608 research outputs found

    Two Problems on Method of Images

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    Shielding and synchrotron radiation in toroidal waveguide

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    We develop a new approach to the calculation of the synchrotron radiation in a toroidal vacuum chamber. Using a small parameter ɛ = √ a/R, wherea is the characteristic size of the cross section of the toroid and R is the bending radius, we simplify Maxwell’s equations assuming that the characteristic frequency of the modes ω ∼ c/aɛ, and neglecte terms of higher order in ɛ. For a rectangular cross section of the waveguide, we find an analytical solution of the equations and analyze their asymptotics at very high frequency. We then obtain an equation which gives radiation into each synchronous mode. We demonstrate the flexibility of the new method by calculating the frequencies and the loss factors for the lowest modes in a square and round waveguides. For short bunches of high-energy electrons or positrons, typical for modern accelerators and photon sources, one of the important elements of the beam dynamics is the effect of coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) of the beam [1]. In vacuum, if the reduced wavelength of the radiation exceeds the bunch length, the beam radiates coherently, and the power of the radiation increases many orders of magnitude relative to the incoherent radiation at the sam

    Selective ICR Heating of Lanthanide Plasma

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