65 research outputs found

    Kadar Zat Iodium Dari Garam Beriodium Selama Proses Pengemasan, Penyimpanan Dan Penanganan Di Rumah Tangga Di Wilayah Bogor

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui banyaknya kadar iodium (KI03) yang masih ada dalam garam beriodium selama pengemasan, penyimpanan dan penanganan di rumah tangga. Pada penelitian ini garam beriodium dikemas dengan menggunakan 4 macam jenis pengemas yaitu plastik Bening, plastik gelap, gelas Bening dan gelas merah gelap. Masing-masing garam dalam kemasan disimpan selama 0.2, 4.6 dan 8 minggu; dan kemudian diambil kadar iodiumnya (KI03). Selaln itu diteliti pula kadar iodium yang ada pada sayuran (wortel, bayam dan labu siam) selelah masing-masing sayuran tersebut dibubuhi garam beriodium dan kemudian dimasak secara dikukus, direbus dan ditumis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa garam beriodium yang dikemas dengan gelas yang berwarna merah gelap, selama penyimpanan kadariodium (KI03) yang masih ada paling banyak (39.43 ppm) dibanding ketiga jenis kemasan lainnya (antara 31.40 ppm dan 33.53 ppm). Dua minggu pertama peyimpanan merupakan periode berkurangnya kadar iodium (KI03) paling banyak yaitu antara 2.30 persen dan 14.40 persen. Semakin lama disimpan kadar iodium garam semakin rendah. Garam beriodium yang dibubuhkan pada sayuran yang dimasak dengan cara dikukus, kadar iodium yang masih ada paling banyak (antara 13.76 ppm dan 18.64 ppm) dibandingkan sayuran yang dimasak dengan kedua cara pemasakan lainnya (masih ada antara 7.86 ppm dan 12.04 ppm

    Faktor Determinan Risiko Kurang Energi Kronis (Kek) Pada Ibu Menyusui Di Indonesia

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    Mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) is a indicator to screen the risk of chronic energy deficiency of lactating women. In developing countries, it is used to select lactating women for nutrition intervention. In Indonesia, there is a few studies to examine risk factors associated with chronic energy deficiency of lactating women (MUAC < 23.5 cm). Using data Riskesdas (Baseline Health Research) 2007, will determine breastfeeding pattern, mother activity and morbidity, demography factors and family energi consumption associated with the risk of chronic energy deficiency. The subject was lactating women who still breastfed the children under 2 years old. A total 22076 subject were used for the analysis using logistic regression analysis. The result showed that the prevalence the risk of chronic energy deficiency among lactating women in Indonesia was 34.6%. The risk of chronic energy deficiency lactating women to infant 0–5 months is associated between predominantly breasfeeding controlling by parity, and protein consumption < 80% AKG. The risk of chronic energy deficiency lactating women to children 6-23 months is associated between breastfeeding pattern controlling by parity, protein consumption < 80% RDA, heavy activity and ISPA. . [Penel Gizi Makan 2009, 32(2): 82-93


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    ABSTRACT Mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) is a indicator to screen the risk of chronic energy deficiency of lactating women. In developing countries, it is used to select lactating women for nutrition intervention. In Indonesia, there is a few studies to examine risk factors associated with chronic energy deficiency of lactating women (MUAC < 23.5 cm). Using data Riskesdas (Baseline Health Research) 2007, will determine breastfeeding pattern, mother activity and morbidity, demography factors and family energi consumption associated with the risk of chronic energy deficiency. The subject was lactating women who still breastfed the children under 2 years old. A total 22076 subject were used for the analysis using logistic regression analysis. The result showed that the prevalence the risk of chronic energy deficiency among lactating women in Indonesia was 34.6%. The risk of chronic energy deficiency lactating women to infant 0–5 months is associated between predominantly breasfeeding controlling by parity, and protein consumption < 80% AKG. The risk of chronic energy deficiency lactating women to children 6-23 months is associated between breastfeeding pattern controlling by parity, protein consumption < 80% RDA, heavy activity and ISPA. . [Penel Gizi Makan 2009, 32(2): 82-93] Keywords: lactating woman, mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC), chronic energy deficiency, breastfeeding patter

    Indeks Massa Tubuh Ibu PRA Hamil Sebagai Faktor Risiko Pertambahan Berat Badan Ibu Hamil Di Kelurahan Kebon Kelapa Dan Ciwaringin, Kecamatan Bogor Tengah, Kota Bogor

