37 research outputs found

    Publication output of the Institute of Geography of Kazimierz Wielki University (1995-2017)

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    The aim of the present study was to evaluate the publishing output of the UKW Institute of Geography from its foundation in 1995 until the end of the year 2017. The structure of publications was assessed on the basis of bibliometric methods, using a dynamic approach. The results include a breakdown by the number of authors, language, and source. The analysis also addresses the thematic structure of the publications, the structure of their spatial scopes, and the most important trends evident in the analyzed period. The place of the UKW Institute of Geography among all geographical centers in Poland was identified based on the analysis of publications by UKW faculty members, and with the use of bibliometric publications assessing other centers of geographic research in Poland, as well as geographical journals.&nbsp

    Regional disparities in Poland and Bulgaria

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    This paper presents, on the basis of selected indicators, regional disparities in Poland and Bulgaria as presented by NUTS 2 regions. Comparisons are made in relation to the ongoing processes and development trends in these regions. Certain common features and differences are indicated regarding the regional development in Poland and Bulgaria based on this and other investigations.This paper presents, on the basis of selected indicators, regional disparities in Poland and Bulgaria as presented by NUTS 2 regions. Comparisons are made in relation to the ongoing processes and development trends in these regions. Certain common features and differences are indicated regarding the regional development in Poland and Bulgaria based on this and other investigations

    The depopulation of the Bulgarian villages

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    The depopulation process in Bulgaria, especially in rural areas, is intensifying due to deepening unfavourable trends in the dynamics of demographic processes. Depopulation is a typical process in the fourth phase of demographic transition in rural areas of Bulgaria. The death rates exceed birth rates in the rural areas in the mid-1970s. The size of rural population and the number of villages in the country has been decreasing in the last decades. A large part of the villages were affected by depopulation processes during the period 1985-2007. A high depopulation level is observed in border and mountainous regions. The depopulation generates an array of different negative trends in the spatial aspect - in socio-economic development, technical and social infrastructure, as well as the erasure of many small villages. The regional development plans need to embed measures for infrastructural development in order to attract and retain residents, utilise natural and cultural-historical heritage, and to stimulate economic activities and the development of various types of tourism, etc

    Bulgarian Urban Settlements in the Early 21st Century

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    The article presents the main changes in Bulgarian urban settlements during the last two decades and the present-day situation and processes of their development. A pronounced tendency towards a decrease in the urban population in Bulgaria can be observed in this period, which is closely related to the continuing drop in the total number of the country's population. A comparison with earlier periods shows that there is a greater concentration of population in the cities and middle-sized towns. The processes of transformation in Bulgarian urban settlements are similar to those in the other Central and East-European countries in transition. The economic transformations and the changes in the urban economy affected the urban territorial structure. The last two decades have witnessed considerable changes in the spatial pattern of the complex systems links established between the settlements as well as between the settlements, gravitating to the cities or agglomerations. The regional policy, which has been implemented for the past two decades, aims to consolidate the importance of Bulgarian urban settlements (over 20 thousand inhabitants) and agglomerations in regional development


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    The transformation processes in Central and Eastern Europe, including Bulgaria, are subject of many investigations in the last two decades. Up to now there is no geographical survey on the territorial differences and their course in Bulgaria. The aim of this investigation is to study these differences in the transformation process in Bulgaria by 28 administrative districts (NUTS3). On the basis of analyses and comparisons of GDP per capita in different units (an indicator, accepted by specialists as the most common parameter) and the calculated values of integral indicator (reflecting the influence of 15 interlocked factors), the existing significant differences in the achieved level of transformation in the country are shown. At this stage there is no sufficient research to determine the threshold value of the integral indicator and to say with certainty that the territorial units, having values above it, are winners from the transformation process, and those with values below it, are losers

    Development and Activity of the Institute of Geography, Kazimierz Wielki University in 1995-2016

