17 research outputs found

    地域警備インドネシアの民族紛争を解決するには: ランプン人vsパリ人のケーススタディ

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    ABSTRAKBakteri endofit merupakan kelompok bakteri yang hidup pada jaringan tanaman dan mampu memproduksi metabolit sekunder yang sama dengan tanaman inangnya, salah satunya adalah antimikroba. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengisolasi dan menguji aktivitas antimikroba bakteri endofit asal daun pepaya (Carica papaya L.). Bakteri endofit diisolasi dari daun pepaya dan dimurnikan pada media Nutrient Agar. Karakterisasi isolat bakteri endofit dilakukan secara makroskopis dan mikroskopis. Uji screening potensi antimikroba dilakukan terhadap mikroba patogen Streptococcus mutans, Escherichia coli, dan Candida albicans. Uji aktivitas antimikroba bakteri endofit dilakukan dengan metode agar plug untuk mengukur pembentukan zona hambat. Sebanyak 8 isolat bakteri endofit berhasil diperoleh dan semua isolat memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa hanya isolat EDP3 dan EDP6 yang memiliki potensi antimikroba. Kedua isolat mampu menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri patogen Streptococcus mutans. Diameter zona hambat yang terbentuk pada isolat EDP3 dan EDP6 masing-masing sebesar 11,7 mm dan 11,5 mm.Kata kunci: Bakteri endofit, Carica papaya L., antimikroba ABSTRACTEndophytic bacteria are a group of bacteria living within the plant tissues and produce secondary metabolites similar to the host plants, such as antimicrobials. The purpose of this study was to isolate and determine the antimicrobial activity of endophytic bacteria isolated from papaya (Carica papaya L.) leaves. Endophytic bacteria were isolated from papaya leaves and purified on Nutrient Agar. Macroscopic and microscopic characterization of endophytic bacteria were done. The antimicrobial potential screening test was performed against pathogenic microbes Streptococcus mutans, Escherichia coli, and Candida albicans. The antimicrobial activity test was done by using agar plug method to measures the formation of inhibitory zone. A total of 8 endophytic bacteria isolates were successfully obtained and all isolates showed different characteristics. The result of this study showed that only EDP3 and EDP6 isolates had the potential as antimicrobials. Both isolates were effective against Streptococcus mutans. The diameter of inhibitory zone formed in EDP3 and EDP6 isolates were 11.7 mm and 11.5 mm. Keywords: Endophytic bacteria, Carica papaya L., Antimicrobia

    Tourism Policy: Local Wisdom and Integrated Coastal Zone Management

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    The Pesawaran District governance conduct and cultivate the tourism potential in the coastal villages areas, through Integrated coastal zone management for sustainable by Department of Tourism and Creative economy. This research is focus on "how the strategy of local governance in managing the local wisdom being potential assets for tourism industry??".The method is qualitative descriptive, using data obtained through a large visit to the relevant key informant. The location of this research is in Pesawaran district. The results of the research are as follows: The tourism-management of the Pesawaran District develops into independent tourism industry based on local wisdom. The strategy undertaken through One Village One Destination (OVOD) program for tourism destination carried out by natives. Pesawaran governance is trying to develop villages in the District to serve as a tourist destination. Nowdays, among 148 villages are already develop as 50 top tourist destinations, among others: Sungai Langka Village in GedungTataan sub-district as agrotourism, village (Pekon) Ampai in MargaPunduh sub-district as natives house cultural destinations, NegeriKaton village as center handcrafter of SulamTapis, Muncak village in TelukPandan sub district has sea binoculars and the center of maritime tourism, GunungRejo village in Way Ratai sub-district has waterfalls, agro tourism and other destinations. The OVOD program is expected to provide tourist attraction to the potential of the each destination area. However, local governments still need to fix supporting facilities, such as the availability of shops, souvenir vending shops, restaurant, and other supporting facilities. Therefore, it is needed inter sector cooperation and coordination among others. Keywords: tourism, policy, coastal, Pesawaran district. DOI: 10.7176/JLPG/88-17 Publication date: August 31st 201


