13,692 research outputs found

    Exploring the Giving Practices in American Mosques: Why Do Muslims Give So Little to Their Mosques?

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    This article represents the first effort to explore the giving practices of Muslims in American mosques. The research for this article was based on two studies: (1) a previously published study, “The American Mosque 2011,” which consisted of 524 telephone interviews of mosque leaders; and (2) a previously unpublished 2013 study of 3 mosques and the 2016 follow-up interviews with donors from the three mosques. The results show that mosque attendees give much less than their counterparts in churches. Interviews with donors in the three mosques were conducted in order to draw some preliminary conclusions as to why the giving rate in mosques is low. The interviews indicate that one of the underlying factors for the low rate of giving is that mosque attendees do not have a clear theology for giving to mosques and that a culture of giving to mosques does not exist among immigrant Muslims. It must be emphasized that this article is exploratory. Broader and more in-depth studies are needed to develop definitive conclusions about giving practices in mosques


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan media pembelajaran interaktif siklus akuntansi berbasis excel dan menguji keefektifannya terhadap peningkatan hasil belajar ditinjau dari self-efficacy mahasiswa.  Metode research & development menggunakan model ADDIE dengan desain uji lapangan quasi eksperimen faktorial 2×2 pretest-posttest non-equivalent control group design. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, (1) media pembelajaran interaktif berbasis excel yang dikembangkan layak digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran siklus akuntansi pada matakuliah pengantar akuntansi berdasarkan hasil validasi ahli media, ahli materi, dan respon mahasiswa dengan total rata-rata 89% kriteria sangat baik. (2) ada perbedaan yang signifikan hasil belajar antara kelompok mahasiswa yang belajar dengan menggunakan produk pengembangan media pembelajaran interaktif berbasis excel dengan kelompok mahasiswa yang belajar dengan media konvensional. (3) ada perbedaan yang signifikan hasil belajar antara kelompok mahasiswa yang memiliki self-efficacy tinggi lebih baik dengan kelompok mahasiswa yang memiliki self-efficacy rendah. (4) pada level self-efficacy yang sama-sama tinggi ada perbedaan yang signifikan hasil belajar antara kelompok mahasiswa yang belajar dengan menerapkan produk pengembangan media pembelajaran interaktif berbasis excel lebih baik dengan kelompok mahasiswa yang belajar dengan media konvensional. (5) pada level self-efficacy yang sama-sama rendah ada perbedaan yang signifikan hasil belajar antara kelompok mahasiswa yang belajar dengan menerapkan produk pengembangan media pembelajaran interaktif berbasis excel lebih baik dengan kelompok mahasiswa yang belajar dengan media konvensional

    Pengembangan E-Modul Akuntansi Perusahaan Dagang Berbasis Instalasi Android Untuk Meningkatkan Kemandirian dan Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik

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    This study aims to produce learning media in the form of e-modules based android in the form of applications and test their effectiveness in increasing student independence and learning outcomes. The development research method uses the ADDIE model with field test design a quasi-experimental one-group pretest-posttest. The test subjects were 29 students. Data analysis used the n-gain score and paired sample test statistics. The results showed that, (1) the developed Android-based e-module learning media was very suitable to be used as an accounting learning medium based on the validation results of material experts of 91.10%, media experts of 89.67%, and supported by student responses that were very good at 87.64%. (2) the android-based e-module learning media is very effective and has a significant effect on increasing student learning independence, as evidenced by the average score after the application of the media is 87.76 with a normalized gain value of 0.71 high criteria and statistical test results sig. 0.00 0.05. (3) the android-based e-module learning media is very effective and has a significant effect on improving student learning outcomes, as evidenced by the average score after the application of the media is 89.63 with a normalized gain value of 0.73 high criteria and reinforced by the sig statistical test results. 0.00 0.05. Besides that, the application of Android-based e-module learning media is very possible for students to increase motivation and critical thinking skills

    The Challenges of Elementary Education in Society 5.0 Era

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    This study aims to describe the teachers’ perceptions and readiness to face classroom instruction in the eras of Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Society 5.0. As an essential part of education, teachers are responsible for teaching (imparting knowledge to students) and educating them (shaping their character traits). These roles demand the design of a learning process that stimulates students to acquire 21st-century skills. The challenges posed by the disruptive era of Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Society 5.0 (supersmart society era) present significant hurdles for today’s teachers. To address these challenges, teachers demonstrate adaptability and embrace ongoing development. This study employed a qualitative descriptive method to gather data; the data were collected through observation, interviews, document review, and secondary data sources. The study's primary respondents were 15 teachers from schools/madrassas (Islamic schools) in 5 regencies; Kudus, Pati, Rembang, Grobogan, and Blora. The results reveal that technological devices, learning methods, and human resources are the most significant barriers for teachers facing the society 5.0 era. To overcome these challenges, teachers must develop professional competencies in utilizing digital technology during classroom instruction.   


