21 research outputs found

    The Analysis of Phase and Microstructure on the Tapioca Through Natrium Metabisulfite Addition

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    The addition of Natrium metabisulfite (Na2S2O5) in the tapioca with purpose to increase whiteness degree suitable to SNI 01-3729-1995 for small industries has been performed. The result of whiteness degree determination are 90.3 %; 91.8 %; 94.9 %; 95.7 % and 96.2 % with 0 %; 0.1 %; 0.2 %; 0.5 % and 1.0 % Na2S2O5 addition, respectively. The refinement result of X-ray diffraction profile showed that the tapioca consist of two phases, namely α-Amylose and β-D-Glucose. The observation result of scanning electron microscope showed that the tapioca with 0.2 % Na2S2O5 addition has dominated white color and the particle distribution was very uniform. We concluded that the Na2S2O5 can increase phase of β-D-Glucose so that able to prevent browning reaction in the tapioca

    The Application of Encapsulated Gluten on Tapioca Wet Noodle Making Processing

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    Gluten is a specific protein found in wheat and functionally needed to improve its elasticity and texture of carbohydrate-based dough. Gluten, isolated from wheat, can be used in the free-form or encapsulation. The aim of this research was to investigate the effects of encapsulated gluten addition on properties of tapioca for wet noodle production. The parameters studied were texture, sensory, and pasting properties of the noodles. The ratios of encapsulated gluten to tapioca were 97%:3%, 96%:4% and 95%:5%. The results showed that the use of encapsulated gluten as much as 3% w/w gave the best noodle with the characteristics of setback viscosity, low cooking loss and organoleptically preferred by panelists

    Sintesis Nano Partikel Kitosan dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Inhibisi Bakteri Pembusuk Jus Nenas

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    Chitosan nano particles synthesized by crosslinking reaction between the ionic gelation of chitosan with TPP (tri-polyphosphate) using Tween 80 surfactant. The reaction takes place through continuous stirring with a magnetic stirring at room temperature for 2 hours. Based on the obtained nano size particles PSA ranged between 215.9 and 272.9 nm with a chemical composition containing the elements C, H, O, N, and some minerals were observed by SEM-EDS. Bioactivity test results showed the concentration of 0.01% b/v has a maximum resistance spectrum. Toxicity tests on white mice with LD50 value compound chitosan nano particles contain no toxic poison

    Exploring the source of well-being for high achiever students

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    Characteristics of high achiever students are different from middle and low achiever students. Teachers and schools need to understand the unique characteristics of high achiever students in terms of their wellbeing. Aim of this research is to describe source of wellbeing for high achiever students. The research was conducted through survey using questionnaire adapted from Huebner’s Multidimensional Student’s Life Satisfaction Scale (MSLSS). The questionnaire filled by 428 students in grade IV-VI in Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara, which are at top ten rank of their class. Data then analyzed by performing exploratory factor analysis. This research found that there are two factors as source of wellbeing for high achiever students, that are physical and psychological safety and the availability of support for student personal growth. Physical and psychological safety refers to school environment that protects students from psychological and physical threats. Whereas the availability of support for personal growth refers to how schools provide environment in order to facilitate students’ cognitive and social development. This research suggest that high achiever students call for teachers and school personnel to create school environment by considering students opportunities to develop their potentials without feeling threatened

    Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Intensi Untuk Melakukan Whistleblowing Internal (Studi Empiris Pada Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah Kabupaten Rokan Hulu)

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    This research aimed to know the influence of the Relativism Ethical Orientation, Moral Intensity, Organizational Commitment and Professional Identity to the Intention to carry out an Internal Whistleblowing. The main problem that researchers descriptions are as follows: to see how many significant relationship between the dependent variable to the independent varaibel. This research was conducted on employees SKPD Rokan Hulu. This research was included in the quantitative research. The type of data used in this research is the primary data by source. And then, in data collections sampling was conducted with a purposive sampling method (Sugiyono, 2012: 392) with respondents as many as 104 employees who working in SKPD Rokan Hulu. Data were analyzed using multiple regression with SPSS version 20. The results of this research showed that the Relativism Ethical Orientation have influnce to the intention to carry out an Internal Whistleblowing, moral intensity have influnce to the intention to carry out an Internal Whistleblowing, Organizational Commitment have influnce to the intention to carry out an Internal Whistleblowing, and professional identity have influnce to the intention to carry out an Internal Whistleblowing. So that all the hypotheses presented in this research received

    Efisiensi Metode Isolasi Senyawa Glucomannan Dari Singkong (Manihot Utilissima) Secara Kimia Dan Enzimatis

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    Glucomannan adalah polisakarida larut air dan digunakan sebagai agen pengjel, pengental makanan, dan dietary fiber. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan efisiensi metode isolasi senyawa glucomannan dari singkong menggunakan dua metode isolasi. Metode isolasi pertama adalah cara kimia yaitu mengekstraksi glucomannan dari tepung singkong menggunakan aquades dengan perbandingan 1:2 b/v dan etanol 95% sebagai pengendap. Metode kedua adalah cara enzimatis yaitu mengekstraksi glucomannan dari tepung singkong menggunakan enzim a-amilase lyquazyme (crude enzyme) sebanyak 12g tepung singkong/1 mL enzim dalam buffer asetat pH 4,5. Kedua metode isolasi tersebut dibandingkan dengan cara menentukan rendemen masing-masing dan melihat pengaruh kedua metode isolasi tersebut melalui identifikasi struktur mikro dan analisis fasa. Hasil penelitian diperoleh rendemen glucomannan yang diisolasi secara kimia sebanyak 1,2% b/b sedangkan secara enzim diperoleh 2,7% b/b. Efisiensi metode isolasi cara enzim 2,3 kali lebih tinggi dibandingkan cara kimia. Hasil analisis struktur mikro dan identifikasi fasa kedua metode isolasi tidak memberikan hasil signifikan untuk salah satu fasa. Kedua metode isolasi tidak memberikan pengaruh terhadap kandungan fasa dan diperoleh 2 (dua) fasa yaitu manosa dan glukosa dengan rasio maltose/glukosa kurang dari 1/1

    Enkapsulasi Ekstrak Antosianin Bunga Euphorbia Milii

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    . Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan enkapsulasi antosianin, pigmen alami dari bunga Euphorbia milii. Teknik penyiapan enkapsulasi bahan aktif bertujuan agar terjaga sifat fungsional dan stabilitas antioksidan selama proses produksi dan proses penyimpanan yang penggunaanannya tidak terbatas sebagai bahan tambahan pada produk pangan, obat, dan kosmetik. Pembuatan enkapsulasi antosianin menggunakan gelasi ionik dengan kitosan sebagai matriks coating/penyalut. Sebanyak 0,0991 mg antosianin disalut oleh kitosan dan TPP menghasilkan aktivitas antioksidan sebesar 1,8 kali lebih tinggi dibandingkan dalam keadaan bebasny