45 research outputs found

    Analysis of the land cadastre and surveying methods between 1918 and 2000

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    Za razumevanje natančnosti obstoječih zemljiško katastrskih podatkov je potrebno poznavanje zgodovine zakonodaje na področju zemljiškega katastra. V diplomski nalogi je predstavljena zakonodaja, ki je veljala na območju Slovenije med letoma 1918 in 2000. Analizirani so vsi pomembni zakoni in pravilniki v tem obdobju, ki so vplivali na ureditev meje in parcelacije. Poudarek je predvsem na zakonsko določenih metodah izmere in vsebine elaboratov. Na koncu so predstavljeni primeri elaboratov, ki so bili izdelani na podlagi analizirane zakonodaje.If we want to understand accuracy of existing land cadastral data, we first need to learn about history of legislation about land cadastre. In master\u27s thesis we discuss about the legislation which was validon Slovenia territory between 1918 and 2000. I analyzed all the important laws and instructions in that period, which affected on boundary settlement and plot division. Focus is mainly on surveying methods and contents of elaborates. In the end I presented elaborates, which were made on the basis of analyzed legislation

    Analaysis of the land cadastre and surveying methods between 1918 and 2000

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    If we want to understand accuracy of existing land cadastral data, we first need to learn about history of legislation about land cadastre. In master's thesis we discuss about the legislation which was validon Slovenia territory between 1918 and 2000. I analyzed all the important laws and instructions in that period, which affected on boundary settlement and plot division. Focus is mainly on surveying methods and contents of elaborates. In the end I presented elaborates, which were made on the basis of analyzed legislation

    Factors affecting the morbidity and mortality of diverting stoma closure

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    Results of surgical treatment of resectable liver metastases in colorectal cancer at the University Clinical Centre Maribor

