19 research outputs found

    Penggantian Denda Bagi Pelaku Kejahatan Berdasarkan Ketentuan Peraturan Perundangundangan Yang Berlaku

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    ABSTRAK Penyesuaian Batas Tindak Pidana Dan Jumlah Denda Terhadap suatu perkara kejahatan berdasarkan PERMA Nomor 2 tahun 2012 Tentang Penyesuaian Tindak Pidana Ringan dan Jumlah Denda. Sejauh mana Penerapan yang dapat dilakukan oleh Hakim dalam menerapkan suatu pertimbangan hukum didalam amar putusan dengan melakukan Penyesuaian Tindak Pidana Ringan dan Jumlah Denda dalam KUHP. Berdasarkan kesepakatan bersama yang dilakukan oleh Kepolisian, Kejaksaan serta Kehakiman bahwa penyesuaian tindak pidana ringan dan jumlah denda sebaiknya diterapkan bagi pelaku tindak pidana ringan. Kata kunci: Pengantian, Denda, Bagi, Pelaku, Kejahatan. ABSTRACT Adjustment of Criminal Actions Limits and Amount of Fines for a crime case based on PERMA Number 2 of 2012 concerning Adjustment of Minor Crimes and Amount of Fines. The extent to which the Judge can apply legal considerations in the verdict by making adjustments to minor crimes and the amount of fines in the Criminal Code. Based on the joint agreement made by the Police, the Attorney General's Office and the Judiciary, it is better if the adjustment of minor crimes and the amount of fines is made for the perpetrators of minor crimes. Key words: compensation, fines, share, perpetrator, crime


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    The 1945 Constitution besides being a basic law in the field of politics, also became the basic law for social, economic and cultural life. This is different from the tradition of writing the constitution of Western European countries and America which only contains political material in its constitution. This difference is due to the influence of socialist constitution writing patterns on the 1945 Constitution. The position and role of the State Law Law in Indonesian development can be seen from various contexts of the development of science, education and the structure of social life.Keywords : Organizational Structure, Tasks and Position, Tanjung Balai                    City DPR


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    Child has an important role in the life of society and state, due to its position as the nation's future. Therefore, the child has the potential to play an active role to preserve the life of the nation, in order to realize the goal of forming a government that protects citizens. Abuse of drugs by children is now a concern of many people and constantly talked about and publicized. In fact, the problem of drug abuse to the attention of various parties, especially the involvement of children as drug couriers is a series of conspiracy in carrying illegal narcotics. In the capacity of children used as couriers is one thing that is so concerned about where the child would conflict with the law, and has committed a crime classified as narcotics. With limited ability of children and ketidaksesempurnaannya, then it should be a concern of law enforcement officers in the implementation of punishment for children narcotics criminals. Keywords: Legal Protection, Children, Narcotics Courier


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    ABSTRAKAplikasi teknologi yang digunakan dalam memudahkan penyelenggaraanpenilangan dengan yang merupakan sistem yang sangat berpengaruh positif dalampenyelenggaraaan penerapan pemberian sanksi hukum berupa penilangan. Adapun dalampelayanan masyarakat terhadap penggunakan aplikasi e-ctilang, taksiran panjar biayasecara online, pembayaran panjar biaya secara online, pemanggilan secara online, danpersidangan secara online. Adapun aplikasi e-tilang sangat diharapkan mampumemberikan dampak positif terhadap penyelenggaraan penerapan hukum mengenaipenilangan. Tugas dan Wewenang Kepolisian Dalam hal ini adapun suatu tugas dan jugasuatu kewenangan yang dijalankan atau diemban oleh para personel Kepolisian NegaraRepublik Indonesia yang sebagaimana secara jelas dan signifikan telah diatur di dalamsuatu ketentuan pada Pasal 15 ayat (1) UU No. 2 Tahun 2002 Tentang Kepolisian NegaraRepublik Indonesia.Kata kunci: Aplikasi, E-Tilang, Perkara, Pidana, Lalu Lintas.ABSTRACTThe technology application used in facilitating the implementation of a numbering system is asystem that has a very positive effect on the implementation of the application of legal sanctionsin the form of a numbering process. As for the community service for using the e-ctilangapplication, online estimated down payments, online payment of down payments, onlinecalling, and online trials. The e-ticketing application is expected to have a positive impact onthe implementation of law enforcement regarding numbers. Duties and Authorities of thePolice In this case there is also a duty and also an authority that is carried out or carried outby the personnel of the Indonesian National Police which as clearly and significantly has beenregulated in a provision in Article 15 paragraph (1) of Law No. 2 of 2002 concerning theIndonesian National Police.Keywords: Application, E-Ticket, Case, Criminal, Traffic


