856 research outputs found

    The impact of heat waves and cold spells on mortality rates in the Dutch population.

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    We conducted the study described in this paper to investigate the impact of ambient temperature on mortality in the Netherlands during 1979-1997, the impact of heat waves and cold spells on mortality in particular, and the possibility of any heat wave- or cold spell-induced forward displacement of mortality. We found a V-like relationship between mortality and temperature, with an optimum temperature value (e.g., average temperature with lowest mortality rate) of 16.5 degrees C for total mortality, cardiovascular mortality, respiratory mortality, and mortality among those [Greater and equal to] 65 year of age. For mortality due to malignant neoplasms and mortality in the youngest age group, the optimum temperatures were 15.5 degrees C and 14.5 degrees C, respectively. For temperatures above the optimum, mortality increased by 0.47, 1.86, 12.82, and 2.72% for malignant neoplasms, cardiovascular disease, respiratory diseases, and total mortality, respectively, for each degree Celsius increase above the optimum in the preceding month. For temperatures below the optimum, mortality increased 0.22, 1.69, 5.15, and 1.37%, respectively, for each degree Celsius decrease below the optimum in the preceding month. Mortality increased significantly during all of the heat waves studied, and the elderly were most effected by extreme heat. The heat waves led to increases in mortality due to all of the selected causes, especially respiratory mortality. Average total excess mortality during the heat waves studied was 12.1%, or 39.8 deaths/day. The average excess mortality during the cold spells was 12.8% or 46.6 deaths/day, which was mostly attributable to the increase in cardiovascular mortality and mortality among the elderly. The results concerning the forward displacement of deaths due to heat waves were not conclusive. We found no cold-induced forward displacement of deaths

    Increasing the coverage of a metapopulation consensus genome by iterative read mapping and assembly

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    Motivation: Most microbial species can not be cultured in the laboratory. Metagenomic sequencing may still yield a complete genome if the sequenced community is enriched and the sequencing coverage is high. However, the complexity in a natural population may cause the enrichment culture to contain multiple related strains. This diversity can confound existing strict assembly programs and lead to a fragmented assembly, which is unnecessary if we have a related reference genome available that can function as a scaffold. Results: Here, we map short metagenomic sequencing reads from a population of strains to a related reference genome, and compose a genome that captures the consensus of the population's sequences. We show that by iteration of the mapping and assembly procedure, the coverage increases while the similarity with the reference genome decreases. This indicates that the assembly becomes less dependent on the reference genome and approaches the consensus genome of the multi-strain population

    Origin and extension of the IFT complex in early eukaryotic evolution

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    RIGHTS : This article is licensed under the BioMed Central licence at http://www.biomedcentral.com/about/license which is similar to the 'Creative Commons Attribution Licence'. In brief you may : copy, distribute, and display the work; make derivative works; or make commercial use of the work - under the following conditions: the original author must be given credit; for any reuse or distribution, it must be made clear to others what the license terms of this work are

    Allelomimesis as universal clustering mechanism for complex adaptive systems

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    Animal and human clusters are complex adaptive systems and many are organized in cluster sizes ss that obey the frequency-distribution D(s)sτD(s)\propto s^{-\tau}. Exponent τ\tau describes the relative abundance of the cluster sizes in a given system. Data analyses have revealed that real-world clusters exhibit a broad spectrum of τ\tau-values, 0.7(tuna fish schools)τ2.95(galaxies)0.7\textrm{(tuna fish schools)}\leq\tau\leq 2.95\textrm{(galaxies)}. We show that allelomimesis is a fundamental mechanism for adaptation that accurately explains why a broad spectrum of τ\tau-values is observed in animate, human and inanimate cluster systems. Previous mathematical models could not account for the phenomenon. They are hampered by details and apply only to specific systems such as cities, business firms or gene family sizes. Allelomimesis is the tendency of an individual to imitate the actions of its neighbors and two cluster systems yield different τ\tau values if their component agents display different allelomimetic tendencies. We demonstrate that allelomimetic adaptation are of three general types: blind copying, information-use copying, and non-copying. Allelomimetic adaptation also points to the existence of a stable cluster size consisting of three interacting individuals.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, 2 table

    Mean-field methods in evolutionary duplication-innovation-loss models for the genome-level repertoire of protein domains

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    We present a combined mean-field and simulation approach to different models describing the dynamics of classes formed by elements that can appear, disappear or copy themselves. These models, related to a paradigm duplication-innovation model known as Chinese Restaurant Process, are devised to reproduce the scaling behavior observed in the genome-wide repertoire of protein domains of all known species. In view of these data, we discuss the qualitative and quantitative differences of the alternative model formulations, focusing in particular on the roles of element loss and of the specificity of empirical domain classes.Comment: 10 Figures, 2 Table