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    The Institute of Geography of Kazimierz Wielki University, founded in 1996, initially as the Chair of Geography, is the youngest geography research and didactic unit in Poland. The Institute runs two-cycle studies in two fields: Geography as well as Tourism and Recreation (bachelor’s and complementary master’s studies), and two engineering courses: Inland Waterways Revitalization and Crisis Management in the Natural Environment. After twenty years of student education, graduates of the Institute of Geography have an impact on the natural environment management on a local and national scale, by taking positions at various levels, including managerial positions in local authorities’ units, institutions connected with environmental protection as well as private enterprises. The academic research of the Institute of Geography focuses on issues related to physical geography and socio-economic geography as well as tourism and recreation. Currently, the most important topics are: the impact of human activity on fluvial systems, problems related to revitalization of waterways and riverside areas, geodiversity of selected areas in Poland, contemporary socio-economic processes in Poland and other transition countries, tourism development and economics. The scientific research and expert activities of the Institute’s employees in the indicated fields include research works both worldwide, nationwide, as well as on a local scale – the Kujavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship and the city of Bydgoszcz. The research is carried out within the framework of cooperation with Polish and foreign academic institutions, as well as in the scope of implementation works with local authorities’ units, landscape parks and private enterprises. Since 2013, the Institute of Geography has published the “Geography and Tourism” academic journal, which popularizes the results of theoretical and empirical research in the fields of geography and tourism

    Zapory na rzekach a ekologia w Polsce = The dams on the rivers and ecological approach in Poland

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    Babiński Zygmunt, Habel Michał, Dziopak Józef, Tychoniec Alicja, Ilieva Margarita. Zapory na rzekach a ekologia w polsce = The dams on the rivers and ecological approach in Poland. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2015;5(5):427-434. ISSN 2391-8306. DOI 10.5281/zenodo.18056http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/2015%3B5%285%29%3A427-434https://pbn.nauka.gov.pl/works/562247http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.18056Formerly Journal of Health Sciences. ISSN 1429-9623 / 2300-665X. Archives 2011 – 2014 http://journal.rsw.edu.pl/index.php/JHS/issue/archive Deklaracja.Specyfika i zawartość merytoryczna czasopisma nie ulega zmianie.Zgodnie z informacją MNiSW z dnia 2 czerwca 2014 r., że w roku 2014 nie będzie przeprowadzana ocena czasopism naukowych; czasopismo o zmienionym tytule otrzymuje tyle samo punktów co na wykazie czasopism naukowych z dnia 31 grudnia 2014 r.The journal has had 5 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Poland parametric evaluation. Part B item 1089. (31.12.2014).© The Author (s) 2015;This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland and Radom University in Radom, PolandOpen Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercialuse, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.Received: 20.03.2015. Revised 18.04.2015. Accepted: 24.05.2015. ZAPORY NA RZEKACH A EKOLOGIA W pOLSCEThe dams on the rivers and ecological approach in Poland Zygmunt Babiński, Michał Habel, Józef Dziopak, Alicja Tychoniec, Margarita IlievaIG, WKFZIT, Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy Abstrakt Budownictwo hydrotechniczne na rzekach Polsce, w postaci zapór i ich zbiorników, datuje się już od początku XX wieku. Pierwsze z nich, tj. najstarsza Zapora Leśna na rzece Kwisie o wysokości piętrzenia 45 m, zbudowana w 1907 roku, Pilichowice na rzece Bóbr (69 m - 1912), jako zapory kamienno-betonowe i zapora kamienna Lubachów na rzece Bystrzycy (44 m - 1917), wszystkie znajdujące w dorzeczu Odry, zostały zbudowane w celu zabezpieczenia przeciwpowodziowego oraz dla hydroenergetyki, później wykorzystywane dla celów rekreacji.Rozwiązaniem całkowitego wyeliminowania z życia społeczno-gospodarczego Polaków problemu powodzi, zwłaszcza dolnego odcinka Wisły, jest kaskadowa jej zabudowa. Dowodem na wykluczenie z „życia rzek” zjawiska powodzi jest m.in. kaskadowa zabudowa rzeki Rodan, górne odcinki Renu i Dunaju (poniżej, w dół tych rzek brak zapór stwarza coroczne zagrożenia powodziowe).Ponadto, kaskadowa zabudowa Dolnej Wisły od ujścia Narwi do Bałtyku umożliwiłaby rozwój zarówno taniego i ekologicznego transportu wodnego, jak i energii elektrycznej. Natomiast zastosowanie metod budowy lateralnych kanałów przyzbiornikowych (Dunaj w odcinku austriackim), traktowanych jako przepławki dla ryb (Babiński, 2006) z zagospodarowaniem zawala, spotęgowałoby proces ekologizacji dna doliny Wisły.  Słowa kluczowe: zapory na rzekach, ekologia, polska. Abstract: The work concerns the review of approaches to water management in Poland, in the construction of dams. The authors presented the main problems that stand in the way of people protection against floods. Presented implemented and planned investments on the waterways in Poland.Keywords: dam, flood protection, ecology

