70 research outputs found

    Studi Keberadaan Hiperparasitoid Dalam Mempengaruhi Perilaku Imago Parasitoid Pada Kutudaun, Aphis Gossypii (Hemiptera: Aphididae)

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    Study Hyperparasitoid Existing Affected to Adul Parasitoid Behavior on Aphid, Aphis gossypii (Hemiptera: Aphididae). In general, hyperparasitoid is needed for establishing food and chain webs, but in contrary, it could become a limiting factor in existing biological control program. An observation to aim positive impact of hyperparasitoid existence has been carried out. Chili plant, Capsicum annuum, Aphis gossypii, Trioxys sinensis parasitoid and Aphidencyrtus sp. were used in this observation. Results showed that hyperparasitoid existence assisted parasitoid distribution. Parasitoids were placed with hyperparasitoids enhanced parasitoid distribution or dispersion two times farther compare to without hyperparasitoids. It was concluded that dispersal behaviour of hyperparasitoid adult was a parasitoid adult's response to avoid its suppression by the hyperparasitoid and also increase parasitoid's searching ability

    Diversity of Plant Visiting Insects of Intercrop Lantana camara in Oil Palm Plantation

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    Refugia plant flowers can be a support for biological pest control applications. Insects are visitors to flowering plants, especially the Lantana camara plant, which is interesting to study. This study aimed to determine the diversity of insects that visit flower plants planted among oil palm plants. This study used the Scan Sampling method or direct observation. Insects found in L. camara plants were collected and identified. The results showed that there were 11 species belonging to 11 families and 7 orders. The index value of the diversity of attack species from L. camara flower plants was low. Which means L. camara flowers are not attractive to insects. The species evenness index and dominance index ranged from 0.31-0.60 which means moderate dominance. The dominant insect found in L. camara flowers is Bothrogonia addita. In L. camara flower plants planted among oil palm plants, 11 species of arthropods belonging to 11 families and 7 orders were found. The 11 species are O. salticus, A. coquebertii, B. tabaci, B. addita, Componotus sp., H. itama, A. violae, C. gemmatus, I. elegans, A. crenulate, L. marginicollis. Insects that came to L. camara flowers in the morning were more than those that came in the afternoon with a successive number of 11 species, 268 individuals and 9 species, 141 individuals. The dominant insect found in L. camara flowers is B. addita

    Studi Keberadaan Hiperparasitoid dalam Mempengaruhi Perilaku Imago Parasitoid pada Kutudaun, Aphis gossypii (Hemiptera: Aphididae)

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    Study Hyperparasitoid Existing Affected to Adul Parasitoid Behavior on Aphid, Aphis gossypii (Hemiptera: Aphididae). In general, hyperparasitoid is needed for establishing food and chain webs, but in contrary, it could become a limiting factor in existing biological control program. An observation to aim positive impact of hyperparasitoid existence has been carried out. Chili plant, Capsicum annuum, Aphis gossypii, Trioxys sinensis parasitoid and Aphidencyrtus sp. were used in this observation. Results showed that hyperparasitoid existence assisted parasitoid distribution. Parasitoids were placed with hyperparasitoids enhanced parasitoid distribution or dispersion two times farther compare to without hyperparasitoids. It was concluded that dispersal behaviour of hyperparasitoid adult was a parasitoid adult’s response to avoid its suppression by the hyperparasitoid and also increase parasitoid’s searching ability. KEY WORDS: parasitoid, hiperparasitoid, Aphis gossypii, Trioxys sinensis, Aphidenchyrtus sp

    Diversity of Phytophagous and Entomophagous Insect on Yellow Alder Flower (Turnera subulata J.E SM and Turnera ulmifolia L.) Around the Palm Oil (Elaeis guineensis J.) Plantations