    Next generation sequencing and analysis of a conserved transcriptome of New Zealand's kiwi

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Kiwi is a highly distinctive, flightless and endangered ratite bird endemic to New Zealand. To understand the patterns of molecular evolution of the nuclear protein-coding genes in brown kiwi (<it>Apteryx australis mantelli</it>) and to determine the timescale of avian history we sequenced a transcriptome obtained from a kiwi embryo using next generation sequencing methods. We then assembled the conserved protein-coding regions using the chicken proteome as a scaffold.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Using 1,543 conserved protein coding genes we estimated the neutral evolutionary divergence between the kiwi and chicken to be ~45%, which is approximately equal to the divergence computed for the human-mouse pair using the same set of genes. A large fraction of genes was found to be under high selective constraint, as most of the expressed genes appeared to be involved in developmental gene regulation. Our study suggests a significant relationship between gene expression levels and protein evolution. Using sequences from over 700 nuclear genes we estimated the divergence between the two basal avian groups, Palaeognathae and Neognathae to be 132 million years, which is consistent with previous studies using mitochondrial genes.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The results of this investigation revealed patterns of mutation and purifying selection in conserved protein coding regions in birds. Furthermore this study suggests a relatively cost-effective way of obtaining a glimpse into the fundamental molecular evolutionary attributes of a genome, particularly when no closely related genomic sequence is available.</p

    DNA fingerprinting in zoology: past, present, future

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    In 1962, Thomas Kuhn famously argued that the progress of scientific knowledge results from periodic 'paradigm shifts' during a period of crisis in which new ideas dramatically change the status quo. Although this is generally true, Alec Jeffreys' identification of hypervariable repeat motifs in the human beta-globin gene, and the subsequent development of a technology known now as 'DNA fingerprinting', also resulted in a dramatic shift in the life sciences, particularly in ecology, evolutionary biology, and forensics. The variation Jeffreys recognized has been used to identify individuals from tissue samples of not just humans, but also of many animal species. In addition, the technology has been used to determine the sex of individuals, as well as paternity/maternity and close kinship. We review a broad range of such studies involving a wide diversity of animal species. For individual researchers, Jeffreys' invention resulted in many ecologists and evolutionary biologists being given the opportunity to develop skills in molecular biology to augment their whole organism focus. Few developments in science, even among the subsequent genome discoveries of the 21st century, have the same wide-reaching significance. Even the later development of PCR-based genotyping of individuals using microsatellite repeats sequences, and their use in determining multiple paternity, is conceptually rooted in Alec Jeffreys' pioneering work

    Addition-Deletion Networks

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    We study structural properties of growing networks where both addition and deletion of nodes are possible. Our model network evolves via two independent processes. With rate r, a node is added to the system and this node links to a randomly selected existing node. With rate 1, a randomly selected node is deleted, and its parent node inherits the links of its immediate descendants. We show that the in-component size distribution decays algebraically, c_k ~ k^{-beta}, as k-->infty. The exponent beta=2+1/(r-1) varies continuously with the addition rate r. Structural properties of the network including the height distribution, the diameter of the network, the average distance between two nodes, and the fraction of dangling nodes are also obtained analytically. Interestingly, the deletion process leads to a giant hub, a single node with a macroscopic degree whereas all other nodes have a microscopic degree.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    ODoSE: a webserver for genome-wide calculation of adaptive divergence in prokaryotes

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.Quantifying patterns of adaptive divergence between taxa is a major goal in the comparative and evolutionary study of prokaryote genomes. When applied appropriately, the McDonald-Kreitman (MK) test is a powerful test of selection based on the relative frequency of non-synonymous and synonymous substitutions between species compared to non-synonymous and synonymous polymorphisms within species. The webserver ODoSE (Ortholog Direction of Selection Engine) allows the calculation of a novel extension of the MK test, the Direction of Selection (DoS) statistic, as well as the calculation of a weighted-average Neutrality Index (NI) statistic for the entire core genome, allowing for systematic analysis of the evolutionary forces shaping core genome divergence in prokaryotes. ODoSE is hosted in a Galaxy environment, which makes it easy to use and amenable to customization and is freely available at www.odose.nl.MWJvP is funded by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) via a VENI grant. TtB and MAvD are funded by the BioAssist/BRS programme of the Netherlands Bioinformatics Centre, which is supported by the Netherlands Genomics Initiative. This work is part of the programme of BiG Grid, the Dutch e-Science Grid, which is financially supported by the NWO. MV is supported by investment from the European Regional Development Fund and the European Social Fund Convergence Programme for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly to the European Centre for the Environment and Human Health. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript