9 research outputs found

    Ideen un mètode per evitar la regurgitació recurrent

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    La ruminació, la tornada del menjar cap a la boca després de ser ingerida, pot ser un problema menor o dur a complicacions nutricionals severes. L'equip del professor del Departament de Medicina de la UAB i investigador de l'Institut de Recerca Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron Fernando Azpiroz ha desenvolupat un mètode per ensenyar a qui la pateix a modular l'activitat muscular fins a suprimir aquest comportament.La rumiación, la vuelta de la comida hacia la boca después de ser ingerida, puede ser un problema menor o llevar a complicaciones nutricionales severas. El equipo del profesor del Departamento de Medicina de la UAB e investigador del Instituto de Investigación Hospital Universitario Vall d'Hebron Fernando Azpiroz ha desarrollado un método para enseñar a quienes la padecen a modular la actividad muscular hasta suprimir este comportamiento.Rumination, the regurgitation of recently ingested food into the mouth, can be a minor problem or lead to severe nutritional complications. Professor Fernando Azpiroz, from the UAB Department of Medicine and Vall d'Hebron Research Institute, and his team, have developed a new method to show people suffering from rumination how to modulate their muscular activity in order to suppress it

    Efectes del tractament de la hidrocefàlia crònica de l'adult

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    La hidrocefàlia crònica de l'adult (HCA) és una causa de demència potencialment reversible. Per això, és molt important diferenciar-la d'altres causes de demència, com l'Alzheimer o el Parkinson, que poden presentar símptomes semblants. Investigadors de l'Hospital Universitari Vall Hebron-UAB, han estudiat la cognició i comportament d'un grup de pacients per analitzar els canvis que es produeixen després del tractament i descriure les variables que infueixien en la millora dels pacients per així poder diferenciar els pacients que presenten aquest síndrome dels altres.La hidrocefalia crónica del adulto (HCA) es una causa de demencia potencialmente reversible. Por ello, es muy importante diferenciarla de otras causas de demencia, como el Alzheimer o el Parkinson, que pueden presentar síntomas similares. Investigadores del Hospital Universitario Vall Hebron-UAB, han estudiado la cognición y comportamiento de un grupo de pacientes para analizar los cambios que se producen después del tratamiento y describir las variables que influyen en la mejora de los pacientes para así poder diferenciar los pacientes que presentan este síndrome de los demás

    Integrating clinical, molecular, proteomic and histopathological data within the tissue context : tissunomics

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    Malignant tumours show a marked degree of morphological, molecular and proteomic heterogeneity. This variability is closely related to microenvironmental factors and the location of the tumour. The activation of genetic alterations is very tissue-dependent and only few tumours have distinct genetic alterations. Importantly, the activation state of proteins and signaling factors is heterogeneous in the primary tumour and in metastases and recurrences. The molecular diagnosis based only on genetic alterations can lead to treatments with unpredictable responses, depending on the tumour location, such as the tumour response in melanomas versus colon carcinomas with mutations. Therefore, we understand that the correct evaluation of tumours requires a system that integrates both morphological, molecular and protein information in a clinical and pathological context, where intratumoral heterogeneity can be assessed. Thus, we propose the term 'tissunomics', where the diagnosis will be contextualised in each tumour based on the complementation of the pathological, molecular, protein expression, environmental cells and clinical data

    First-in-human PeriCord cardiac bioimplant : scalability and GMP manufacturing of an allogeneic engineered tissue graft

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    Altres ajuts: La Marató de TV3 Foundation, Government of Catalonia, Catalan Society of Cardiology, "La Caixa" Banking Foundation, Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, Institute of Health Carlos III, and the European Regional Development Fund.Small cardiac tissue engineering constructs show promise for limiting post-infarct sequelae in animal models. This study sought to scale-up a 2-cm 2 preclinical construct into a human-size advanced therapy medicinal product (ATMP; PeriCord), and to test it in a first-in-human implantation. The PeriCord is a clinical-size (12-16 cm 2) decellularised pericardial matrix colonised with human viable Wharton's jelly-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (WJ-MSCs). WJ-MSCs expanded following good manufacturing practices (GMP) met safety and quality standards regarding the number of cumulative population doublings, genomic stability, and sterility. Human decellularised pericardial scaffolds were tested for DNA content, matrix stiffness, pore size, and absence of microbiological growth. PeriCord implantation was surgically performed on a large non-revascularisable scar in the inferior wall of a 63-year-old male patient. Coronary artery bypass grafting was concomitantly performed in the non-infarcted area. At implantation, the 16-cm 2 pericardial scaffold contained 12·5 × 10 6 viable WJ-MSCs (85·4% cell viability; <0·51 endotoxin units (EU)/mL). Intraoperative PeriCord delivery was expeditious, and secured with surgical glue. The post-operative course showed non-adverse reaction to the PeriCord, without requiring host immunosuppression. The three-month clinical follow-up was uneventful, and three-month cardiac magnetic resonance imaging showed ~9% reduction in scar mass in the treated area. This preliminary report describes the development of a scalable clinical-size allogeneic PeriCord cardiac bioimplant, and its first-in-human implantation. La Marató de TV3 Foundation, Government of Catalonia, Catalan Society of Cardiology, "La Caixa" Banking Foundation, Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, Institute of Health Carlos III, and the European Regional Development Fund

