6 research outputs found

    Elements of religious rivalry in the structural architecture of Vrancea county (Romania)

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    Studied by means of the statistical data provided by the censuses carried on in 1930, 1992 and 2002, the religious structure of the population of Vrancea County obviously outlines this territory as a genuine nucleus of Orthodoxism resistance with a visible tendency of strengthening its denomination homogeneity in the last two census years, primarily as a consequence of the vanishing of a component with a significant specific weight in the past local religious landscape (the Mosaic one). However, the recent aggressive dynamics of the Neo-Protestant branches can be regarded as a vector which is favourable to the propagation of some novelty religious trends and ideas, able to alter the hierarchy of the religious minorities

    Tourism – national forest fund: a complex relationship

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    Fondul turistic forestier naţionl : relaţii complexe. Turismul, ca oricare altă activitate economică, se află într-o strânsă interdependenţă cu patrimoniul natural, care constituie obiect al activităţii turistice. Orice degradare a unei părţi a acestuia determină, treptat, o diminuare a activităţii turistice din acea zonă; de aceea, dezvoltarea turismului trebuie să se realizeze concomitent cu păstrarea funcţionalităţii ecosistemelor. Un echilibru între dezvoltarea zonelor turistice şi păstrarea integrităţii ecologice a acestora este mai mult decât necesar. În aceste condiţii, exploatarea neraţională a pădurilor reprezintă aspecte importante ale activităţii umane care pot conduce la afectarea potenţialului turistic al unei zone. În studiul de faţă ne-am oprit doar la o prezentare generală a situaţiei actuale a fondului forestier naţional care ocupă în prezent 6,2 milioane hectare (26% din suprafaţa ţării), cu contraste mari de la o zonă la alta: alături de păduri de înaltă biodiversitate şi stabilitate (precum făgetele, de exemplu), există multe păduri deteriorate, destabilizate, aflate acum în declin sau chiar în curs de uscare. Alături de zona de munte, relativ bine împădurită, avem întinse suprafeţe de câmpie despădurite, dealuri erodate, câmpiii stepizate etc. Diminuarea suprafeţei forestiere este datorată îndeosebi tăierilor ilicite, mai ales de pe suprafeţele de pădure care au trecut în proprietate privată după 1990. Apreciem că în prezent se manifestă o amplă presiune socială şi economică asupra pădurilor, în condiţiile în care turismul românesc, ca şi cel mondial, îmbracă tot mai mult forma întoarcerii la natură, la modurile tradiţionale de viaţă

    Continuities and breaches in the electoral behaviour at the local elections in Romania after 1990

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    Continuités et brêches dans le comportement electoral aux éléctions locales en Roumanie après 1990 .  L’ouvrage veut mettre en évidence les éléments de continuité et les changements qui se sont produits dans le comportement électoral des électeurs de la Roumanie, aux élections locales qui ont eu lieu dans les années 1992-2008. Les données électorales – le vote pour les formations politiques diverses et/ou pour les candidats indépendants, la présence au vote – sont liées avec des variables démographiques diverses : la structure ethnique, confessionnelle, professionnelle, sur les groupes d’âge, le taux d’alphabétisation, le taux des absolvents avec des études universitaires, le pourcentage de la population urbaine/rurale, etc. Parmi les permanences s’inscrit le vote des Hongrois pour son représentants politiques, respectivement cette de la population roumaine rurale, avec des études pré-universitaires, active dans le secteur primaire, avec les sociaux démocrates, tant que parmi les ruptures sont mis en évidence, après l’année 2000, la «translation» d’une partie d’électorat d’Ancien Royaume vers les libéraux, du vote des Hongrois vers les indépendants au vers le Parti Civique Hongrois (PCM) et le déclin évident de la présence au vote.

    Profesorul Vasile Nimigeanu la a 70-a aniversare

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    Young Romanians’ Transition from School to Work in a Path Dependence Context

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    For the past 25 years, Romania crossed a contradictory evolution between the social⁻educational and economic aspects. From the inflexible educational system of the totalitarian regime, when all graduates from different levels of education immediately received a job (to avoid unemployment—a phenomenon that the communist authorities did not tolerate), there was a transition to an educational system marked by frequent structural and methodological changes and by an increasing gap between the educational offer and the real necessities of the labor market. In this context, the aim of this paper was to analyzes, in the light of the sociology of education, the difficulties met by the new generations that enter the labor market after following a previously established educational model, often intended to be changed according to European sociological principles, but with deeply rooted mentalities and structure, actually difficult to alter. The ability to adapt to the new socio-economic context and to adjust educational programs to the new labor market requirements, in a strong correlation with the European policies, is constantly taken into account by interpreting the results in the spirit of the sociology of education and sustainable development