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    Izhodišča: Pri bolnikih z jetrnimi metastazami (JM) pri kolorektalnem raku (KRR) le kirurško zdravljenje, sedaj pogosto kombinirano z drugimi načini zdravljenja, nudi možnost dolgotrajnejšega preživetja ali pa celo upanje na ozdravitev. Namen raziskave je prikaz možnosti multimodalnega načina zdravljenja in ocenitev rezultatov takšnega zdravljenja JM pri KRR pri naših bolnikih. Metode: V obdobju od 1. julija 1997 do 31. decembra 2011 je bilo opravljenih 377 jetrnih operacij pri 281 bolnikih z metastazami KRR (178 moški, 103 ženskepovprečna starost 63,3 letarazpon 27 do 85 let). Rezultati: Od skupno 377 operacij zaradi JM KRR je bila 324-krat opravljena resekcija jeter, od tega pri 28 bolnikih kombinirana z RFA. 235 (79,4 %) je bilo R0 resekcij, 54 (18,2 %) je bilo R1 in 7 (2,4 %) R2 resekcij. Skupno 53 posegi so bile RFA JM. Pri 113 bolnikih so bile JM ugotovljene sinhrono ob ugotovitvi KRR, pri 168 pa je šlo za metahrone JM. 145 bolnikov je imelo unilobarne, 136 pa bilobarne metastaze. Povprečno je bilo 2,9 jetrnih metastaz, povprečna velikost metastaz pa je bila 4,3 cm. Pri 46 bolnikih je bilo obolenje prisotno tudi zunaj jeter. 131 bolnikov je pred jetrno operacijo prejemalo neoadjuvantno kemoterapijo. 16-krat je bila za povečanje preostanka jeter opravljena portalna embolizacija, 10-krat pa ligatura desne veje vene porte. Simultana resekcija jeter je bila narejena pri 41 bolnikih. Pri prvi operaciji je bila opravljena resekcija jeter pri 252 bolnikih. Pri 239 bolnikih je bila narejena samo resekcija jeter, pri 23 bolnikih pa je bila resekcija kombinirana še z radiofrekventno ablacijo JM (RFA). Od 239 resekcij JM brez dodatne RFA je bilo 198 (83 %) resekcij R0, 36 (15 %) R1, 5 (2 %) pa R2 resekcij. Pri 29 bolnikih je bila narejena samo RFA JM (20-krat odprta RFA, 9-krat perkutana RFA). Zaradi ponovitve obolenja smo operirali 73 bolnikov, pri katerih smo opravili 96 posegov (1 do 6 na bolnika). Upoštevajoč vse opravljene operacije (377) je bila skupna pooperacijska obolevnost 25,5 %, 30-dnevna umrljivost pa je bila 1,9 %. Pričakovano 5-letno preživetje pri bolnikih z R0 resekcijo JM in brez zunaj jetrnega obolenja je bilo 38,3 % (mediano preživetje: 43 mesecev). Zaključki: Resekcije jeter so varne (morbiditeta: 25,5 %30 mortaliteta: 1,9 pri R0 resekcijah), glede na pričakovano dolgoročno preživetje (5-letno 38,3 %, mediana 43 mesecev) pa trenutno predstavljajo najučinkovitejši način zdravljenja bolnikov z metastazami KRR. Poudarjen je pomen multidisciplinarnega pristopa in multimodalnega zdravljenja bolnikov z metastazami KRRBackground: Only surgical treatment in patients with liver metastases (LM) in colorectal cancer (CC), which is nowadays often combined with other forms of treatment, offers the possibility of long-term survival or even hope of a cure. The aim of this study is to present the possibilities of multimodal treatment and to assess the results of such treatment of LM in CC in our patients. Methods: In the period from 1 July 1997 to 31 December 2011, a total of 377 liver surgeries were performed in 281 patients with metastases of CC (107 men, 103 womenmean age 63.3 yearsspan of 27 to 85 years). Results: Of 377 surgeries for LM of CC, liver resection was performed 324 times, and in 28 of those patients in combination with RFA. 235 (79.4%) were R0 resections, 54 (18.2%) were R1 and 7 (2.4% were R2 resections. A total of 53 procedures were RFA of LM. In 113 patients, LM were diagnosed synchronously with CC, and 168 men had metachronous LM. Unilobar metastases were found in 145 patients, and 136 had bilobar metastases. On average, there were 2.9 liver metastases with an average size of 4.3 cm. In 46 patients, the disease was present also outside the liver. Prior to liver surgery, 131 patients underwent neoadjuvant chemotherapy. In 16 cases, portal embolisation was performed to increase the residual liver volume, and ligature of the right branch of the vena porta was performed 10 times. Simultaneous liver resection was performed in 41 patients. At the first surgery, liver resection was performed in 252 patients. Liver resection alone was performed in 239 patients, whereas in 23 patients, it was combined with radiofrequency ablation of LM (RFA). Of 239 LM resections without additional RFA, 198 (83%) were R0 resections, 36 (15%) were R1 and 5 (2%) were R2 resections. In 29 patients, only RFA of LM was performed (open RFA 20 times, percutaneous RFA 9 times). Surgery for disease recurrences was performed on 73 patients, who underwent 96 procedures (1 to 6 per patient). Considering all surgeries (377), the total post-operative incidence was 25.5%, and 30-day morbidity was 1.9%. The expected 5-year survival in patients with R0 resection of LM and no disease outside the liver was 38.3% (median survival: 43 months Conclusions: Liver resections are safe (morbidity: 25.5%30-day morbidity: 1.9% in R0 resections). Considering the expected long-term survival (5-year of 38.8%, median of 43 months), they currently represent the most effective method for the treatment patients with metastases of CC. The focus is on the importance of a multidisciplinary approach and multi modal treatment of patients with metastases of CC

    Obesity resistant mechanisms in the Lean polygenic mouse model as indicated by liver transcriptome and expression of selected genes in skeletal muscle

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Divergently selected Lean and Fat mouse lines represent unique models for a polygenic form of resistance and susceptibility to obesity development. Previous research on these lines focused mainly on obesity-susceptible factors in the Fat line. This study aimed to examine the molecular basis of obesity-resistant mechanisms in the Lean line by analyzing various fat depots and organs, the liver transcriptome of selected metabolic pathways, plasma and lipid homeostasis and expression of selected skeletal muscle genes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Expression profiling using our custom Steroltalk v2 microarray demonstrated that Lean mice exhibit a higher hepatic expression of cholesterol biosynthesis genes compared to the Fat line, although this was not reflected in elevation of total plasma or liver cholesterol. However, FPLC analysis showed that protective HDL cholesterol was elevated in Lean mice. A significant difference between the strains was also found in bile acid metabolism. Lean mice had a higher expression of <it>Cyp8b1</it>, a regulatory enzyme of bile acid synthesis, and the <it>Abcb11 </it>bile acid transporter gene responsible for export of acids to the bile. Additionally, a higher content of blood circulating bile acids was observed in Lean mice. Elevated HDL and upregulation of some bile acids synthesis and transport genes suggests enhanced reverse cholesterol transport in the Lean line - the flux of cholesterol out of the body is higher which is compensated by upregulation of endogenous cholesterol biosynthesis. Increased skeletal muscle <it>Il6 </it>and <it>Dio2 </it>mRNA levels as well as increased activity of muscle succinic acid dehydrogenase (SDH) in the Lean mice demonstrates for the first time that changes in muscle energy metabolism play important role in the Lean line phenotype determination and corroborate our previous findings of increased physical activity and thermogenesis in this line. Finally, differential expression of <it>Abcb11 </it>and <it>Dio2 </it>identifies novel strong positional candidate genes as they map within the quantitative trait loci (QTL) regions detected previously in crosses between the Lean and Fat mice.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We identified novel candidate molecular targets and metabolic changes which can at least in part explain resistance to obesity development in the Lean line. The major difference between the Lean and Fat mice was in increased liver cholesterol biosynthesis gene mRNA expression, bile acid metabolism and changes in selected muscle genes' expression in the Lean line. The liver <it>Abcb11 </it>and muscle <it>Dio2 </it>were identified as novel positional candidate genes to explain part of the phenotypic difference between the Lean and Fat lines.</p

