291 research outputs found

    Dynamic Formation of Metastable Intermediate State Patterns in Type-I Superconductors

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    Structure of the intermediate state in type-I superconducting lead (Pb) is shown to be very sensitive to the ramp rate of an applied magnetic field. The configurations of resulting static patterns depend sensitively on the shape of the specimen. In particular, geometric barrier, present in the samples with rectangular cross-section, plays an important role in determining the sharp boundary between the phases of different topology. We propose that seemingly laminar (stripe) pattern obtained as a result of the fast field ramp is simply an imprint left behind by the fast-moving flux tubes. Our results confirm that flux tube phase is topologically favorable.Comment: to be presented at LT-25 (Amsterdam, 2008

    Nernst effect, quasiparticles, and d-density waves in cuprates

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    We examine the possibility that the large Nernst signal observed in the pseudogap regime of hole-doped cuprates originates from quasiparticle transport in a state with d-density wave (DDW) order, proposed by S. Chakravarty et al. [Phys. Rev. B 63, 094503 (2001)]. We find that the Nernst coefficient can be moderately enhanced in magnitude by DDW order, and is generally of negative sign. Thus, the quasiparticles of the DDW state cannot account for the large and positive Nernst signal observed in the pseudogap phase of the cuprates. However, the general considerations outlined in this paper may be of broader relevance, in particular to the recent measurements of Bel et al. in NbSe_2 and CeCoIn_5 [Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 066602 (2003); ibid. 92, 217002 (2004)].Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures; published versio

    Dynamics of stripe patterns in type-I superconductors subject to a rotating field

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    The evolution of stripe patterns in type-I superconductors subject to a rotating in-plane magnetic field is investigated magneto-optically. The experimental results reveal a very rich and interesting behavior of the patterns. For small rotation angles, a small parallel displacement of the main part of the stripes and a co-rotation of their very ends is observed. For larger angles, small sideward protrusions develop, which then generate a zigzag instability, ultimately leading to a breaking of stripes into smaller segments. The short segments then start to co-rotate with the applied field although they lag behind by approximately 10∘10^\circ. Very interestingly, if the rotation is continued, also reconnection of segments into longer stripes takes place. These observations demonstrate the importance of pinning in type-I superconductors.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Behavior of vortices near twin boundaries in underdoped Ba(Fe1−xCox)2As2Ba(Fe_{1-x}Co_{x})_{2}As_{2}

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    We use scanning SQUID microscopy to investigate the behavior of vortices in the presence of twin boundaries in the pnictide superconductor Ba(Fe1-xCox)2As2. We show that the vortices avoid pinning on twin boundaries. Individual vortices move in a preferential way when manipulated with the SQUID: they tend to not cross a twin boundary, but rather to move parallel to it. This behavior can be explained by the observation of enhanced superfluid density on twin boundaries in Ba(Fe1-xCox)2As2. The observed repulsion from twin boundaries may be a mechanism for enhanced critical currents observed in twinned samples in pnictides and other superconductors

    Current-induced vortex dynamics in Josephson-junction arrays: Imaging experiments and model simulations

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    We study the dynamics of current-biased Josephson-junction arrays with a magnetic penetration depth smaller than the lattice spacing. We compare the dynamics imaged by low-temperature scanning electron microscopy to the vortex dynamics obtained from model calculations based on the resistively-shunted junction model, in combination with Maxwell's equations. We find three bias current regions with fundamentally different array dynamics. The first region is the subcritical region, i.e. below the array critical current I_c. The second, for currents I above I_c, is a "vortex region", in which the response is determined by the vortex degrees of freedom. In this region, the dynamics is characterized by spatial domains where vortices and antivortices move across the array in opposite directions in adjacent rows and by transverse voltage fluctuations. In the third, for still higher currents, the dynamics is dominated by coherent-phase motion, and the current-voltage characteristics are linear.Comment: 10 pages, with eps figures. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Equilibrium topology of the intermediate state in type-I superconductors of different shapes

