1,044 research outputs found

    Giant spin-orbit splitting of point defect states in monolayer WS2_2

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    The spin-orbit coupling (SOC) effect has been known to be profound in monolayer pristine transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs). Here we show that point defects, which are omnipresent in the TMD membranes, exhibit even stronger SOC effects and change the physics of the host materials drastically. In this Article we chose the representative monolayer WS\sub{2} slabs from the TMD family together with seven typical types of point defects including monovacancies, interstitials, and antisites. We calculated the formation energies of these defects, and studied the effect of spin-orbit coupling (SOC) on the corresponding defect states. We found that the S monovacancy (V\sub{S} ) and S interstitial (adatom) have the lowest formation energies. In the case of V\sub{S} and both of the W\sub{S and W\sub{S2} antisites, the defect states exhibit giant splitting up to 296 meV when SOC is considered. Depending on the relative position of the defect state with respect to the conduction band minimum (CBM), the hybrid functional HSE will either increase the splitting by up to 60 meV (far from CBM), or decrease the splitting by up to 57 meV (close to CBM). Furthermore, we found that both the W\sub{S} and W\sub{S2} antisites possess a magnetic moment of 2 μB\mu_{B} localized at the antisite W atom and the neighboring W atoms. All these findings provide new insights in the defect behavior under SOC point to new possibilities for spintronics applications for TMDs.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Functional response and life history parameters of Apanteles taragamae, a larval parasitoid of Maruca vitrata

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    The legume pod borer Maruca vitrata Fabricius (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) is a serious pest of cowpea in West-Africa. The parasitoid Apanteles taragamae Viereck (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) that originates from Taiwan is a potential candidate for biological control of M. vitrata. We investigated under laboratory conditions the functional response of the parasitoid by offering each experienced female 10, 20, 30 and 40 larvae of M. vitrata. We studied the influence of different host larval ages on the development, longevity, sex ratio, lifetime fecundity and parasitization rate of the wasp. In a comparative study, we also investigated the life history of A. taragamae and M. vitrata at different temperatures in the range of 20–30C. The parasitoid successfully parasitized two- and three-day-old host larvae (first and second instars). Younger larvae (one-day-old) were parasitized to a lesser extent, and only males developed in them. Older larvae were not parasitized, partly because of defensive host behaviour. The success of arasitization was positively correlated with the density of two-day-old M. vitrata larvae. Parasitoid developmental time and longevity decreased with increasing temperature. The intrinsic rate of population increase (rm) exhibited an optimum curve with a maximum at 24–28C. For the host M. vitrata, rm was maximal at temperatures of 26–30C. The data are discussed in the context of the potential of A. taragamae for biological control of M. vitrata

    Consuming insects:Are there health benefits?

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    Influence of plant and residue age on attraction, acceptance and larval survival of the banana weevil Cosmopolites sordidus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)

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    Laboratory trials were conducted in Uganda at the Kawanda Agricultural Research Institute to determine attraction, eclosion success and larval survivorship of the banana weevil Cosmopolites sordidus (Germar) on crop residues of different ages. In the first experiment, studies focused on different types and ages of residues of one susceptible highland banana clone ‘Nabusa’ (genome group AAA-EA). Corms attracted 65% of the test weevils, pseudostems 30%, while 5% were non-respondents. Oviposition levels and the number of eggs per female were higher on young than old corms. Eclosion rates of 30 DAH. To assess immature survival, 30 DAH. Larval duration and mean days taken for adult emergence increased with plant and crop residue age. Females emerging from the different plant and residues treatments were similar in weight. The data suggest that all aged residues are suitable hosts for C. sordidus, suggesting that sanitation practices should be implemented soon after harvest

    Исследование устойчивости функционирования региональных природно-промышленных систем и принятие оптимальных управленческих решений

