4,213 research outputs found

    Influence of coherent mesoscale structures on satellite-based Doppler lidar wind measurements

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    Efforts to develop display routines for overlaying gridded and nongridded data sets are discussed. The primary objective is to have the capability to review global patterns of winds and lidar samples; to zoom in on particular wind features or global areas; and to display contours of wind components and derived fields (e.g., divergence, vorticity, deformation, etc.). Current considerations in support of a polar orbiting shuttle lidar mission are discussed. Ground truth for a shuttle lidar experiment may be limited to fortuitous alignment of lidar wind profiles and scheduled rawinsonde profiles. Any improvement on this would require special rawinsonde launches and/or optimization of the shuttle orbit with global wind measurement networks

    Gravity gradient preliminary investigations, part 2: Lunar tidal gravity gradients and stresses (exhibit C)

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    Preliminary analysis of the gravity gradients associated with gravity tides on the moon caused by the earth indicates that the relative changes in the gradients are very irregular, and large, and about 15 times greater than those experienced on earth. Thus gradients, in preference to gravity tides themselves, may well be an important key in correlating tide effects with lunar transient events and moonquakes, and also in determining triggering mechanisms for crustal movement and faulting. Preliminary analysis of lunar crustal stresses and strains caused by lunar gravity tides indicates that these factors may be more direct causative agents or triggering mechanisms. In particular, the cubic dilation undergoes relatively large changes and is about 11 times greater on the moon than on earth. Thus it should be correspondingly more important

    Gravity gradient preliminary investigations on exhibit ''A'' Final report

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    Quartz microbalance gravity gradiometer performance test

    Improved laboratory gradiometer can be a field survey instrument

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    Improvements made to quartz gradiometer minimize or eliminate disturbing effects from known error sources and permit sensitivity of + or - 1 times 10 to the minus 9th power/sec sq or better and measuring accuracy of + or - 5 times 10 to the minus 9th power/sec sq

    Preparation of thin polymer films for infrared reaction rate studies

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    Procedure for preparing thin films for infrared spectrophotometric analysis involves pressing of a neat mixture of reactants between nonreactive thin polymer films with noninterfering absorption bands. Pressing is done under a pressure that gives desirable thickness. Following this process, the film sandwich is cut to accommodate the laboratory instrument

    LAWS simulation: Sampling strategies and wind computation algorithms

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    In general, work has continued on developing and evaluating algorithms designed to manage the Laser Atmospheric Wind Sounder (LAWS) lidar pulses and to compute the horizontal wind vectors from the line-of-sight (LOS) measurements. These efforts fall into three categories: Improvements to the shot management and multi-pair algorithms (SMA/MPA); observing system simulation experiments; and ground-based simulations of LAWS

    Computer Algebra meets Finite Elements: an Efficient Implementation for Maxwell's Equations

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    We consider the numerical discretization of the time-domain Maxwell's equations with an energy-conserving discontinuous Galerkin finite element formulation. This particular formulation allows for higher order approximations of the electric and magnetic field. Special emphasis is placed on an efficient implementation which is achieved by taking advantage of recurrence properties and the tensor-product structure of the chosen shape functions. These recurrences have been derived symbolically with computer algebra methods reminiscent of the holonomic systems approach.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figure, 1 table; Springer Wien, ISBN 978-3-7091-0793-

    Fit for work? Health, employability and challenges for the UK welfare reform agenda

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    This article introduces a special issue of Policy Studies entitled ā€œFit for work? Health, employability and challenges for the UK welfare reform agendaā€. Growing from a shared concern over the need to expand the evidence base around the processes that led to large numbers of people claiming disability benefits in the UK, it brings together contributions from leading labour market and social policy researchers providing evidence and commentary on major reforms to Incapacity Benefit (IB) in the UK. This special issue address three key questions: what are the main causes of the long-term rise in the number of people claiming IBs; what will reduce the number of claimants; and what is likely to deliver policy effectively and efficiently? This introduction first explains and examines the challenges to reforms to IB in the UK, and then, in conclusion, highlights the answers to the previous three questions ā€“ first, labour market restructuring and marginalisation have driven the rise in numbers claiming IBs. Second, economic regeneration in the Britainā€™s less prosperous areas coupled with intensive and sustained supply-side support measures will bring numbers down. Third, delivery need to be flexible and tailored to individual needs and needs to be able to access local and expert knowledge in a range of organisations, including Job Centre Plus, the NHS as well as the private and voluntary sectors
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