296 research outputs found

    Numerical investigation of the smallest eigenvalues of the p-Laplace operator on planar domains

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    The eigenvalue problem for the p-Laplace operator with p>1 on planar domains with the zero Dirichlet boundary condition is considered. The Constrained Descent Method and the Constrained Mountain Pass Algorithm are used in the Sobolev space setting to numerically investigate the dependence of the two smallest eigenvalues on p. Computations are conducted for values of p between 1.1 and 10. Symmetry properties of the second eigenfunction are also examined numerically. While for the disk an odd symmetry about the nodal line dividing the disk in halves is maintained for all the considered values of p, for rectangles and triangles symmetry changes as p varies. Based on the numerical evidence the change of symmetry in this case occurs at a certain value p_0 which depends on the domain

    Modelling public transport accessibility with Monte Carlo stochastic simulations: A case study of Ostrava

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    Activity-based micro-scale simulation models for transport modelling provide better evaluations of public transport accessibility, enabling researchers to overcome the shortage of reliable real-world data. Current simulation systems face simplifications of personal behaviour, zonal patterns, non-optimisation of public transport trips (choice of the fastest option only), and do not work with real targets and their characteristics. The new TRAMsim system uses a Monte Carlo approach, which evaluates all possible public transport and walking origin-destination (O-D) trips for k-nearest stops within a given time interval, and selects appropriate variants according to the expected scenarios and parameters derived from local surveys. For the city of Ostrava, Czechia, two commuting models were compared based on simulated movements to reach (a) randomly selected large employers and (b) proportionally selected employers using an appropriate distance-decay impedance function derived from various combinations of conditions. The validation of these models confirms the relevance of the proportional gravity-based model. Multidimensional evaluation of the potential accessibility of employers elucidates issues in several localities, including a high number of transfers, high total commuting time, low variety of accessible employers and high pedestrian mode usage. The transport accessibility evaluation based on synthetic trips offers an improved understanding of local situations and helps to assess the impact of planned changes.Web of Science1124art. no. 709

    Flash aplikace komunikující s LMS MOODLE

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    To, že se ve vývojovém prostředí Adobe Flash dají vytvářet kvalitní výukové materiály od animací až po výukové programy, není žádnou novinkou. Studijní materiály musíme samozřejmě někde zpřístupnit studentům, k čemuž je velmi hojně využíván LMS Moodle, který je uživatelsky přívětivý a i méně technicky zdatní pedagogové jsou schopni v něm vytvářet kurzy pro svoje studenty. Nicméně LMS Moodle na vše sám nestačí a někdy je nutné pro tvorbu specifických studijních materiálů sáhnout po něčem jiném – například po Adobe Flash. Naštěstí je možné aplikace vytvořené v Adobe Flash vložit do LMS Moodle a docílit i toho, že Flash aplikace a LMS Moodle spolu budou komunikovat. Tento příspěvek si klade za cíl poskytnout návod, jak je možné této vzájemné komunikace docílit.The fact that in Adobe Flash can create high-quality educational materials from animations to tutorials, is not new. Study materials we obviously somewhere to make students, which is very widely used LMS Moodle, which is user friendly and even less technically savvy educators are able to create it in courses for their students. However, LMS Moodle itself is not enough for everything, and sometimes it is necessary for the formation of specific learning materials to reach for something else - for example, Adobe Flash. Fortunately, applications created with Adobe Flash embed into Moodle LMS and achieve that and that Flash applications and LMS Moodle will communicate. This paper aims to provide guidance on how to achieve this mutual communication

    Factors influencing walking distance to the preferred public transport stop in selected urban centres of Czechia