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    High-resolution magneto-optical technique was used to analyze flux patterns in the intermediate state of bulk Pb samples of various shapes - cones, hemispheres and discs. Combined with the measurements of macroscopic magnetization these results allowed studying the effect of bulk pinning and geometric barrier on the equilibrium structure of the intermediate state. Zero-bulk pinning discs and slabs show hysteretic behavior due to geometric barrier that results in a topological hysteresis -- flux tubes on penetration and lamellae on flux exit. (Hemi)spheres and cones do not have geometric barrier and show no hysteresis with flux tubes dominating the intermediate field region. It is concluded that flux tubes represent the equilibrium topology of the intermediate state in reversible samples, whereas laminar structure appears in samples with magnetic hysteresis (either bulk or geometric). Real-time video is available in http://www.cmpgroup.ameslab.gov/supermaglab/video/Pb.html NOTE: the submitted images were severely downsampled due to Arxiv's limitations of 1 Mb total size

    Observation of Andreev bound states in YBaCuO/Au/Nb ramp-type Josephson junctions

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    We report on Josephson and quasiparticle tunneling in YBa2Cu3O7-x(YBCO)/Au/Nb ramp junctions of several geometries. Macroscopically, tunneling occurs in the ab-plane of YBCO either in the (100) and (010) direction, or in the (110) direction. These junctions have a stable and macroscopically well defined geometry. This allows systematic investigations of both quasiparticle and Josephson tunneling over a wide range of temperature and magnetic field. With Nb superconducting, its gap appears in the quasiparticle conductance spectra as Nb coherence peaks and a dip at the center of a broadened zero-bias conductance peak (ZBCP). As we increase the temperature or an applied magnetic field both the Nb coherence peaks and the dip get suppressed and the ZBCP fully develops, while states are conserved. With Nb in the normal state the ZBCP is observed up to about 77 K and is almost unaffected by an increasing field up to 7 T. The measurements are consistent with a convolution of density of states with broadened Andreev bound states formed at the YBCO/Au/Nb junction interfaces. Since junctions with different geometries are fabricated on the same substrate under the same conditions one expects to extract reliable tunneling information that is crystallographic direction sensitive. In high contrast to Josephson tunneling, however, the quasiparticle conductance spectra are crystallographic orientation insensitive: independent whether the tunneling occurs in the (100) or (110) directions, a pronounced ZBCP is always observed, consistent with microscopic roughness of the junction interfaces. Qualitatively, all these particularities regarding quasiparticle spectra hold regardless whether the YBCO thin film is twinned or untwinned.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure

    Topological Hysteresis in the Intermediate State of Type-I Superconductors

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    Magneto-optical imaging of thick stress-free lead samples reveals two distinct topologies of the intermediate state. Flux tubes are formed upon magnetic field penetration (closed topology) and laminar patterns appear upon flux exit (open topology). Two-dimensional distributions of shielding currents were obtained by applying an efficient inversion scheme. Quantitative analysis of the magnetic induction distribution and correlation with magnetization measurements indicate that observed topological differences between the two phases are responsible for experimentally observable magnetic hysteresis.Comment: 4 pages, RevTex

    Quasiparticle scattering time in superconducting films: from dirty to clean limit

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    We study the quasiparticle energy relaxation processes in superconducting Nb films of different thicknesses corresponding to different electron mean free paths in a state far from equilibrium, that is the highly dissipative flux-flow state driven up to the instability point. From the measured current-voltage curves we derive the vortex critical velocity v∗v^{*} for several temperatures. From the v∗(T)v^{*}(T) values, the quasiparticle energy relaxation time τϵ\tau_{\epsilon} is evaluated within the Larkin-Ovchinnikov model and numerical calculations of the quasiparticle energy relaxation rates are carried out to support the experimental findings. Besides the expected constant behavior of τϵ(T)\tau_{\epsilon}(T) for the dirty samples, we observe a strong temperature dependence of the quasiparticle energy relaxation time in the clean samples. This feature is associated with the increasing contribution from the electron-phonon scattering process as the dirty limit is approached from the clean regime

    Nucleation and Collapse of the Superconducting Phase in Type-I Superconducting Films

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    The phase transition between the intermediate and normal states in type-I superconducting films is investigated using magneto-optical imaging. Magnetic hysteresis with different transition fields for collapse and nucleation of superconducting domains is found. This is accompanied by topological hysteresis characterized by the collapse of circular domains and the appearance of lamellar domains. Magnetic hysteresis is shown to arise from supercooled and superheated states. Domain-shape instability resulting from long-range magnetic interaction accounts well for topological hysteresis. Connection with similar effects in systems with long-range magnetic interactions is emphasized
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