    The role, significance and development of prevention as a part of police work based on the project "Public safety"

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    V sodobni demokratični družbi se vloga policije v skladu z zahtevami policijskega dela ves čas prilagaja in spreminja. Glede na to, da je cilj slovenske policije bil, da se povzdignejo na nivo sodobne evropske policije, se mora slovenska policija ves čas skozi razvoj soočati s potrebo po ustreznem načrtovanju, spreminjanju in vrednotenju načinov preventive kot segmenta policijskega dela. Zagotavljanje varnosti ljudi in premoženja je temeljno poslanstvo policijskega dela, ki se lahko uresničuje samo skupaj z ljudmi, med katerimi in za katere policija deluje. Takšno delovanje se imenuje »v skupnost usmerjeno policijsko delo«, ki pomeni novo filozofijo dela policije, ki daje večji poudarek sodelovanju s skupnostjo oziroma lokalnim nivojem, v katerem deluje. V takšnem policijskem delu ima še vedno najvidnejše mesto vodja policijskega okoliša. V diplomskem delu želimo prikazati, da se je slovenska policija reorganizirala po vzoru nekaterih zahodnih držav, saj se je z vpogledom v teoretična spoznanja ter primerjalno analizo praktičnih izkušenj drugih držav izoblikoval projekt »javna varnost« kateri je pustil pomemben pečat pomenu preventive in njeni zamisli v praksi. Izvajanje projektov s katerimi se opravi reorganizacija običajno povzroči prilaganje policijske organizacije spreminjajočemu se okolju, zato je potrebno sprožiti proces približevanja na lokalnem nivoju sistematično in spremembe prilagoditi miselnosti in načinu dela. Cilj diplomskega dela je predstaviti (re)organizacijo policijskih postaj, začenši od projekta »javne varnosti« do projekta v skupnost usmerjenega policijskega dela, ki se je izoblikoval z novo strategijo dela policije, pri čemer se bomo osredotočili predvsem na določitev policijskih okolišev, vključno s spremembo funkcije vodje policijskega okoliša in na tej podlagi prikazali analizo preventivnega dela petletnega obdobja (2013-2017) na Policijski upravi Murska Sobota.The role of the police in a modern democratic society always adapts and changes in accordance with the requirements of police work. According to the goal of the Slovenian Police to be raised to the level of the modern European police, the Slovenian police must constantly be, through the development, confronted with the need for appropriate planning, changing and evaluating of prevention methods as a part of police work. Ensuring the safety of people and property is a fundamental mission of police work that can only be realized together with people. The police work among people and for people. This action is called "police work directed towards community", which represents a new philosophy of police work and it places greater emphasis on cooperation with the community or the local environment in which it operates. The role of the head of the police district is still the most important in that kind of police work. In the thesis, we want to show that the Slovenian police reorganized after the example of some Western countries. The project "public security" has been created with an insight into theoretical knowledge and a comparative analysis of the practical experience of other countries. It has made a great impact on the importance of prevention and its ideas in practice. Implementation of projects that carry out the reorganization usually causes the police organization to adapt to a changing environment, so it is necessary to initiate the process of getting closer to the local level systematically and to adjust the changes in the mentality and the way of work. The aim of the thesis is to present the (re)organization of police stations, starting from the project "Public Security" to the project in community-oriented police work, which was developed with a new strategy of police work, focusing primarily on identifying police districts, including changing the function of the head of the police district and on this basis we are going to present the analysis of the preventive work in the five-year period (2013-2017) at the Murska Sobota Police Directorate

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