13 research outputs found

    Epigenetic Mechanisms of ART-Related Imprinting Disorders: Lessons From iPSC and Mouse Models.

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    The rising frequency of ART-conceived births is accompanied by the need for an improved understanding of the implications of ART on gametes and embryos. Increasing evidence from mouse models and human epidemiological data suggests that ART procedures may play a role in the pathophysiology of certain imprinting disorders (IDs), including Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome, Silver-Russell syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, and Angelman syndrome. The underlying molecular basis of this association, however, requires further elucidation. In this review, we discuss the epigenetic and imprinting alterations of in vivo mouse models and human iPSC models of ART. Mouse models have demonstrated aberrant regulation of imprinted genes involved with ART-related IDs. In the past decade, iPSC technology has provided a platform for patient-specific cellular models of culture-associated perturbed imprinting. However, despite ongoing efforts, a deeper understanding of the susceptibility of iPSCs to epigenetic perturbation is required if they are to be reliably used for modelling ART-associated IDs. Comparing the patterns of susceptibility of imprinted genes in mouse models and IPSCs in culture improves the current understanding of the underlying mechanisms of ART-linked IDs with implications for our understanding of the influence of environmental factors such as culture and hormone treatments on epigenetically important regions of the genome such as imprints

    Proteomics and disease network associations evaluation of environmentally relevant Bisphenol A concentrations in a human 3D neural stem cell model

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    Bisphenol A (BPA) exposure is associated with a plethora of neurodevelopmental abnormalities and brain disorders. Previous studies have demonstrated BPA-induced perturbations to critical neural stem cell (NSC) characteristics, such as proliferation and differentiation, although the underlying molecular mechanisms remain under debate. The present study evaluated the effects of a repeated-dose exposure of environmentally relevant BPA concentrations during the in vitro 3D neural induction of human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs), emulating a chronic exposure scenario. Firstly, we demonstrated that our model is suitable for NSC differentiation during the early stages of embryonic brain development. Our morphological image analysis showed that BPA exposure at 0.01, 0.1 and 1 µM decreased the average spheroid size by day 21 (D21) of the neural induction, while no effect on cell viability was detected. No alteration to the rate of the neural induction was observed based on the expression of key neural lineage and neuroectodermal transcripts. Quantitative proteomics at D21 revealed several differentially abundant proteins across all BPA-treated groups with important functions in NSC proliferation and maintenance (e.g., FABP7, GPC4, GAP43, Wnt-8B, TPPP3). Additionally, a network analysis demonstrated alterations to the glycolytic pathway, potentially implicating BPA-induced changes to glycolytic signalling in NSC proliferation impairments, as well as the pathophysiology of brain disorders including intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorders, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). This study enhances the current understanding of BPA-related NSC aberrations based mostly on acute, often high dose exposures of rodent in vivo and in vitro models and human GWAS data in a novel human 3D cell-based model with real-life scenario relevant prolonged and low-level exposures, offering further mechanistic insights into the ramifications of BPA exposure on the developing human brain and consequently, later life neurological disorders

    Maternal one-carbon metabolism during the periconceptional period and human foetal brain growth: A systematic review

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    The maternal environment during the periconceptional period influences foetal growth and development, in part, via epigenetic mechanisms moderated by one-carbon metabolic pathways. During embryonic development, one-carbon metabolism is involved in brain development and neural programming. Derangements in one-carbon metabolism increase (i) the short-term risk of embryonic neural tube-related defects and (ii) long-term childhood behaviour, cognition, and autism spectrum disorders. Here we investigate the association between maternal one-carbon metabolism and foetal and neonatal brain growth and development. Database searching resulted in 26 articles eligible for inclusion. Maternal vitamin B6, vitamin B12, homocysteine, and choline were not associated with foetal and/or neonatal head growth. First-trimester maternal plasma folate within the normal range (>17 nmol/L) associated with increased foetal head size and head growth, and high erythrocyte folate (1538–1813 nmol/L) with increased cerebellar growth, whereas folate deficiency (<7 nmol/L) associated with a reduced foetal brain volume. Preconceptional folic acid supplement use and specific dietary patterns (associated with increased B vitamins and low homocysteine) increased foetal head size. Although early pregnancy maternal folate appears to be the most independent predictor of foetal brain growth, there is insufficient data to confirm the link between maternal folate and offspring risks for neurodevelopmental diseases