    Bulgarien: ein Land in der demographischen Krise

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    Nachdem die Bevölkerung Bulgariens im Jahr 1989 ihr bisheriges Maximum von 8.992.000 Menschen erreicht hatte, erwartete man, dass die 9 Mio. Marke im Jahr 1990 überschritten würde. Stattdessen wurde das Jahr 1989 zu einem Wendepunkt in der Bevölkerungsentwicklung des Landes. Seitdem nimmt die Bevölkerungszahl kontinuierlich ab - Ende des Jahres 2003 betrug sie 7,8 Mio. Der Hauptgrund für die als "schwere demographische Krise" zu bezeichnende Entwicklung ist die infolge des politischen und wirtschaftlichen Systemwechsels entstandene allgemeine ökonomische und soziale Unsicherheit, die abrupt eintrat und der Bevölkerung einen Schock versetzte. Die derzeitige demographische Situation in Bulgarien ist aufgrund der anhaltend niedrigen Geburtenraten und der zunehmenden Überalterung der Bevölkerung im europa- und weltweiten Vergleich als ungünstig einzuschätzen. Sollten die Trends des letzten Jahrzehnts anhalten, so hätte Bulgarien im Jahr 2020 nur noch zwischen 6,9 und 7,4 Mio. Einwohner. Wurden die Bevölkerungsverluste zu Beginn der 1990er Jahre vor allem durch Emigrationswellen großen Umfangs verursacht, resultiert die Abnahme der Gesamtbevölkerung zunehmend aus der negativen natürlichen Bevölkerungsentwicklung. Sowohl die Geburten- und Sterberate als auch die Säuglingssterblichkeit und das natürliche Bevölkerungswachstum erreichten im Jahr 1997 -dem Jahr, in dem Bulgarien seine bisher schlimmste wirtschaftliche Krise seit dem Systemwechsel erlebte- ihre negativsten Werte. Dies verdeutlicht, wie stark die demographische von der ökonomischen Entwicklung eines Landes abhängt. Mit dem Systemwechsel wurden in Bulgarien geburtenfördernde Faktoren durch Faktoren ersetzt, von denen negative Einflüsse auf die Familienbildung ausgehen. Das seit den 1960er Jahren vorherrschende "Zwei-Kinder-Familienmodell" entspricht heute nicht mehr den Idealvorstellungen der Bulgaren. Die Anzahl der Frauen, die kinderlos bleiben oder nur ein Kind bekommen möchten, ist deutlich angestiegen. Allerdings besteht berechtigter Zweifel daran, dass die Menschen ihre Entscheidung für bzw. gegen die Gründung einer Familie allein von ihren ökonomischen Lebensbedingungen abhängig machen. Auch in Bulgarien hat sich in den letzten Jahren ein grundlegender gesellschaftlicher Wertewandel bezüglich der Institution Ehe/Familie vollzogen, wie er in den Ländern Westeuropas schon in den Jahrzehnten zuvor zu beobachten war. Als größtes Problem der bulgarischen Gesellschaft stellt sich mehr und mehr der gesellschaftliche Alterungsprozess heraus. Der Anteil junger Menschen nimmt in Bulgarien ab und kann die Reproduktion des Arbeitskräftepotenzials langfristig nicht mehr sichern. Die zunehmende Überalterung der Bevölkerung wird ernste ökonomische, soziale und psychologische Folgen haben und Zündstoff für die Entstehung sozialer Konflikte in sich bergen, da mit einem gesellschaftlichen Alterungsprozess auch höhere Ausgaben für Renten und Pensionszahlungen sowie steigende Kosten im Gesundheitssystem verbunden sind. Vor allem in den dünn besiedelten ländlichen Gebieten stellt die ausreichende Versorgung der älteren Bewohner schon heute ein zunehmendes Problem dar. Aktuelle Bevölkerungsprognosen zeigen besorgniserregende Tendenzen bezüglich der zukünftigen demographischen Entwicklung der bulgarischen Gesellschaft auf. Auch wenn sich die wirtschaftliche Situation im Land -gerade vor dem Hintergrund des geplanten EU-Beitritts– weiter verbessern sollte, so ist nicht davon auszugehen, dass es künftig wieder zu einem deutlichen Anstieg der Geburtenzahlen kommen wird. Einzig durch eine Steigerung der Geburtenzahlen -gefördert