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    Domestic Violence (KDRT) is an act committed in the household by a husband, wife, or child that has a negative impact on physical, psychological, and harmonious relationships as regulated in article 1 of Law Number 23 of 2004 concerning the Elimination of Domestic Violence . Household Violence Ladder (PKDRT Law). Included in the scope of domestic violence are actions against someone that results in physical, sexual, psychological and / or neglect of the household, including threats to commit acts, coercion, or illegal deprivation of liberty within the scope of the household. . Not all domestic violence can fully help because victims cover up on the grounds that links to culture, religious structures, and the prevailing legal system are not understood. So protection by the state and society aims to provide a sense of security to victims and to take action against the perpetrators. The high rate of Domestic Violence (KDRT) requires a solution other than government regulations. Keywords: prevention, occurrence, violence, home, household


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    Sei Alim Ulu Village is a village located in Air Batu Subdistrict, Asahan Regency, North Sumatra Province, Indonesia, which is an area that is appropriate and appropriate for legal counseling related to Legal Education on the Importance of the Dangers of Drugs to Adolescents. This service aims to increase students' knowledge and understanding of the types and dangers of drugs and their prevention. This service will be held on Wednesday, March 31, 2021 at Air Batu Regional High School. The method of implementation is in the form of socialization that provides education, training, and legal counseling to adolescents so that adolescents can understand and know the dangers of drugs against adolescents. Keywords: Importance of the Dangers of Drugs to Adolescent

    Pengelabuan Hukum Perkawinan Atas Perkawinan Beda Agama

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     The research objectives to be achieved in this study are to find out, analyze and find solutions in overcoming legal fraud. Interfaith couples prefer to marry in Indonesia. Considering that it is more cost-effective and their desire to get married can be carried out and implemented in Indonesia. On the other hand, there is no legal protection to provide guarantees for the implementation of interfaith marriages in Indonesia. So some couples commit a fraudulent marriage law by ignoring the requirements in the national marriage law. The research method in this research is a normative research method by examining every applicable marriage law rule and legal theories that will answer and provide a solution in providing a discourse on understanding law and marriage and its relationship with the concept of divinity. Based on the data above, the results of the analysis find that interfaith married couples abroad have cheated Indonesian marriage law on interfaith marriages that occur abroad. After holding an interfaith marriage abroad, the artist couple returns to Indonesia and registers the interfaith marriage at the Population and Civil Registry Office. However, considering that their marriages are of different religions, the Population and Civil Registry Service does not immediately register interfaith marriages. According to the population administration, a valid marriage according to the legislation must be reported by the resident to the implementing agency at the place where the marriage took place no later than 60 (sixty) days from the date of the marriage.Tujuan penelitian yang akan dicapai pada penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui, menganalisis dan mencari solusi dalam mengatasi pengelabuan hukum perkawinan pasangan beda agama lebih memilih melangsungkan perkawinan di Indonesia. Mengingat lebih irit biaya dan keinginan mereka untuk menikah dapat terlaksana dan terimplementasikan di Indonesia. Di sisi lain bahwa tidak ada perlindungan hukum untuk memberikan jaminan untuk terlaksananya perkawinan beda agama di Indonesia. Beberapa pasangan melakukan suatu pengelabuan hukum perkawinan dengan mengabaikan bagian syarat dalam hukum perkawinan nasional. Metode penelitian dalam suatu suatu penelitian ini digunakan suatu metode penelitian normatif dengan mengkaji setiap aturan hukum perkawinan yang berlaku serta teori-teori hukum yang akan menjawab serta memberikan suatu solusi dalam memberikan wacana pemahaman hukum serta perkawinan dan hubungannya dengan konsep ketuhanan. Berdasarkan data diatas maka hasil analisis menemukan bahwa pasangan menikah beda agama di luar negeri telah melakukan pengelabuan hukum perkawinan Indonesia atas perkawinan beda agama yang terjadi diluar negeri. Setelah melangsungkan perkawinan beda agama diluar negeri pasangan artis kembali ke Indonesia dan mencatatkan perkawinan beda agama tersebut pada kantor Dinas Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil. Namun mengingat perkawinan mereka berbeda agama, Dinas Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil tidak langsung serta merta mencatatkan perkawinan beda agama. Menurut administrasi kependudukan perkawinan yang sah menurut peraturan perundangundangan wajib dilaporkan oleh penduduk kepada instansi pelaksana di tempat terjadinya perkawinan paling lambat 60 (enam puluh) hari sejak tanggal perkawinan. 


