3,885 research outputs found

    Upaya peningkatan kemampuan berbicara pada pembelajaran bahasa Inggris melalui penggunaan multimedia berbasis komputer program Microsoft Power Point siswa kelas 8 A SMP negeri 10 Samarinda tahun pembelajaran 2012/2013

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    Latar belakang penelitian tindakan kelas ini adalah rendahnya kemampuan berbicara siswa pada pembelajaran bahasa Inggris. Hal ini terjadi karena kurangnya menariknya kegiatan pembelajaran yang diberikan oleh guru bahasa Inggris sehingga minat dan motivasi siswa dalam mengikuti pembelajaran sangat rendah dan berimbas pada rendahnya pretasi belajar siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara siswa dengan menggunakan multimedia berbasis komputer program Microsoft Office Power Point. Subjek pada penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas 8 A SMP Negeri 10 Samarinda pada tahun pembelajaran 2012/2013. Sebelum siklus pertama dilaksanakan terlebih dulu diberikan pre test untuk mengetahui data awal dan pada setiap akhir siklus diberikan post test untuk mengetahui perkembangan prestasi kemampuan berbicara siswa. Hasil pre test menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata kemampuan berbicara siswa adalah 5.8. Post test pada siklus pertama menunjukkan nilai rata-rata kemampuan berbicara siswa adalah 6,1. Post test pada siklus kedua menunjukkan nilai rata-rata kemampuan berbicara siswa adalah 6,5. Post test pada siklus ketiga menunjukkan nilai rata-rata kemampuan berbicara siswa adalah 6,9. Berdasarkan data tersebut dapat disimpulkan penggunaan multimedia berbasis komputer program Microsoft Office Power Point dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara siswa kelas 8 A SMP Negeri 10 Samarinda tahun pembelajaran 2012/2013

    Incorporating inter-cultural awareness in the teaching of business communication: The IIUM experience

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    Students of The International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) come from many Islamic countries around the world. They are enrolled in different faculties including the Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences. One of the compulsory courses for these students is The English for Occupational Purposes (EOP). It is meant for final year students (3 credit bearing) to equip them with the necessary skills before joining the workforce. Over the years, various approaches have been introduced and applied in ensuring that the best method is applied so that this course will be more meaningful and effective to the students. However, the course content only focuses on the communication skills in Business English without taking into account the different cultures of students who may have different business cultures back home. This study hence will look into the possibility of incorporating cultural awareness across context in the teaching and learning of English for Occupational Purposes and answering research questions related to culture, communication, teaching and learning. The qualitative methodology employing the interpretive analytical framework and case study are used in the 2-semester observations and interviews of the EOP students and lecturers. Findings are discussed with regard to the developmental theories of intercultural communication and the business communication aspects


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan 1.Kesalahan lafal pada pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia siswa Kelas VII MTs Alkhairaat Pinotu, 2. Kesalahan diksi ( pemilihan kata ) pada pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia siswa Kelas VII MTs Alkhairaat Pinotu. 3. Kesalahan struktur kalimat pada pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia siswa kelas VII MTs Alkhairaat Pinotu. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan deskriptif kualitatif, yaitu mengumpulkan menganalisis dan mengajukan data secara objektif mengenai objek penelitian yaitu analisis kesalahan berbahasa dalam kelas VII MTs Alkhairaat Pinotu. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ditemukan 36 kalimat yang mengandung kesalahan,  yaitu, 1. Kesalahan lafal berjumlah 12 kesalahan disebabkan adanya Perubahan fonem,  dan Penghilangan fonem. 2. Kesalahan diksi berjumlah ( Pilihan Kata ) 8 kesalahan disebabkan Pemilihan kata kurang tepat Adanya BI Yang digunakan dilingkungan sekolah dan sekitarnya dan 3. Kesalahan struktur kalimat berjumlah 16 kesalahan yang disebabkan adanya keterbatasan kosakatadalam penyampaian kalimat yang baik dan bena


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    Marriage is one of the most important aspects of life in a perfect society and association. Marriage is not only a noble way to organize domestic life and get offspring, but also an introduction between one family and another.Islam provides a way for men who want polygamy (marrying more than one person), which has been explained in the Al-Quran surah An-Nisa', with conditions that have been determined, one of which can be fair. The purpose of fair is fair treatment in serving the wife, both in terms of clothing, place, turn and others.the implementation of polygamy in Indonesia, must go through the Religious Court, the decision in the polygamy case, the judge only provides material protection, however, from the psychological aspect the judge does not provide protection, because the defendant has stated his ability to be polygamous, because the defendant cannot provide offspring, and he answered verbally before the Panel of Judges

