782 research outputs found


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    Con el objetivo de conocer la magnitud del fenómeno nini en el medio rural, se realizó un estudio exploratorio en seis comunidades rurales de alta marginación del estado de Campeche, localizado en el sureste de México. Con base en una metodología que involucra técnicas cuantitativas (encuestas, n=110 hogares, 217 jóvenes) y cualitativas (grupos focales) se describe la situación educativa y laboral de los jóvenes así como sus perspectivas futuras. La proporción de jóvenes nini en las comunidades rurales (45%) es casi dos veces la media nacional (25%). Los jóvenes muestran un perfil de alta motivación por estudiar y superarse, pero el contexto socioeconómico está condenando a una porción significativa a vivir una vida que no desean, generando con ello altos niveles de frustración. Los resultados muestran una ventana de oportunidad para generar políticas públicas que faciliten la integración social y productiva de los jóvenes rurales

    Assessment of Pre-Service Teacher Dispositions

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    Measurement of pre-service teacher dispositions is an important part of teacher preparation programs. A strong correlation exists between dispositions of teachers and the quality of their student’s learning. Teachers, in addition to sharing content knowledge, are responsible for demonstrating and sharing core values relating to virtues such as honesty, justice, fairness, care, empathy, integrity, courage, respect, and responsibility, and these values must guide their own conduct and interpersonal relations. As teachers serve pupils who are minors, their conduct and potential to serve effectively and ethically in the profession must be evaluated. However, a thorough faculty-led instrument to assess pre-service teacher candidates’ disposition does not currently exist. The purpose of this research was to develop an assessment of pre-service teachers’ dispositions for use in teacher education programs. A 25-item instrument was created through assessment of teacher education program needs and review of best practices on building teacher evaluation instruments, national professional teaching standards, and existing assessment tools. Teacher education faculty completed the instrument assessing roughly 600 students in a masters-level teacher education program. Results indicate that this instrument is a valid and reliable tool that will allow teacher education faculty and administrators to assess teacher candidate professional skills and conduct

    A Sweetgrass Method of Bullying Prevention for Native American Youth

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    A Sweetgrass Method of Bullying Prevention for Native American Youth Abstract The Sweetgrass Method of Bullying Prevention for Native Youth serves as an instrument and strategy to communicate, collaborate and continue healthy journeys for native people. Native Americans have held sweetgrass as sacred for a very long time. Sweetgrass is used to cleanse the heart so that our hearts feel the truth, grow in harmony and balance, and feel compassion, gentleness and thoughtfulness for others. The Sweetgrass Method forms a culturally responsive method of delivery for bullying prevention by looking at the three braiding strands: introspective (looking within self), collaboration with families (reaching out to others), and continuity (providing continued support) as a means of developing partnerships. What we bring from this is an understanding that we as educators will braid the introspective (self) with collaborative and constant support efforts for students and their families (Baez, 2011). Although the Sweetgrass Method is not an empirically based research approach, it is a method that addresses cultural partnerships with traditional practitioners as important stakeholders in addressing “traditionally” how Native youth should carry themselves in public

    How individual capital requirements affect capital ratios in UK banks and building societies

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    The UK¿s Financial Services Authority sets individual capital requirements that reflect its assessment of risks and that are greater than the 8% minimum required by Basel. This approach is similar to the supervisory review in Pillar II proposed in the new Basel Accord. Using regulatory returns for UK banks and building societies, we empirically assess how changing a firm¿s individual capital requirement affects its capital ratio. We find that banks faced with an increase in capital requirements transfer nearly 50% of the increase into changes in their capital holdings, but only 20% if they face a reduction. The results are different for building societies, where about 20% of either an increase or a decrease in capital requirements is transferred into capital ratios


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    Occupational stress is a serious health problem to the individual worker both physically and psychologically. It equally effects organizations and even the nations in terms of productivity and financial losses. Occupational stress has in recent times received close attention in America and Western Europe as is evident from the growing number of literature available and the wellness programs being developed for employees in these continents, but it does not appear to be so in developing countries as Ghana. Occupational stress is common to all occupations but it could be disastrous for any nation if it remains unchecked especially in the teaching field. The teacher is the kingpin upon which every education revolves. The issue is that, there are indications of above average occupational stress in some Ghanaian teachers; but exactly how much of occupational stress is being experienced? This study set out to examine overall occupational stress, find out the level of occupational stress among private and public sector teachers in the Techiman South Circuit in the Brong Ahafo Region of Ghana. Administering the Weiman Occupational Stress Scale to a sample of 88 workers drawn from the population of 160 established that teachers of the Techiman South Circuit experience above average levels of occupational stress with the public sector, females and Junior High School showing the higher levels when compared to the private sector, males and Senior High School counterparts respectively. Also supporting the Weiman occupational stress scale, a chi-square analyses showed that there is an association between gender status and occupational stress and an association between institutional type and occupational stress.  Article visualizations

