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    This article will discuss and analyze the implementation of the Samarinda Mayor Regulation Number 12 of 2016 concerning Additional Income Allowances for Civil Servants at the Regional Personnel, Education and Training Agency of Samarinda City. By using a qualitative approach, data collection through observation, documentation, and interviews, as well as a descriptive analysis model with coding techniques, the results of the research shows that the implementation of the additional income allowance policy still experiences several obstacles that reduce the optimization of policy implementation, such as communication errors that still occur between implementers and employees, limited resources that affect the quality of performance, the process of disposition and division of tasks that are still not optimal, and SOPs that have not been optimally implemented are related to too large a workload, so that the role and function of monitoring cannot be carried out.Keywords: implementation, allowances, additional incom


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    This article describes the Implementation of the Personnel Management Information System (SIMPEG) at the Regional Education and Training Personnel Board. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach with data collection through observation, documentation, and interviews. This study uses data analysis developed interactive data. The results showed that the implementation of SIMPEG in BKPPD was not optimal. This is because the implementation of socialization was not effective, human resources were less competent, the level of commitment held by BKPPD employees was still low, and there was no SOP in implementing SIMPEG.Keywords: implementation, public policy, information systems, staffin

    Hubungan Antara Komunikasi Interpersonal dan Komitmen Organisasi Dengan Kepuasan Kerja Dosen

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan komunikasi interpersonal dan komitmen organisasi dengan kepuasan kerja. Sampel penelitian ini berjumlah 160 orang dosen Universitas Mulawarman Samarinda yang dilakukan melalui teknik random samling. Skala digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data dan data dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis regresi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan yang sangat signifikan antara komunikasi interpersonal dan komitmen organisasi dengan kepuasan kerja. Hasil penelitian membutkikan ada hubungan yang positif dan sangat signifikan komunikasi interpersonal dan komitmen organisasi dengan kepuasan kerja. Faktor kesetaraan dan normatif merupakan faktor yang dominan dalam mempengaruhi kepuasan kerja

    Poverty Reduction Policy Evaluation: A Study of Independent Village Development Movement (Gerakan Pembangunan Desa Mandiri, Gerbang Dema) in Respen Tubu Village of Malinau Regency - East Kalimantan Province of Indonesia

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    In order to reduce poverty and to develop local area, Malinau Government implemented a program, so called, the model of Independent Village Development Movement (Gerakan Pembangunan Desa Mandiri, Gerbang Dema). Malinau Local Government had set Malinau Poverty Reduction Strategic Plan and had established a Coordinating Team for Poverty Reduction. In organizing the development, the model focused on 3 (three) things: (1) infrastructural development; (2) human resources development, and (3) agricultural development in terms of  economic development. Development programs and activities implemented by the Malinau Local Government to address the various problems shows the developmental progress, but on the other hand the poverty rate is still quite high. In the process of public policy, the evaluation stage is as an integral part of other stages. Evaluation of public policy on poverty reduction policy in Malinau Regency played an important role. The evaluation was conducted to obtain information about the achievement of policy objectives, to provide useful information on the implemented policies as well as to set a useful, more effective and efficient tool for future policy-making. Keywords: public policy evaluation, poverty reduction, Gerbang Dema, social econom

    Marine pollution: a study into the insufficiency of punishment imposed on oil spillage in Malaysia / Nadiia Md Yazid, Adam Idris and Syazwani Turiman

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    As a developing costal state, geographically located in a region of intense oil exploration and development activities and lying across the main oil transport route between the oil exporting countries in West Asia and Japan and other importing countries in the East, Malaysia cannot expect to totally escape pollution. The Straits of Malacca is by the same token one of the busiest waterways in the world. Traffics statistics show that the strait is passing by more that 60,000 vessel annually. Over three million barrels of petroleum products transverse the strait everyday of which'61% is carried by tankers of more than 100, 000 dwt and 30% by tankers more than 200, 000 dwt. In the course of their passage vessels are known to discharge their bilges and ballast waters with the upshot being that good part of which will end up on our beaches as oil residues of beach tar. In April 1979, a 10, 000 ton spill of crude oil due to a collision between two vessels in the South China Sea. Whereas in the Straits of Malacca, the "Showa Maru" spill in 1975 of 6,000 tons of crude oil. Collision and grounding remain the principal causes of oil spills in our water. There are several laws regulating oil spillage in Malaysia whereby punishment being imposed for the offences committed. Despite having these punishments which supposedly serves as deterrence for further offences, oil spillage still occur. Since it is so, it is the aims of this research to study into the sufficiency of the law whether there is it the cause for oil spillage to be continuously occurred


