele carriers, leisure-time exercise was associated with a significantly decreased risk for breast cancer, whereas current smoking and high BMI were associated with a significantly decreased risk in non-risk allele carriers. Conclusion: In Japanese women, rs2046210 and 3757318 located near the ESR1 gene are associated with a risk of breast cancer, as in other Asian women. However, our findings suggest that exercise can decrease this risk in allele carriers