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    One of the ways of improving the attractiveness of public transport is to bring it closer to its potential users. A long walking distance from a stop is often one of the critical factors limiting its more frequent and extensive use. Studies dealing with the accessibility of transport networks usually work only with the closest stop. This article analyses the actual walking distance from the place of residence to the preferred stop. The survey used a questionnaire method and was conducted in two cities in the Czech Republic-Ostrava and Olomouc. Based on the results of the study, the average walking distance was assessed and the impact of demographic characteristics (gender, age, education, number of members in the household, economic activity, the presence of a child in the household, and car ownership), transport behavior (preferred mode of transportation, car convenience and opinions on public transport), and urban characteristics (prevailing housing type) on the walking distance were analyzed. The main findings prove a significant impact on walking distance by a number of these factors, but the preferred use of a car for commuting or unemployment does not significantly affect walking distance. Highlights for public administration, management and planning: The public transport stop reported as being closest to a respondent's residence was used by only 51% of all respondents in the survey. Another 20% of residents used the second closest stop, 11% the third stop. Travellers select the stop based on number of connections; seamless connection; the speed of connection; potential delays; equipment of stops and nearby areas; the comfort of the vehicle; avoiding overcrowded stop; other personal factors. The average walking distance to the preferred stop is 568 metres in Ostrava while only 439 metres in Olomouc. Significantly shorter distances refer to the female population in Ostrava, retired and unemployed. Assumption of the negative influence of the higher number of family members, higher salaries, car ownership and worse education (blue collar) was not proved.Web of Science131301

    Support systems (frames, stands) in modern machine tool design

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    Tato bakalářská práce je rešeršního charakteru a je zaměřena na popis současného stavu a konstrukce nosných soustav a rámů moderních obráběcích strojů. Práce se zabývá především konstrukcí obráběcích center. Dále pak analyzuje nepříznivé vlivy vznikající při obrábění, kterým musí rám stroje odolávat, aby si zachoval dostatečnou přesnost. V bakalářské práci jsou také uvedeny některé základní zásady konstrukce nosných soustav. Součástí práce je také rešerše popisující nejčastější konstrukční uspořádání při tvorbě obráběcích strojů, stejně jako autorovy postřehy k případnému rozvoji řešené problematiky.This bachelor’s thesis has a character of recherche, and it is focused on a description of an actual state and construction of supporting systems and frames of machine tools. This thesis deals with the construction of machine centers. It also analysis adverse effects arising from the machining, that the machine frame must withstand to maintain sufficient precision. In the thesis, there are also some basic principles for the construction of support systems. The thesis also includes a recherche describing the most common design arrangements in the creation of machine tools, as well as the author’s observations on the possible development of the problem.

    Vliv konstrukce spalovacích zařízeních na emise TZL při spalování dřeva a hnědého uhlí

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    Solid fuel burning household heat sources are considered to be significant producers of total suspended particulates (TSP). In the year 2005, c. 35% of the total particulate matter emissions PM10 (in The Czech Republic) came out from household heating [1]. However, low-power combustion devices cannot be considered as identical pollution sources because they can operate on different combustion principles and feature dramatically different emission factors. The article presents results of an experimental determination of particulate matter emissions including TSP dividing into PM10 and PM2.5 fractions from wood and brown coal combustion in five types of combustion devices.Zdroje tepla v domácnostech, které spalují tuhá paliva, jsou považovány za výrazné producenty tuhých znečišťujících látek (TZL, TSP). V roce 2005 cca 35 % z celkových emisí prachu PM10 (v ČR) pocházelo z vytápění domácností [1]. Spalovací zařízení malého výkonu však nelze chápat jako identické zdroje znečištění, jelikož mohou pracovat na odlišných principech spalování, a mít tak výrazně odlišné emisní faktory. Článek prezentuje výsledky experimentálního stanovení emisí tuhých znečišťujících látek včetně rozdělení celkových TZL na frakce PM10 a PM2,5 v pěti typech spalova-cích zařízení při spalování dřeva a hnědého uhlí