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    Mekanisme pengajuan perkawinan beda agama melalui suatu penetapan pengadilan berdasarkan ketentuan Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2006 Tentang Administrasi Kependudukan. Bahwa berdasarkan ketentuan pasal 35 menyatakan bahwa pencatatan suatu perkawinan dengan perbedaan agama melalui suatu penetapan pengadilan. Pengajuan tersebut melalui mekanisme penetapan dari pengadilan negeri. Pasangan yang menikah beda agama di luar negeri karena tidak ada aturan yang mengatur perkawinan beda agama di Indonesia. Maka dari itu pencatatan perkawinan yang berbeda agama harus melalui suatu penetapan dari pengadilan. Kemudian barulah dapat dilakukan suatu pencatatan perkawinan di kantor Dinas Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini merupakan metode penelitian normatif. Dengan mengkaji perkawinan beda agama dari sisi norma hukum yang berlaku. Kata Kunci: Mekanisme, Penetapan, Pencatatan, Perkawinan, Beda Agama

    Peran Jaksa Dalam Pelaksanaan Diversi Terhadap Pidana Anak

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    The examine target to decide the role of the prosecutor in the implementation of diversion so that you can encourage the realization of a diversion settlement a good way to decrease the negative effect on youngsters if the case is going to court. The public prosecutor is obligated to make diversion efforts with the aid of summuning and/or supplying case resolution thru diversion to the kid and/or discern/father or morher as well as the sufferer or baby of the victim and/or parent/father or mother. Because of this, the role of the public prosecutor in sporting out diversion is not best limited to releasing responsibilities, but should be greater active to inpire the conclusion of a diversion agreement. This research is essential so that the implementation of diversion is prioritized within the settlement of kids instances by way of the general public prosecutor. This take a look at uses emperical juridical research strategies. This research has novel fee because it discusses in particular about the role of prosecutors in imposing diversion within the area. Based at the effects of the observe, it could be seen that the position of the prosecutor in the implementation of diversion is as a facilitator by way of seeking to reconcile the victim, in addition to the victims circle of relatives, in opposition to crook acts committed with the aid of  youngsters. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran jaksa dalam pelaksanaan diversi guna upaya mendorong terwujudnya kesepakatan diversi sehingga bisa meminimalisir akibat kurang baik pada anak apabila perkaranya hingga ke pengadilan. Penuntut umum harus melaksanakan upaya diversi dengan memanggil dan/ ataupun menawarkan penyelesaian kasus lewat diversi kepada anak dan/ ataupun orang tua/ wali dan korban ataupun anak korban dan/ ataupun orang tua/ wali. Jaksa Penuntut umum dalam melakukan diversi tidak cuma sebatas membebaskan kewajiban saja, tetapi wajib lebih aktif dalam mendorong terwujudnya kesepakatan diversi. Penelitian ini penting dilakukan supaya pelaksanaan diversi diutamakan pada penyelesaian permasalahan anak oleh jaksa penuntut umum. Penelitian ini menggunakan tata cara penelitian yuridis empiris. Penelitian ini mempunyai nilai kebaharuan sebab mangulas secara khusus mengenai peran jaksa dalam penerapan diversi. Berdasarkan pada penelitian yang dilakukan hingga dapat diketahui bahwa peran jaksa dalam penerapan diversi menjadi fasilitator dengan berupaya mendamaikan anak/ orangtua/ wali dengan korban/ orangtua/ wali atas perbuatan pidana yang dilakukan oleh anak.      


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    Anak sebagai pelaku tindak pidana dalam menjalani proses pemeriksaan di Kepolisian, Kejaksaan, hingga sidang di Pengadilan, harus melalui sebuah tahapan yang disebut diversi. Kejaksaan Republik Indonesia sebagai lembaga negara pemerintah yang melaksanakan kekuasaan negara di bidang penuntutan berkewajiban melaksanakan Diversi. Untuk itu Kejaksaan Negeri Asahan juga berkewajiban melaksanakan diversi. Tujuan dari penelitian iniadalah untuk mengetahui penerapan diversi di Kejaksaan Negeri Asahan serta hambatan yang dihadapi. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa jaksa penuntut umum pada Kejaksaan Negeri Asahan telah menerapkan diversi dalam menyelesaikan perkara anak sesuai dengan amanat peraturan perundang-undangan. Bila diversi berhasil maka Kepala Kejaksaan Negeri Asahan mengajukan penetapan ke Pengadilan Negeri Kisaran dan berdasarkan penetapan tersebut selanjutnya akan diterbitkan penetapan penghentian penuntutan. Bila diversi dinyatakan gagal karena kesepakatan tidak terwujud maka berkas perkara akan dilimpahkan ke pengadilan. Kurangnya pemahaman masyarakat terutama pihak korban menjadi salah satu penghambat pelaksanaan diversi. Kata Kunci : Diversi, Anak, Kejaksaa