239 research outputs found


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    Sempre foi acirrada a discussão sobre a personalidade e capacidade civil dos nascituros. Reconhecer-lhes a titularidade de direitos fez forçosa a análise sobre a capacidade de ser parte em um processo. O que se concluiu é que, mesmo prevalecendo no Brasil a Teoria Natalista, a Teoria da Personalidade Condicional se apresenta mais acertada, tendo em vista a necessidade de o Código Civil ser interpretado sistemática e teleologicamente com o texto constitucional, de modo que a protetividade das normas de direitos humanos estendam seus efeitos também a quem se encontra no ventre materno

    OH-functionalized open-ended armchair single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) studied by density functional theory

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    The structures of ideal armchair (5,5) single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) of different lengths (3.7, 8.8, and 16.0 Å for C40H20, C80H20, and C140H20) and with 1–10 hydroxyl groups at the end of the nanotube were fully optimized at the B3LYP/3-21G level, and in some cases at the B3LYP/6-31G* level, and the energy associated with the attachment of the OH substituent was determined. The OH-group attachment energy was compared with the OH functionalization of phenanthrene and picene models and with previous results for zigzag (9.0) SWCNT systems. In comparison to zigzag SWCNTs, the armchair form is more (by about 5 to 10 kcal mol−1) reactive toward hydroxylation

    Internet-based guided self-help for glioma patients with depressive symptoms: a randomized controlled trial

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    Depressive symptoms are common in glioma patients, and can negatively affect health-related quality of life (HRQOL). We performed a nation-wide randomized controlled trial to evaluate the effects of an online guided self-help intervention for depressive symptoms in adult glioma patients. Glioma patients with depressive symptoms were randomized to a 5-week online course based on problem-solving therapy, or a waiting list control group. After having received the intervention, the glioma patient groups combined were compared with patients with cancer outside the central nervous system (non-CNS cancer controls), who also received the intervention. Sample size calculations yielded 63 participants to be recruited per arm. The primary outcome [depressive symptoms (CES-D)] and secondary outcomes [fatigue (Checklist Individual Strength (CIS)) and HRQOL (Short Form-36)], were assessed online at baseline, post-intervention, and 3 and 12 months follow-up. In total, 89 glioma patients (intervention N = 45; waiting list N = 44) and 26 non-CNS cancer controls were included, of whom 35 and 54% completed the intervention, respectively. Recruitment could not be extended beyond 3.5 years due to funding. On depression, no statistically significant differences between the groups were found. Fatigue decreased post-treatment in the glioma intervention group compared with the waiting list group (p = 0.054, d = 0.306). At 12 months, the physical component summary (HRQOL) remained stable in glioma patients, while scores improved in non-CNS cancer controls (p = 0.035, d = 0.883). In this underpowered study, no evidence for the effectiveness of online guided self-help for depression or HRQOL in glioma patients was found, but it may improve fatigue

    Cognition and resective surgery for diffuse infiltrative glioma: an overview

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    Compared to classical oncological outcome measures such as time to progression and survival, the importance of cognitive functioning in patients with diffuse infiltrative brain tumors has only recently been recognized. Apart from the relatively low incidence and the invariably fatal outcome of gliomas, the general assumption that cognitive assessment is time-consuming and burdensome contributes to this notion. Our understanding of the effects of brain surgery on cognition, for instance, is largely based on studies in surgical patients with refractory epilepsy, with only a limited number of studies in surgical patients with gliomas. The impact of other factors affecting cognition in glioma patients such as direct tumor effects, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, and medical treatment, including anti-epileptic drugs and steroids, have been studied more extensively. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of cognition in patients with diffuse infiltrative gliomas and the impact of resective surgery as well as other tumor and treatment-related factors

    Resolving the neural circuits of anxiety

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    Although anxiety disorders represent a major societal problem demanding new therapeutic targets, these efforts have languished in the absence of a mechanistic understanding of this subjective emotional state. While it is impossible to know with certainty the subjective experience of a rodent, rodent models hold promise in dissecting well-conserved limbic circuits. The application of modern approaches in neuroscience has already begun to unmask the neural circuit intricacies underlying anxiety by allowing direct examination of hypotheses drawn from existing psychological concepts. This information points toward an updated conceptual model for what neural circuit perturbations could give rise to pathological anxiety and thereby provides a roadmap for future therapeutic development.National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (U.S.) (NIH Director’s New Innovator Award DP2-DK-102256-01)National Institute of Mental Health (U.S.) (NIH) R01-MH102441-01)JPB Foundatio

    Neurale und neuropsychologische Veränderungen bei traumatisierten Patientinnen mit dissoziativen Störungen und BPS

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    Personen mit Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörung (BPS) oder Posttraumatischer Belastungsstörung (PTBS) haben häufig verkleinerte Volumina von Hippocampus und Amygdala. Bei beiden Patientengruppen können auch kognitive Minderleistungen auftreten. Deshalb wurde häufig angenommen, dass Trauma-bezogene klinische Störungen generell mit solchen neuralen und psychischen Veränderungen vergesellschaftet sind. Wir untersuchen gegenwärtig BPS-Patientinnen, welche in der Kindheit physisch/sexuell missbraucht wurden. Wir können nachweisen, dass solche Patientinnen, die eine chronifizierte PTBS entwickelt haben, diese beschriebenen neuralen und psychischen Veränderungen auch aufweisen. BPS-Patientinnen, die in der Folge des Kindesmissbrauches jedoch eine dissoziative Störung (Dissoziative Amnesie, DA, oder Dissoziative Identitätsstörung, DIS) ausgebildet haben, weisen trotz vergleichbarer Krankheitsschwere diese Änderungen nicht auf. Hippocampus- und Amygdala-Volumina sind in dieser Patientinnengruppe normal, und auch kognitiv bestehen keine Defizite. Darüber hinaus konnten wir feststellen, dass der superiore Parietallappen, welcher für das Bewusstsein, Selbstbeobachtung und Imagination wesentlich ist, bei BPS-Patientinnen mit DA oder DID vergrößert ist. Ein solcher Effekt ist bei BPS-Patientinnen mit PTBS nicht zu beobachten. Aus unseren Ergebnissen könnte gefolgert werden, dass ein hochdissoziativer Abwehrstil Stress-bezogene schädigende Einflüsse auf das Gehirn abmildert oder gar verhindert. Auf der anderen Seite könnte es auch sein, dass die anlagebedingte Größe von Hippocampus und Amygdala mitbestimmen, ob eine traumatisierte Person eine PTBS entwickelt oder nicht. Ein in der Kindheit und Jugend auftretender hochdissoziativer Abwehrstil könnte eventuell dazu führen, dass sich, für Bewusstseinsprozesse relevante, parietale Hirnregionen anomal entwickeln. Diese Anomalitäten könnten dann im Sinne eines Circulus vitiosus zu einer weiteren Verstärkung der dissoziativen Symptomatik führen

    Die klinische und funktionelle Beurteilung der Arbeitsfähigkeit Lungentuberkulöser

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