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    Seribu hari pertama kehidupan sejak dalam kandungan sampai anak umur 2 tahun menentukan kualitas anak ketika dewasa. Pertambahan berat badan ibu selama hamil merupakan indikator status gizi ibu hamil yang paling baik dibandingkan ukuran fisik lainnya. Informasi faktor yang berpengaruh pada pertambahan berat badan selama kehamilan menjadi sangat penting bagi terjaminnya kualitas outcome kehamilan. Studi kohor prospektif pada ibu hamil telah dilakukan sejak tahun 2012 di kelurahan Kebon Kelapa dan Ciwaringin, Kecamatan Bogor Tengah, Kota Bogor. Sebanyak 201 ibu hamil, 94 diantaranya telah melahirkan dengan umur kehamilan > 37 minggu. Data yang dikumpulkan pada awal penelitian adalah data sosial ekonomi rumah tangga dan riwayat obstetri ibu. Data antropometri, konsumsi energi dan zat gizi, serta morbiditas dikumpulkan setiap bulan. Data status anemia ibu dikumpulkan sekali pada trimester kedua. Pertambahan berat badan ibu hamil 9,9 kg, lebih rendah dari anjuran IOM 2009 untuk ibu hamil dengan rerata IMT 23,4 kg/m2 dianjurkan pertambahan berat badannya 12,5 kg. Indeks Massa Tubuh ibu pra hamil merupakan faktor risiko paling berpengaruh pada pertambahan berat badan ibu hamil (RR=2,6), yang artinya ibu yang IMT pra hamil < 18,5 kg/m2 berisiko terjadinya pertambahan berat badan selama hamil < 9,9 kg dibanding ibu dengan IMT pra hamil ≥ 18,5 kg/m2. Defisit pertambahan berat badan terutama terjadi pada trimester kedua, dengan selisih pertambahan berat badan pada ibu dengan faktor risiko IMT pra hamil < 45 kg sebesar 2,1 kg dibandingkan ibu dengan IMT pra hamil ≥ 45 kg yaitu 1,2 kg. IMT ibu pra hamil merupakan faktor risiko yang paling berpengaruh pada pertambahan berat badan ibu hamil, dan defisit terbesar terjadi pada trimester kedua. Ibu hamil yang memulai kehamilan dengan IMT pra hamil < 18,5 kg/m2 perlu di monitor oleh petugas kesehatan setempat agar risiko terhadap outcome kehamilan dapat dicegah sedini mungkin. Intervensi yang tepat diperlukan sejak awal kehamilan dan bila ada keterbatasan dana dapat difokuskan mulai minggu ke dua belas

    Status Gizi Ibu Sebelum Hamil sebagai Prediksi Berat dan Panjang Bayi Lahir di Kecamatan Bogor Tengah, Kota Bogor: Studi Kohor Prospektif Tumbuh Kembang Anak Tahun 2012 - 2013

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    Weight and length at birth are the good indicators to evaluate the possibility of survival, growth, and chronic disease as adults. This analysis aims to assess the effect of maternal nutritional status as pre-pregnant and pregnant on birth weight and length of infants at risk of chronic disease in adulthood. The design of this study was a prospective cohort, starting from pre pregnancy, during pregnancy until infant birth. Data analysis used multiple logistic regression. The result showed that 6 percent of infants birth weight <2500 g and 26.4 percent of infants birth weight to chronic disease risk (<3000 g). Approximately 30.1 percent of infants stunted at birth (<48 cm) and 62.6 percent infants at birth length <50 cm (standard WHO 2006). Mean of height pre-pregnancy is 151.9±5.6 cm and mean of body mass index (BMI) pre-pregnancy is 20.6±3.1 kg/m2. Maternal BMI pre-pregnancy is a major risk factor for birth weight infants < 3000 g after controlled by maternal height, weight gain during pregnancy, maternal age, parity, diarrhea, energy and protein intake and sex of the baby. Maternal height is a major risk factor for infant birth length (<50 cm) after controlled by pre-pregnant maternal BMI, maternal age, parity, weight gain during pregnancy, diarrhea, energy and protein intake. Conclusions, maternal nutritional status is a risk factor for pre-pregnant weight and birth length

    Karakteristik Remaja Hamil Umur 10-21 Tahun Di Indonesia (Characteristics of Pregnant Adolescents Aged 10-21 Years in Indonesia)

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    Introduction: Adolescence is a time of rapid growth (growth spurt). Pregnancy is a vulnerable condition, meaning that the health status of mothers during pregnancy determines the outcome of pregnancy. At this age young people still need the nutrients to grow but must bear the burden of pregnancy. Objectives: to know the characteristics of adolescent Indonesian pregnant women. Methods: The data presented are the result of analysis of secondary data Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) 2010. The data were analyzed descriptively using SPSS version 17.0. Results: Most of subject come from marginal socio-economics status (below elementary school, unskill labour, living in rural area, low income expenditure). Also, most of subject consumed macro-micro nutrient below Indonesian Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA). Forty percent young (19-21 years) pregnant women pregnancy at risk. Conclusion: Most adolescent pregnant women live in an environment unfavorable to the growth of the fetus. Recommendation: Adolescent pregnancy should be prevented through improved socio-economic status, and most importantly the increase is in education and counseling adolescent the risk of adolescent pregnancy. [Penel Gizi Makan 2010, 33(2): 110-116

