7 research outputs found

    Decrypting Local Type Inference

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    Statically typed languages verify programs at compile-time. As a result many programming mistakes are detected at an early stage of development. A programmer does not have to specify types for every single term manually, however. Many programming languages can reconstruct a termâs type using type inference algorithms. While helpful, programmers often find it hard to comprehend the choice of typing decisions that led to the derived type for a term. A particularly serious consequence is that the reporting of type errors yields cryptic messages and misleading program locations. In this thesis we propose a novel approach to explaining type checking decisions by exploring fragments of type derivation trees. Our approach applies to programming languages that use local type inference: typing decisions are made locally and the type information is only propagated between the adjacent AST nodes. We design an algorithm that backtracks through the nodes of type derivation trees in order to discover the typing decisions that introduce the types for the first time during the type inference process. Our algorithm has two properties: - it is type-driven, meaning that we only visit the nodes and their respective typing decisions if they participated in the inference of a type. - it is autonomous, meaning that it does not require any user-input in its operation. These properties allow us to identify the complete and precise set of locations defining the source of a type; previous work mostly focussed on heuristics or used approximations for locating the cause of an error. Our algorithm is not tied to a particular implementation of a type checker: our type derivation trees can be reconstructed from a pre-existing type checker without modifying its internal logic or affecting its regular compilation times. It therefore readily applies to existing programs: we can not only provide improved feedback for them, we also expose limitations of local type inference algorithms and their implementations, without artificially limiting the language features. We implement our type debugging algorithm on top of Scalaâs type checker. Our analysis applies to a range of erroneous scenarios. It provides better error locations than the standard type error reporter of the Scala compiler. This type debugging analysis is just a starting point from which many interesting and useful applications around type debugging can be built: - we implement an interactive type debugger that guides the users through the decisions of local type inference for erroneous and error-free programs alike. - with precise and minimal source code locations we can also offer surgical-level code modifications that fix for example the limitations of local type inference. - we open the door for programmatically defined, application-specific error feedback or corrections. To the best of our knowledge this thesis is the first to address the problem of type errors for programming languages that use local type inference. Current trends suggest that this scheme is gaining in popularity with mainstream languages other than Scala

    Implementing a Type Debugger for Scala

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    Statically-typed languages offer type systems that are less and less comprehensible for programmers as the language grows in complexity. In this paper, we present a type debugger, a tool that enables analysis of type-related problems as well as exploration of the typechecking process in general. We explain our findings on implementing a lightweight instrumentation mechanism for Scala, as well as guide the reader through some typical debugging scenarios in which one can use our tool. The type debugger visualizes the internals of the typechecker which we believe increases its chances of being a successful educational tool, and which simplifies understanding of statically-typed languages in general

    Improving Human-Compiler Interaction Through Customizable Type Feedback

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    Type errors reported by compilers can sometimes be cryptic, or difficult to understand. In this paper, we propose a type debugging framework that exposes a high-level representation of the typechecking decision-making process that users normally do not have access to in state-of-the-art compilers. This representation makes it easier for non-experts to analyze complex type errors. Our system is implemented by instrumenting the existing Scala typechecker, but without modifying it. We also provide generic search algorithms that can be used as basic building blocks to build a number of systems, from visual type debugging tools to customized error reporting for normal Scala users as well as to users of domain-specific languages. Using our framework, it is possible to overcome well-known limitations of local type inference by providing precise type error messages to mainline Scala users or Scala DSL users alike. In addition, the framework provides better user feedback for non-trivial type errors from existing Scala libraries and DSLs