33 research outputs found

    Mediación semántica A* basada en MDE para la generación de arquitecturas en tiempo de ejecución

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    Existen aplicaciones software que necesitan ser adaptadas en tiempo de ejecución debido a que los componentes que conforma su arquitectura no representan la configuración óptima. En estos casos, las arquitecturas deben ser reconfiguradas, por ejemplo, añadiendo y eliminando componentes, o modificando las relaciones entre ellos. Este artı́culo presenta una propuesta para la generación de arquitecturas en tiempo de ejecución. Está enfocado en la descripción del proceso que ocurre desde que existe una definición de arquitectura que hay que resolver, hasta que se genera la mejor configuración que da solución a dicha arquitectura. Para construir dicha configuración, se utilizan técnicas de modelado, mecanismos de trading y un algoritmo de búsqueda A*. Dicho algoritmo hace uso de una heurı́stica basada en la información sintáctica y semántica de los componentes. Como dominio de aplicación, se muestra un caso estudio para la generación de interfaces de usuario

    Adaptive Domotic System in Green Buildings

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    This paper presents an adaptive domotic system in green buildings. In our case, the data of sensor and devices were controlled in CIESOL center. The adaptive domotic system uses a Fuzzy Lattice Reasoning classifier for predicting building energy performance depending on the user condition. Training and testing of classifiers were carried out with temperature condition data acquired for 4 months (February, May, July and November) in the case building called CIESOL. The results show a hihg accuracy rates with a mean absolute error between 0% and 0.21%

    Distance Range Queries in SpatialHadoop

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    Efficient processing of Distance Range Queries (DRQs) is of great importance in spatial databases due to the wide area of applications. This type of spatial query is characterized by a distance range over one or two datasets. The most representative and known DRQs are the ε Distance Range Query (εDRQ) and the ε Distance Range Join Query (εDRJQ). Given the increasing volume of spatial data, it is difficult to perform a DRQ on a centralized machine efficiently. Moreover, the εDRJQ is an expensive spatial operation, since it can be considered a combination of the εDR and the spatial join queries. For this reason, this paper addresses the problem of computing DRQs on big spatial datasets in SpatialHadoop, an extension of Hadoop that supports spatial operations efficiently, and proposes new algorithms in SpatialHadoop to perform efficient parallel DRQs on large-scale spatial datasets. We have evaluated the performance of the proposed algorithms in several situations with big synthetic and real-world datasets. The experiments have demonstrated the efficiency and scalability of our proposal

    Dynamic Mashup Interfaces for Information Systems using Widgets-as-a-Service

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    Web Information Systems intend to adapt to the users’ preferences as new data available on the network. In this regard, the composition and reuse of services which are involved in a web application is an interesting research topic, since these techniques pursue the dynamic construction of applications that can be adapted at design or run time. As for the visualization of these applications, web user interfaces play a key role, serving as a connection point between users and the rest of the system. This article proposes an architecture for specification, storage, management and visualization of components, built from widgets complying with the W3C recommendation, for making web user interfaces. We follow a service-based approach for the interface deployment and communication management, introducing the concept of Widgets-as-a-Service (WaaS). To illustrate this proposal, an example of widget-based Web Information System is shown

    Emulating Home Automation Installations through Component-based Web Technology

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    The Internet of Things mechanisms enable the management of home environments since they can be developed as IoT based information systems. From standard smart homes to automated buildings, including other kind of domotics and inmotics solutions, every system must be tested and validated before its installation. The current tools offered by IoT and home automation vendors lack in emulation features close to the real behavior of the devices. In many cases, delaying the verification actions until the hardware is acquired and installed may cause some drawbacks, for example, from the economic point of view. This paper presents a solution for emulating home automation environments which are based on the KNX standard and can be represented by architectures of devices. The emulation consist of developing virtual implementations of real devices which operate and communicate through web technology. The technology implementing these virtual devices allows us to develop components which can provide different type of data related to the installation (audio, video, text, animations, images, etc.). The architectures can be managed using web services and their behavior can be tested through web user interfaces showing the mentioned data. Furthermore, virtual and physical devices are connected to validate the interoperability between the real installation and the emulation