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    The Weberian narrative has become ingrained in the Indonesian bureaucracy has an impact on the fact that the bureaucratic reform agenda is not yet actual, so that public disappointment with the performance of the bureaucracy is still a general finding. The performance of the bureaucracy in Indonesia is still ineffective. To overhaul this order, Zizek’s thoughts on the subject deserve to be placed as a critical activity in exploring the role of the state civil apparatus (SCA). This study aims to read the authentic potential of bureaucrats as agents of change in bureaucratic reform in Indonesia by borrowing the analysis of the Zizekian radical subject. This research method uses a desk study by collecting data and information based on information analysis and secondary data. The results showed that basically SCA has an authentic capacity as a radical subject, in this case the subject of reform which is able to overthrow the Weberian bureaucratic structure that has become the shackles of the Symbolic One. This can be done by organizing the subject of reform collectively which is continually breaking the Weberian bureaucracy. The important implication of this study is as an anchor for SCAs who believe in the importance of change in the bureaucratic environment and that their role is very important as agents of reform subjects who dare to risk themselves taking action towards better bureaucratic reform

    The Implementation of Community Policing in Indonesia

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    Trends in Online Learning Research During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Higher Education: Bibliometric Studies

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    In order to break the chain of the Covid-19 virus, the government recommends schools lockdown and implementing online learning. The research problem formulation is as follows: (1). How is the trend of online learning studies during the covid-19 pandemic at universities in Indonesia? (2). What topics have developed in studying online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic at universities in Indonesia? The research was carried out as a literature review using bibliometric analysis of several sources of scientific publication data. The data in this study were obtained through literature collection techniques and their references which were obtained directly from the Scopus and Google Scholar databases. The data was extracted using the Publish or Perish tool and then analyzed with the VosViewer tool. From the analysis that has been done, it can be concluded that the distribution of authors who study online learning topics during the pandemic has not yet appeared to form a polarization of authorship networks that explore these topics in depth. Meanwhile, the trends that have formed in online learning during the pandemic seem to condense into several topics

    The Symbolic Essence of “Seserahan”: Exploring the Communication Message in The Marriage Procession of the Clan

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    This study aims to decode the symbolic communication conveyed through offerings during the Besagh arrival procession in the wedding customs of the Mesuji Lampung clan residing in Banjar Margo, Tulang Bawang District, Lampung Province. Although numerous studies have highlighted the role of offerings in Indonesian wedding cultures, there is a notable research gap regarding the symbolism within the Besagh procession of the Mesuji Lampung clan. This research is important as it reveals the traditional values and local wisdom embodied in the offerings, strengthening the community's social and familial bonds. The theoretical framework of symbolic communication is employed to analyze the meanings embedded in the offerings. Conducted qualitatively in Banjar Margo District, the study uses Snowball Sampling to select informants. Data gathered from these informants were analyzed through an interpretive approach to derive deep insights into the symbolic meanings of each offering. Offerings, integral to wedding processions across Indonesian cultures, symbolize the commitment and involvement of both parties. Families express values, aspirations, and social relations between clans through these offerings. For instance, kemingan (mat) symbolizes simplicity and blessings in the household, while lemang (glutinous rice) signifies unity and the strength of marital bonds. Using traditional materials honors tradition and reinforces familial and communal ties. Thus, this study reveals how traditional materials in the Besagh procession convey respect, prayers, and blessings from extended families to the prospective couple, reflecting unity, loyalty, prosperity, and respect within marriage

    Community Policing to Resolve Ethnic Conflict in Indonesia : A Case Study of Lampungnese Vs. Balinese

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    Policy Monitoring and Governance: The Cost-Effectiveness of Community-Based Sanitation Programs in Indonesia

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    Community-based sanitation (CBS) is a sanitation service option with technical and institutional assistance for poor urban communities to develop sanitation infrastructure in urban areas and treat domestic wastewater in small-scale sanitation systems. The Indonesian government has implemented critical policy interventions and investments to upgrade sanitation access nationwide since the early 2000s. This research will answer how policy monitoring and governance affect community-based sanitation program delivery through cost-effectiveness analysis. Building upon a qualitative paradigm, this paper contributes insights into community-based sanitation program effectiveness in local government. We adopted a descriptive case study-based research project in several urban villages in Bandar Lampung, Indonesia. We performed a qualitative content analysis of data with a conventional content analysis approach