19 research outputs found

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa Melalui Pelatihan Bahasa Inggris dalam Rangka Meningkatkan Daya Jual Agrowisata di Desa Pakatto

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    Wilayah Desa Pakatto memiliki alam yang subur dan masih alami. Dengan kondisi seperti ini maka Desa Pakatto ini digadang-gadang untuk menjadi agrowisata dan memiliki potensi pariwisata yang masih bisa dikembangkan. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan kegiatan yang dilakoni oleh masyarakatnya masih dominan di bidang pertanian. Salah satu kesiapan yang harus dilakukan adalah melalui pelatihan bahasa Inggris bagi masyarakat, yang bertujuan meningkatkan keterampilan bahasa Inggris bagi mitra. Hal ini relevan dengan pengembangan agrowisata yang merupakan salah satu sektor pembangunan yang saat ini sedang digalakkan oleh pemerintah sehingga nantinya masyarakat dapat berkomunikasi dengan konsumen mancanegara. Program ini diaplikasikan dalam bentuk pelatihan dan pendampingan. Kegiatan ini dapat menggali potensi masyarakat maupun sumber daya alam lingkungannya yang belum termanfaatkan dengan baik, serta dapat merubah mindset mitra untuk berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris karena telah mendapatkan materi secara komprehensif dan intensif. Diharapkan nantinya akan terwujud sarana promosi agrowisata melalui kemampuan bahasa Inggris yang dimiliki oleh mitra. Mitra sangat excited dan berpartisipasi aktif dalam memberikan respon selama pelatihan

    Pelatihan Bahasa Inggris Islami Bagi Anak-Anak TPQ di Masjid Nurul Khalifah Samata

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    Implementasi bahasa Inggris Islami bagi anak-anak di TPQ Masjid Nurul Khalifah sangat cocok diberikan karena mereka akan dibekali dengan materi autentik yang diambil dari kehidupan sehari-hari dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan anak-anak. Proses pembelajaran dilakukan dengan memperlihatkan gambar dan menggunakan audio visual. Target yang ingin dicapai yaitu siswa berpartisipasi aktif, antusias dan menciptakan insan Islami yang berakhlakul karimah dan dicintai oleh Allah SWT sehingga dapat mengembangkan potensinya. Pembelajaran bahasa Inggris Islami terlaksana dengan menarik serta sesuai untuk usia anak dengan menggunakan media pembelajaran yang kreatif serta beragam yang dapat memudahkan anak untuk memahami bahasa Inggris. Pelatihan bahasa Inggris Islami berlangsung secara intensif, tiap anak-anak diberi stimulasi dengan menggunakan metode ceramah, tanya jawab, role play, demonstrasi dan pemberian tugas. Anak-anak TPQ Masjid Nurul Khalifah diharapkan saling bersinergi secara positif dengan yang dapat dipraktikkan dalam kehidupan real untuk menyongsong kehidupan yang lebih cemerlang di masa yang akan datang

    Development of Basic English Grammar Teaching Materials Based on Situational Approach in English Language Education Study Program of Universitas Muslim Indonesia

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    This study is a research development of Basic English Grammar teaching materials in the English Language Education Study Program of the Faculty of Literature UMI. This study aims to obtain more effective teaching methods between Oral Approach and Teacher Center Learning or lecture methods.  This research was conducted using the pseudo experiment method (quasi experimental research). Quasi Experimental Design in this design was used by two groups of subjects. One group was given a specific treatment (experiment), while the other was used as a control group. Both groups were given pre-test measurements. After that the group given treatment (Situational Based Approach) is an experimental group, then both groups are done measurement (post-test) or acquisition. Pre-test Group - Treatment - Post-test. Research site at UMI Faculty of Literature. The number of respondents as many as 50 students is divided into two groups, namely the experiment group and the control group of 25 people each. The results   showed that there was a significant difference between the Oral Approach method and the Teacher Center Learning method or the lecture method in improving the student's learning outcomes in Basic English Grammar learning. The cause is that the Oral Approach method has a higher average and improvement compared to   the Teacher Center Learning method or lecture method because the Oral Approach method brings more active students into learning. Although given the same material at the same time, but in oral approach method therefore students are active in the learning process. So, lecturers are just facilitators. While in the method of lecture students are only fixated on the explanation of teachers and students are less active in learning. Therefore, oral approach teaching method is more effective than Teacher Center Learning method on Basic English Grammar teaching

    Developing English Teaching Instruction Based on Islamic Values in Non-Formal Education for The Children of Indonesia