    Efectes del tractament de la hidrocefàlia crònica de l'adult

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    La hidrocefàlia crònica de l'adult (HCA) és una causa de demència potencialment reversible. Per això, és molt important diferenciar-la d'altres causes de demència, com l'Alzheimer o el Parkinson, que poden presentar símptomes semblants. Investigadors de l'Hospital Universitari Vall Hebron-UAB, han estudiat la cognició i comportament d'un grup de pacients per analitzar els canvis que es produeixen després del tractament i descriure les variables que infueixien en la millora dels pacients per així poder diferenciar els pacients que presenten aquest síndrome dels altres.La hidrocefalia crónica del adulto (HCA) es una causa de demencia potencialmente reversible. Por ello, es muy importante diferenciarla de otras causas de demencia, como el Alzheimer o el Parkinson, que pueden presentar síntomas similares. Investigadores del Hospital Universitario Vall Hebron-UAB, han estudiado la cognición y comportamiento de un grupo de pacientes para analizar los cambios que se producen después del tratamiento y describir las variables que influyen en la mejora de los pacientes para así poder diferenciar los pacientes que presentan este síndrome de los demás

    Integrating clinical, molecular, proteomic and histopathological data within the tissue context : tissunomics

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    Malignant tumours show a marked degree of morphological, molecular and proteomic heterogeneity. This variability is closely related to microenvironmental factors and the location of the tumour. The activation of genetic alterations is very tissue-dependent and only few tumours have distinct genetic alterations. Importantly, the activation state of proteins and signaling factors is heterogeneous in the primary tumour and in metastases and recurrences. The molecular diagnosis based only on genetic alterations can lead to treatments with unpredictable responses, depending on the tumour location, such as the tumour response in melanomas versus colon carcinomas with mutations. Therefore, we understand that the correct evaluation of tumours requires a system that integrates both morphological, molecular and protein information in a clinical and pathological context, where intratumoral heterogeneity can be assessed. Thus, we propose the term 'tissunomics', where the diagnosis will be contextualised in each tumour based on the complementation of the pathological, molecular, protein expression, environmental cells and clinical data

    First-in-human PeriCord cardiac bioimplant : scalability and GMP manufacturing of an allogeneic engineered tissue graft

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    Altres ajuts: La Marató de TV3 Foundation, Government of Catalonia, Catalan Society of Cardiology, "La Caixa" Banking Foundation, Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, Institute of Health Carlos III, and the European Regional Development Fund.Small cardiac tissue engineering constructs show promise for limiting post-infarct sequelae in animal models. This study sought to scale-up a 2-cm 2 preclinical construct into a human-size advanced therapy medicinal product (ATMP; PeriCord), and to test it in a first-in-human implantation. The PeriCord is a clinical-size (12-16 cm 2) decellularised pericardial matrix colonised with human viable Wharton's jelly-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (WJ-MSCs). WJ-MSCs expanded following good manufacturing practices (GMP) met safety and quality standards regarding the number of cumulative population doublings, genomic stability, and sterility. Human decellularised pericardial scaffolds were tested for DNA content, matrix stiffness, pore size, and absence of microbiological growth. PeriCord implantation was surgically performed on a large non-revascularisable scar in the inferior wall of a 63-year-old male patient. Coronary artery bypass grafting was concomitantly performed in the non-infarcted area. At implantation, the 16-cm 2 pericardial scaffold contained 12·5 × 10 6 viable WJ-MSCs (85·4% cell viability; <0·51 endotoxin units (EU)/mL). Intraoperative PeriCord delivery was expeditious, and secured with surgical glue. The post-operative course showed non-adverse reaction to the PeriCord, without requiring host immunosuppression. The three-month clinical follow-up was uneventful, and three-month cardiac magnetic resonance imaging showed ~9% reduction in scar mass in the treated area. This preliminary report describes the development of a scalable clinical-size allogeneic PeriCord cardiac bioimplant, and its first-in-human implantation. La Marató de TV3 Foundation, Government of Catalonia, Catalan Society of Cardiology, "La Caixa" Banking Foundation, Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, Institute of Health Carlos III, and the European Regional Development Fund