8 research outputs found

    Complex Investigations of Double Layer of Colloid Particles. Electric Conductivity of Suspensions and Anisotropy of Electrophoresis

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    Conditions for obtaining quantitative .ililformation on the double layer of colloid particles on the basis of electrosurface measurements have been analyzed. A rigorous theory of electric conductivdty of diluted suspensions on the basis of induced dilpole moments of particles has been presented. The .isoconductance point of a suspension has been shown to codncide wd.th the isopolarisation state of a particle. A theory of anisotropy of the electrophoresis of long rod-like particles has been put forward. The identity of the formules of electrophoresis of a sphere and of cylindrical particles oriented pevpendicular towards the field at a small thickness of the double layer has been shown. A good agreement has been found between the values of induced dipole moments and, specific surface conductivity in a wide electrolite concentration range measured by the methods of electric conductivity of suspensions and anisotropy of electrophoresis. The theories of induced dipole moment, electric conductivity of suspension and anisotropy of electrophoresis have been experimentally examined

    Additional file 2: Figure S1. of SPINGO: a rapid species-classifier for microbial amplicon sequences

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    The impact of k-mer size 8 and 12, as well as the impact of bootstrap values 10 and 100 on species level classification accuracy for SPINGO as shown by 10 fold cross validation. (PDF 312 kb

    Additional file 2: Figure S1. of Effect of room temperature transport vials on DNA quality and phylogenetic composition of faecal microbiota of elderly adults and infants

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    Microbiota composition of each sample for every infant subject in the study. A = Fresh, B = 1 week’s storage, C = 2 weeks’ storage. Numbers indicate subject IDs. (PDF 120 kb

    Additional file 6: Figure S4. of Effect of room temperature transport vials on DNA quality and phylogenetic composition of faecal microbiota of elderly adults and infants

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    Microbiota composition of each sample of four subjects after all conditions of storage. L = Fresh extraction 0.2 g stool; M = Fresh extraction 0.1 g stool; N = storage for 1 week in DNA Genotek storage vial and extracted with 4 % SDS RBB lysis buffer; O = storage for 1 week in DNA Genotek storage vial and extracted with 6 % SDS RBB lysis buffer; P = storage in regular stool collection tube at 4 °C for 1 week; Q = storage for 2 weeks in DNA Genotek storage vial and extracted with 4 % SDS RBB lysis buffer; R = storage for 2 weeks in DNA Genotek storage vial and extracted with 6 % SDS RBB lysis buffer; S = Frozen at−80 °C for a week prior to extraction; T = 0.2 g of stool fixed overnight in 700 μl of RNAlater before freezing at−80 °C for a week. (PDF 54 kb

    Additional file 5: Figure S3. of Evolution of gut microbiota composition from birth to 24 weeks in the INFANTMET Cohort

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    Assessing the magnitude of change of Shannon diversity between time points for subjects of a given birth mode. Statistical models were used to determine if infants of one birth mode changed more or less than infants of other birth modes at different stages. Grey asterisks highlight significant differences from linear mixed effects models that adjust for batch effect and the number of days between time points for each subject. Black asterisks highlight significant differences as determined by linear mixed effects models, adjusting for batch effect, the number of days between time points, and the age of infants at the first time point. (TIF 638 kb

    Additional file 4: Figure S2. of Evolution of gut microbiota composition from birth to 24 weeks in the INFANTMET Cohort

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    Twins have more similar microbiota to one another than an unrelated infant at 1, 4, 8, and 24 weeks of age. Using t tests with Monte-Carlo permutations, the Spearman distance between twins’ microbiota was determined and compared to unrelated infants’ microbiota (***p < 0.001). (PDF 138 kb