835 research outputs found

    Practical approach to early postoperative management of lung transplant recipients

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    Meticulous attention to detail during the early postoperative period after lung transplantation is crucial for the overall success of the procedure. It starts in the intensive care unit with the initiation of immunosuppression, implementation of anti-infective strategies and stabilisation of respiratory function. The subsequent days and weeks on the regular ward focus on titration of immunosuppressive drugs, vigilant fluid management, early mobilisation and initiation of physiotherapy. In parallel, the lung transplant recipients are actively taught about self-monitoring and self-management strategies to allow for a smooth transition to outpatient follow-up care. This article intends to communicate the practical aspects and principles of the patient management used at the authors' centre on a daily basis by a multi-disciplinary transplant team, having at its core both a transplant pulmonologist and a thoracic surgeon. It focuses on the first month after lung transplantation, but does not cover surgical techniques, rare complications or long-term management issues of lung transplant recipients. The target audience of this practical guide are advanced trainees of pulmonology, thoracic surgery, intensive care, anaesthesiology and other clinicians involved in the early postoperative care of lung transplant recipients either in the intensive care unit or on the peripheral ward

    Coupled Coincidence Point and Coupled Fixed Point Theorems via Generalized Meir-Keeler Type Contractions

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    We prove coupled coincidence point and coupled fixed point results of ∶×→ and ∶→ involving Meir-Keeler type contractions on the class of partially ordered metric spaces. Our results generalize some recent results in the literature. Also, we give some illustrative examples and application

    Subdomain-based exponential integrators for quantum Liouville-type equations

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    In order to describe quantum mechanical effects, the use of the von-Neumann equation is apparent. In this work, we present a unified numerical framework so that the von-Neumann equation in center-of-mass coordinates leads to a Quantum Liouville-type equation when choosing a suitable basis. In particular, the proposed approach can be related to the conventional Wigner equation when a plane wave basis is used. The drawback of the numerical methods is the high computational cost. Our presented approach is extended to allow reducing the dimension of the basis, which leads to a computationally efficient and accurate subdomain approach. Not only the steady-state behavior is of interest, but also the dynamic behavior. In order to solve the time-dependent case, suitable approximation methods for the time-dependent exponential integrator are necessary. For this purpose, we also investigate approximations of the exponential integrator based on Faber polynomials and Krylov methods. In order to evaluate and justify our approach, various test cases, including a resonant tunnel diode as well as a double-gate field-effect transistor, are investigated and validated for the stationary and the dynamic device behavior

    COVID-19-related end stage lung disease: two distinct phenotypes

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    In COVID-19 related end stage lung disease, there are two distinct phenotypes. The first phenotype is the COVID-19 related acute respiratory distress syndrome (CARDS) showing a classical histopathological pattern of fibrotic diffuse alveolar damage (DAD). The second phenotype is the post-COVID pulmonary fibrosis (PCPF), in which the diagnosis is based on the combined clinical, radiological and (if available) pathological information. Both phenotypes have different clinical features, risk factors, biomarkers and pathophysiology. The exact prognosis in these two phenotypes as well as optimal treatment needs further studies. Key messages Two different phenotypes exist for COVID-19 related pulmonary fibrosis. The CARDS phenotype has a worse prognosis compared to the PCPF phenotype, which requires longer-term follow-up and evolves without ARDS picture. The best treatment options for the two different phenotypes, such as anti-fibrotic drugs or lung transplantation, still needs to be defined in future studies

    Pattern and Outcome of Chest Injuries at Bugando Medical Centre in Northwestern Tanzania.

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    Chest injuries constitute a continuing challenge to the trauma or general surgeon practicing in developing countries. This study was conducted to outline the etiological spectrum, injury patterns and short term outcome of these injuries in our setting. This was a prospective study involving chest injury patients admitted to Bugando Medical Centre over a six-month period from November 2009 to April 2010 inclusive. A total of 150 chest injury patients were studied. Males outnumbered females by a ratio of 3.8:1. Their ages ranged from 1 to 80 years (mean = 32.17 years). The majority of patients (72.7%) sustained blunt injuries. Road traffic crush was the most common cause of injuries affecting 50.7% of patients. Chest wall wounds, hemothorax and rib fractures were the most common type of injuries accounting for 30.0%, 21.3% and 20.7% respectively. Associated injuries were noted in 56.0% of patients and head/neck (33.3%) and musculoskeletal regions (26.7%) were commonly affected. The majority of patients (55.3%) were treated successfully with non-operative approach. Underwater seal drainage was performed in 39 patients (19.3%). One patient (0.7%) underwent thoracotomy due to hemopericardium. Thirty nine patients (26.0%) had complications of which wound sepsis (14.7%) and complications of long bone fractures (12.0%) were the most common complications. The mean LOS was 13.17 days and mortality rate was 3.3%. Using multivariate logistic regression analysis, associated injuries, the type of injury, trauma scores (ISS, RTS and PTS) were found to be significant predictors of the LOS (P < 0.001), whereas mortality was significantly associated with pre-morbid illness, associated injuries, trauma scores (ISS, RTS and PTS), the need for ICU admission and the presence of complications (P < 0.001). Chest injuries resulting from RTCs remain a major public health problem in this part of Tanzania. Urgent preventive measures targeting at reducing the occurrence of RTCs is necessary to reduce the incidence of chest injuries in this region

    Rearing system effects on live weight gain of large white turkeys

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    The aim of this study was to determine the effect of three production systems on live weight gain (LWG) of white turkeys by repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) and profile analysis. A total of 81 turkey poults were assigned to intensive (7 male and 19 female), semi-intensive (9 male and 19 female) and extensive groups (11 male and 16 female) at one day old. The poults were wing-banded at day 1 after hatching and weighed individually each week through 16 weeks old. The birds were managed similarly through eight weeks old. After that time, the intensive group was fed concentrated feed indoors. The birds of the semi-intensive group had access to pasture for eight hours a day, and received 50% of the concentrated feed that was consumed by the intensive group. The birds in the extensive group were kept outdoors with shade and grazed on pasture, but did not receive concentrated feed. The bi-weekly LWG of the extensive, intensive and semi-intensive groups were 1191.4 g, 990.6 g and 872.1 g, respectively. Through the 16 weeks of the trial, the effects on LWG of production system, age, and interaction of age and production system were highly significant (P &lt;0.01) in the repeated measures ANOVA. The profile analysis also showed highly significant (P &lt;0.01) production system effects and interaction of production system and age on LWG. Scheffe’s test indicated that the intensive, semi-intensive, and extensive treatments differed (P &lt;0.05)