13 research outputs found


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    This article is based on a research impact of beach reclamation in relation to the economic and socio-cultural social of the people in the Sanur tourism area. The research is a combination of quantitative and qualitative data, with social economics approach. The data were collected using proportional stratified random sampling derived from interviews and observations, as well as data collected from publications. The number of respondent covered is 100.Beach reclamation which has been done in the Sanur tourism area has been able to give new job opportunities to the local people. But, until now the reclamation cannot significantly increase the earnings of locals. The beach reclamation work has given positive cultural and social impacts to the people of Sanur. The impact have been felt, among others, ease of religious, cultural and sports activities. Keywords : Reclamation impact, economic and cultural socia


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    As one of the most popular destinations for international tourists, Bali has attracted a sizeable and growing labor force in the tourism sector of the economy. This fact has triggered Balinese labor force to participate in such a service industry. As a supplier of tourism labor force Bali has been increasingly successful in promoting the number of workers to be employed in cruise tourism industry. The participation rate of Balinese labor in cruise tourism industry over the last years has dramatically increased. The growth of Balinese labor who works on cruise ships in the past four years reached more than 18 percent. It is happening because they have been prepared themselves in accordance to the competencies and qualifications needed in cruise tourism industry. The Balinese labor’s participation in cruise tourism industry employment has brought major implications for their life and culture. The present study aimed to analyze the multiplier effect of Balinese labor works in cruise tourism industry overview from economic and socio-cultural perspective. The research subjects were Balinese labor who used to or were still working in the cruise tourism industry. This research used qualitative data. The collected data started from one Balinese labor having experience in the cruise tourism industry and then spread to the other workers. To answer the research questions, data collection was conducted through observation and deep interviews. The data were analyzed by qualitative analysis. In analyzing the data of economic and socio-cultural perspective of Balinese labor who work in the cruise tourism industry in the environment of life, it was done through the processing and interpretation of the data which is a series of periodic review, grouping, systematization, interpretation and reification of data so that a phenomenon has social academic and scientific value. The data analysis was conducted to find the hidden reasons behind the actions of the perpetrators of social action or geared towards social significance of social phenomena. The focus is to find what kind of mindset that glows behind a social phenomenon or to find the rationality that lies behind the social phenomena. The multiplier effect of Balinese labor working in cruise tourism industry was overviewed from economic and socio-cultural perspectives. The economic perspective likes: Balinese labor working on cruise ship able to improve the family economy, and employment for the community directly or indirectly in the cruise tourism industry. The socio-cultural perspective likes: by working on cruise ships able to motivate the other Balinese labor to works on cruise ships, with working on cruise ships can open the horizons and the way of thinking society, increase the personal discipline, make clean and healthy in their live, and then improve the science and technology in tourism especially at cruises, able to strengthen the unity of nation, anticipation for disintegration, and growth the awareness to conserve the cultural after seeing the variety of cultures in the word. Based on the conclusions above, the following suggestion can be made: the government should pay attention to the existence of Balinese labor, who work in cruise ships, to the protection of their rights as well as the relevant acts should be made clear, knowing that they serve as ambassadors of the nation that generate income for the country; and the government should provide support to Balinese laborers in accordance with their potential


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    Abstrak Artikel ini didasarkan pada penelitian dampak reklamasi pantai dalam hubungannya dengan sosial ekonomi dan sosial- budaya masyarakat di kawasan wisata Sanur. Penelitian ini adalah gabungan data kuantitatif dan kualitatif, dengan pendekatan sosial ekonomi. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan stratified random sampling proporsional yang diperoleh dari wawancara dan pengamatan, serta data yang dikumpulkan dari terbitan. Jumlah responden adalah 100. Reklamasi pantai yang telah dilakukan di kawasan wisata Sanur telah mampu memberikan lapangan kerja baru bagi masyarakat setempat. Namun, sampai sekarang reklamasi tidak dapat secara signifikan meningkatkan pendapatan penduduk. Pekerjaan reklamasi pantai telah memberikan dampak budaya dan sosial yang positif kepada masyarakat Sanur. Dampak ini telah dirasakan, antara lain, adanya kemudahan kegiatan olahraga, agama, budaya. Reclamation the Beach of Sanur: Economic and Socio-cultural Perspectives of the Balinese Community Abstract This article is based on a research impact of beach reclamation in relation to the economic and socio-cultural social of the people in the Sanur tourism area. The research is a combination of quantitative and qualitative data, with social economics approach. The data were collected using proportional stratified random sampling derived from interviews and observations, as well as data collected from publications. The number of respondents covered is 100. Beach reclamation which has been done in the Sanur tourism area has been able to give new job opportunities to the local people. But, until now the reclamation cannot significantly increase the earnings of locals. The beach reclamation work has given positive cultural and social impacts to the people of Sanur. The impacts have been felt, among others, ease of religious, cultural and sports activities. Keywords: Reclamation impact, economic and cultural socia


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    This article discusses the factors that motivate the Bongan’s community to support the development of tourist village. The research used qualitative and quantitative data collected by distributing questionnaires to and conducting an in-depth interview with those who are knowledgeable of the tourism development at the Bongan village. The samples included 100 respondents determined using the proportional random sampling technique. The data were analyzed using the confirmatory factor analysis technique to confirm the factors that motivate the local community to support the development of tourist village. The research shows that the environmental, social, community participation, and cultural factors have significantly contributed to support the development of tourist village. The environmental factor is the most dominant one followed by the social, community participation, and cultural factors. This mean that the environmental factor is the main reason why the local community supports the development of tourist village at the Bongan village