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    One of the primary goals of studying English is to improve one's capacity to communicate in English. Islamic-based English classes for children at a local Mosque are ideal since they are provided with Islamic-based English materials derived from Islamic principles and tailored to the needs of Muslim youngsters while learning a second language. The present study aims to investigate an Islamic-based language learning instruction suitable for children in a non-formal setting. The study employs a qualitative research approach which observes and surveys Indonesian language and religious teachers to develop a suitable model for children in an informal setting. The results of the study revealed a means to enhance knowledge about Islam, while learning English as a tool of communication. The following conclusions can be taken from the stated results and discussions; (1) the planning and implementation of Islamic-based English language instruction in non-formal setting have not been optimally implemented thus far therefore the study provided an Islamic-based language instruction suitable for children, (2) educators require innovation in planning and implementing authentic learning for children since they are characterized by their playful nature and learn best by considering such nature, and (3) the foundations of Islam are best taught in early childhood, hence should be prioritized as the content material of their learning

    Investigating the Influence of Stereotype in Intercultural Communication Towards English Literature Students of Universitas Muslim Indonesia

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    This study's objectives explored two prominent cases: (1) the forms of stereotype in Literature Faculty and (2) how the influence of stereotype in intercultural communication toward the students of Literature Faculty. This study applied qualitative research, which explored the stereotype and intercultural communication toward Literature Faculty students. The researcher applied purposive sampling to gain data. There were 15 students participated as the participant, and the data were obtained through interviews. This study shows that stereotypes in Literature Faculty were stereotypes towards Makassar Ethnicity (Rudely) and stereotypes towards Buginese (Uang Panaik it is too expensive). Even though the students learned many negative stereotypes toward Makassarese and Buginese, most students were not affected by these negative stereotypes. The students chose to trust personal experience and establish effective communication with Makassarese and Buginese, which eventually eliminated negative stereotypes towards the Makassarese and Buginese groups

    Empowering English Language Learning: Unleashing the Potential of Cooperative Learning Model at SMKN 3 Takalar

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    The primary aim of adopting the cooperative learning approach in the context of English language learning is to investigate the potential improvement in students' English language competency within the X TKJ 3 class at SMKN 3 Takalar. The study used a research methodology known as classroom action research, commonly referred to as PTK (Praktikum Tindakan Kelas). The research was conducted over a span of two cycles. The statistics about student learning activities during the initial session of cycle 1 reveals an average activity level of 74%. Following this, during the subsequent meeting, there was seen a rise in the mean activity level, reaching 84%. The data regarding the advancement of student learning activities during cycle 2 meeting 1 indicated an average increase of 91%, which subsequently escalated to 96% during meeting 2. The findings from the study on the impact of cooperative learning model on English language learning outcomes in cycle 1 indicated an average score of 72. Furthermore, it was noted that a significant proportion of students, specifically 50%, were able to successfully attain the intended learning outcomes. During the second cycle, a notable rise was observed, as shown by an average score of 81 or a completion rate of 100% among the student population. Therefore, it can be deduced that the utilization of cooperative learning models holds the capability to augment the outcomes of English language acquisition among students in class X TKJ 3 at SMKN 3 Takalar

    EFL Higher Education Students’ Psychological Factor in Speaking Classroom Activities at Universitas Muslim Indonesia: A Research Report

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    The aim of this study is to determine what types of psychological factors sixth-semester EFL higher education students confront when speaking English and how to overcome these psychological factors. This study employs qualitative descriptive methods with two variables. This research used the technique of purposive sampling to select participants, in which volunteers are chosen based on the criteria and objectives of the study. In this study, twenty 2019 Academic Foreign Language Student of the Sixth Semester participated. This research employed qualitative data analysis techniques (questionnaire). The score assigned to each student as a result. Using the Likert Scale Procedure, the data obtained from this study were analyzed. The findings revealed that the majority of students are affected by the same psychological factors, namely Anxiety, Lack of Self-Confidence, Fear, and Shyness. The majority of students are terrified of speaking English. They experience discomfort and agitation if they are required to answer or ask questions in English. Also, the results demonstrated that the sixth-semester ABA UMI class of 2019 possessed an extremely high degree of motivation. This is where they feel that learning English is crucial, since they are constantly asking their professors and peers about subjects they do not understand, and their desire to learn in English is quite strong. The study suggests that educators should focus on enhancing students' psychological factors, particularly motivation, anxiety, and self-confidence, to improve their speaking performance in the EFL classroom. The findings of this study contribute to the body of knowledge on the impact of psychological factors on EFL learners' speaking skills, and can help educators develop effective strategies to improve their students' speaking proficiency in the EFL classroom