    Variants of solution of envelope of the selected object

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    Import 02/11/2016Import 20/01/2016Import 11/02/2016HORÁK, J. Varianty řešení obvodového pláště u vybraného objektu. Ostrava: Katedra pozemního stavitelství, Fakulta stavební, VŠB – Technická univerzita Ostrava, 2015. Diplomová práce, Vedoucí práce: Ing. Radek Fabian, Ph.D. Cílem této diplomové práce je konstrukční návrh bytového domu ze skeletového systému a varianty řešení obvodového pláště u vybraného objektu. Součástí práce je dokumentace pro stavební povolení dle vyhlášky č. 499/2006 Sb. ve znění novely č. 62/2013 Sb. Dále obsahuje technologické postupy provádění jednotlivých navržených plášťů, časové harmonogramy, rozpočty, detaily a výkres zařízení staveniště. Závěrem práce je vyhodnocení jednotlivých plášťů z hlediska tepelně technických vlastností, časové a finanční náročnosti výstavby a mé osobní doporučení nejvýhodnějšího pláště.HORAK, J. Variants of solution of envelope of the selected object. Ostrava: Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering, VSB – Technical University of Ostrava, 2015. Thesis, Supervisor: Ing. Radek Fabian, Ph.D. The goal of this thesis is structural design of a residential building made of skeletal system and possible solutions of cladding of the selected object. The thesis includes documentation for building permit in accordance with decree no. 499/2006 Sb. as amended of novel no. 62/2013 Sb. This thesis also includes technological processes of implementing the various claddings, time schedule, budgets, details and drawing of site facilities. The result of this thesis is an evaluation of particular claddings in terms of heat-technical properties, time and financial demands of construction and my personal recommendation of the best cladding.225 - Katedra pozemního stavitelstvídobř

    Design of heating by using process Building Information Modeling (BIM)

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    Obsahem této diplomové práce je zpracování vytápění bytového domu ve městě Rožnov pod Radhoštěm, okres Vsetín. K zpracování byl použit program Revit, ve kterém byly provedeny i některé výpočty. Dále byla ověřena korektnost těchto výpočtů. Při tvorbě diplomové práce byly vytvořeny rodiny Revitu, které podporují výpočty a automatizaci návrhu. Následně byly tyto postupy aplikovány na objekt bytového domu. Tento objekt má pět nadzemních podlaží o celkové zastavěné ploše 1012 m2. Diplomová práce řeší návrh otopné soustavy a zařízení technické místnosti. Technická místnost je umístěna v přízemí. Dodávka tepla pro objekt je řešena pomocí CZT. Větrání objektu je navrženo jako nucené, rovnotlaké. Diplomová práce je zpracována v koordinaci s projektantem objektu a návrhem vzduchotechnických zařízení včetně rozvodů.This thesis processes heating of the apartment house in Rožnov pod Radhoštěm, Vsetín district. Revit program was used for the design of the heating. Some calculations were made in Revit too. Then the correctness of the calculations was checked. The Revit families were made in this thesis. These families support the calculations and design automation. Then these procedures were applied to the apartment house. It is five floors building with 1012 m2 of built area. Thesis solves design of heating and technical room equipment. The technical room is placed in first floor. Heat supply is solved as central heat supply system. The ventilation is mechanical, equal pressure. Thesis is in – cooperation with the house planner and the air – conditioning system design.

    Sekularizace, její kritika a aplikace na případ dělnického hnutí v českých zemích

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    The Czech Republic is often said to be one of the most secular countries in Europe, or even in the world. For this, in accord with the secularization thesis, the modernization is often mentioned, where it was supposed that it automatically leads to the decline of religion in society. In my paper, I recapitulate the basic points of the secularization thesis and dissect its criticism which seems to be aimed at the idea, that secularization represents just an unintended effect of modernization. Based on this criticism, I deduce resources for analysis of the religious situation in the Czech Republic. Furthermore, I prove that Czech society is not so much atheist, but more dechristianized, and I focus on reasons of this dechristianization in political, social and class conflicts, which had, according to my opinion, a great impact on Czech church’s religionism. In this paper, I address the conflicts between socialist movement and the Catholic Church, which as a result had a substantial effect on the dechristianization of the czech working class