189 research outputs found

    Changes in phenology and the influence on the carbon sequestration in a Danish beech forest over 20 years

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    Observations of carbon sequestration in a Danish beech forest over the last 20 years have shown a steady increase in NEE. Earlier studies (Pile- gaard et al. 2011) have shown, that about half of the increase can be attributed to an increase in the growing season length. The growing sea- son has been determined as the carbon uptake period (CUP); i.e. the period with net uptake, determined from flux data. Additionally, we have determined the period with leaves (LP) from the attenuation of light below the canopy. In this analysis we add information from a phenology camera with data from the last 6 years using the R package Phenopix (Filippa et al. 2016). The new data is compared with CUP and LP to give more detailed information on the phenology. The information is used to examine the evolution of net ecosystem exchange (NEE) over the 20 year period


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    Net Primary Production, NPP, is one of the most important variables characterizing the performance of an ecosystem. It is the difference between the total carbon uptake from the air through photosynthesis and the carbon loss due to respiration by living plants. However, field measurements of NPP are time-consuming and expensive. Current techniques are therefore not useful for obtaining NPP estimates over large areas. By combining the remote sensing and GIS technology and modelling, we can estimate NPP of a large ecosystem with a little ease. This paper discusses the use of a process based physiological sunshade canopy models in estimating NPP of Lore Lindu National Park (LLNP). The discussion includes on how to parameterize the models and how to scale up from leaf to the canopy. The version documented in this manuscript is called NetPro Model, whicha potential NPP model where water effect is not included yet. The model integrates CIS and the use of Remote Sensing, and written in Visual Basic 6.0 programming language and Map Objects 2.1. NetPro has the capability of estimating NPP of Cs vegetation under present environmental condition and under future scenarios (increasing [CO2], increasing temperature and increasing or decreasing leaf nitrogen level). Based on site-measured parameterisation of VaM* (Photosynthetic capacity), /JjRespiration) and leaf nitrogen ONi), the model was run under increasing CO2 level and temperature and varied leaf nitrogen. The output of the semi-mechanistic modelling is radiation use efficiency (?). Analysis of remote sensing data give Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and related Leaf Area Index (LAI) and traction of absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (/M>AK). Climate data are obtained from 12 meteorological stations around die parks, which includes global radiations, minimum and maximum temperature. CO2 absorbed by vegetation (Gross Primary Production, GPP) is then calculated using the above variables and parameters with the following equation:estimating NPP, while ecosystem respiration is set as a function of temperature for estimating NEE. Under present condition, the net absorption of CO> by the vegetation of Lore Lindu National Park (NPP) is 1330.31 gCm"2year"' and at double CO2 and temperature increased of 3.5 "C, it increased by 23 %, reaching 1638.80 gCm'2 year'1.Key words : NPP Semi-mechanistic model, photosynthesis, carbon sequestration, net primary-production, tropical fores

    Overestimation of closed-chamber soil CO2 effluxes at low atmospheric turbulence

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    Soil respiration (Rs) is an important component of ecosystem carbon balance, and accurate quantification of the diurnal and seasonal variation of Rs is crucial for a correct interpretation of the response of Rs to biotic and abiotic factors, as well as for estimating annual soil CO2 efflux rates. In this study, we measured Rs hourly for 1 year by automated closed chambers in a temperate Danish beech forest. The data showed a clear diurnal pattern of Rs across all seasons with higher rates during night-time than during daytime. However, further analysis showed a clear negative relationship between flux rates and friction velocity (u∗) above the canopy, suggesting that Rs was overestimated at low atmospheric turbulence throughout the year due to non-steady-state conditions during measurements. Filtering out data at low u∗ values removed or even inverted the observed diurnal pattern, such that the highest effluxes were now observed during daytime, and also led to a substantial decrease in the estimated annual soil CO2 efflux. By installing fans to produce continuous turbulent mixing of air around the soil chambers, we tested the hypothesis that overestimation of soil CO2 effluxes during low u∗ can be eliminated if proper mixing of air is ensured, and indeed the use of fans removed the overestimation of Rs rates during low u∗. Artificial turbulent air mixing may thus provide a method to overcome the problems of using closed-chamber gas-exchange measurement techniques during naturally occurring low atmospheric turbulence conditions. Other possible effects from using fans during soil CO2 efflux measurements are discussed. In conclusion, periods with low atmospheric turbulence may provide a significant source of error in Rs rates estimated by the use of closed-chamber techniques and erroneous data must be filtered out to obtain unbiased diurnal patterns, accurate relationships to biotic and abiotic factors, and before estimating Rs fluxes over longer timescales
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