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    Bureaucracy is a service provided by the government to the people. Up till now Society consider that the bureaucracy is a state instrument that needs to have its own rules and it is supported by its own laws, therefore the correlation between the bureaucracy and the executive should be arranged so the bureaucracy can do hardworking as a servant of the state and not as a man of power . Further, bureaucracy reformation needs to be implemented so that the bureaucracy is able to carry out their tasks more efficiently and effectively then a clean government and a good governance can be realized as well as the establishment of a good governance, clean and dignified governance


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     It has been estimated that over half of all women in the world experience anemia during pregnancy with 95% occurring among women in the developing counteries1. Many risk factors for anemia were identified in pregnancy 2. In a community-based study we have recently reported that around 26% of the women of Eastern Sudan were anaemic, as well as we have shown that anaemia is one of the risk factors for deep venous thrombosis in the Sudanese pregnant women 3,4. However no proper published data exist for anaemia, its epidemiology and the risk factors during pregnancy in Sudan.   We performed a prospective study to estimate the incidence, timing and the risk factors for anemia during pregnancy in a population of Sudanese women in Eastern Sudan. Pregnant women attended antenatal care clinic at New Halfa Teaching Hospital were approached for participation in the study during September- November 2003. After a verbal consent a fixed questionnaire containing sociodemographic characters, obstetrical history as well as the known risk factors for anemia was filled (history of abortion, lack of iron supplementation, oral contraceptive pills (OCP) use and pica). All patients were examined clinically to detect signs of anemia–if present. Spleen was palpated and the gestational age was confirmed by Ultrasound in cases of discrepancy. Hemoglobin was estimated by colorimeter (WPA, U.K) and blood films for malaria were prepared using Geimsa stain. A well-trained technician who was blinded about the women’s data did the laboratory investigations. Data was entered in microcomputer using SPSS for windows the students, t-test, compared the mean ± SD of the age, gestational age, and hemoglobin. Relative risk was calculated for the possible factors. P < 0.05 was considered significant. &nbsp

    Analisis Strategi Bersaing Dan Strategi Bertahan Pada UMKM Di Kota Gorontalo Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 (Studi Kasus UMKM Zoellen Sagela)

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    Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk 1) Untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis strategi bersaing pada UKM Zoellen Sagela pada masa pandemi Covid-19 dan 2) Untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis strategi bertahan pada UKM Zoellen Sagela pada masa pandemi Covid-19. Data-data yang dibutuhkan atau digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data-data tentang strategi bersaing dan strategi bertahan pada masa pandemi covid-19 yang didapatkan dari wawancara dengan pemilik usaha UMKM Zoellen Sagela. Pengambilan sampel yang dilakukan peneliti yaitu dengan non-probability sampling, teknik pengumpulan data dengan observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi. Alat analisis yang digunakan untuk strategi bersaing adalah dengan Teori Lima Kekuatan Persaingan dari Porter (1980). Sedangkan untuk menganalisis strategi bertahan pada usaha UMKM Zoellen Sagela digunakan strategi bertahan dari Fred R. David. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan pendekatan metode Lima Kekuatan Persaingan dari Porter (1980), UMKM Zoellen Sagela mampu bersaing dengan harga, kualitas produk, promosi, dan distribusi produk. Sedangkan untuk strategi bertahan pada UMKM Zoellen Sagela yang dilakukan untuk dapat terus bertahan pada saat pandemi Covid-19 adalah dengan melakukan strategi penekanan biaya produksi serta mengurangi jumlah produksi produk

    Perbandingan Cr-51 (III) Dan Cr-s1 (VI) Anorganik Pada Hasil Iradiasi Cr(co)s Dan Cr(c5h7o2)3 Dengan Neutron Termal

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    Thermal neutron irradiation on Cr(CO)6 and Cr(C5H7O2)3 target compounds had been conducted with an average neutron flux of about 2.8 x 10(12) n.cm(-2).der(1). Both post-irradiated target compounds gave inorganic radiochromium in oxidation states of +3 and +6 which were separated by solvent extraction method: For radioactivity measurement, the trivalent species was separased from the hexavalent by hydroxide precipitation using K2CrO4 and Cr(NO)3. 9H2O carriers. The inorganic chromium content was chemically determined by spectrophotometric method without adding arry carriers. The activity of the trivalent inorganic chromium produced from Cr(CO)6 irradiation was higher than that of the hexavalent ones, but in the case of Cr(C5H7O2)3 irradiation; the activity of the hexavalent species was higher. In both cases, the specific activity of the trivalent species was higher than that of the hexavalent species. The specific activity of total inorganic chromium obtained from the irradiation of Cr(CO)6 was higher than that of Cr(C5H7O2)3