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    ABSTRACT            The asset that was used as an object in this study was Mina Citra Lestari Marine Tourism. Mina Citra Lestari Marine Tourism is located at Pasepatan Block, Grogol Village, Gunung Jati District, Cirebon Regency. The phenomenon of problems in tourist attractions is that visitors find it difficult to reach Mina Citra Lestari Marine Tourism using public transportation and can only be reached by using private transportation. In addition, the access road is rocky and can only be passed by one four-wheeled vehicle because of the narrow road section. There are also wooden bridges that can endanger tourists because there are several bridges that have not been built intact. This study aims to evaluate the quality of accessibility assets, facilities, and infrastructure in tourist attractions. This research uses descriptive research methods with quantitative and qualitative approaches. Data were collected through observation, interviews, documentation studies, and questionnaires. The sampling technique uses judgement sampling techniques. Based on the measurement results in each dimension, the quality of Mina Citra Lestari Marine Tourism is considered quite good. Keywords: Asset Tourism Quality, Accessibility, Facilities, InfrastructureABSTRAK            Aset yang dijadikan objek dalam penelitian ini adalah Wisata Bahari Mina Citra Lestari. Wisata Bahari Mina Citra Lestari beralamat di Blok Pasepatan, Desa Grogol, Kecamatan Gunung Jati Kabupaten Cirebon. Fenomena masalah dalam objek wisata yakni pengunjung sulit untuk menjangkau Wisata Bahari Mina Citra Lestari ini menggunakan transportasi umum dan hanya dapat dijangkau dengan menggunakan transportasi pribadi. Selain itu akses jalan yang berbatu dan hanya dapat dilalui oleh satu kendaraan roda empat karena ruas jalan yang sempit. Terdapat juga jembatan kayu yang dapat membahayakan wisatawan karena terdapat beberapa jembatan yang belum dibangun secara utuh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kualitas aset aksesibilitas, fasilitas, dan infrastruktur pada objek wisata. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi, wawancara, studi dokumentasi, dan kuesioner. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik judgement sampling. Berdasarkan hasil pengukuran pada setiap dimensi, kualitas Wisata Bahari Mina Citra Lestari dinilai cukup baik. Kata Kunci: Kualitas Aset Wisata, Aksesibilitas, Fasilitas, Infrastruktu

    Implications of the PPSMI policy for the performance of Malaysian secondary schools in mathematics and science subjects

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    The introduction of the Teaching and Learning Mathematics and Science Subjects in English (PPSMI) policy to change the medium of instruction in mathematics and science subjects from Bahasa Melayu to English has raised many debates on the effectiveness of the policy and the ability of the schools, teachers and pupils to adapt to the new medium of instruction. This study evaluates the implications of the PPSMI policy for the school performance in mathematics and science subjects. The school performances before and after the implementation of the policy were assessed and compared according to school types, states, and locations by developing an advanced technique in measuring school efficiency based on hybrid returns to scale (HRS) data envelopment analysis (DEA). A new methodology of measuring change in performance over time based on the Malmquist index was also developed to measure the difference in performance before and after the implementation of the policy. The aim of developing the methodologies is to provide an alternative assessment of the implications of the PPSMI policy for the school performance in mathematics and science subjects thus helping the Ministry of Education Malaysia to decide on the direction of the PPSMI policy. The HRS DEA model is a new extension in DEA based on the concept of selective proportionality in the relationship of input-output variables. It gives a better estimate compared to the original convex models, the constant returns to scale (CRS) and the variable returns to scale (VRS), when some of the inputs and outputs have proportional relationship while others do not. In this study, an HRS-based DEA model utilising 10 inputs and 8 outputs was developed to assess the efficiency of schools from three states i.e. Kedah, Penang, and Perlis. The schools comprise of three different types i.e. the national, fully residential, and religious school-types. The efficiency was also assessed by using the CRS and VRS models to compare the results. The Malmquist index is a popular productivity index for measuring efficiency over time. The Malmquist index can be calculated from the CRS-based or the VRS-based DEA efficiency scores. This study developed a new productivity index called the HRS-based Malmquist index. This is similar to the VRS-based Malmquist index but the calculation of the index is based on the efficiency scores from the HRS DEA model. The efficiency scores and Malmquist indices of schools in different categories (i.e. school-types, states, and locations) were tested for significant difference by using nonparametric statistical tests. Nonparametric statistical tests were used due to the nonparametric nature of DEA. The statistical tests used in this study are Mann-Whitney U Test and Kruskal-Wallis Test to look at independent samples such as samples from different school-types, and Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test and Friedman's Two-Way Analysis of Variance to examine dependent samples such as the difference in performance before and after the implementation of the policy

    Islam and pluralism : does Quran approve religious pluralism?