    Una Aproximación MDA para la Construcción de Componentes COTSgets en Aplicaciones Web

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    Actualmente, existe una tendencia al desarrollo de aplicaciones web. Muchas de estas aplicaciones se construyen en base a componentes reutilizables, lo que influye considerablemente en el tiempo de desarrollo. En este contexto se enmarca nuestra propuesta. El artı́culo presenta una solución basada en la ingenierı́a dirigida por modelos (MDE) para agilizar y facilitar a los desarrolladores la implementación de un tipo de componentes web (llamados COTSgets). Nuestra propuesta consiste en la generación automática de la implementación de estos componentes, en lo que a su estructura y funcionalidad básica se refiere, a partir de un modelo que describe su especificación y mediante la utilización de una transformación modelo-a-texto (M2T). Para dicha implementación se ha seleccionado la incipiente tecnologı́a Polymer

    A Component-based User Interface Approach for Smart TV

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    The fast growth and diversity of technological devices currently being produced is benefiting areas such as “ambient intelligence”. This area attempts to integrate information technology in any personal environment. However, to construct service/application software that adapts to different environments, there must be techniques available that favor this type of development. Component based software Engineering (CBSE) is a discipline of the software engineering that integrates (previously constructed) components to build new software systems. This paper presents a CBSE approach to build Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) at run-time. Both a component-based perspective of the user interface and a set of component relationships are presented in the paper. As a case study, this paper also describes an application built for an emerging computation environment, Smart TV. A running example is also presented through the paper putting some Web-based solutions to build User Interfaces together (e.g., Wookie, W3C Widgets, Node.js)

    A Collaborative testbed Web Tool for Learning Model Transformation in Software Engineering Education

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    Software Engineering provides mechanisms to design, develop, manage and maintain social and collaborative software systems. At present, the Software Engineering Curricula includes teaching Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) as a new paradigm that enables higher productivity, attempting to maximize compatibility between systems. Modern learning methods MDE require the use of practical approaches to analyze new model-transformation techniques. Model transformations are carried out by using very high-level languages, like the ATL language. This model transformation language is built as a plugin for the Eclipse framework, and users who want to collaborate and develop software with it, have some difficulties executing ATL transformations outside this platform. To handle models at runtime, it is interesting to perform the transformations in a standalone way. In this context, we have developed a testbed web tool which aims to be useful for learning model transformation techniques. The tool offers a Graphical User Interface to test and verify the involved model transformations.The proposal is useful as a collaborative scenario for learning MDE and model transformation issues and techniques in Software Engineering education

    A Cloud Service for COTS component-based Architectures

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    The management of software architectures is an important subject, especially in component-based web user interfaces to enhance their accessibility, dynamism and management at run-time. The Cloud offers some favorable mechanisms for this kind of systems, since it allows us to manage the software remotely, guarantees high availability of the resources and enables us to perform mass storage. This article presents an infrastructure solution, based on the use of web services and cloud computing, for managing COTS-based architectures

    Modeling Big Data based Systems through Ontological Trading

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    One of the great challenges the information society faces is dealing with the huge amount of information generated and handled daily on the Internet. Today, progress in Big Data proposals attempt to solve this problem, but there are certain limitations to information search and retrieval due basically to the large volumes handled, the heterogeneity of the information and its dispersion among a multitude of sources. In this article, a formal framework is defined to facilitate the design and development of an Environmental Management Information System which works with an heterogeneous and large amount of data. Nevertheless, this framework can be applied to other information systems that work with Big Data, since it does not depend on the type of data and can be utilized in other domains. The framework is based on an Ontological Web-Trading Model (OntoTrader) which follows Model-Driven Engineering and Ontology-Driven Engineering guidelines to separate the system architecture from its implementation. The proposal is accompanied by a case study, SOLERES-KRS, an Environmental Knowledge Representation System designed and developed using Software Agents and Multi-Agent Systems