    Territory and climatic change : towards the construction of sustainable schemes of land use in Campeche, México

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    Fil: Ayala-Arcipreste, María Esther. Universidad Autónoma de CampecheFil: Isaac-Márquez, Ricardo. Universidad Autónoma de CampecheFil: Sánchez-González, María Consuelo. Universidad Autónoma de CampecheFil: Isaac-Márquez, Angélica Patricia. Universidad Autónoma de CampecheFil: Arteaga-Aguilar, Marco Antonio. Universidad Autónoma de Campech

    Examining Patterns in Second Graders’ Use of Virtual Manipulative Mathematics Apps through Heatmap Analysis

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    This study examined 32 second-grade children’s interactions with six virtual manipulative mathematics apps on the iPad using a novel analysis approach called heatmap analysis. Mathematical topics of the six apps focused on understanding skip counting and place value concepts. Children interacted individually with the apps under the guidance of an interviewer during 30-40 minute clinical interviews. The heatmap analysis revealed patterns in children’s performance on the tasks and suggested individual cases for further analysis. For example, clusters of children showed high or low performance during the skip counting sequence. In the high-performing cluster, one child still struggled to monitor the skip counting process. In the low-performing cluster, one child showed growth on learning tasks but struggled on the assessments, which contained a different representation of the mathematical content and involved greater target numbers than in the learning app. There were fewer variations in place value task performance, but application of interaction techniques influenced children’s growth on one learning app. Although some children showed varying performance when encountering challenging mathematics content in the higher levels of one app, other children inefficiently interacted with the app and did not reach the more challenging content

    Effect of Alloying Element on the Integrity and Functionality of Aluminium-Based Alloy

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    Aluminum alloy are gaining huge industrial significance because of their outstanding combination of mechanical, physical and tribological properties over the base metal. Alloying elements are selected based on their individual properties as they impact on the structure and performance characteristics. The choice of this modifier affects the materials integrity in service resulting to improved corrosion, tribological and mechanical behavior. Hence, the need to understand typically the exact inoculants that could relatively impact on the low strength, unstable mechanical properties is envisage with the help of liquid stir casting technique. In this contribution, sufficient knowledge on Al alloy produced by stir casting will be reviewed with close attention on how the structural properties impact on the mechanical performance

    Characterization of Collagen from Different Discarded Fish Species of the West Coast of the Iberian Peninsula

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    13 páginas, 5 tablas, 3 figuras.-- This is an open Access article. Non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly attributed, cited, and is not altered, transformed, or built upon in any way, is permitted. The moral rights of the named author(s) have been asserted.Skin collagen of six discarded fish species was analyzed and compared. Acid soluble collagen (ASC) was extracted; a characteristic sodium dodecyl sulfate- polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) profile for type I collagen was obtained, except for Chimaera mostrosa. Contents of collagen calculated from HPro (31.85% average) were higher than those determined from ASC extracts (17.75% average), with Galeus spp. being the species with the higher percentage. Amino acid analysis revealed the typical composition of collagen, with very few differences among species. Specific profiles were obtained after protease digestion. Denaturation temperature of ASC correlated well with imino and hydroxyproline contents. Results demonstrate the feasibility of using the obtained collagens in different industrial applicationsThis work was funded by European Union FEDER POCTEP Project 0330_IBEROMARE_1_P, European Union FEDER Atlantic Area Project MARMED-2011-1/164, Xunta de Galicia Project 10TAL011E, and a contract with the “Cooperativa de Armadores del Puerto de Vigo” and FROM (Ministery of Environment, Rural and Maritime Affairs, Spain)Peer reviewe

    Accessment of the Kidney in Ginger Treated Wistar Rats

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    Ginger, botanically known as Zingerber offinale is an underground stem or rhizome which is known to have originated from Asia and have been reported to have a number of medicinal properties which is used in the treatment of many ailments such as arthritis, painful menstrual periods, nausea etc. It is also used as a common specie in food and bakery industries. The effect of ethanolic extract of ginger on the kidney of male wistar rats was studied due to the availability and medicinal uses of ginger. Twenty five (25) adult Wistar rats weighing 125-200g were divided into five groups. Group A animals served as the control and were served with distilled water , B served as vehicle control groups and received olive oil.  The animals in groups C, D and E served as experimental groups, and received 100mg/kg, 250mg/kg and 500mg/kg body weight of the ethanolic extract of Zingiber officinale respectively. The animals received the extract for 14 days and were sacrificed 24 hours after the last administration and the kidney was routinely processed histologically. The study shows enlargement of Bowman’s space, disintegration of glomerular cells and dilation of the tubular lumen with shrinkage of tubular luminal cells when compared to the control group, which progressively increased as the duration of intake of Zinger officinlae increased. Therefore, Zingerber officinale should be used with caution because it may have deleterious effects on the liver cells at high doses. Keywords: Assessment, Ginger, Treatment, Kidney, Wistar ra