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    Yellow alder flower, with Indonesian name bunga pukul delapan, can influence the existence of phytophagous and entomophagous insect around any crops. The existence of these phytophagous and entomophagous insects would affect the diversity of predator and parasitoid insect species that come to these crops. This research was aimed to study the role of yellow alder flower in their influence of the presence of predatory and parasitoid insect that active in the Turnera subulata dan Turnera ulmifolia. The research was conducted at July to August 2017 in palm oil plantation of PT. Tania Selatan branch Burnai Timur 1. The results showed that phytophagous insect found in the yellow alder flower belonging to 6 orders and 25 families.  Meanwhile for the entomophagous insect, it was belonging to the 7 orders and 15 families. The diversity index in Turnera subulate and Turnera ulmifolia was in range of 0.063 and 2.912 or higher than 2. The dominant index was low (in range of 0.091 to 0.125) and the evenness index was high enough in range 0.738 – 0.752

    Pengaruh Umur Kematian Tanaman Sumber Inokulum Banana Bunchy Top Virus Terhadap Efisiensi Penularannya

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    BBTV is one of the important diseases in banana plants, the transmission of BBTV can be carried out by Pentalonia nigronervosa. In some banana plantations infected plants are usually cut down because they are considered unable to produce optimal production. The felled plants will then be placed around healthy plantations, this situation is thought to have the potential as a place for P. nigronervosa to temporarily live and spread the virus to other healthy plants. This study aims to determine the ability of dead plants that host P. nigronervosa to re-transmit the virus to healthy plants. The study was conducted using a Randomized Block Design (RAK) with six treatments on the day of death of infected plants, namely, 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 days, with five replications. From the results of the study, it was found that plants infected by BBTV still had potential to transmit the virus to healthy plants through the P. nigronervosa. Transmission of BBTV from dead plants on the fifth day resulted in the highest average of BBTV infection. The incubation period of virus in plants ranged from 30-53 days after inoculation. From this research, it is hoped that farmers will pay more attention to thoroughly eradicate banana plants infected by BBTV, removed all plant and suckers thoroughly together with their corms


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    Impact of Beauveria bassiana bioinsecticide application on the predatory arthropod community on ratoon rice in the fresh swamp area. The predatory arthropod community in the swamp area ecosystem was affected by the application of pesticides. This study was conducted to observed the effect of application on predatory arthropod comunity on ratooning rice in the fresh swamp area. This research was conducted in September up to November 2013. The predatory arthropods were sampled using nets and pitfall traps. The results showed that the abundance of predatory arthropod in the control plots was higher than in bioinsectiside plots. There were 8 species of predatory arthropods found in the canopy and 7 soil-dwelling species. The most abundant canopy inhabiting was Verenia linearis, and the most abundant soil dwelling predator was Pherosophus occipitalis

    Komunitas Arthropoda Tanah di Kawasan Sumur Minyak Bumi di Desa Mangunjaya Kecamatan Babat Toman

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    Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui perbedaan struktur komunitas arhtropoda tanah di sekitar lo-kasi eksplorasi minyak bumi.. pH, kelembapan dan suhu tanah) serta kadar TPH diukur dan dianalisis untuk mengetahui pengaruhnya terhadap indeks keanekaragaman, dominansi dan kemerataan arthropoda. Lokasi pengambilan sampel di sumur minyak bumi di desa Mangunjaya kecamatan Babat Toman pada tanggal 19-24 Februari 2015. Sampel arthropoda diambil dengan menggunakan pit fall traps dan corong barlese-tullgren, to-tal titik pengambilan sampel yaitu 96 titik. Identifikasi famili arthropoda dilakukan di Laboratorium Entomologi Jurusan Hama Penyakit Tanaman Fakultas Pertanian. Analisis kadar TPH tanah dilakukan di Laboratorium Kimia Fakultas MIPA Universitas Sriwijaya menggunakan metode Gravimetri. Hasil identifikasi famili arthropo-da dilanjutkan dengan penghitungan indeks keanekaragaman, dominansi dan kemerataan arthropoda. Anali-sis Varian pada taraf 5 % dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh lokasi eksplorasi dan jarak tumpahan minyak bumi dari sumur minyak bumi terhadap kadar TPH, pH, kelembapan, suhu, indeks keanekaragaman, domi-nansi dan kemerataan arthropoda. Analisis Regresi multi-linier dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan kadar TPH tanah terhadap pH, kelembapan dan suhu tanah serta hubungan indeks komunitas terhadap TPH, pH, ke-lembapan dan suhu tanah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rata-rata TPH dan pH tanah di lokasi eksplorasi mi-nyak bumi yang dilakukan oleh Pertamina EP Asset 1 Field Ramba lebih rendah daripada di lokasi yang dila-kukan eksplorasi oleh masyarakat. Kelembapan dan suhu tanah di lokasi eksplorasi oleh Pertamina EP Asset 1 Field Ramba lebih tinggi daripada di lokasi eksplorasi masyarakat. Kadar TPH, pH, kelembapan dan suhu ta-nah tidak berpengaruh terhadap indeks keanekaragaman, dominansi dan kemerataan arhropoda dikedua lo-kasi eksplorasi minyak bumi (Pertamina Asset 1 Field Ramba. Tetapi, rata-rata indeks keanekaragaman arthro-poda tergolong rendah dengan nilai indeks tertinggi di lokasi eksplorasi oleh Pertamina EP Asset 1 Field Ram-ba (0,95)