durch eine pronatalistische Familienpolitik- kann jedoch ein Weg aus der demographischen Krise erreicht werden. (Autorenreferat)After the population of Bulgaria reached the record figure of 8,992,000 in 1989, it was expected that the 9 million mark would be crossed in 1990. Instead, 1989 proved to be a turning point in the development of the population in the country. Since then, the population figures have dropped constantly - the numbers were 7.8 million at the end of 2003. The main reason for this development, which should be se en as a "severe demographic crisis", is the general economic and social uncertainty that has arisen from the transformation in the political and economic system, which emerged abruptly and put the population into a state of shock. The current demographic situation in Bulgaria should be seen to be unfavourable due to the persistently low birth rate and the increasingly old age of the population in a European and global comparison. In the event that the tren ds of the last few years persist, Bulgaria would only have a population of between 6.9 and 7.4 million by the year 2020. Whereas the population erosion at the start of the nineties was mainly caused by a wave of emigration on a large scale, the drop in overall population is now in creasingly due to the negative but natural development of the population. The birth a nd death rates and the infant mortality and natural population development reached their most negative values in 1997 - the year in which Bulgaria experienced its to date worst economic crisis since the system change. This emphasises to what large extent the demographic development of a country is dependent on the economic situation. When the system in Bulgaria changed, factors that would promote the birth rate were replaced with other factors from which one can assume that they would have a negative influence on the formation of families. The "two child fam ily model" that has been prevalent since the sixties is no longer the ideal framework for Bulgarians. There has been a clear rise in the number of women who remain without children or who only want one child. However, there are grounds for justified doubt that people base their decision to found a family or not solely on the economic circumstances of their lives. Ov er the last few years, Bulgaria has also experienced fundamental transformation in social values concerning the institutions of marriage and family, as we have also seen in the countries of Western Europe in the decades before. The social ageing process is increasingly the greatest problem facing Bulgarian society. The number of young people in Bulgaria is falling and can no longer guarantee the reproduction of workforce potential in the long term. The increasing age of the populat ion will have serious economic, social and psychological consequences and will create an explosive situation that may produce social conflict, as a rising aver age age of the population is also linked to increasing expenditure on annuities and pensions and rising costs of the healthcare system. Providing sufficient care to the older members of society is an increasing problem, especially in the sparsely popul ated, rural areas. Current population prognoses have revealed worr isome tendencies with regard to the future demographic development of Bulgarian society. Even if the economic situation in the country continues to improve -especially against the backdrop of the planned EU accession-, there is no reason to assume that the future will bring a clear rise in the birth rate. The only way to find a path out of the demographic crisis is to increase the birth rate and to promote this by installing pro-natal family policies. (author's abstract

