54 research outputs found

    Mechanochemische Synthese von Metallphosphonaten und deren Charakterisierung

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    Die strukturelle Vielfalt von Metallphosphonaten macht sie zu vielversprechenden Kandidaten für vielzählige Anwendungen, erschwert aber zugleich eine planmäßige Synthese. Die Untersuchung der Bildungsmechanismen kristalliner Übergangs-metallphosphonate stellt Zusammenhänge zwischen Synthesebedingungen und resultierender Struktur her. In dieser Arbeit wurden unterschiedliche Phosphonsäuren mit divalenten Metallionen umgesetzt und so verschiedene Metallphosphonate mit diversen Strukturen erhalten. Die Kristallstrukturen neuer Verbindungen wurden mittels Röntgenpulver-diffraktometrie aufgeklärt. Systematische Untersuchungen zeigten einen direkten Zusammenhang zwischen bestimmten Strukturmotiven und Eigenschaften der Verbindungen. Das Bestreben nach umweltfreundlichen und wirtschaftlichen Synthesemethoden wird durch die Mechanochemie erfüllt. Die zugrundeliegenden Reaktions-mechanismen liegen im Dunkeln, sodass Mechanochemie größtenteils als „trial and error“-Methode funktioniert. In situ Untersuchungen mechanochemischer Reaktionen erlauben die Aufklärung der Reaktionswege und weitere Optimierung der Prozesse. Nach der Optimierung des experimentellen Aufbaus wurde in dieser Arbeit eine Kombination der Methoden Röntgenpulverdiffraktometrie und Thermographie zur Aufklärung der Bildungmechanismen von Metallphosphonaten eingesetzt. Die Ergebnisse der in situ Untersuchungen zeigen die Bildung von Metallphosphonaten als dreistufigen Prozess, der über einen nicht-kristallinen Zustand verläuft.The structural diversity of metal phosphonates makes them promising candidates for numerous applications, but at the same time makes planned synthesis difficult. The study of the formation mechanisms of crystalline transition metal phosphonates establishes correlations between synthesis conditions and resulting structure. In this work, different phosphonic acids were reacted with divalent metal ions to obtain various metal phosphonates with diverse structures. The crystal structures of new compounds were solved by X-ray powder diffraction. Systematic studies showed a direct correlation between certain structural motifs and properties of the compounds. The search for environmentally friendly and economical synthesis methods is met by mechanochemistry. The underlying reaction mechanisms are unclear, so mechanochemistry functions largely as a "trial and error" method. In situ studies of mechanochemical reactions allow the elucidation of reaction pathways and further optimization of processes. After optimizing the experimental setup, a combination of X-ray powder diffraction and thermography methods was used in this work to elucidate the formation mechanisms of metal phosphonates. The results of the in situ investigations show the formation of metal phosphonates as a three-step process proceeding via a non-crystalline state

    Языковые особенности жанра легенд как основы технологии сторителлинга в рекламном дискурсе

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    Modern world life dictates its own rules and procedures also with respect to advertising. But how is it possible to attract attention of a potential buyer, to maximally interest him in products or services? The answer is pretty simple. People’s purchases base on their inner convictions and preferences, which, in turn, are generated by information received from outside. Organizations involved in the production and provision of services have long understood this pattern. This is what can justify the emergence of such a linguistic phenomenon as «storytelling». Research experts and experience in the field of advertising proved effectiveness of its application. It should be noted that the storytelling technology is based on the legend genre. In other words, in order for potential buyers to have an interest in relation to the consumption of a certain type of product or service, they should be as interested as possible by presenting relevant information. The legend used for this is nothing more than a narration about a product or service in a somewhat embellished form, aimed at influencing the target audience. In order for the legend, as the basis of the storytelling technology in advertising, to succeed, it is necessary that it meets certain language requirements. It should be emotional, bright, rich, etc. Urgency of the problem associated with the study of topics, voiced in the subject of the article, is justified by topicality of the studied issue, its influence on the life of society.La vida del mundo moderno dicta sus propias reglas y procedimientos también con respecto a la publicidad. Pero, ¿cómo es posible atraer la atención de un comprador potencial para que le interese al máximo en productos o servicios? La respuesta es bastante simple. Las compras de personas se basan en sus convicciones y preferencias internas, que, a su vez, son generadas por la información recibida del exterior. Las organizaciones involucradas en la producción y provisión de servicios han entendido por mucho tiempo este patrón. Esto es lo que puede justificar la aparición de un fenómeno tan lingüístico como la «narración de historias». Los expertos en investigación y la experiencia en el campo de la publicidad proporcionan la efectividad de su aplicación. Cabe señalar que la tecnología de narración se basa en el género de leyenda. En otras palabras, para que los compradores potenciales tengan interés en relación con el consumo de un determinado tipo de producto o servicio, deben estar lo más interesados posible al presentar la información relevante. La leyenda utilizada para esto no es más que una narración sobre un producto o servicio en una forma un tanto embellecida, dirigida a influir en el público objetivo. Para que la leyenda, como la base de la tecnología de narración en publicidad, tenga éxito, es necesario que cumpla con ciertos requisitos lingüísticos. Debe ser emocional, brillante, rico, etc. La urgencia del problema asociado al estudio de temas, expresado en el tema del artículo, justificado por la actualidad del tema estudiado, su influencia en la vida de la sociedad.Современная мировая жизнь диктует свои правила и процедуры и в отношении рекламы. Но как можно привлечь внимание потенциального покупателя, максимально заинтересовать его товарами или услугами? Ответ довольно прост. Покупки людей основываются на их внутренних убеждениях и предпочтениях, которые, в свою очередь, порождаются информацией, полученной извне. Организации, занимающиеся производством и оказанием услуг, давно поняли эту закономерность. Именно этим можно обосновать появление такого лингвистического феномена, как «сторителлинг». Исследования специалистов и опыт работы в области рекламы доказали эффективность ее применения. Следует отметить, что технология повествования основана на жанре легенды. Другими словами, для того чтобы потенциальные покупатели имели интерес в отношении потребления определенного вида продукции или услуги, они должны быть максимально заинтересованы в представлении соответствующей информации. Используемая для этого легенда-не более чем повествование о товаре или услуге в несколько приукрашенной форме, направленное на воздействие на целевую аудиторию. Для того чтобы легенда, как основа технологии повествования в рекламе, имела успех, необходимо, чтобы она отвечала определенным языковым требованиям. Оно должно быть эмоциональным, ярким, насыщенным и т. д. Актуальность проблемы, связанной с изучением тем, озвученных в теме статьи, обосновывается актуальностью изучаемого вопроса, его влиянием на жизнь общества