    Climbers’ Behavior in Reducing Environmental Damage at Mount Batur

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    Purpose: This study aims to determine behavior of climbers and to find out the efforts made by the tracking manager to minimize environmental damage caused by climbing or tracking activities as well as maintaining personal safety for climbers in Mount Batur area, Bangli, Bali. Research methods: This study used a qualitative descriptive method. Apart from being a literature study, this research uses observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. Result and discussion: The results of the study show that the climbers who often say they are nature lovers have awareness of environmental sustainability starting from being aware of the garbage around and complying with the regulations that have been made by the manager to avoid environmental damage and maintain their own safety so that unwanted events in the climbing process can be avoided. Implications: The results of this study are expected to be used as parameters in decision making for the managers of the Mount Batur area and it is also hoped that climbers can jointly maintain and comply with existing regulations for the preservation of this mountain


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    Serangan Village is one of the famous tourist destinations in the island of Bali both by domestic tourists and foreign tourists. The existence of this destination is very strategic because it is 10 km from Denpasar city. Serangan village is very potential to be developed into a tourism village because it has a unique tourist attraction to support the development of tourism, namely: natural tourist attraction (Pura Sakenan, Pura Dalem Cemara, marine tourism, turtle conservation, manggrove ecotourism); cultural tourism attraction (cultural custom, telek dance); and special tourist attractions (culinary, souvenirs craft shells). The tourist attraction above is a big capital in tourism development in the Serangan village. However, all potentials must be managed professionally so that tourism development in Serangan village can be sustainable. The goal is that tourist attractions in Serangan village can be enjoyed by the current generation and future generations. Therefore, its management must be involved all stakeholders  both government, private sector, and the community as the owner of Serangan village.Therefore, it is suggested to all stakeholders to synergize in determining the direction of tourism development policy of Serangan tourism village so as to be able to compete competitively with other tourist villages in Bali. Keywords: Potency, tourism development, tourism village

    Hotel’s CSR Implementation Based on PROPER Program for Sustainable Tourism Development

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    Purpose: The purpose of this research is to know the implementation of corporate social responsibility (CSR) for sustainable tourism development in a hotel and the impact of the CSR on society and the environment. Research methods: Its primary data is the Human Resources Department and employees in The Oberoi Beach Resort Bali, as well as the community that can provide information about the CSR. The secondary one is taken from books, article journals, and websites. Results and discussion: There are two aspects of CSR carried out by The Oberoi Beach Resort Bali, namely Charitative Based CSR (Charity Philanthropy) and CSR Based Social Activities (Social Activity). The implementation of CSR has an impact on the sustainability of the company. Implication: It is necessary to increase CSR programs so that the programs will be more various in order to fulfill all CSR implementations in Indonesia

    Developing Bontomarannu as a Tourism Village at Selayar Islands Regency, South Sulawesi

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify the development of tourist destinations in Bontomarannu Village, Selayar Islands Regency, South Sulawesi through the study of the 4A tourism components namely attraction, accessibility, amenity and ancillary tourism area life cycle (TALC) and growth strategy matrix for tourism villages. Research methods: This research uses a qualitative approach using interview techniques, participatory observation, documentation and focus group discussion. Data analysis techniques include data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. All data collected was analyzed using Nvivo 12 plus software. Findings: The potential of Bontomarannu Tourism Village is in two stages, namely the exploration stage and the involvement stage because the conditions of the potential of each tourist attraction are different. Bontomarannu Village has tourist destinations such as natural tourism, historical tourism and religious tourism. The village as a destination makes the local community and BUMDES (Village-Owned Enterprises) synergize and work hard to develop their village into a tourist village that is different from other villages. Implication: Development efforts are needed so that Bontomarannu Tourism Village can continue to grow and its tourist attractions continue to increase with aspects focused on development consisting of attraction, accessibility, amenities and ancillary

    Mengesta: The Existence of Tourism Village in the New Normal Era

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    Purpose: This study was conducted to determine the position of Mengesta Tourism Village as a tourism village in the new normal era, which can be used as a guide to find new strategies in developing Mengesta Tourism Village. Research methods: This study uses qualitative analysis techniques to analyse the existence of Mengesta Village as a tourism village in the new normal era. Primary data were obtained through the involved observation method and in-depth interviews while secondary data was obtained through village documents, journals, books, articles, and websites. The theory used is the Tourism Area Life cycle (TALC) theory. Results and discussion: The existence of Mengesta Village as a tourism village in the new normal era is a tourist place that tourists have long discovered. There is control from local communities on tourism in the village and there are innovations carried out by the community who are members of the community Mengesta Tourism Village awareness group. In addition, Mengesta Tourism Village has also carried out conventional promotions through directions to tourism villages and some have used digital media such as photos and videos uploaded on social media so that there is an increase in tourist visits. Implication: No outside investment has entered the village and artificial attractions have not developed well. So that the existence of Mengesta Village as a tourism    village in the new normal era based on the Tourism Area Life cycle (TALC) theory which is in the involvement phase

    Pandawa Beach Marketing Strategy 4.0 during the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    Abstract: Purpose: The purpose of this study is to introduce more aggressively the existing situation of Pandawa Beach (Pantai Pandawa) in Badung, Bali, Indonesia, by implementing a marketing strategy 4.0 during the Covid-19 pandemic. Research methods: The primary data of this study are from observations and interviews with the community and tourism destination managers and other informants who were determined by the snow ball method. The secondary data for this study are from literature study and documentation. Findings: To increase the number of visits during the pandemic, it is necessary to provide more intensive information about the existence, programs, and attractions provided by Pandawa Beach management. The implementation of marketing strategy 4.0 for Pandawa Beach is very important. It is carried out with the 5A component strategy, namely Aware, Appeal, Ask, Act, and Advocate. Implication: Pandawa Beach Managers are expected to be able to promote and provide appropriate information to the public through offline and online (social media networks) so that later it will become an attraction for tourist arrivals during the pandemic