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    Предложена математическая модель, описывающая поведение горного массива при воздействии на него массовых сил. Найдены условия параметров задачи, при которых возможны геотектонические нарушения. Предложена методика исследований, заключающаяся в системном подходе решения вопроса, который состоит в выделении рассматриваемой системы, определении составляющих ее компонентов, определение связей между ними. Определяющим моментом методики исследования является наличие базы данных по факторам влияния. Рассматривается математическая модель, позволяющая описать слоистую структуру горного массива с учетом наличия геологических нарушений и техногенных воздействий. Исследование ее устойчивости базируется на анализе энергетического баланса внешнего и внутреннего потенциалов, комплексно воздействующих на горный массив, на котором расположен рассматриваемый регион. Выведены критерии (на основании дисбаланса потенциалов), позволяющие делать пространственно-временной прогноз возможных чрезвычайных горно-геологических процессов. Достоверность критериев устойчивости усиливается коэффициентом системности, который может рассчитываться как для всей природно-промышленной системы, так и для отдельных ее компонентов.Запропоновано математичну модель, яка описує поведінку гірничого масиву під час впливу на нього масових сил. Знайдено умови параметрів задачі, за яких можливі геотектонічні порушення. Пропонується методика досліджень, яка полягає у системному підході вирішення питання, яке складається у виділенні розглянутої системи, визначенні складових її компонентів, зв’язків між ними. Визначним моментом методики досліджень є наявність бази даних по факторам впливу. Розглядається математична модель, яка дозволяє описати шарову структуру гірничого масиву з обліком наявності геологічних порушень і ехногенних впливів. Дослідження її стійкості базується на аналізі енергетичного балансу зовнішнього і внутрішнього потенціалів, які комплексно впливають на гірничий масив, на якому розташовано регіон, що розглядається. Виведено критерії (на основі дисбалансу потенціалів), які дозволяють робити просторо-часовий прогноз можливих надзвичайних гірничо-геологічних процесів. Достовірність критеріїв стійкості посилюється коефіцієнтом системності, який може розраховуватись як для всієї природно-промислової системи, так і для окремих її компонентів.A mathematical model, which describes the behavior of the rock mass during it is affected by mass forces, is proposed. Conditions are found for the parameters of the problem, where geotectonic violation is possible. A method of study, which consists in systematic approach to problem solution (separate the system, determination of its components, the definition of relationships between components) is proposed. The key defining of research methods is the availability of a database on the factors of influence. A mathematical model that allows to describe the layered structure of the rock mass based on the availability of geological faults and technogenic impacts, is considered. Research of its stability is based on the analysis of the energy balance of internal and external potentials, the complex influence of the mountain range, which is located in this region. The criteria (based on the imbalance of potentials), which allow the space-time prediction of possible extreme geological processes, are derived. The reliability of stability criteria is enhanced by systemic factor that can be calculated for the entire faculty, and for the individual components

    Sectie Experimentele en Toegepaste Entomologie van de NEV

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    The Section Experimental and Applied Entomology (SETE) received its present name in 1988. Its main activity is the organisation of an anual one-day symposium ('Entomologendag') and the production of the associated proceedings volume

    Assessing nontarget effects and host feeding of the exotic parasitoid Apanteles taragamae, a potential biological control agent of the cowpea pod borer Maruca vitrata

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    Article PurchasedApanteles taragamae Viereck is a larval parasitoid introduced in Benin for classical biological control of the cowpea pod borer Maruca vitrata Fabricius. In the laboratory, we evaluated the effects of A. taragamae on non-target herbivore species, and on another parasitoid of M. vitrata, i.e. the egg-larval parasitoid Phanerotoma leucobasis Kriechbaumer. Furthermore, we addressed the host feeding behaviour of A. taragamae. The host specificity of A. taragamae was assessed by offering six other lepidopteran species to the wasp. The competitive ability of A. taragamae was studied by providing the wasp with one- and two-days-old M. vitrata larvae that had hatched from eggs previously parasitized by P. leucobasis. Controls consisted of eggs and larvae offered only to P. leucobasis and A. taragamae, respectively. None of the other six lepidopteran species was successfully parasitized by A. taragamae. The larval parasitoid A. taragamae outcompeted the egg-larval parasitoid P. leucobasis when offered two-days-old host larvae. Competition between the two parasitoid species did not significantly affect one-day-old host larvae that were less suitable to A. taragamae. Host feeding by A. taragamae did not affect survival of one-day-old or two-days-old M. vitrata larvae. However, the percentage parasitism of two-days-old larvae was significantly reduced when exposed to female A. taragamae wasps that had been starved during 48 h. The data are discussed with regard to host specificity, host feeding patterns and to factors underlying the outcome of intrinsic competition between parasitoid species