    Production and industrial use of “Green” hydrogen in the climatic conditions of Turkmenistan

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    The scientific article discusses the importance of using “green” hydrogen in industry through a photovoltaic solar installation in the climatic conditions of Turkmenistan, and especially examines the possibilities and features of the use of “green” hydrogen in the production of ammonia, which is a widespread product in industry. To do this, it is based on the reaction of producing ammonia, and based on this, it is calculated that to produce 1 ton of ammonia, 177 kg of hydrogen is required. The water required for the electrolyzer operating in the 2G system is proposed to be provided from natural residues, and it is determined that the installation will be able to operate 10.65 hours a day. This in turn eliminates 970 kg of CO2 compared to the traditional method of burning natural gas to produce hydrogen. Calculations were carried out for the coordinates of the city of Mary

    Characteristics of Socio-Cultural Vitality of Modern Russian Settlements of the Former Gorky Line of Kazakhstan

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    The problem of ethnicity being is the most important for the border territories of Russia and Kazakhstan as a multi-ethnic and multi-religious community of the peoples, connecting Europe and Asia, West and East. At a critical stage of historical development again the problem of orientation to the West or the East, the questions of existence of Russia as a specific space of coexistence of different ethnic groups and peoples, cultures and civilizations, languages and religions has been actualized. The population of modern Russian settlements of the former Gorki lines, presented on the territory of Kostanay region, today is mixed and polyethnic. The authors aim to trace the survival of the Russian language and culture in a dense ring of the migrant (Turkic) environment. In this regard, in-depth interviews were conducted, the records of Russian speech in different time periods were compared, data from the questionnaires were analyzed, the transformation zones of the language and culture of Russians, living a long time in isolation from the parent culture in the migrant environment were revealed. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n3s4p20


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    Purpose: The relevance of the studied problem is caused by the need for deep studying of the history of Russian economic science at the end of XIX – the beginning of the 20th century. It is possible to reach a result only through research of certain representatives’ heritage. A.I. Chuprov's activity was aimed at studying a number of questions of economic and social development of Russia. The important place was given to issues of country community reforming. A.I. Chuprov belonged to a number of consecutive opponents of the agrarian reform undertaken by P.A. Stolypin. The concept of country community development presented in the works of A.I. Chuprov is explained in the paper. Methodology: The leading methods of the research are the system analysis that has allowed submitting A.I. Chuprov’s communal concept and also the dialectic method opening his logic of interrelation of economic views and public beliefs. Result: The main results of the article allow presenting A.I. Chuprov's views of agrarian reform at the beginning of the 20th century and a way of modernization of social and economic situation in a village. Materials of the article can be used during the formation of lecture courses for students studying a wide range of socio-humanistic educational programs. Applications: This research can be used for universities, teachers, and students. Novelty/Originality: In this research, the model of Country Community of Russia in A.I. Chupro's Works are presented in a comprehensive and complete manner

    Theoretical Study of the Force Parameters of the ECAP-Linex Combined Process

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    The paper presents theoretical studies of a new deformation process combining the stages of equal-channel angular pressing (ECAP) and the Linex scheme. To analyse the resulting deformation forces, the stages of pressing in a matrix and compression by a chain conveyor are separately considered. Equations were provided for determining the forces acting on the drive pulley, ECA matrix, and chain element link. A trial calculation and comparative analysis with the previously known rolling-ECAP process showed that the new ECAP-Linex process allows for a stable deformation process with lower forces and a smaller channel junction angle in the matrix. The values obtained by equations are verified with computer simulation using the finite element method in the Deform program. A comparison of values showed that the force values in the calculation and simulation have a high level of convergence. For all three considered parameters, the difference value did not exceed 3%

    The Influence of the Relative Content of Peat and Mineral Binder on Thermal Insulation Composite Performance Characteristics

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    The relationship between the performance characteristics (e.g., thermal conductivity, specific density, and compressive strength) of a peat heat-insulating composite and its chemical composition has been established. It has also been experimentally proven that high-lying peat and limestone from the Vologda Oblast deposits correspond in chemical composition and structural features to the requirements for producing heat-insulating materials (HIMs). Composite samples with different chemical compositions were obtained under laboratory conditions. To increase the mechanical strength and setting speed when collecting samples, a stage of peat steaming with water vapor and carbon dioxide was provided. HIM testing using modern analytical methods has proven a relationship exists between the content of high-lying peat, quicklime in samples, and their performance characteristics. The optimal chemical composition for obtaining composites was selected. High-lying peat with a moisture content of 30.0% after steaming and quicklime content of 29.0% ensured the production of a composite with the following indicators: thermal conductivity of 0.041 W/m?°C; average density of 259 kg/m3; compressive strength of 3.02 MPa; and toxicity index of less than 0.5. The established dependence enables simulation of the technological process and obtains materials with the desired properties