    Use of nanoparticle in the wood composite to enhance the heat transfer

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    The fast growing demand for engineered wood products and development of Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF) leads to numerous research focusing on process parameter and physical properties of the board. Using conventional process, Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF) is commonly made from wood fibers added with Urea Formaldehyde (UF) resin in a hot press process. Heat transfer is determine during the hot press by which the pressing time will leads to higher quality of the board. Industries are searching for strategies to reduce the hot pressing time, therefore will lower the production costs and increase the wood board output capacity. Thus, this paper will focus on the heat transfer to improve the press time that will produce more quality board. By using conventional method, forming the board needs more time during the hot press as wood fiber is a poor heat conductor. By using the same conventional method, this research intends to make an improvement by adding metal oxide nanoparticles to enhance the heat transfer which lead to higher quality board. The result shows that higher temperature profile observed for board with metal oxide nanoparticles instead of normal board. Higher temperature profile resulting higher heat transfer of the board

    Kemampuan Kader Posyandu Dalam Melakukan Pengukuran Panjang/tinggi Badan Balita

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    Riskesdas 2013, provides information stunting in infants of as much as 37,2 percent. Meanwhile, inRISKESDAS 2007, information abaut stunting are 36.8 percent. The highest proportion is importantreason, to monitoring height / weight infants at posyandu. Community fact, show that body length oftoddler in posyandu. Thirty percent of posyandu (integrated service station) activities undertaken correctlyby the kader-posyandu (integrated service station center). Kader-posyandu chosen by people, so that thepublic trus her's. Her's advice and guidance are often followed by community, therefore necessary totraining as a form of education in adults. Assessing the impact of training on changes in measure thelength and height on under five children, before and after training. Descriptive for collect characteristicsdata, of the observations to look at the technique/how to measure before and after training. Nonparametricanalysis with wilcoxcon test and sign, used to see whether there are differences 'delta standardkader'(the difference in the results of the cadre integrated service station and the gold standard ofmeasurement)between before and after training. In general, high school educated kader-posyandu, aged31-40 years. Posyandu time to perform activities ranged from 2 s / d 4 years. As much as 74 percent ofthemhave never received refresher training in the last year period. The results of measurement accordingtothe standard observation phase (right) increased by about 30-40 percent. Anthropometry training resultsshoweddifferences in technique how to measure the infants who fit the measurement requirements. hereweresignificant differences (p = 0.00) results 'delta standard-kader' using three tools are multifunctional,lengboard,microtoise before and .after training. Anthropometry training, has been able to improve kaderposyanduskill in measuring of length and height of under five children

    Pengaruh Konsumsi Ibu Hamil Dan Ukuran Biometri Janin Pada Panjang Lahir Bayi (Analisis Data Kohort Tumbuh Kembang Anak 2011-2012)

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    Latar Belakang: Kondisi saat dilahirkan merupakan salah satu parameter kelahiran yang penting dalam mengevaluasi kondisi bayi yang sehat. Kondisi pendek (stuntingi) saat dilahirkan berhubungan dengan tingginya risiko pendek pada masa kanak-kanak dan dewasa. Status kesehatan dan gizi wanita selama kehamilan berpengaruh pada kesehatan bayinya.Tujuan: Menilai pengaruh konsumsi ibu hamil (zat gizi makro-mikro) dan ukuran biometri (panjang tulang paha dan tulang kering janin) dengan panjang bayi lahir.Metode: Desain penelitian adalah kohor prospektif, bagian dari penelitian kohor Tumbuh Kembang Anak tahun 2012 di Kelurahan Kebon Kalapa dan Ciwaringin, Kota Bogor. Sebanyak 93 sampel dipelajari asupan ibu pada trimester III (energi, protein, lemak, zat besi, folat dan zinc). Pemeriksaan USG pada 30 responden untuk menilai panjang tulang paha dan tulang kering janin. Analisis data dilakukan dengan melakukan uji chi-square dan nilai Relative Risk (RR).Hasil: Konsumsi ibu hamil menunjukkan energi 60-65 persen, protein 40-70 persen, dan lemak 57-72 persen dari anjuran kecukupan. Konsumsi Fe, Folat dan Zn 20-30 persen dari kecukupan yang dianjurkan. Konsumsi energi, protein, lemak, Fe, folat dan Zn ibu tidak berhubungan dengan panjang lahir bayi. Panjang paha janin yang kurang berisiko 1,3 kali panjang lahir pendek, panjang tulang kering janin yang kurang berisiko 4 kali panjang lahir pendek, keduanya tidak signifikan secara statistik (p> 0,05).Kesimpulan: Konsumsi ibu hamil pada trimester-III, panjang tulang paha dan tulang kering janin tidak berhubungan dengan panjang lahir bayi
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