9 research outputs found

    Formation of the Giant Planets by Concurrent Accretion of Solids and Gas

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    Models were developed to simulate planet formation. Three major phases are characterized in the simulations: (1) planetesimal accretion rate, which dominates that of gas, rapidly increases owing to runaway accretion, then decreases as the planet's feeding zone is depleted; (2) occurs when both solid and gas accretion rates are small and nearly independent of time; and (3) starts when the solid and gas masses are about equal and is marked by runaway gas accretion. The models applicability to planets in our Solar System are judged using two basic "yardsticks". The results suggest that the solar nebula dissipated while Uranus and Neptune were in the second phase, during which, for a relatively long time, the masses of their gaseous envelopes were small but not negligible compared to the total masses. Background information, results and a published article are included in the report

    Recent Simulations of the Late Stages Growth of Jupiter

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    Presented by Lissauer et al. (2009, Icarus 199, 338) are used to test the model of capture of Jupiter's irregular satellites within proto-Jupiter's distended and thermally-supported envelope. We find such capture highly unlikely, since the envelope shrinks too slowly for a large number of moons to be retained, and many of those that would be retained would orbit closer to the planet than do the observed Jovian irregulars. Our calculations do not address (and therefore do not exclude) the possibility that the irregular satellites were captured as a result of gas drag within a circumjovian disk. Support for this research from NASA Outer Planets Research Program is gratefully acknowledged

    Enhancement of the Accretion of Jupiters Core by a Voluminous Low-Mass Envelope

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    We present calculations of the early stages of the formation of Jupiter via core nucleated accretion and gas capture. The core begins as a seed body of about 350 kilometers in radius and orbits in a swarm of planetesimals whose initial radii range from 15 meters to 100 kilometers. We follow the evolution of the swarm by accounting for growth and fragmentation, viscous and gravitational stirring, and for drag-induced migration and velocity damping. Gas capture by the core substantially enhances the cross-section of the planet for accretion of small planetesimals. The dust opacity within the atmosphere surrounding the planetary core is computed self-consistently, accounting for coagulation and sedimentation of dust particles released in the envelope as passing planetesimals are ablated. The calculation is carried out at an orbital semi-major axis of 5.2 AU and an initial solids' surface density of 10/g/cm^2 at that distance. The results give a core mass of 7 Earth masses and an envelope mass of approximately 0.1 Earth mass after 500,000 years, at which point the envelope growth rate surpasses that of the core. The same calculation without the envelope gives a core mass of only 4 Earth masses

    Formation and Early Evolution of Solar and Extra-Solar Giant Planets

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    This project investigates the origin of giant planets, both in the Solar System and around other stars. It is assumed that the planets form by the core accretion process: small solid particles in a disk surrounding a young star gradually coagulate into objects of a few kilometers in size, known as planetesimals, which then accumulate into solid protoplanetary cores. Once the cores have become large enough, they are able to attract gas from the surrounding disk to form the deep gaseous envelope of the giant planet. Our code simulates giant planet growth in a spherical approximation, and it has been quite successful in addressing a number of basic planetary properties. Further improvements to the code have been made to achieve a more realistic understanding of planetary formation. The computations of the models were based on an earlier version of our code and were stopped at the onset of runaway gas accretion. Now, improved boundary conditions have been incorporated into the code to allow for hydrodynamic inflow of gas and to handle the late stages of evolution when the planet evolves at constant mass. These changes were made to the version of the code that uses a constant accretion rate and to the version that uses a self-consistent method for calculating both the solid and gas accretion rates. The equation of state has been updated to incorporate the detailed tables of Saumon, Chabrier, and Van Horn. The opacities were updated to include the results of Alexander and Ferguson. The outer boundary conditions were modified. During the accretion phase when the planet's radius is between the accretion radius and the tidal radius, we set the outer boundary at a 'modified' accretion radius, which is the point where thermal energy is enough to bring gas to the edge of the Hill sphere


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    We model the growth of Jupiter via core nucleated accretion, applying constraints from hydrodynamical processes that result from the disk–planet interaction. We compute the planet’s internal structure using a well tested planetary formation code that is based upon a Henyey-type stellar evolution code. The planet’s interactions with the protoplanetary disk are calculated using 3-D hydrodynamic simulations. Previous models of Jupiter’s growth have taken the radius of the planet to be approximately one Hill sphere radius, RH. However, 3-D hydrodynamic simulations show that only gas within ∼ 0.25 RH remains bound to the planet, with the more distant gas eventually participating in the shear flow of the protoplanetary disk. Therefore in our new simulations, the planet’s outer boundary is placed at the location where gas has the thermal energy to reach the portion of the flow not bound to the planet. We find that the smaller radius increases the time required for planetary growth by ∼ 5%. Thermal pressure limits the rate at which a planet less than a few dozen times as massive as Earth can accumulate gas from the protoplanetary disk, whereas hydrodynamics regulates the growth rate for more massive planets. Within a moderately viscous disk, the accretion rate peaks when the planet’s mass is about equal to the mass of Saturn. In a less viscous disk hydrodynamica

    Models of the in Situ Formation of Detected Extrasolar Giant Planets

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    We present numerical simulations of the formation of the planetary companions to 47 UMa, ae CrB, and 51 Peg. They are assumed to have formed in situ according to the basic model that a core formed first by accretion of solid particles, then later it captured substantial amounts of gas from the protoplanetary disk. In most of the calculations we prescribe a constant accretion rate for the solid core. The evolution of the gaseous envelope is calculated according to the following assumptions: (1) it is in quasi-hydrostatic equilibrium, (2) the gas accretion rate is determined by the requirement that the outer radius of the planet is the place at which the thermal velocity of the gas allows it to reach the boundary of the planet's Hill sphere, (3) the gas accretion rate is limited, moreover, by the prescribed maximum rate at which the nebula can supply the gas, and (4) the growth of the planet stops once it obtains approximately the minimum mass determined from radial velocity measurement..

    On the Luminosity of Young Jupiters

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    Traditional thermal evolution models of giant planets employ arbitrary initial conditions selected more for computational expediency than physical accuracy. Since the initial conditions are eventually forgotten by the evolving planet, this approach is valid for mature planets, if not young ones. To explore the evolution at young ages of jovian mass planets we have employed model planets created by one implementation of the core accretion mechanism as initial conditions for evolutionary calculations. The luminosities and early cooling rates of young planets are highly sensitive to their internal entropies, which depend on the formation mechanism and are highly model dependent. As a result of the accretion shock through which most of the planetary mass is processed, we find lower initial internal entropies than commonly assumed in published evolution – 2 – tracks. Consequently young jovian planets are smaller, cooler, and several to 100 times less luminous than predicted by earlier models. Furthermore the time interval during which the young jupiters are fainter than expected depends on th