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    As for the relation between Islam and pluralism, it seems a little bit complicated. There are some verses in The Koran for pluralism and at the same time we have some verses against. Among the sayings of Prophet Muhammad like the some Koranic verses, we came across with something good and bad for non-Muslims in special contexts. By another saying, we find both positive and negative statements for Jews and Christians in different circumstances. Muslim scholars the complexity still exists. We find both positive and negative stances. So it is difficult to see a standard or official view on this issue. However, we should point out that Islam recognizes all the sacred (Semitic) books and their messages. It accepts all prophets of that traditions. It defines itself as the last and perfect religion of Semitic tradition and states that no other religion will be accepted from anybody else other then itself. It criticizes both the Jews and Christians especially about their failure to uphold the Oneness of God, tawhid, and to preserve the authenticity of their scripture from interventions. This exclusivist aspect of Islam as many conservative scholars formed with putting together some evidences from the Koran is generally accepted by Muslims

    The Role of Sheikh Dr. H. Abdul Karim Amrullah in Developing Muhammadiyah in Maninjau West Sumatera

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    This study aims to describe the role of Sheikh Dr. Abdul Karim Amrullah in developing Muhammadiyah in Maninjau. This type of research is qualitative research with historical methods, and heuristic measures, source criticism, interpretation, and historiography. The theory and approach in this research is the phenomenological approach and the theory of study figures. The results obtained from this study first, Sheikh Dr. H. Abdul Karim was a scholar who was born in 1879 Ad and died in 1945 A.D. He was born to a religious family, since childhood he has received a religious education from both parents and then continued his education through non-formal course. Secondly, the role of Sheikh Dr. H. Abdul Karim Amrullah in developing Muhammadiyah in Maninjau, backed by the religious condition of Maninjau that time has been mixed only, is no longer distinguished where the teachings of pure Islam and which are mixed with bid'ah, and Khurafat. This is what prompted Sheikh Dr. H. Abdul Karim Amrullah to make updates to Islam that has been corrupted in Maninjau. Therefore, to accelerate this renewal. He was the pioneering establishment of Muhammadiyah in Maninjau, after his return from Java in 1925 A.D


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    Abstrak: Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai-nilai karakter masyarakat yang terkandung dibalik adanya pengolahan produksi Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) di Kampung Tanah Tinggi. Sebelum penulis melakukan kajian ini, telah dilaksanakan pengabdian selama dua (2) tahun melalui Program Holistik Pembinaan & Pemberdayaan Desa dan Program Pengembangan & Pemberdyaan Desa terkait Pengolahan Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO). Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Melalui sumber data berupa dokumentasi, kuisioner, dan wawancara telah memperlihatkan bahwa terdapat  perubahan-perubahan yang terjadi selama masa pengabdian tersebut. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa eksistensi nilai sosial budaya dalam menumbuhkan karakter masyarakat Kampung Tanah Tinggi, nilai karakter tersebut ialah religius, toleransi, disiplin, kerjakeras, tanggungjawab, peduli lingkungan, dan kreatif. Dari adanya perbedaan Suku, Agama, Ras, dan antar golongan sangat berdampak kepada karakter-karakter yang tumbuh dari hidup bersosial melalui mempertahankan nilai sosial budaya yakni Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO). Hal ini perlu dilestarikan agar tetap eksis sehingga mampu membentuk nilai-nilai karakter pada kehidupan bermasyarakat.Abstract:  This study aims to determine the community character values contained behind the processing of Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) production in Tanah Tinggi Village. Before the author conducted this study, two (2) years of service had been carried out through the Holistic Village Development & Empowerment Program and the Village Development & Empowerment Program related to Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) Processing. The type of research used is descriptive with a qualitative approach. Through data sources in the form of documentation, questionnaires, and interviews, it has been shown that there were changes that occurred during the service period. The results of this study are the existence of socio-cultural values in growing the character of the Tanah Tinggi village community, the character values are religious, tolerance, discipline, hard work, responsibility, environmental care, and creativity. The existence of differences in ethnicity, religion, race, and inter-group greatly impacts the characters that grow from social life through maintaining socio-cultural values, namely Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO). This needs to be preserved in order to continue to exist so as to be able to form character values in social life