    Kelimpahan Dan Kekayaan Artropoda Predator Pada Tanaman Padi Yang Diaplikasi Bioinsektisida Bacillus Thuringiensis

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    Abundance and species richness of the predatory arthropods on paddy treated with Bacillus thuringiensis bioinsecticide. Application of bioinsecticide from bacterial entomopathogen has not been reported yet that can decrease abundance and species richness of predatory arthropods, such as spiders and predatory insects. This research was aimed to analyze the abundance and species richness of predatory arthropods paddy fields applied by B. thuringiensis bioinsecticide on paddy in fresh swamp area. Areas observed were 2 ha paddy field's at Situ Bagendit variety. Predatory arthropods inhabiting canopy were sampled using sweep but soil dwelling arthropods were trapped using pitfall traps. The result showed that abundance of spiders inhabiting canopy decreased significantly after B. thuringiensis bioinsecticide application on paddy compared to control without bioinsecticide but the abundance of predatory insects were not significantly affected by the bioinsecticide. Application of the bioinsecticide did not significantly affect the abundance and species richness of soil dwelling predatory arthropods, such as spiders and predatory insects

    Arthropoda pada Varietas Padi di Lahan Organik di Desa Tegal Binangun Kecamatan Plaju Kelurahan Plaju Darat Palembang

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    Ekosistem merupakan suatu sistem ekologi yang terbentuk oleh hubungan timbal Balik tak terpisah-kan antara makhluk hidup dengan lingkungannya. Serangga sebagai salah satu komponen ekosistem memiliki perananan penting dalam jaringan makanan. Masalah dalam penelitian ini (1) Apakah varietas padi inroduksi yang ditanam dapat mempengaruhi keanekaragaman spesies arthropoda yang datang atau hidup di tanaman padi tersebut yang ditanam di sawah organik?; (2) Apakah varietas padi introduksi yang tahan hama dapat mempengaruhi kemerataan arthropoda yang datang?; (3) Apakah lingkungan dapat mempengaruhi keaneka-ragaman arthropoda pada varietas padi introduksi?; Pengambilan data menggunakan metode eksplorasi dengan pengamatan satu lahan padi organik yang berumur 30 HST. Parameter yang diamati adalah indeks keragaman (H') dari Sannon-Weaver, kemerataan jenis (E) dari Pielou. Hasil penelitian pada Bulan Febru-ari—Mei 2014 didapatkan 2 kelas yaitu Insekta dan Archanida dengan jumlah arthropoda pada varietas Mi-ra-1 162 ekor dan varietas Bestari 158 ekor, dengan pengamatan 10, 20, 30 hari setelah tanam. Berdasarkan perhitungan indeks keragaman menunjukkan pada varietas padi Mira-1 2.658 dan padi varietas Bestari 2.443 masih stabil dengan indeks keragaman 1≤ H'≤3. Perhitungan Indeks kemerataan padi varietas Mira-1 1.604 dan pada padi varietas Bestari 1.597, indeks kemerataan padi varietas Mira-1 dan pada padi varietas Bes-tari menunjukkan kemerataan tinggi dan populasi stabil denga indeks kemerataan 0.6<E'≤1.0
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