    Pembelajaran Berbasis Kognitif Multimedia pada Kalbu Perspektif al-Qur’an

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    This study explores the application of multimedia cognitive theory in learning to understand its effect on learners' emotions and mental feelings. The focus of this study is on classroom conditioning and the use of multimedia elements such as images, sounds, music, animation, and text on the screen, along with the instructor's expressions. The purpose of the study is to increase the effectiveness and motivation of learners and make learning more interesting and meaningful. This research uses a qualitative approach with literature research methods. Primary data sources come from Qur'anic exegesis, while secondary data sources involve books, journals, and related research. Data analysis is carried out through content analysis methods, focusing on identifying key patterns and concepts. By combining both data sources, this study forms a strong basis for understanding the impact of multimedia cognitive theory on learners' emotions and motivation in the context of learning. Research findings indicate that the use of images and sounds as stimuli through two sensory channels, eyes and ears, can evoke emotions in the hearts of learners. The study also draws on concepts in the Qur'an, reinforcing the idea that eyes and ears have an important role in influencing human understanding and feeling. The conclusion of this study confirms that the application of multimedia cognitive theory in learning can increase the effectiveness and motivation of learners. By referring to these findings and ethnographic analysis approaches, this study provides new insights into the potential of multimedia in creating more engaging and meaningful learning experiences


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    This study aims to determine the improvement of students' speaking ability through learning with the modeling method. This research is a classroom action research. The research subjects were all class VIII students of MTs Alkhairaat Pinotu for the 2020/2021 academic year, totaling 20 people, namely 12 boys and 8 girls. The method used in this research is the descriptive method. The design of this study refers to the Kemmis and McTaggart model which consists of four components, namely 1) planning, 2) action implementation, 3) observation, and 4) reflection. The data collected in this study is in the form of teacher and student activity data during the learning process obtained by using observation sheets and student learning outcomes data obtained by giving individual tests to students. In the research that has been carried out, it was found that for the Grade VIII students of MTs Alkhairaat Pinotu, the score of the pre-action speech students was 45% and then increased from 71.2 in the first cycle to 78.2% in the second cycle. The increase in the second cycle was due to the researchers placing more emphasis on the concept of motivating students to be bolder in speaking out from the reflection of the first cycle in giving speeches using the modeling method. While in cycle II, the researcher emphasized changing the model in learning. Thus, the application of modeling media can improve the achievement of speaking skills (speech) of class VIII MTs Alkhairaat Pinotu students so that the application of modeling media is carried out by teachers to improve student learning outcome

    Globalization, Re-Discovery of the Malay ‘Local,' and Popular TV Fiction through Audience Narratives

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    The proliferation of TV fiction can be partly explained by TV producers attuning their products to draw audience’s attention. Narratives of love dominate the plots and almost always the good is pitted against the evil, rich against the poor - ultimately the good always wins. The formula may be clichéd, but in places where news of war, terrorism, diseases, violence, and conflicts usually prevail, respite from tumultuous realities of the world can often be found in popular TV fiction. Here, we study three popular Malay TV fiction, Julia, On Dhia, and Adam & Hawa to examine how TV fiction viewers relate to them through personal narratives and focus group interviews. Through their voices, we reveal that despite TV fiction viewers’ constant preoccupation with Western-imposed globalization, the TV fiction set against the backdrop of globalization can encourage the viewers to re-route their ways to re-discover their imaginary ‘good old days’ that are often dismissed, neglected or forgotten

    Penerapan Irigasi Tetes Emiter Tali Dengan Bebagai Selang Waktu Irigasi Pada Tanaman Semangka

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    The objectives of the research were (1) To know watermelon yield and irrigation water productivity of watermelon by used drip irrigation with nylon rope emitter on various time irrigation intervals, (2) To determined the good time irrigation interval for watermelon production by using the drip irrigation with nylon rope emitter. The research was conducted at the research field with four-time irrigation intervals were 1,2,3, and 4 days of time irrigation interval. The research was arranged in Completely Randomized Block Design. The result of the research showed that the time irrigation interval was not significantly affected yield and irrigation water productivity of watermelon. The soil moisture in the root zone at 30 cm depth of 23,23—23,88% before irrigation still in range of the available soil moisture content for plants. The average of watermelon yield and irrigation water productivity of watermelon were 5,07—5,45 kg/plant and 115,15—123,79 kg/m3. The good time interval of irrigation for watermelon production by using drip irrigation with rope emitter was 4 days time interval of irrigation

    Modernisasi Dayah Darul Huda Kota Langsa, 1962-2005

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    This article discusses the history of Acehnese traditional Islamic educational institutions called dayah. The discussion focused on the modernization of Dayah Darul Huda in Langsa City. The historical method is used to trace historical facts and reconstructed in the form of historiography. The results of the study found that the factors that encourage the development of dayah to a more modern system include: curriculum modernization; management; as well as infrastructure. The value contained in the vision and mission of modern Dayah Darul Huda education is the desire to make changes, improvements and development in matters especially science. Another factor that cannot be ignored is that some people still choose general education institutions as the main education for their children


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