34 research outputs found

    Yield and viability of quinoa seeds as affected by planting arrangement

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    Quinoa has great capacity to diversify agricultural production, due to its characteristics as functional food, rich in protein and fibers, besides presenting drought tolerance and high phenotypic plasticity. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of population and crop year arrangements on seed production and physiological potential of BRS Piabiru quinoa cultivar. The experiments were conducted in the experimental area of the Plant breeding Department of the Federal University of Ceará, at the Pici Campus, in Fortaleza, CE for two agricultural years (2014/2015 and 2015/2016) under irrigated regime. The treatments resulted from a 3x3 factorial scheme (3 spacings between rows: 20, 40 and 60 cm and 3 planting densities within the row: 10, 15 and 20 cm), and these treatments were distributed in four randomized blocks. The physiological tests of the seeds were carried out in the same seed laboratory institution. The mass of 1000 seeds, %U, IVG, TMG, %G, accelerated aging, panicle length and productivity were evaluated. The seeds produced in the different planting arrangements showed high physiological quality, and the agricultural year was determinant. Increasing planting density reduced panicle size and increased quinoa productivity during the two cycles.  A quinoa apresenta grande capacidade para diversificar a produção agrícola, devido suas características como alimento funcional, rico em proteína e fibras, além de apresentar tolerância à seca e elevada plasticidade fenotípica. Com o presente trabalho objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos dos arranjos populacionais e dos anos agrícolas na produção de sementes e potencial fisiológico da cultivar de quinoa BRS Piabiru. Os experimentos foram conduzidos na área experimental do Departamento de Fitotecnia da Universidade Federal do Ceará, no Campus do Pici, em Fortaleza, CE durante dois anos agrícolas (2014/2015 e 2015/2016) em regime irrigado. Os tratamentos resultaram de um esquema fatorial 3x3 (3 espaçamentos entre fileiras: 20; 40 e 60 cm e 3 densidades de plantio dentro da fileira: 10; 15 e 20 cm), sendo esses tratamentos distribuídos em quatro blocos casualizados. Os testes fisiológicos das sementes foram realizados no laboratório de sementes da mesma instituição. Avaliou-se, a massa de 1000 sementes, %U, IVG, TMG, %G, envelhecimento acelerado, comprimento de panícula e produtividade. As sementes produzidas nos diversos arranjos de plantio apresentaram elevada qualidade fisiológica, sendo que o ano agrícola foi determinante. O aumento da densidade de plantio reduziu o tamanho das panículas e aumentou a produtividade de quinoa durante os dois ciclos

    Physical characteristics of cashew apples from dwarf cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) clones as a function of environmental and temporal variation

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    1 recurso en línea (páginas 41-49).As variáveis de qualidade física do pedúnculo de cajueiro consistem em diferentes características externas, como aparência, tamanho, coloração, formato, firmeza, entre outros. Esses apresentam grande importância na comercialização, uma vez que são os principais atributos que atraem o consumidor no momento da compra. Diante disso, este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a influência da região, ano de produção e do genótipo sobre as características físicas em cajus de cajueiro-anão. O delineamento experimental adotado foi inteiramente casualizado, no esquema fatorial com medida repetida no tempo, aplicando-se a técnica de confundimento, sendo três clones (CCP 09, BRS 265 e PRO 555-1) em dois locais diferentes, sertão (Alto Santo-CE) e litoral (Beberibe-CE), com quatro repetições, colhidos nos anos de 2013 e 2014. No laboratório os cajus foram avaliados quanto a massa total (castanha e pedúnculo) em (g), massa da castanha (g), massa do pedúnculo (g), comprimento (mm), diâmetro apical e basal do pedúnculo (mm) e firmeza do pedúnculo (N). Observou-se que a região e o ano de produção influenciam na qualidade física do caju. Entre os clones estudados, o CCP 09 foi o único que apresentou comportamento semelhante em ambas as regiões. Isso mostra que o mesmo consegue expressar qualidade satisfatória em diferentes ambientes. Os demais apresentaram qualidade física superior quando cultivados no litoral. No sertão, o clone que se mostrou melhor adaptado foi o CCP 09, e no litoral o clone PRO 555-1.Cashew apple physical quality variables include different external characteristics, such as appearance, size, color, shape, and firmness, among others, which are very important in commercialization because they are the first characteristics perceived by consumers, who usually buy what attracts them most. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of the region, production year and genotype on the physical characteristics of dwarf cashew cashews (cashew apple + nut). The experiment design was completely randomized in a factorial scheme with repeated measurements over time, applying the confounding technique, with three clones (CCP 09, BRS 265 and PRO 555-1) in two different regions, sertão (Alto Santo-CE) and coast (Beberibe-CE), with four replications, collected in 2013 and 2014. In the laboratory, the cashews were evaluated for total mass (nut and cashew apple) (g), nut and cashew apple mass (g), length (mm), apical and basal diameters of the cashew apple (mm) and firmness of the cashew apple (N). It was observed that the region and the production year influenced the physical quality of the cashews. Among the clones that were studied, CCP 09 was the only one that presented a similar behavior in both regions, showing that it can obtain satisfactory quality in different environments. The other clones differed, presenting superior physical quality on the coast. In the sertão region, the best adapted clone was CCP 09 and, on the coast, it was the PRO 555-1 clone.Bibliografía y webgrafía: páginas 48-4

    Cereus jamacaru seed germination and initial seedling establishment as a function of light and temperature conditions

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    Cereus jamacaru is a widespread Cactaceae of northeast Brazil, largely used as cattle food, and as ornamental and medicinal plant. Despite its distinguished importance, until now, there has been little information about the physiological aspects involved on its germination. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of light and temperature interaction on the seed germination and seedling establishment of this plant. The evaluated variables were germination percentage at 7 (% G7) and at 14 days after imbibition (% G14), germination average time index (GSI), germination average time (GAT), germination accumulated frequency (GAF), seedling dry mass and height. The highest % G14 and GSI were at 25 ºC in white light, whereas the highest GAT values were in darkness for all evaluated temperatures. On the other hand, % G14, GSI and GAF had the lowest values in darkness. Seeds germinated even in darkness, being however stimulated by the presence of light. The combination of white light and temperature of 25 or 30 °C is the most appropriate condition for seed germination tests


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    The aim of this work was to evaluate methods for overcoming Jitirana's (Merremia cissoides) seeds dormancy. The treatments were: immersion of Jitirana's seeds in sulfuric acid during 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55 and 60 minutes and control (no treatment). The experiment was carried out in the completely randomized design, with ten treatments and four replications, with 20 seeds each. The variables evaluated were: germination percentage, germination speed index, medium time for germination, dry weight and height of seedling obtained 16 days after sowing. The immersion of seeds in sulfuric acid during 50 minutes is an efficient method to overcome dormancy and promotes germination, enabling quickly and greater Jitirana's seedling emergence