29 research outputs found

    Työvoiman maahanmuuton edistämisen yhteistyömuodot lähtömaiden kanssa -hankkeen loppuraportti

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    Sisäasiainministeriö asetti 11.2.2008 hankkeen selvittämään mahdollisia yhteistyömuotoja työvoiman maahanmuuton edistämiseksi lähtömaiden kanssa ja perusti tätä tarkoitusta varten poikkihallinnollisen työryhmän. Työryhmässä olivat edustettuina sisäasiainministeriön lisäksi ulkoasiainministeriö, opetusministeriö, sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö, työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö ja valtiovarainministeriö. Työryhmä on järjestänyt myös asiantuntijakuulemisia. Työryhmän tehtävänä on ollut selvittää, millaista yhteistyötä viranomaiset voisivat tehdä kolmansien maiden kanssa ulkomaisen työvoiman maahanmuuton edistämiseksi ja millaisia toimenpiteitä (mukaan lukien koulutusyhteistyö ja -ohjelmat) tämä edellyttäisi viranomaisilta Suomessa ja Suomen ulkomaan edustustoissa. Työryhmän lähtökohtana on ollut vastuullinen, eettisiä periaatteita noudattava kohdennettu rekrytointi, joka hyödyttää sekä työntekijää, työnantajaa että lähtömaan yhteiskuntakehitystä. Myös Suomessa jo olevien maahanmuuttajien työllistymiseen tulee kiinnittää huomiota. Työryhmä havaitsi, että työvoiman maahanmuuttoa koskevan yhteistyön toimenpiteitä ei voi rajata vain lähtömaassa tehtäviksi. Yhtä tärkeiksi, elleivät tärkeimmiksi, koettiin myös Suomessa tehtävät toimenpiteet. Työryhmä on laatinut suosituksia, jotka koskevat julkishallinnon tehtäviä työvoiman maahanmuutossa Suomessa ja ulkomailla, tiedottamista, EU-rahoitteisia ohjelmia, sosiaali- ja terveydenhuoltohenkilöstön rekrytoinnin erityiskysymyksiä, lähtömaissa järjestettävää valmennusta ja kielenopetusta, maahanmuuttajien opastusjärjestelmää ja ulkomaalaisten tutkinto-opiskelijoiden työllistymisen edistämistä

    Denture reinforcement via topology optimization

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    We present a computational design method that optimizes the reinforcement of dental prostheses and increases the durability and fracture resistance of dentures. Our approach optimally places reinforcement, which could be implemented by modern multi-material, three-dimensional printers. The study focuses on reducing deformation by identifying regions within the structure that require reinforcement (E-glass material). Our method is applied to a three-dimensional removable lower jaw dental prosthesis and aims to improve the living quality of denture patients and pretend fracture of dental reinforcement in clinical studies. To do this, we compare the deformation results of a non-reinforced denture and a reinforced denture that has two materials. The results indicate the maximum deformation is lower and node-based displacement distribution demonstrates that the average displacement distribution is much better in the reinforced denture

    An AI-in-Loop Fuzzy-Control Technique for UAV’s Stabilization and Landing

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    In this paper, an adaptable fuzzy control mechanism for an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) to manipulate its mechanical actuators is provided. The mission (landing) for the UAV is defined to track (land on) an object that is detected by a deep learning object detection algorithm. The inputs of the controller are the location and speed of the UAV that have been calculated based on the location of the detected object. Two separate fuzzy controllers are proposed to control the UAV’s motor throttle and its roll and pitch over the mission and landing time. Fuzzy logic controller (FLC) is an intelligent controller that can be used to compensate for the non-linearity behaviour of the UAV by designing a specific fuzzy rule base. These rules will be utilized to adjust the control parameters during the mission and landing period in runtime. To add the effect of the ground for tuning the FLC membership function over the landing operation, a computational flow dynamic (CFD) modeling has been investigated. The proposed techniques is evaluated on MATLAB/Simulink simulation platform and real environment. Statistical analysis of the UAV location reported during stabilization and landing process, on both simulation and real platform, show that the proposed technique outperforms the similar state-of-art control techniques for both mission and landing control.</p