    Bulgariens administrative Neugliederung: die Einführung von neuen Verwaltungseinheiten und Planungsregionen als Vorbereitung auf eine zukünftige EU-Mitgliedschaft

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    In der Republik Bulgarien ist zum 1.1.1999 eine neue administrative Gliederung in Kraft getreten. Damit sollen zwei Ziele verfolgt werden: Zum einen soll sie zur Dekonzentration des staatlichen Einflusses auf der regionalen und lokalen Ebene beitragen. Gleichzeitig sollen die verbleibenden staatlichen Verwaltungsaufgaben auf der regionalen Ebene optimiert werden. Von der Verwaltungsreform sollen also auch regionalökonomische Impulse ausgehen. Die aktuelle Neugliederung ist zweistufig -Bulgarien wurde in 28 Gebieten (oblasti) unterteilt, die sich wiederum in 262 Gemeinden (obschtini) untergliedern- und steht in direktem Zusammenhang mit den erfolgten Veränderungen in der Regionalpolitik. Am 11.3.1999 trat nach Verabschiedung durch das Parlament ein Gesetz zur Regionalentwicklung in Kraft. Dieses erste Gesetz zur Regionalentwicklung Bulgariens ist darauf gerichtet, Voraussetzungen für eine nachhaltige und ausgeglichene Entwicklung der einzelnen Gebiete des Landes zu schaffen. Ziel des Gesetzes ist es, die zwischenregionalen Beschäftigungs- und Einkommensunterschiede zu reduzieren sowie die regionale Entwicklung und grenzübergreifende Zusammenarbeit zu fördern. Die aktuelle Aufteilung Bulgariens in sechs Planungsregionen ist das erste Regionalisierungskonzept, das von offizieller Seite für die Regionalentwicklung des Landes eingesetzt und zukünftig bei der Planung und Lenkung der Entwicklungsprozesse eine wichtige Rolle spielen wird. Auf der Grundlage des Gesetzes zur Regionalentwicklung werden besondere Maßnahmen für benachteiligte Regionen ergriffen. Aufgrund festgelegter Kriterien trifft der bulgarische Ministerrat Entscheidungen über die Ausweisung von Regionen der zielgerichteten Förderung, die für vier unterschiedliche Bereiche ausgewiesen werden können: Wachstumsregionen, Entwicklungsregionen, Grenzregionen und Problemregionen. Das Ziel all dieser Bemühungen zur regionalen Entwicklung im Rahmen der dargestellten Neugliederung der administrativen Einheiten und der Ausweisung von Entwicklungsregionen im Zuge des Gesetzes zur Regionalentwicklung stellt letztlich die vollständige Integration Bulgariens in die Europäische Union dar.A new administrative structure came into force in the Republic of Bulgaria on 1/1/1999. This is intended to pursue two goals: on the one hand it is intended to reduce concentration of state influence on a regional and local level. At the same time, the remaining state administrative tasks will be optimised on a regional level. There is also hope that the administrative reform will provide impulses for the regional economy. The current restructuring takes place in two stages -Bulgaria was divided into 28 regions (oblasti), which in turn were separated into 262 districts (obshtini)- and is therefore directly related to the changes in regional policies, which are now in place. After passing through parliament, the Regional Development Act came into force on 11/3/1999. This first piece of legislation on the regional development of Bulgaria is targeted at laying the foundation for a sustained and balanced development of the individual areas within the country. The purpose of the legislation is to reduce the differences in employment and income between the individual regions and to promote regional development and cross-border cooperation. The current division of Bulgaria into six planning regions is the first regionalisation concept that has been used officially by the government for the regional development of the country; in future, it will play an important part in the planning and control of development processes. Special measures will be taken on the basis of the Regional Development Act in order to support disadvantaged regions. The Bulgarian Council of Ministers makes decisions on the designation of regions requiring targeted support on the basis of defined criteria. These regions can be classified in four different areas: growth region, development region, border region and problem region. The aim of all these efforts in terms of regional development within the framework of the restructuring in administrative units presented he re as part of the Regional Development Act is ultimately to achieve the complete integration of Bulgaria within the European Union

    Needle mesotherapy

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    Микронидлингът, известен още като терапия за стимулация на колагеновия синтез, е уникален иновативен метод, насочен към решаването на различни естетични проблеми и профилактика на възрастови изменения на кожата. Този метод представлява система, използваща техниката на микроперфорация. Образуваните микроканали позволяват по-лесно проникване на активните вещества в дермата на кожата. Благодарение на това се стимулира синтезът на колаген и еластин с минимално увреждане на епидермиса. В настоящия материал се разглеждат спектърът на терапевтичните индикации, основни принципи, механизъм на действие и странични ефекти на този съвременен метод.Microneedling, also known as a therapy used to stimulate the synthesis of collagen, is a unique innovative method oriented to solving different aesthetic problems as well as staving off the signs of aging. In fact, this method is a whole system, which uses microneedling techniques. The tiny punctures act like little channels and they allow the active substance to penetrate the dermis of the skin. Due to it synthesis of collagen and elastin is stimulated and minimal damage to the epidermis is caused. The present project considers the spectrum of therapeutic indications, basic principles and the mechanism of its work and the side effects it may produce