1,094 research outputs found

    ESTCube-1 electrical power system operation software

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    Antenataalne periventrikulaarne venoosne insult ema rasedusaegse uroinfektsiooni järel

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    Eesti Arst 2021; 100(9):506–50

    Alien Registration- Ilves, Henry (Waldoboro, Lincoln County)

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    Alien Registration- Ilves, Rose (Waldoboro, Lincoln County)

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    Impact of Board Dynamics in Corporate Bankruptcy Prediction: Application of Temporal Snapshots of Networks of Board Members and Companies

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    Firma pankrott mõjutab erinevaid ettevõttega seotud huvigruppe, näiteks investoreid, võlausaldajad, konkurente, töötajad, ja seetõttu on pankroti ennustamise vastu tõsine majanduslik huvi. Kuigi seda probleemi on juba laialdaselt uuritud, on enamasti ennustuste tegemiseks kasutatud ettevõtete varasemaid finantsandmeid. Kuna majandusaasta aruanded koostatakse ja avalikustatakse alles peale majandusaasta lõppu, ei ole ennustused enam ajakohased. Samal ajal avalikustatakse juhatuse liikmete muudatused ilma erilise viivituseta. Antud töö uurib, kas juhatuse liikmete ja firmade graafi võrgumeetrikad mõjutavad ennustuste täpsust ning seeläbi muudaks ennustused ajakohasemaks. Töös tehtud eksperimentide tulemused näitavad, et võrgumeetrikad, eriti PageRank, degree ja eccentricity, suurendavad mudelite täpsust. Parimaks mudeliks osutus otsustuspuul põhinev random forests, mis suutis pankrotti klassifitseerida kuni üheksa kuud ette.Corporate bankruptcy affects significantly a variety of stakeholders, such as investors, creditors, competitors, employees, and is therefore an event, in which there is a serious economic interest to predict it well ahead. Although this topic is widely studied, typically annual financial data is used to make predictions. However, due to significant delay in publication of such data, the predictions are often outdated. At the same time, changes in board membership of companies are made public with significantly shorter delay. This thesis investigates whether usage of network metrics of networks of board members and companies will positively impact accuracy and timeliness of bankruptcy prediction. More specifically, the thesis reveals that network metrics, especially PageRank, degree and eccentricity, indeed improve bankruptcy prediction models. Furthermore, by using random forest learning method and network metrics, the author was able to construct a classification model that was capable of predicting bankruptcy up to nine months in advance

    Seals as a Ritual Signifier: Re-Evaluating the Ålandic Clay Paw Burial Rite

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    Ägeda kalkuloosse koletsüstiidi harva esinev tüsistus

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    Eesti Arst 2017; 96(10):615–61

    2D Neutron Imaging with 10B-Based Multi-Blade Detector

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    In the field of thermal-neutron imaging, the Multi-Blade detector concept and design, being developed for the upcoming European Spallation Source in Lund, Sweden, is unique. The current report presents, for the first time, the neutron-imaging capabilities of a boron-10-based Multi-Blade thermal-neutron detector, measured at a reflectometry instrument at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in Oxfordshire, England under high spallation neutron flux. This thesis is focused on producing two-dimensional neutron images from the measurements. A full overview of neutron-detection concepts and specifically, the Multi-Blade detector are given. The detector has excellent response to thermal neutrons. Detector short-comings are addressed and suggestions for a next wave of measurements and analysis are given.Neutrons are tiny little devils, whose presence isn't easy to expose. Especially when current detectives, who catch them, are about to retire. This is exactly what this project is aiming at - building a boron-10 based neutron detector and producing 2 dimensional images with neutrons. While individual neutrons do not care about electrical barriers, they are excellent detectives, uncovering unknown properties in different materials. However, for the same reason, they are problematic to capture. The present thesis is focusing on boron-10 detector characterization and 2 dimensional neutron imaging. Within the thesis, a software is developed to convert a neutron-induced signal into a 2 dimensional visualization on a computer screen. Two dimensional neutron imaging can find useful application in nuclear power plants and neutron research facilities. Visual radiation monitoring would guarantee better safety in those facilities

    Incorporation of article 5, 12 and 13 of UN Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities into notariate law of the Republic of Latvia

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    United Nations (hereafter – UN) adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Persons with Disabilities (hereafter – CRPD) on 13 December 2006, and this is the first international human rights treaty which EU joined as a party (in 2010), according to Article 37 of Treaty on European Union. CRPD gives the rights and voice to persons with disabilities in all areas of life, therefore setting the obligation for CRPD States to provide possibility for persons with disabilities to use their rights. As CRPD is relatively new treaty, there are not enough scholarly articles, especially on the Notariate law of Republic of Latvia in the relationship with the CRPD. The lack of consistent research results in lack of consistent rights of persons with disabilities. Therefore more researches are needed. The research aim is to investigate whether the Articles 86 (rights to be witnesses) and 94 (rights to be a party) of Latvian law fulfill the rights of persons with disabilities set in Articles 5, 12 and 13 of CRPD. There are four research methods used in the research: grammatical method; systematical method; historical method; theological method. In order to inquire how the practical implementation is made, the interviews with representatives of Baltic notary systems were made. Additionally comparative approach was used to compare Notariate laws of all three Baltic States. During the analyses of Notariate law of the Republic of Latvia it was concluded that the current version of Notariate law does not reflect equality principle of CRPD as unequal attitude is stipulated between persons with mental/ sensor disabilities and persons without disabilities and persons with other type disabilities regarding the rights to be witnesses and rights to be parties. Additionally the terminology used in Notariate law regarding persons with sensor/ mental disability is insulting and thus does not reflect CRPD terminology. The rights of persons with mental disabilities are limited the most, also in other procedural laws – Civil procedure law and Administrative procedure law of the Republic of Latvia – when active legal capacity can be deprived regarding the rights to be witnesses in proceedings. Therefore it is possible to agree with UN that Article 12 of CRPD is the most challenging. Thus it is necessary to make amendments in Notariate law of the Republic of Latvia to reflect better CRPD principles, especially equality principle which is one of the cornerstones of the European Union.http://www.ester.ee/record=b4578773*es