    Remote Run-Time Failure Detection and Recovery Control For Quadcopters

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    We propose an adaptive run-time failure recovery control system for quadcopter drones, based on remote real-time processing of measurement data streams. Particularly, the measured RPM values of the quadcopter motors are transmitted to a remote machine which hosts failure detection algorithms and performs recovery procedure. The proposed control system consists of three distinct parts: (1) A set of computationally simple PID controllers locally onboard the drone, (2) a set of computationally more demanding remotely hosted algorithms for real-time drone state detection, and (3) a digital twin co-execution software platform — the ModelConductor-eXtended — for two-way signal data exchange between the former two. The local on-board control system is responsible for maneuvering the drone in all conditions: path tracking under normal operation and safe landing in a failure state. The remote control system, on the other hand, is responsible for detecting the state of the drone and communicating the corresponding control commands and controller parameters to the drone in real time. The proposed control system concept is demonstrated via simulations in which a drone is represented by the widely studied Quad-Sim six degrees-of-freedom Simulink model. Results show that the trained failure detection binary classifier achieves a high level of performance with F1-score of 96.03%. Additionally, time analysis shows that the proposed remote control system, with average execution time of 0.49 milliseconds and total latency of 6.92 milliseconds in two-way data communication link, meets the real-time constraints of the problem. The potential practical applications for the presented approach are in drone operation in complex environments such as factories (indoor) or forests (outdoor). </p

    Modeling grooved rolls with moving 2D porous media

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    Rolls are widely used in paper machines to heat, press and support paper webs and fabrics in order to facilitate rapid drying and transport of the paper web through the machine. In modern high speed paper machines, however, the interaction of boundary layer flows on the rolls, fabrics and the paper web often results in an undesirable pressure development at nip regions, ultimately causing an uncontrolled motion of the paper web. This runnability issue can be mitigated by using a so-called suction roll construction, which forces the required pressure profile over the paper web. Its operational costs are high, however. One result of the study is that the topology and the material of the roll surfaces, in particular the introduction of grooves on the smooth roll surfaces, can have a tremendous impact on the overall runnability potential of the paper web.The complexity of solving the governing Navier-Stokes equations and the sheer variability of paper machine constructions makes a comprehensive analytical study of the roll-grooving effect difficult. To the authors' knowledge, analytical solutions for nip pressures only exist for two-dimensional geometries and for smooth roll's. Moreover, numerical 3D simulations of grooved rolls in large paper machine sections are not feasible with today's computational or modeling resources.In this article, we propose a computational 2D model for a grooved roll. The model reproduces three-dimensional wall friction effects and minor losses in 2D by treating a grooved roll surface as a moving porous medium. The nip pressures are calculated and compared for:a grooved roll interacting with a rigid impermeable horizontal wall at a tangent point (symmetric 3D)a grooved roll interacting with a rigid impermeable horizontal wall at a tangent point where the groove geometry is described in 2D with moving porous media.The roll models describe the roll as infinitely wide, thus capturing friction effects between the roll and the surrounding air. The simulations are conducted with the RANS-method of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) on a commercial solver.The results show that the proposed computational 2D model for a grooved roll yields similar pressure profiles at nip regions as the more computationally expensive full-scale 3D models. The significance of this observation is that the 2D model now facilitates the study of grooved rolls in large sections of paper machines

    2D FSI model for paper webs and fabrics moving close to each other in complex geometries

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    In the present article we develop a two-dimensional computational fluid-structure interaction (FSI) model for small transverse deflections of a moving paper web, supported on one side by a fabric, both moving in an arbitrary geometry containing boundaries and nips (e.g. as in the drying section of a paper machine). In our FSI model, the transverse deflections of the paper web and those of the fabric are individually assumed to satisfy an equation of motion for axially moving membranes

    Transient 2D paper web drying model based on CFD

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    In the present article, a model combining the benefits of the small scale and large scale approaches towards modeling paper drying in a paper machine dryer section environment is described. The model is transient and two-dimensional, taking into account the MD and the thickness directions but neglecting the phenomena in the CD direction.The combined model consists of two parts:1. A large scale CFD model of the surroundings of the paper web solving the RANS equations2. A specific-purpose small scale model for heat and moisture transport phenomena inside the paper web.The model is aimed at predicting the drying process in a paper production environment. The present model can be combined with a separate paper web deflection model in order to simulate the drying process and the paper web runnability simultaneously